oh boy oh boy oh boy it's done !! season 3b is done !! this has been WAY too long in the making, and for those of you that stuck with me, i cannot thank you all enough. you mean the world to me !!

i don't think there's much else to say in these hiatus notes, so just to be super brief, thank you to everyone for every bit of love you've given this story. truly with my shoddy schedule i don't deserve all the love, but you continue to pile it on anyway, and i'm so grateful.

hopefully my updating schedule remains as consistent as it has for the past few weeks, with weekly uploads resuming today!! i'm back to a moonday upload schedule, so get ready for a new episode every week starting this week and continuing for at least three weeks after.

please scroll on to head straight into the pilot for season 4, and once again, thank you thank you THANK YOU!

lots of love,
