hello, and welcome to a thing i never thought i would actually end up doing.

on january 4th 2017, i got the idea to make a teen wolf oc using timothée chalamet as his faceclaim. simple enough idea. after a little while spent researching the show's canon, i came up with three different names and bloodlines.

the first one out was davis steiner. the dopey freshman adoptive little brother of ethan and aiden.

the second one to go was oliver martin. lydia's much less popular and much more geeky druid twin brother.

and then, i stared long and hard at name number three and made my final decision.

noel whittemore.

the same-aged human cousin of jackson whittemore. pronounced similarly to the name "cole", or the words "bowl" and "soul." after i had a name, a face, and a relation, it was on to the planning of his backstory and the mad hunt for screencaptures of timothée.

long story short, i was hooked on my boy from day one.

noel quickly became a bit of an obsession, to say the very least. i was developing him, thinking of ships, coming up with a tragic backstory, and making terrible quality edits on my phone.

about february or march, the obsession started to die down. i lost muse and decided to forget about noel, or at least dial it back a bit. i would think about him every once in a while, when i saw pictures or videos of timothée, but nothing really beyond that.

and then, august 2nd happened.

the final season of teen wolf had begun airing just days before. i was lured in by the last scene of the episode featuring (spoiler alert?) derek and stiles. i was back in love with the franchise and i wanted my baby back.

after letting him sit around in my brain for just a couple of days, i got back into my noel whittemore groove. i started fleshing him out more, giving him strengths and weaknesses, a full on personality even.

he was becoming more than just words on a page or thoughts in my brain, you could say.

on september 10th, i sat down in front of my computer, cracked my knuckles a few times, and began to type what would happen if noel whittemore was an actual character on teen wolf.

in a few words? start of my obsession.

i pumped out nine episodes worth of content in three days, going into full detail about how every single line would potentially change, and what scenes would be added or even deleted to accommodate my new character.

and here i am now, publishing all of that content for the world to read and more than likely laugh at.


tune in next chapter for a short biography on noel mathis whittemore.

