The episode opens with a boy being stalked by a man with no mouth. A lot more than just that happens, but, brevity.

At the loft, someone kicks their boots up and Peter glares, saying "That table's Italian."

Braeden, the owner of the boots, informs him that her boots are as well, and Derek smiles at the joke as she asks if they're there to discuss interior design and fashion or if they're there to discuss numbers.

Derek stares at his reflection in a pair of sunglasses, and Peter writes down something on a slip of paper and slides it to Braeden. She takes a look and crosses out what Peter had written, putting something down herself and sliding it back to him.

"We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the president," Peter says like her number is a joke, but Braeden defends "I was hired by the Calaveras to find Kate. You're hiring me to find her first. Going against the Calaveras is what's gonna cost you."

Peter starts writing again, sliding the pen and paper to Braeden as she instantly denies it. Derek takes the paper and rips it before anyone can start any more drama, telling Braeden "We'll pay. Just find Kate, that's all we want."

Braeden seems pleased, and when she leaves, Peter asks Derek if he's insane.

"We didn't have a choice, we spent a week looking for her and came up with nothing," Derek defends, as Peter takes his usual route of weaponized sarcasm.

"I get it, you still have accidental first 'I love you' jitters, but that doesn't give you an excuse to blow what little money we have left! If we don't find out who told Kate about the vault, then we don't get those bonds back. What do you think I'm gonna do then, huh? Get a job? My resume is slightly out of date. We got robbed, Derek, we have nothing. And you know what nothing means? It means no pretty little wedding or white picket fence for you and-"

Derek cuts Peter off with a furious roar and a glow of golden eyes, Peter responding "Oh, that's a new look for you." Derek pulls his hand away with a shallow growl, and when Peter asks him what happened, he admits "I don't know. But I'm willing to pay to find out."

For the first time in a long time, we're on the lacrosse field at tryouts with Scott, Stiles, and Noel. The three boys walk out to the field as Stiles reminds Scott that he's the team captain, Noel saying "Well, assuming that you got your grades up like Coach told you to."

"I did, but he never said I was team captain again, just that I should show up to tryouts today," Scott tells them, as Stiles assures "Well, we've got bigger things to deal with anyway. Did you tell Argent yet?"

"I texted him, but he didn't get back to me," Scott admits, Noel stopping and asking in shock "You told him that his sister is back from the dead as a were-whatever-she-is over text? And he didn't text you back?"

"Well, I didn't have the money to call France," Scott says almost meekly, Stiles looking annoyed as Noel gives a 'he's got a point' gesture.

"Sounds like we both have some money trouble. Try paying for an MRI and a trip to Eichen House," Stiles says, not trying to one-up Scott, just sympathizing through a shared pain. Noel goes still and silent, looking down at the ground as Stiles says he got a final notice about paying his medical bills.

Noel moves to speak, Stiles piping up "For the love of God, Whittemore, I am not letting you pay my freaking medical bills. You can't even, you can't touch your inheritance until you're eighteen, if you ever find yourself in a reverse Derek situation where you're suddenly magically old enough to touch your fancy secret bank account, then we can talk about it."

Noel closes his mouth and tries not to laugh, patting Stiles' shoulder with a nod as the boy points out that their lacrosse team status should, realistically, be the last worry on their minds.

"It's front and center now," Scott says and nods his head behind Stiles and Noel, who turn and see three boys playing. The one in the goalie post, quickly identified as Liam, doesn't miss a single shot thrown at him. One of the boys he was playing with tells him he may be their first ever freshman captain, and Stiles suggests that maybe the three of them should practice a little bit.

After a commercial break and a scene in the hospital, Kira learns her house is being put up for sale and argues that she doesn't want to leave her newfound friends. She mentions Noel by name, along with Lydia and Stiles. Her mother fills in Scott's name when she doesn't, and adds that Scott wasn't her first boyfriend and won't be her last.

In the locker room, Stiles sneaks up behind Liam, greeting him by name. On his other side, Scott and Noel appear, Noel looking the least excited to be there of all of them.

Stiles asks him to explain what happened out on the lacrosse field, Liam confused by the question. Stiles clarifies without clarifying anything at all that not a single ball went past him out on the field, just leaving Liam more confused as he insists that nothing got past him because he's the goalie.

"Have you guys played this game before?" Liam asks, Noel's eyes rolling back in his head as Scott asks Liam if he's a freshman. Liam confirms this, Stiles pointing out that he wasn't there last semester.

Liam explains that he transferred from a preparatory school, and we see Noel and Scott look a little spaced out, accented by the sound of Liam's heart rate increasing. Noel blinks once, commenting "You didn't transfer." "You got kicked out," Scott agrees.

Liam looks stunned, taking a step away from the two of them as he laughs and says "Kicked out, transferred, what do you guys care? I came here to play lacrosse. Your team could use a few good players, right?"

"No," Scott and Stiles say in unison, Stiles continuing "We don't need any more good players."

"Actually we could sort of use a couple," Noel argues, as Stiles gives him a look and asks Liam just how he got so good. He asks if he was always that good or if it suddenly happened overnight, Scott and Noel both looking at him wide-eyed.

"Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods, on the night of a full-" he continues to ask, until Scott cuts him off by saying his name. We cut to him and Noel, who has his hand completely covering his eyes in shock and shame at his best friend's bluntness.

Liam tells them he learned how to play from his stepfather, who made team captain when he was a sophomore just like Scott did. He then says he's just that good, and walks away with his equipment as Scott says almost excitedly "He wasn't lying that time."

We see Malia try to cut math class only to be stopped by Stiles, who gets a notification in the middle of class about a triple homicide. He suggests to Scott, Kira, and Noel that they go investigate, but Scott points out that they have econ soon.

"Did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer," Stiles asks him, Scott reminding him that the adults want them to stay out of it. Stiles asks them if they're seriously not gonna do anything about it, Kira suggesting that they let the adults handle it.

Scott seems to agree, as Stiles looks at Noel for his opinion. Noel is looking down at his phone, but he looks up when he feels their eyes on him and says "Huh? Sorry, texting Jackson."

Stiles leaves and Noel follows after him, as Scott says he'll see them at tryouts before kissing Kira absentmindedly and going to class.

We see Braeden at the sheriff's station taking on the case of the family murdering axe murderer under the guise of a US marshall, as Scott tells the boys about his kiss with Kira. He laments that it wasn't a good full kiss, Stiles supplying the word "chaste."

Scott nods, saying "There's nothing romantic or special about a chaste first kiss!"

"Come on, it can't be that different from other first kisses, you're probably exaggerating," Noel says, but Stiles instantly calls him out. "Noel, you talked to us for weeks about your first kiss with Derek. How it was 'just perfect' and 'so romantic.'"

"Wh- I did not!" he defends, as Scott and Stiles suddenly burst into an apparently rehearsed improv scene. Stiles is Noel and Scott is Derek, as Scott pins Stiles to the lockers and asks in an overly husky impression of Derek "Why are you so worried about me, so obsessed with keeping me out of danger?"

"Am I not allowed to want to keep you safe?" Stiles asks in an overly airy Noel impression, and the two dramatically fake make-out as Noel embarrassedly tries to pull them apart to make them stop. Scott tells him through laughter "No no, wait, best part."

He pulls away from Stiles, tracing his thumb dramatically over Stiles' bottom lip as the boy fans himself and licks his lips. The two laugh, along with Noel, as he says "God, okay, enough. This isn't about me. This is about Scott's definitely not as romantic as mine first kiss with Kira."

Before they can talk more, Coach comes in and blows his whistle, reminding them that an open tryout means all positions are available. He explains that they're in a rebuilding season, since they lost Jackson and Isaac, and Scott finally gets confirmation that while he's on the team, his captain position isn't guaranteed.

Back to our roots, we get some good old fashioned lacrosse scenes. Stiles collapses after a running drill, Scott and Noel hoisting him up as he dramatically struggles for breath. The boys watch Liam do push-ups, Stiles asking them if he's a werecheetah or something similar.

Noel says that he doesn't think so, as Stiles tells them he's gonna puke and asks them to take him somewhere.

Kira and Malia watch tryouts, Kira fidgeting with a lacrosse stick as she admits to Malia that she wishes her "thing" with Scott was a little more.

Stiles makes a comically bad shot as he goes back to his friends, who comfort him with pats on his shoulders as he suggests hopefully that maybe Liam's only good when he plays the goal.

Liam instantly proves him wrong, sinking a shot as Stiles says he hates this kid. Noel says he doesn't have to be so harsh, as Scott points out that the team could use some good new players.

Stiles reminds him of the whole team captain thing, causing Scott to choke on his shot and hit the goal post as opposed to the net. Liam sinks shot after shot, as we see Stiles and Scott consistently failing. Noel at least makes three shots, and when Scott approaches him and Stiles, he asks what's going on.

"I don't know, I'm having a really off day," Scott says, Stiles chiding "Off day? You were dying out there! I feel actual physical pain watching you."

"I didn't see you banking any shots," Scott points out defensively, Noel saying "Yeah, because with all the love in my heart possible, Stiles sucks. It's a character trait."

"He's right, and also ow," Stiles says and shoots Noel a half hearted glare, adding "You're not me, Scott. You, you're the alpha."

"Not on the field, I'm human on the field," Scott argues, as Noel says "What, do you actually think I have my wolf gauge all the way down to zero right now? Use what you've got, this is an asset, especially in a tough situation like yours."

"It's cheating," Scott says solidly, as Stiles agrees with Noel and says he wants to see Liam knocked down a peg. Scott sees Liam getting congratulated for his work, and his eyes glow red as we cut out.

After we return, Coach tells Scott and Stiles to get long sticks to cover the goalie, and Stiles suggests that now would be a good time to try and definitively catch a scent from Liam.

Noel stands with the rest of the team, watching Scott and Stiles successfully block plays, cheering quietly as he stands beside Liam. When the freshman steps up to play, he manages to get past Scott and Stiles to get a goal, as Malia calls out that it was just luck.

Stiles tells her under his breath not to get involved, but when she puts ten bucks on the table, Coach accepts a do-over. Noel groans and hangs his head where he stands next to Liam, and play begins again.

This time Scott gets the block and throws Liam to the ground, a crack being heard as the boy yells out in pain. Scott and Stiles quickly help him up, as Noel says "We should get him to the nurse."

He breaks out of the crowd and goes with the three boys, successfully breaking out of the rest of the team as Coach tells them to take a lap. He throws a ball in rage, which sails right to Malia, but Kira catches it with ease before it can make contact. He asks her to throw it back, and when it hits him smoothly in the gut, he tells someone to ask her if she's ever played lacrosse.

Parrish enters the house where the family murdering axe murderer murdered a family with an axe, finding Lydia there, who is decidedly not a family murdering axe murderer who murdered a family with an axe.

Derek and Braeden share a scene, where the only major change is that their romantic chemistry is no longer there. Derek is more business talk than conversational, and Braeden is less flirtatious, while the dialogue is unchanged.

Kira marvels at her new lacrosse helmet while Scott apologizes for their kiss and gives her a much better one.

Lydia and Parrish share a scene where Lydia finds a hidden door in the house that leads to a game locker full of bodies.

At the hospital, Melissa sees her son with Stiles,
Noel, and Liam, and once Liam is rolled away Noel licks his lips and says "I should get going. I've gotta go try and talk to Derek about... Things."

"You guys still haven't talked about the 'I love you' debacle," Stiles asks in shock, as Noel admits "No, because we've both been too terrified to."

"You have to just bite the bullet, dude," Scott tells him, Stiles agreeing "Yeah, show up to his house with a huge box of chocolates and make it all dramatic. Make it impossible for him not to say it again."

Noel says "Shut up, that's absolutely not the plan. I'm leaving, before you two start lecturing me like I'm your child and give me even worse advice."

He turns and leaves, Stiles watching him go as Scott watches Liam be wheeled off. His and Stiles' conversation about taking blame and being human remains unchanged after that.

After Stiles and Malia have their studying scene where we see Lydia's unintelligible notes, we're at the loft. Derek stands with his back to the door, flipping anxiously through page after page of reports on recent crimes. The door creaks open and footsteps begin to enter, as Derek says casually "I locked that for a reason."

"I have a key for a reason," Noel retaliates as he closes the door behind him, stepping inside and making his way across the room to Derek.

Derek sets down the papers as Noel gets close enough to touch, turning around and crossing his arms as he stares at him. "Can I help you?"

Noel blinks a few times, sighing and saying "This is only gonna be as awkward as we make it, Derek."

"I already made it excessively awkward when I said it," Derek points out, Noel watching him for a second before stepping closer and kissing him. Derek closes his eyes and kisses back, arms falling from their crossed position and settling on Noel's waist. Noel lets their kiss continue for a few seconds, pulling away and hesitantly meeting eyes with Derek.

"Was it... True?" he asks after a few beats, as Derek moves his gaze to anywhere but Noel's eyes. Noel puts up a hand and lays it on Derek's cheek, turning him until they're making eye contact again.

"Derek," he says simply, as Derek closes his eyes tightly and starts to bounce a bit on his feet. He seems to be struggling, as Noel starts to fear for the worst, disappointment creeping onto his face.

He takes a step back away from Derek, closing his mouth and nodding. "That's okay. You weren't in a proper state of mind, I get it. It isn't a big deal, we-"

"I've loved you since you took my pain in the school supply room," Derek confesses, and we watch as Noel's disappointment fades into relief, and then abruptly into shock.

"You what?" Noel asks, in total disbelief, staring at Derek as his alpha reaches out and pulls him closer by the hand. He goes easily to him, letting Derek spin him around and wrap his arms around Noel's torso from behind. Noel rests his arms over Derek's, taking a moment to reflect before saying "...We weren't even together then."

"I had just gotten beaten half to death by my feral beta and sister, and you rushed in anyway, straight to me," Derek explains.

We see clips of the scene in question from 3x03, giving new context to the way Derek looks at Noel as he saps his alpha's pain. Present Noel swallows as he settles further into Derek's arms, the alpha laying his cheek against his beta's curls as his eyes close.

"So... Why didn't you say anything then? Why did you date Miss Blake right after that?" Noel asks, tracing lines and patterns over Derek's arms. Derek takes a second to think, sighing and explaining himself.

"Because I figured there was no way you'd ever want to take me back," Derek admits, fingers slipping into Noel's belt loops. He looks off into the distance, cheek still pressed to Noel's curls, remembering their prior arguments and sudden break-ups.

Noel turns his face upward to look at Derek, saying "I always wanted you back. From the second you broke up with me, I wanted you back, every time."

"You could probably convince me of that now, but you couldn't have then. You're too good for me, you always have been, I-"

Derek doesn't get to finish his thought, Noel shutting him up with a kiss. When he breaks it, he gives Derek a look, saying "Just shut up so I can tell you that I love you, too."

A soft instrumental song begins to play. Derek stares down at Noel in disbelief, mouth slightly open in shock as he asks nearly speechless "When...?"

"When we saved Cora. We didn't know what was going to happen, either one or both of us could have died, and in that moment you leaned in and you kissed me."

We see that kiss from 3x11, in slow motion just as it was then, and the look of understanding that passes between Derek and Noel as they take Cora's hands to do the ritual afterward.

In the present Derek still looks shocked, unsure of what to say as he looks at Noel with his mouth agape. Noel watches him for a few seconds as he laughs, kissing Derek to get him to close his mouth. Derek kisses back, turning Noel around and holding his face in both hands, kissing him slow and sweet and gentle.

Before their kiss can get too deep, Derek pulls away, still holding Noel's face between his hands as he says with finality "Noel Whittemore, I love you."

Noel grins, eyes locked onto Derek's lips before going to his eyes as he says with the same finality "Derek Hale, I love you."

Derek smiles, kissing him again as the music gets louder. The camera moves out to a wider shot, the two wrapped in each other's arms bathed in moonlight as we return to the hospital.

Noel isn't seen any more in the episode, and to summarize the proceeding events, Liam's stepdad tells him not to blame himself and to wait for the results of his x-ray. Scott gets a call from Lydia telling him to find the sole survivor of the family murdering axe murderer attack, and Melissa finds the boy eating the deputy who was guarding him. Scott saves his mom as the boy goes for a new target, Liam, and in an attempt to save his life, Scott bites the freshman. The mouthless man comes in and murders the boy, and Scott is left to process the fact that he just bit his first beta.
