Noel's first appearance is by mention. During the scene where the sheriff is going over the guidelines of Jackson's restraining order, he mentions that Scott and Stiles aren't allowed to speak to Jackson. Stiles asks hesitantly "Well, can we have Noel be our sort of messenger pigeon or...?"

Before he can fully get the sentence out, David Whittemore and the sheriff both say "No!" in unison. David continues, saying "You're lucky we're not filing a restraining order against you two for him as well. If he hadn't insisted against it, trust me, we would have."

Stiles and Scott look defeated as the scene continues with Stiles asking more questions.

As both of the boys talk with their parents and Scott gets his punishment, Melissa tells Scott he isn't allowed to see Stiles. Stiles is understandably shocked by this, repeating "No Stiles?"

"No Stiles!" Melissa reiterates, turning back to Scott and crossing her arms. "And no Noel," she says sternly, this time Scott asking in shock "No Noel?"

She gives him a look and nods, saying a bit softer "No. Noel." From there on, the conversation is unchanged.

After Scott and Melissa have their talk and the camera pans to Jackson, Noel is sitting beside him, sound asleep leaned up against the wall behind him.

In the next scene at the train depot, Derek and Isaac are talking about how Derek needs help from Scott and Stiles. Isaac asks why, and Derek responds "Because it's harder to kill than I thought and I still don't know for sure who it is."

"Noel told you it was Jackson," Isaac reminds him, but Derek shakes his head. "Noel's working through some problems right now, and I can't just take his word as law. He's confused, what with having to toe either side of the line between me and Scott."

"Would you be so easy on us if our loyalty was split down the middle?" Erica asks, joining the two boys.

Derek shoots her a glare, saying "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to."

Erica smirks and backs down without another word, asking "You said you needed someone on their good side? I can do that. Which one, Scott, or Stiles?"

"Either," Derek says, and the scene continues with no more mentions of Noel.

The next day at school in the library, Noel walks in with Allison. "Don't look at the camera," she says to him, Noel nodding as she turns away from it and goes into the section across from Scott and Stiles. She hands the tablet with the translated bestiary across to the boys, saying "That's everything Lydia could translate. And trust me, she was very confused."

"Yeah, what'd you tell her?" Scott asks, Allison saying embarrassedly "That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."

"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Stiles says, Noel having to cover his mouth to keep from letting out a laugh. Allison elbows him, saying "Oh. Great."

"Does this say how to find out who's controlling him?" Scott asks, Allison shaking her head. "Not really. But Stiles is right about the murderers."

Stiles pumps his fist in celebration, the other three giving him looks. Allison then continues "It calls the kanima a weapon of vengeance."

"A weapon? Someone's using Jackson as a weapon?" Noel asks, Allison nodding solemnly. "There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the kanima to execute murderers in his village."

"Alright, see, so maybe it's not all that bad," Noel says brightly, Allison interrupting "Until the bond grows strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to."

"All bad, all very very bad," Stiles says, Noel sighing and leaning against the bookshelf.

"Here's the thing though," Allison says, "The kanima is actually supposed to be a werewolf, but it can't be until-"

A woman comes over to put a book on a shelf, Allison cutting herself off. Scott finishes for her, reading from the bestiary "'Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it.'"

"Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could have told you that myself," Stiles says, Noel glaring at him. That gets him thinking, though, and he says "What if this has something to do with his parents? Not my aunt and uncle, his birth parents."

The other three look at him and Scott asks "Do you know what actually happened to them?"

"My aunt and uncle never told me, said it was none of my business and that Jackson would tell me when he was ready, if ever. And I couldn't have just asked him about it, he would have killed me; We had already drifted apart by the time he learned the truth. If there's anyone that knows other than the three of them, it would have to be..." He pauses, looking straight ahead and saying slowly "Lydia."

"What if she doesn't know?" Scott asks, and Allison says "Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, and I'm not his cousin that he hates, so I'll talk to him myself."

"What do I do?" Scott asks, and she replies sarcastically "You have a make up exam, remember?"

Knowing she has a point, Scott reaches out and takes her hand, Noel distracting himself with a random book. "If he does anything, you run the other way," Scott tells her, and she straightens her posture before reminding him "I can take care of myself."

"Allison, if you get hurt while I'm busy with some stupid test, someone's gonna need to take care of me. If he does anything-"

"Like?" she asks, and Scott says "Anything weird, bizarre, anything-"

Suddenly Stiles pops his head through the bookcase and says "Anything evil." Allison and Noel share a look before they both push his head back through the bookcase as the scene ends.

Noel isn't seen or mentioned again until Scott is fighting with Jackson in the locker room. After Jackson throws Scott into the showers, he yells to Allison "Allison, go, run, find Noel!"

Allison does, getting up and running out of the locker room.

When Stiles and Erica come down the hallway, Allison runs in shortly after, holding Noel's hand and dragging him behind her.

As soon as Scott and Jackson burst out of the locker room, Noel grabs his cousin and holds him back with Erica's help. Harris comes rushing in to break up the fight, eventually assigning the entirety of the hallway (Scott, Stiles, Jackson, Erica, Allison, Noel, and Matt) to detention.

After Lydia's scene with Peter, all seven students pile into the library for their detention. Noel sits with Scott and Stiles until Jackson mentions he has a restraining order filed against them, after which Harris moves Scott and Stiles to another table. Noel watches them go and sighs when he realizes he's now alone with Erica.

He hears Allison hiss his name, and he looks up at her as she pleadingly gestures to the seat across from her. Noel looks at Erica, who smirks and nods approvingly, Noel moving quickly to sit across from Allison and next to Jackson.

Jackson doesn't seem to care, which is surprising until it becomes clear that his attention is currently being devoted to being angry about serving detention with Scott and Stiles.

When Jackson rushes out of the room and Harris follows after him, Noel goes with Stiles and Scott to interrogate Erica.

"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died," Scott says, a statement, not a question. "Maybe," Erica says, and Scott replies "Talk!"

"Why should I?" Erica asks, and Noel leans in and pulls his favorite card- familial innocence. "He's my cousin, Erica, and I don't even know what happened. It's not fair that you do and I don't, when I'm the one that should have been giving him closure all these years."

Erica gives him a look, saying "Save the sob story. You're a terrible actor." Noel looks offended as Erica begins telling the story anyway.

"It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's eighteen."

"So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at eighteen?" Stiles asks, Erica replying with a simple "Yep."

"There's something so deeply wrong with that," Stiles says, Noel looking uncomfortable with the talk about his family's financial situation, especially considering he's got an inheritance nearly identical to Jackson's (but less extreme) waiting for him when he turns eighteen.

"You know what?" Erica asks, changing the conversation. "I could try and find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything."

Suddenly on the intercom, there is a call put out telling Scott to come to the office. Stiles, Noel, and Allison all look at him questioningly.

When Jackson returns, Noel watches him enter the room looking concerned. Jackson doesn't even acknowledge him, going straight to his seat and crossing his arms looking queasy. Defeated, Noel turns back to Erica's laptop.

Stiles points out the dates on the police report, Erica reading off that Jackson's parents were DOA to the hospital and their date and time of death was June 14th, 1995.

Noel puts his face in his hands, mumbling "Jackson's birthday is June 15th."

Erica and Stiles both look at him in shock at this information as he scrubs his hands over his face.

After Harris pulls out of the parking lot, we find ourselves back at the library, where Stiles is explaining to Allison and Scott about Jackson's parents.

"That means he was born after his mom died, by C-section. They pulled him out of her dead body."

"So was it an accident or not?" Allison asks, Stiles saying "The board all over the report is inconclusive."

"Then his parents could have been murdered?" Scott asks, Noel responding "If they were, it all falls in line with the kanima myth. Seeking out and killing murderers."

"But for Jackson, or the person controlling him?" Allison asks as we see Jackson shelving books and starting to hallucinate.

"We have to talk to him," Scott says, Noel moving to stop him, but Scott continues "We have to tell him!"

"He's not gonna-" Allison starts to say, but Scott takes off. Before Noel can grab him and pull him back, Scott sees Matt paralyzed on the floor, and Jackson runs across the bookshelves above their heads. They all duck and cover their heads, Scott yelling "Noel, Erica!"

Both of them roar in response, crouching beside each other, fangs out and eyes glowing. Jackson whizzes by overhead, and Noel quickly covers Erica's head with his body. Noel takes off running to find Allison and Stiles, Erica suddenly screaming as she too becomes paralyzed.

Noel is with Stiles and Allison, a barrier between them and Jackson when Scott is thrown into the cart of books. He joins them when he recovers, helping Noel by putting his arm in front of Allison while Noel keeps his in front of Stiles. They watch as Jackson stands in the middle of the room, watching as Jackson writes across the chalkboard "Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you."

Jackson jumps out the window, the four teens watching as he does, Scott and Noel still holding their arms in front of Allison and Stiles. They all walk over to the chalkboard to investigate before Erica starts seizing.

Stiles runs to her, and calls to the others "I think she's having a seizure!" before a blackout.

After the break, Allison confirms that Matt is alive. Noel has a hand on Erica's arm, Stiles saying "We need to get her to a hospital."

"Derek," Erica says, Noel looking down at her. "Only Derek," she begs, Noel shushing her and putting a hand in her hair. She repeats that she wants to be taken to Derek when Scott says they're going to the hospital, Noel nodding and putting a hand on her forehead.

"Go," Allison says, Scott rushing to her.

"I'm staying here with you," he promises, Allison shaking her head. "Noel can stay with me. Stiles can't take her alone, not like this, and I have to call an ambulance for Matt. Go."

"This doesn't feel right, it isn't right," Scott says, Allison replying soothingly "It's okay. It doesn't mean anything. Scott, go."

Scott looks at her, kisses her forehead, and carries Erica out of the library. Noel stays behind with Allison, and is seen on the security footage pulling out his phone to call the ambulance.

After Derek breaks Erica's arm and she starts to heal in Stiles' arms, Scott follows Derek out of the train.

"Noel told you, you know who it is," he says as Derek walks away. Derek turns back to look at him, sitting down and nodding in defeat. "Jackson. I guess I should have listened."

"No, you listened to Noel, you just wanted Erica to confirm it. Didn't you?" Derek nods, and Scott says "I'm gonna help you stop him. As part of your pack."

Derek turns to Scott in shock. "If you want me in, fine, but we do it on one condition. We're gonna catch him, not kill him."

"And?" Derek asks, raising his eyebrows.

"And we do it my way," Scott says seriously.

Noel isn't seen or mentioned again in the episode.
