Noel is first seen at the vet clinic, waiting for Scott to wake up after Deaton saves him. Deaton goes to see who it is when Peter enters the clinic, and Noel hides Scott behind him when he sinks down to the ground. He listens to the conversation between Peter and Deaton, jumping but making no noise when Peter throws the chair at the wall. Scott stands up from where he hides behind Noel when he says "Allison!" And we cut to the next scene, which Noel is also present for.

Stiles keeps trying to convince Scott that his phone is lost, and Noel lays on the floor with one of Scott's shirts over his eyes like a shade. Stiles' line is changed slightly from "You're not alone, you have me." to "You're not alone, you have us," with a gesture to Noel, who shoots his friends a silent thumbs up from under his shirt mask.

Stiles points out that Derek is more than likely dead, and Noel says "Hey, remember what happened last time we thought Derek was dead? With the whole 'making him a wanted criminal when he just wants to help Scott out' thing?"

Stiles rolls his eyes and says "Shut up, you're only saying that because he's your boyfriend." Noel sits up and the shirt falls as he says "Derek's not my boyfriend! We've only kissed, like, twice! Or three times... Maybe four. But definitely no more than five!"

"The Argents' plan was to use him to get to the alpha, they're not gonna kill him," Scott says, continuing the canon conversation like Stiles and Noel's moment there hadn't even happened.

When Stiles says "Would you at least think about letting him die? For me?" Noel shoots him a glare and says "Shut up Stiles." Scott notices his mom is home from work, and everything from there remains canon except for Noel stealing Stiles' "What's she doing?" line.

After Kate accuses Derek of possibly protecting Peter, she says "Or maybe you're protecting someone else..." She doesn't elaborate on this accusation, but it's about Noel. When she gets a hold of Derek's phone and scrolls through it, there's a very brief mention of Noel when she says "Nothing, nothing.. Oh, that's very sweet, but a bit long winded. Are you sure he'll understand all these big words?"

After she licks his stomach, she says "Wow, that tastes nice... Familiar... You know, if that kid you've been texting gets to do that whenever he wants, I'm very, very jealous."

Derek snarls at that, and canon continues.

Noel is standing with Stiles when Scott tells Jackson to take Allison to the formal. When Jackson says to Scott and Stiles "Screw you. You know what, screw you, too. In fact, screw each other," Noel snickers a bit. Jackson looks at him and says "And both of you, screw him." Noel shuts up at that, but his smile doesn't really fade.

"Hey, you know he saved your life, right?" Stiles asks and gestures at Scott, and Jackson says "If anyone saved my life it was him," pointing at Noel before saying "McCall left me for dead." Noel looks pleased by that, but Scott butts in and says "I got shot for you!"

After that the conversation goes according to canon.

The scene in the hallway remains the same, but Stiles' questions for Scott about how prepared he is for the formal become shared between him and Noel. When Scott asks if Stiles and Noel are going to help him with his formal mission, Noel says on top of Stiles "Duh, dude" and they all walk off together.

Back with Kate and Derek, Kate is listening to one of Derek's voicemails like she is in canon. However, instead of listening to Jackson, she is listening to Noel.

"Hey, it's me. Where are you exactly? I wanted to return the jacket you gave me, unless you want me to keep it or something. It's super comfy. Uh, sorry, I'm rambling... I know you're supposed to be in hiding, but just give me a call whenever you can, okay, Derek? I'm worried about you. Bye."

Kate doesn't comment on the content of the voicemail, and it serves no specific purpose other than to give Derek a little more humanity by implying that he let Noel keep the jacket since they had talked since that voicemail was left and Noel still has it.

Noel arrives at the dance later in the episode, in Danny's car. Danny says "You know we're here as just friends, right?" Noel rolls his eyes and says with a smile "No, I thought it was a great idea to go to formal with my cousin's best friend romantically."

Both boys laugh and Danny gets out, and Noel is about to, when Danny says "Whoa, hey, this isn't a romantic date but it's still a date." Noel smiles and lets Danny open his door for him, and the two walk into the dance together.

Noel isn't seen too often during the dance, but when Jackson dances with Allison and Stiles dances with Lydia, Noel is dancing with Danny and they're joking with each other. Instead of Scott coming and begging Danny to dance with him, Scott says "Noel, dance with me!" Noel and Danny are both confused, but Scott grabs Noel and pulls him away from Danny, dancing with him awkwardly. "Scott, is there something you wanna tell me?" Noel asks in confusion, and then Finstock comes by, and Noel realizes what's happening. He dances with Scott and smiles at the coach. For even more emphasis when coach starts panicking about his presumed accidental homophobia, Noel leans in and presses a kiss to Scott's cheek. That makes the coach run off, and Noel says "You owe me, Scott." before going back to Danny and apologizing.

Noel is with Stiles when they find Jackson, and he takes Stiles' last line and changes it to "Jax... What did you do?"

Noel is running with Stiles to warn Lydia about Peter on the lacrosse field. When Lydia collapses to the floor, Noel yells to Stiles "Go get Scott!" Stiles stops for a second to look at Lydia before he starts running the other way reluctantly, back toward the school on Noel's command. Noel runs up to Lydia and begs Peter not to kill her, and Peter says "Of course not. Just tell me how to find Derek."

Noel looks up at Peter and says "What?" Peter repeats as he drags a claw down Lydia's face "Tell me how to find Derek Hale."

Noel shakes his head and says "I don't know where he is, why would I know where he is?" Peter looks up at Noel and says "Because you're the one that's worming your way into his heart. Nobody's been able to do that for a very long time, Noel. Now tell me where he is, or I'll rip her apart."

Noel says pleadingly "I don't know, okay, I haven't seen him since you came back. He hasn't answered my texts, or anything, because he's so wrapped up in trying to please you!"

"We both know that's a lie," Peter growls, putting one scratch down Lydia's cheek. Noel cries out and goes to hold her head, but Peter grabs his wrist and says "Tell me where to find Derek! You saw him at the house in the woods that night, you were there, and you were there with Scott at the vet's clinic!" After a very brief pause, Peter growls out in his booming alpha voice "TELL ME!!"

Noel hangs his head down in fear and says in a shaky voice "He might have Scott's phone! After we were all ambushed, Scott lost his phone, Derek might have taken it."

"How does that help me?" Peter asks, tightening his grip on Noel's wrist. Noel gasps in pain and says "I-If Scott's phone is still on, you can track it with GPS! You can find him if he has Scott's phone!"

The camera cuts to a single shot of Peter smiling devilishly before we go back to Scott and Allison, leaving the formal before Scott's identity is revealed.

Noel is not seen again in the episode.
