Noel is first mentioned when Lydia and Allison are in Allison's car driving to find Scott. Lydia asks Allison if she really thinks Scott's gonna know what the marks Braeden left on their arms are, and Allison says she doesn't think he knows either, but that he may know someone that does.

Lydia asks why she thinks the marks mean anything at all, and Allison points out that Braeden seemed almost desperate to find Scott. Lydia looks at the road and asks "Is that why we're not asking Noel to ask Derek?"

"Trust me, I wanna ask Noel just as much as you do," Allison says, hands gripping the steering wheel tighter. "But we can't ask him to talk to Derek right now."

Lydia sighs in defeat, looking out the window as the scene changes.

Stiles, Noel, and Scott are walking down a dark street, toward the camera. Stiles, out of nowhere, asks "What?"

"What do you mean 'what'?" Scott asks, he and Noel both looking at Stiles. "I mean what, and you both know what."

"I have no idea what 'what' you're talking about," Noel says, walking with his arms crossed.

"That look you two were giving me," Stiles says, Noel and Scott going to protest but Stiles insisting "It was a distinct look, especially from you, Scott."

"What look?" Scott asks one more time, Stiles finally elaborating "A look that says the last thing you guys feel like doing right now is going to a party."

"Oh please," Noel mumbles with a roll of his eyes, Scott saying "It's not that. It just seems a little weird to be going to a different high school's party."

Stiles fumbles for a second for a response, practically begging "One drink! Alright, you'll be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, she promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So, tonight, no Allison, no Lydia, and no Derek. Tonight, we're moving on."

As Stiles says this line to Noel's apparent discomfort, Scott gets a call from Allison. He looks at Noel, who is waiting for his verdict, and Scott says "You're right."

"That's right I'm right," Stiles says, Scott repeating "Moving on."

"Onward and upward," Stiles agrees enthusiastically, both of them turning to Noel. Noel looks between them for a second before sighing and repeating halfheartedly "Onward and upward."

"That's what I'm talking about, boys!" Stiles says, slapping a hand on both their shoulders and leading them up the stairs.

"How does my breath smell?" Scott asks nervously, Stiles saying "I'm not smelling your breath."

"Do you have any gum?" he asks again, Stiles saying exasperatedly "No, no gum! You're fine!"

"You could at least tell us what kind of party this is," Noel asks, and suddenly we see that inside the party, things are jumping. Heather tells her friend she's going to lose her virginity tonight, and her friend asks who her target even is. Stiles and the boys then walk in, and she calls out Stiles' name enthusiastically.

"There's the birthday gi-" Stiles is interrupted by Heather pressing a kiss to his lips, and all three boys watch in shock as they kiss briefly.

Heather asks Stiles to come help her pick a bottle of wine and leaves Scott and Noel with Heather's friend. The friend looks the two of them up and down disapprovingly before walking away, and the two look themselves up and down with fake offense in their postures.

Right after this, another girl walks over and asks "Excuse me. Are you... Whittemore?"

Noel and Scott look at each other, Scott shoving at his friend's shoulder with wide eyes toward the girl. Noel turns back to her, saying "Uh, yeah, that's me. Why?"

"You broke up with your boyfriend before summer break, didn't you?" she asks again, and Noel says "Ouch, but, yes."

"And are you... Gay?" she asks nervously, Noel's eyebrows knitting together as he shakes his head and says "Not... Fully? I mean, like, I like guys and girls equally. Well I kinda like guys better but I don't really like to put a label on that kind of stuff, but yeah, I'm bisexual, I guess. I like... Dudes and dudettes and any different other kinds of... People... Am I still talking?"

"You are, but that's all perfect," the girl says and bites her lip. "I've been admiring you from a distance for a while now. Your school played mine at lacrosse last year, I was too busy staring at you to be upset that we lost. Can we take this conversation upstairs?"

Noel again looks to Scott for confirmation that this is really happening, and Scott again shoves him, this time toward the stairs with the girl. He clumsily follows her up and out, as Scott's phone rings again with a call from Allison. We then go back to Heather and Stiles.

After Allison shows Scott the mark on her arm, we see Noel making out with the girl he met. She pulls back just long enough to ask "Is this gonna go anywhere, or are you still not over your ex?"

"I'm not over my ex, but I want this to go everywhere," Noel says quickly, kissing her again. She lays down on the bed with a laugh, Noel on top of her, and she ducks away after a brief kiss and says breathily "Heather told me her brother has condoms in the bathroom."

"On it," he says, rushing out of the room and to the bathroom. He runs almost straight into Stiles, both of them staring at each other for a second.

"Are you...?" they ask at the same time, pausing before excitedly high fiving and hugging each other. They step into the bathroom together, both checking different places for the condoms. Stiles eventually finds them in the rightmost drawer, and he pulls them out with an almost yell of "Got em! Noel, got em!"

Noel looks at the box in Stiles' hands, noting that the box says the condoms are XXL. He looks at Stiles, who looks down between his legs. He slowly lets his eyes drift to between Stiles' legs as well.

"Well. Godspeed, brother," he says before snatching the box of condoms, pulling one out, and rushing out of the bathroom. Stiles watches him go over his shoulder, faces forward again blankly, scrunches his eyebrows together in complete confusion, and the scene cuts to Heather waiting for Stiles in the basement.

After Heather is taken and Stiles discovers she's missing, the credits roll.

After the credits, Isaac is in the loft, where he keeps telling Derek that he doesn't like their plan or, quote-unquote, "him", him being Peter. Derek says it's better if Peter does it since he doesn't know how, and Isaac points out that Scott doesn't trust Peter.

"Personally, I trust Scott," Isaac continues, Derek asking whether or not Isaac trusts him.

"Yeah. But I still don't like him," Isaac says, Derek conceding "Nobody likes him." Suddenly the door to the loft opens, and Peter enters.

"The skinny one likes me," he says with a smirk, referring to Noel, before greeting the two of them with an oddly pleased "Boys."

"FYI," he says as he walks in, "Coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but, the hearing still works, so I hope that you're comfortable with saying whatever it is you're feeling, straight to my face."

"We don't like you," Derek says completely deadpan, tossing his book onto the table. He stands up and takes a few steps toward Peter, saying "Now shut up and help us."

Peter pauses briefly, and concedes with a "Fair enough." He then unleashes his claws, and the scene continues with no more mentions of Noel.

Later that same day at the school, Derek is there, looking at Lydia and Allison's arms. "I don't see anything," he says, Scott urging him to look again. He does, and asks condescendingly "How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?"

"It's the same on both sides, exactly the same," Scott points out about the bruises, Derek restating that the bruises mean nothing.

"Pareidolia," Lydia supplies, immediately defining "Seeing patterns that aren't there. It's a subset of apophenia."

Derek looks impressed and turns to Scott, who asks him once more to try and help them.

"Why should I?" Derek asks, and Noel steps in front of him to separate him and the girls.

"Because they're our friends, and they need our help right now," he says, but is dismissed when Derek nudges him out of the way to get the girls back in his line of sight.

"Friends? These two?" Derek asks, pointing at Lydia. "This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle, thank you," he adds sarcastically to the end before turning to Allison. "And this one, who shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack."

"Hey, alright, come on, no one died," Stiles says, Noel adding "Except my cousin. Like, twice."

Stiles ignores him, continuing "There may have been a little maiming, okay, a little mangling, but no permanent death. That's what I call an important distinction."

"My mother died," Allison defends herself, Derek correcting her "Your family's little honor code killed your mother. Not me."

"A girl's looking for Scott. I'm here to help him, not you," she replies, and Derek fires back "You wanna help? Find something real."

Derek then moves to leave, Scott and Noel following after him. Scott asks Derek to give Allison a chance because she's on their side now. Derek suggests that Scott tell Allison what her mother was trying to do the night she died.

Noel watches Derek walk out, then looks to Scott. Neither of them seems to know what to do from there.

"What would a pack of alphas want with Erica and Boyd?" Stiles asks in the next scene as the boys all walk down the outdoor hall.

"I don't know if Erica and Boyd are the ones they want," Noel says, looking at the other two. "What, do they want Derek? Are they recruiting?" Stiles asks, Noel going to say something when Scott stops him with a hand on his chest. They both perk up a bit and turn around as two identical boys walk past them in perfect sync.

"Noel. Scott," Stiles calls out to get their attention, and they both turn back to face him. "Are you coming?" he asks them, and they share a quick look before Noel shakes the encounter off and follows Stiles into the school.

In the next scene, the boys are all in class with Coach Finstock. Scott answers the coach's question correctly, to everyone's surprise but Noel and Stiles'. The coach asks if anyone has a quarter, and when Stiles goes to pull one out of his pocket, out flies the condom he didn't use last night at Heather's party.

Noel's face screams shock, and he has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing out loud as the coach congratulates him.

After coach walks away, Noel leans over Stiles' shoulder and says "Hey, at least I used mine, dude."

"Shut up," Stiles says, shoving his shoulder into Noel's chest to get him to sit back down. Noel does with a laugh.

When the sheriff comes into the class to ask Stiles about Heather, Scott and Noel use their hearing abilities to eavesdrop on the conversation. They shoot each other looks as the sheriff and Stiles discuss when Heather went missing.

After Allison and Lydia's scene in the library, Scott asks Stiles in a disbelieving tone "You think they kidnapped Heather to turn her?"

"Derek says it's easier to turn teenagers," Stiles says, gesturing vaguely at Noel.

"But what would a pack of alphas need with a beta?" Noel asks, Stiles saying "I don't know, Noel, I don't care, alright? This girl, our moms were best friends before mine died, we used to take bubble baths together when we were three. I gotta find her."

"That's... Adorable," Noel says, Stiles clapping his hands as if to say "Stay on task."

"If we want to find Heather, we need Isaac to remember," Scott says, Noel asking how. "If Peter and Derek couldn't do it, what other werewolves do we know that could figure it out?"

"Maybe not a werewolf," Scott says as if he's just hit a breakthrough. "Someone who knows a lot about them."

In the next scene, we're at Deaton's clinic. The boys all dump bags of ice into a tub of water, sans Isaac, who stands with Deaton. Deaton tells Isaac that the ice bath won't be particularly comfortable, but he explains that the idea is to have Isaac slip into a "trance-like state."

Isaac asks if it's like being hypnotized almost hopefully, and Deaton entertains the question and tells Isaac it will be like being half-transformed so they can access his subconscious.

"How slow do we need to get his heart rate?" Noel asks, moving his hand to barely touch Isaac's shoulder as he stoops down at the edge of the tub. This seems to offer the boy minimal comfort.

"Very slow," Deaton answers.

"How slow is very slow?" Derek asks, leaning against the tub across from Isaac.

"Nearly dead," Deaton clarifies, the whole room becoming tense. Isaac dips a hand in the water, recoiling at the temperature. Noel places his whole hand on Isaac's shoulder and grips it firmly, as Isaac says "It's safe though, right?"

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" Deaton asks, Isaac replying that he doesn't, not really. We suddenly hear the snap of a latex glove, everyone snapping their heads up toward the noise.

There Stiles stands, a latex glove covering his arm up to the elbow. Everyone looks at him disapprovingly, until Stiles takes the glove off with a huff.

Isaac then stands, Derek assuring him that if he doesn't feel safe he doesn't have to do it. Scott and Noel nod in agreement, Isaac nodding before taking his shirt off without another word.

He then climbs into the ice bath, Scott and Derek each taking hold of one of his shoulders. Isaac takes a deep breath before Scott and Derek push him below the surface, ice water splashing over the rim of the tub as he is submerged.

With that, we cut to commercial.

When we come back, Isaac bursts up and out of the water despite Scott and Derek's best efforts. Noel steps forward to help, but Deaton holds him back. He tells Derek and Scott to put Isaac back under, and they do as Noel watches nervously.

Isaac resurfaces a second time, fighting to escape, and this time Deaton tells them more forcefully to hold Isaac down.

"We're trying!" Derek defends as he and Scott struggle, and Deaton doesn't try to interfere when Noel steps in this time.

He puts a hand on Isaac's chest and the boy stills momentarily, just long enough for Scott and Derek to get him under. Noel doesn't move his hand until Isaac lays completely still in the water when he says softly "I don't feel a pulse."

Deaton takes hold of his forearm and pulls it back slowly, and Isaac rises with his hand to the surface.

Isaac takes a breath and Deaton says softly "Remember- Only I talk to him. Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out."

Noel nods off camera and we see Isaac slowly starting to breathe. Deaton asks Isaac if he can hear him, Isaac affirming that he can. Noel takes a sidestep closer to Scott, both of them holding on to Isaac's shoulder.

"This is Doctor Deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions, is that alright?" he asks, and Isaac again confirms that that's okay. Deaton tells Isaac he wants to talk to him about the night he found Erica and Boyd, and for him to recall it as vividly as he can like he's actually there.

Isaac is distressed at the thought, saying he doesn't want to as the lights begin to flicker and he tries to escape weakly. Noel looks up and around, tracing his thumb soothingly over Isaac's cold skin. This action in combination with Deaton's words (that these are just memories and they can't hurt him) calms him down enough to where he'll lay still.

Noel stops the rubbing motion, but Deaton looks at him warningly, and Noel slowly continues as one of Isaac's hands moves up and wraps loosely around his forearm. Noel looks to Deaton, who nods as he continues.

"Now let's go back to that night, to the place you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see? Is there some kind of building, a house..?"

"It's not a house," Isaac says, seemingly searching his memory for a better description. He keeps his hold on Noel's forearm, his grip tightening slightly with his thoughts but never squeezing or causing any pain.

"The place- The place is stone, or like, marble," he says, Derek looking up at Deaton. "That's perfect," Deaton praises, asking if Isaac can remember any other descriptors. As Isaac thinks, he grips Noel tighter, his eyes clenching with concentration.

"It's dusty... And empty," Isaac says, and Deaton asks if it's an abandoned building. Suddenly the lights start to flicker again, and the grip on Noel's wrist tightens. Noel seems less concerned about Isaac's grip and more concerned about the lights, same as the other boys.

Deaton keeps calling Isaac's name as he starts to flail a bit. He starts yelling about how someone sees him, and he's going to get hurt, and Deaton assures him it's all just memories.

When Isaac eventually calms down, he loosens his grip on Noel's arm but keeps his wrist in his hold.

Deaton gently praises him before continuing his questions, asking Isaac to tell them what he sees. We flash into Isaac's memories where he's walking up a staircase, looking around in confusion. He overhears Boyd speaking which he then relays to Deaton, and Boyd says he can't control his full moon shift and will be out of it when there's a full moon.

Deaton asks if Boyd is talking to Erica, and Isaac says that he can't see either of them so he doesn't know.

Deaton asks Isaac if he can hear anything else, and Isaac says "They're worried what they'll do during the moon. They're... They're worried they're gonna hurt each other."

Derek sighs and says "If they're locked in together on the full moon they're gonna tear each other apart."

Noel and Scott nod in acknowledgment, Noel still holding Isaac's shoulder and moving his thumb along his skin.

Deaton tells Isaac sternly that they need to find Boyd and Erica right now, then asks if he can see them. Isaac says he can't, and Deaton asks if he knows what kind of room they're in or if there's any kind of marker, a number on a door, or a sign he can remember.

Suddenly Isaac jumps up with a cry and stares at the wall ahead of him, breathing heavily and clinging to Noel's arm. Noel leans over the tub to keep his arm within reach.

"They're here," he repeats over and over again, staring forward in fear. Deaton tries to get him to calm down and get more information, but Isaac just sinks into the water and insists that "they've" found him and that they're here.

Derek, frustrated, says "This isn't working" before leaning over the tub and asking "Isaac, where are you?"

Deaton shoots Derek a look and Noel takes his hand off Isaac to push warningly at Derek's shoulder, but Isaac's hand rushes up to find his arm again. He drags Noel half into the water in his desperation to get out of the tub as he screams that he "can't see them, it's too dark."

Derek tries again, asking Isaac to tell him where he is while he holds him down. "You're confusing him," Deaton warns, but Derek asks even more forcefully "Isaac, where are you?"

We flash into Isaac's vision, and we see Deucalion and the inside of Erica and Boyd's location. We aren't able to decipher where they are.

Derek asks once again for Isaac to tell him where he is, but Noel says "Derek, let him go, he's going into shock!"

"ISAAC, WHERE ARE YOU, WHAT DID YOU SEE," Derek yells down at him, and we see from Isaac's memories a large bank vault.

He yells this, telling Derek that it's a bank vault before we see a female werewolf attacking Isaac and pinning him down. Isaac lets out a cry as she roars at him, and suddenly Noel is tugged fully down into the tub of water on top of Isaac.

Isaac then snaps free, looking down at Noel (now soaking wet) in his lap in the tub. They both stare at each other for a moment before Isaac looks up at Derek, saying "I saw the name."

Derek helps Noel out of the tub and Scott helps Isaac, Stiles taking off his flannel and offering it to Noel. Noel shakes his head and refuses to take it as Isaac gets wrapped in a blanket and tells them that he was at Beacon Hills First National Bank. He says it's an old abandoned bank, and that they're keeping Boyd and Erica locked in the vault. He looks around at everyone staring at him and asks them what's wrong.

"You don't remember what you said right before you pulled me in, do you?" Noel asks, and Isaac admits that he doesn't.

Stiles puts his flannel back on and explains, saying "You said when they captured you, that they dragged you into a room. And that there was a body in it."
Isaac, stunned, asks "What body?"

Sadly, Stiles says "Erica. You said it was Erica."


After we come back, immediately Derek insists "She's not dead!"

"Derek, he said 'there's a dead body. It's Erica.' Doesn't exactly leave us much room for interpretation," Stiles argues, Derek asking matter of factly "Then who was in the vault with Boyd?"

"Someone else, obviously," Stiles says, Scott offering "Maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle. The one that saved you."

"She wasn't like us," Isaac says, shaking his head. "Whoever was in the vault with Boyd was."

"What if that's how Erica died," Noel asks, offering that they might have pitted the two of them against each other on the full moon to see who would survive.

"Like a werewolf Thunderdome," Stiles says as though that's the coolest thing he's ever heard, every werewolf in the room shooting him a glare that could kill.

"If that's the case, then we get them out tonight," Derek all but orders, Deaton warning him to be smart about this, and that he can't just go storming in.

"If Isaac got in then so can we," Derek says, and Deaton fires back "But Isaac didn't get through a vault door, did he?"

"We need a plan," Scott says, Derek asking how he thinks they can formulate a plan to break into a bank vault in less than twenty-four hours.

"Looks like someone already managed," Noel supplies, leaning over to look at Stiles' phone as he scrolls on it and taps around. Stiles reads off that someone broke into the vault which caused the bank to close down after just three months in the first place.

"It doesn't say how they did it, but I bet it won't take long to find out," Stiles continues, Derek asking him how long exactly.

"It's the internet, Derek, okay?" Stiles says. "Minutes." He then smiles at Derek as if he's an idiot for even asking.

Suddenly, it's the next morning, and Stiles is asleep face down on the floor on page after page of research with no lead in sight. Scott is asleep in the chair a few feet away, Stiles has half his body in his bed and the other half on the floor, and Noel is spread eagle on the floor to Scott's right.

The sheriff suddenly comes in, and after a few tries, he wakes the three of them up with a sharp yell of simply "Boys!"

The three of them wake up all at once, looking around as if shocked by their current whereabouts. The sheriff tells them that he's off to work and that the three of them need to go to school, but Stiles stops him to ask about Heather. The sheriff tells him there's nothing yet sadly before leaving, and Stiles says bitterly "Ten hours for nothing."

"We're gonna find something," Scott assures him, but Noel says out of nowhere "Finding something doesn't make Erica any less dead or Boyd any further from being the same."

Stiles and Scott both look at him, and he rubs his eyes before mumbling "I'm sorry, sorry, I just..." He trails off, Scott shaking his head and saying "We still have time, Noel."

"We don't need time, we need Boyd!" Noel yells and storms out of Stiles' room, and after a beat, Stiles asks if Scott's newfound optimism is part of his plan to be a better Scott McCall.

Scott admits that it's not if it doesn't work, and Stiles says "It works on me, Noel's just really concerned. I mean, they're part of the same pack, same alpha and everything, it makes sense. Plus losing Erica can't have been easy on him either."

Scott nods as Stiles starts looking through the papers that just slid out of the printer, and he starts calling out for his dad. Scott looks at what his best friend found and sees the sheriff's picture on the cover story from the day the bank was robbed.

Later at school, it's revealed that the marks on Allison and Lydia's arms left by Braeden are the logo of the bank Isaac told them about the previous night.

Allison tells Lydia she doesn't plan to tell Scott this, however, because Derek told her to find something that's real. She then tells Lydia she has to run errands after school so she can't take her home, and Lydia says "I'll see if I can hitch a ride home with Noel then. He called and said last night that he was spending the night with Stiles, doing God knows what."

Speak of the devil, the three boys (and a now less huffy Noel) pile out of their usual seats in the jeep. Noel is on his phone, and he relays the plan that they're to meet at Derek's at five o'clock, and the plan will start when it's dark.

"What do we do till then?" Stiles asks, and Noel says "Well, there's always school." Stiles rolls his eyes as the three of them enter the school and the scene changes briefly to Allison at the bank that same night.

After that scene, the boys are all at Derek's loft, and Stiles lays down an overhead map of the bank and starts explaining to everyone how the last people managed to sneak in through the air conditioning vent which led straight into the wall of the vault.

Stiles explains that the wall the criminals broke in through has since been mostly refilled, so they'd need a drill to get in. As he's explaining the kind of drill they'd need, Derek tells him to forget about the drill altogether. He asks how much space he would have if he were to be the first one to go into the hole, and Noel asks "What do you plan to do when you get in there?"

"Yeah, are you gonna punch through the wall?" Stiles asks, bouncing off Noel's question. Derek sarcastically agrees that yes, he's gonna punch through the wall, and Stiles demands that he make a fist.

Derek, while staring angrily at Noel of all people, complies, and Stiles puts up a hand to show Derek how much room he'll have to gather the force he needs to punch through the wall.

Without hesitation or even rearing back his fist, Derek punches Stiles' palm, sending him back and slamming his hand against the table. Noel has to bite down on his lips to keep from laughing as Stiles takes a few steps away, needlessly saying "He can do it!"

"I'll get through the wall. Who's following me down?" Derek asks, and no one responds. Derek looks to Peter, seemingly implying that he's the one he wants to do it, but Peter says that he's not up to fighting speed yet and that Derek isn't either since Isaac is temporarily out.

"Am I supposed to just let them die?" Derek asks, and Peter points out that one of them already is. "We don't know that for sure," Noel interjects, turning to Derek. "I'll go with you."

"No, you won't," Peter says, then continues. "Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of alphas, all of them killers. And if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant alpha. No offense, but if you go in there Noel, you'll be eaten alive. I'm sure Erica and Boyd are sweet kids, they're gonna be missed."

"Can someone kill him again please?" Stiles asks. Peter ignores this, telling Derek it seriously isn't worth the risk. Derek looks across the table, asking "What about you?"

"I mean, yeah, if you want me to-" Stiles begins before Derek clarifies that he was talking to Scott. Scott says he doesn't know about Erica, but if Boyd's still alive, they have to do something. Derek looks to Noel as if to ask him if he's still in too, and he nods and says "If there's anything we can do, we have to try. And we're better as a team. But there's one thing that's still confusing me."

"What's that?" Derek asks him, and Noel turns to look at everyone before asking "Who's the other girl? The one in there with Boyd?"

We finally cut to Boyd, in real time, in the bank vault. He's trying everything he can to resist the moon by the looks of it, pacing and grabbing at his skin uncomfortably. The camera pans down to show the other girl with him, someone we don't recognize, who looks like she's having trouble as well but not as much as Boyd.


After the commercial, Allison is inside the bank, walking around looking for any signs of people or evidence as to why she has the bruise on her arm. She walks down a hallway and is suddenly grabbed by Ms. Morrell, the school counselor.

She warns Allison that she has no idea what she's just stepped into. She warns her that she has about twenty seconds to hide, and instructs her to lock herself in a nearby storage closet. She tells her that when she hears fighting she can come out, but Allison has no idea what she means. Morrell insists that Allison will know it when she hears it, and runs off, leaving her there alone.

For once, Allison does as she's told and ducks into the closet as three members of the alpha pack walk past.

As they walk away, she starts shining her cell phone light around the room and suddenly lands on Erica's corpse in the corner. Erica's head falls down, and Allison gasps as the scene cuts back to Derek's loft.

Stiles is standing there, looking out the window and up at the moon. He says he can't stand just waiting around, that it's too nerve-wracking. Peter offers to beat him unconscious and wake him up when it's over, and Stiles ignores him as he asks if he really thinks Erica is dead.

Peter tells Stiles that he doesn't care, and Stiles says he doesn't understand why they took the betas to an abandoned bank and not some lair.

Peter tells him tiredly that they're werewolves, not Bond villains, and Stiles continues to talk and suggests that the alphas maybe live at the bank. He then proposes that they live in the vault because it reminds them of a wolf den, which makes Peter repeat the proposition dumbfoundedly.

"Yeah, wolf dens, where do you live?" Stiles asks, and Peter responds that he lives in an underground system of caves out in the woods. Stiles asks if he's serious, and Peter responds "No, you idiot, I have an apartment downtown."

Stiles says that only proves there's something up with the bank, and he questions why the alphas would bother waiting for the full moon instead of killing the betas whenever they wanted.

"Maybe they think it's poetic," Peter suggests whimsically, Stiles countering that they've already had three full moons to be poetic.

"And yet here you've only had one hour to be so annoying-" Peter suddenly cuts off, and Stiles prompts him to finish his statement. Instead, Peter asks what the walls at the bank were made of. He goes to check the blueprints, and when it doesn't say, he asks Stiles where he can find out the type of stone that was used. Stiles pulls out a stack of papers and says it has to be in there, before we cut to Derek, Scott, and Noel at the bank.

Scott looks at Derek, and Derek asks what [he's looking at]. Scott says there's something he can't get out of his head, and Noel reminds him that the moon is rising quickly.

Scott says "Risk and reward," and Derek asks what it means, Scott elaborating "We're not measuring the risk with enough information. We don't know enough."

"You know, time is running out," Derek says. "No, wait, think about it," Noel says, holding a hand up to Derek to stop him. "The triskele ended up on your door how long ago?"

"Four months, what does this have to do with-" Derek says, Noel cutting him off and explaining further. "What have they been doing for the last four months? Why did they wait this long to do something?"

"We don't have the time to dissect every little detail, Noel," Derek emphasizes, and this time Scott says "What if this is the one important detail, though?"

"Then we do nothing," Derek supplies, "and Boyd and Erica are dead. I know what I'm risking. My life for theirs. And you two don't have to do the same."

With that Derek jumps up to start climbing the building, Noel and Stiles quickly following after him.

Back with Peter and Stiles, it seems the two of them have found the answer Peter was looking for. Peter quickly tells Stiles to call Derek, and Stiles asks why nervously.

"Boyd and that girl aren't gonna kill each other," he says as the two of them make eye contact. "They're gonna kill Derek, Scott, and Noel."


In the bank after the break, we watch as Derek punches through the wall successfully and falls through. Noel and Scott crawl out after him, and they all look around.

"Boyd?" Derek calls out, the boy in question audibly growling at them with his claws out. Derek calls his name again, trying to placate him by saying "It's me. It's Derek."

Behind Derek, Scott answers his phone and tells Stiles it's not the best time. Stiles insists to Scott that the three of them need to get out of there, Boyd visibly agitated by the sudden noise. Stiles tells them that the walls are made with a mineral that scatters moonlight, and Scott asks what that means.

Meanwhile, Derek and Noel are talking to Boyd, and Noel assures him "We're trying to get you out, okay?"

"It's used to keep moonlight out, those two haven't felt the full moon in months," Stiles explains, Peter butting in. "Think about it like the gladiators in the Roman colosseum, they used to starve the lions for three days to make them more vicious and out of control. Deucalion has kept them from shifting for three full moons, diminishing their tolerance to it."

They continue to explain that Boyd and the mystery girl are like the lions, and they're going to be more savage and bloodthirsty than they've ever been once they're exposed to the full moon.

Scott tells Derek and Noel that they have a really big problem, Noel and Derek both turning to him to hear why.

Suddenly the mystery girl steps out of the shadow and into the dim blue light of the room, the camera zooming in on Derek. He asks in disbelief after a lingering moment "Cora...?"

"Cora?!" Noel asks in shock, but Derek calls out her name again more hopefully instead of answering Noel. The girl growls and says warningly "Derek. Get out. Get out now."

Stiles starts yelling for Scott over the phone, as Scott realizes that the room is surrounded by a ring of mountain ash. The door to the vault opens and Morrell stands there, stooping down to close the last remaining part of the mountain ash circle and let in the moonlight.

Boyd and Cora growl as their eyes glow, and all we see is Peter and Stiles in the loft as growls and roars are heard over the phone.

We hear fighting and tousling in the room as the five werewolves begin to fight, which I won't go into too much detail about because it's pretty much just an average fight scene. Noel mostly tries to fight off Cora, as Scott and Derek are more suited to double teaming against Boyd where size is concerned.

Eventually, the three boys slide to sit against a wall, and Scott asks Derek "You know her?"

Derek replies, out of breath, "She's my sister, my younger sister."

"What the hell is she doing here?!" Noel asks, and Derek responds almost sarcastically "Like I have a clue, I thought she was dead!"

Suddenly Allison runs in, yelling for the boys to look out. Derek grabs Noel and ducks them both to their shared right just as Boyd lunges for them, who then grabs Scott instead and flings him against the wall.

Noel runs over to help Scott and leaves Derek to struggle with Cora, but he barely gets a swing in before Boyd is lifting him and Scott off the ground with his claws buried in their stomachs.

The two choke on blood as they're lifted, and Allison stoops down to break the mountain ash seal. Derek warns her not to, but seeing her lover and one of her best friends struggling is enough to push her over the edge.

"Boyd!" she cries out to get his attention, leaning over and breaking the circle. Immediately the two feral werewolves rush out of the vault, past Allison and toward the door.

Derek immediately rushes at Allison, Scott yelling for him not to touch her.

"What were you thinking?!" Derek yells in her face, holding her arms and shaking her. Noel puts a hand on Derek's chest and pushes him back as Allison says "I had to do something."

"She saved our lives," Scott insists, and Derek asks "Well what do you think they're gonna do out there? Do you have any idea what we just set free?"

"You wanna blame me?" Allison asks in outrage. "Well I'm not the one turning teenagers into killers," she says, turning to walk away.

"No, that's just the rest of your family," Derek says bitterly, and she turns back to look at him. She says softly "I've made mistakes. And Gerard is not my fault."

"What about your mother?" Derek asks, Noel saying his name and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"No, what do you mean? Noel, what does he mean?" Allison asks, turning her attention to Noel. The boy takes a breath, but Derek says first "Scott. You tell her."

Scott looks from Derek to Allison, who's looking at him expectantly. "What does he mean?" she asks him, pleadingly, and Scott just stands there for a few seconds of silence.

We then cut to Lydia's house, where out of nowhere, she wakes up and starts screaming at the top of her lungs.

This marks the end of the episode.
