a/n: sorry this chapter's up so late!! i promise it's still monday where i am, the day totally got away from me and updating slipped my mind. but here it is, i hope you enjoy!

We open shortly after where we left off, deputies on the roof examining the scene of the crime. The sheriff gets everyone out, telling Parrish he has an expert coming in, and suddenly Derek and Noel are on the roof together surveying the damage.

The sheriff tells the two that Scott said the boy called himself a wendigo, Derek confirming "Cannibalistic shapeshifters, but I haven't heard of them in Beacon Hills for a long time."

"Do you think the nemeton drew them in," Noel asks as he looks down at the boy, Derek responding "That, or they were well hidden."

He turns and looks around a bit, asking the sheriff how many people Scott had said were up on the roof. The sheriff relays that it was just the wendigo and the mouthless man, but Derek looks at the edge of the roof and sees blood on the ledge. He says that someone else was there, just as Noel's phone rings and he says "It's Scott... I'll tell you everything I find out."

He leaves then, Derek watching him go as he tells the sheriff that he can smell the presence of a young male who was scared and bloodied on the roof.

At Scott's house, Noel says "Derek and the sheriff are at the hospital right now doing investigations based on what you guys told them. They're trying to figure things out."

"Stiles, did you tell your dad about Liam?" Scott asks nervously, as Stiles points out that Scott barely even told him about Liam.

"What about Liam? Where is he?" Noel asks as he follows the boys upstairs, Scott insisting that he's upstairs lying down. We then see Liam wrapped in duct tape with his mouth covered as well in Scott's bathtub. Stiles closes the shower curtain, and we cut to the boys sitting down on Scott's bed.

"So you bit him?" Stiles asks, Scott admitting to it. Noel seems unamused, asking "Then you kidnapped him?"

"Yeah," Scott sighs out, explaining "I panicked." "Obviously," Noel agrees and laughs nervously, covering his face with his hands and rubbing it nervously. Stiles tells Scott that his plans always seem to suck, and Scott tells the two of them that that's why he called them. Their plans are usually better than his. He asks them what to do, and then suddenly Liam is in a chair, and Stiles explains that they'll take the tape off his mouth if he agrees to stay quiet.

When the tape is off, Stiles tries to explain things in a convoluted way to Liam, and when the boy doesn't understand, Noel says "Scott, maybe you should take the floor?"

Scott nods, telling Liam that what he had to do to save him is going to change him. "If it doesn't kill you," Stiles adds, and after a glare from Noel, he admits "Uh, probably shouldn't have said that."

"No, definitely not," Noel agrees, telling Liam "It didn't kill me. Or Scott. Or any of the others. Almost killed my cousin, though, but that's sort of a different story, and... I shouldn't have said any of that either."

Liam starts to cry, scared for his life, Scott reassuring him that he's gonna be alright as the three of them start to untie him. When he's free, the boys apologize, and Liam's scared act drops as he picks up his chair and breaks it across Scott's back. Stiles asks him what the hell his problem is, and promptly gets punched in the face.

Liam looks at Noel, still in a fighting mood, as Noel holds up his hands and says "No, I'm cool, you can go ahead and-"

His sentence is cut off by Liam punching him in the stomach, and he doubles over as Liam starts running away. He notices that he can run shockingly easily on his injured leg, as the boys leave Scott's room and Noel calls out "My hands were up, asshole!"

The three of them rush him, all falling down the stairs, as the boys all yell that they got him only to realize they're all just holding each other. They watch as Scott's door swings open, and Liam runs off into the night as Scott tells Stiles coldly "Your plan sucked too. Noel?"

Noel simply shakes his head, announcing "Gonna puke" as the scene changes.

At the loft, Peter asks if Derek is there, but is instead met with the mouthless man's tomahawk impaling him in the chest. He calls out again for Derek, but the man tells him using a communicator on his arm that he shouldn't worry, Derek is next.


At school, Lydia's mom gives her the keys to the lake house as Mason gets off the school bus with Garrett and his girlfriend Violet. Liam runs up to him out of breath, and when Mason asks why he wasn't on the bus, Liam explains that he ran the three miles.

Mason asks him what happened to his arm, and Liam gets woozy, as he looks up and sees Scott and Noel watching him. Mason follows his gaze, smiling a bit and looking back at Liam as he says he'll talk to him in a bit. When Liam is gone, he turns back to look at Scott and Noel, but they're gone.

Scott and Noel follow Liam into the school with Stiles stopping him at the other end, and Scott begs him to listen to them for one second. After considering what to say, Scott says everything Derek said to him when he was first turned, claiming that they're brothers now and the bite is a gift.

Noel squints in pain and pats Scott's shoulder, saying "Not really helpful here, is it, buddy?"

Stiles tells Liam that they're trying to help him, Liam arguing that kidnapping isn't helping.

Always the best with words, Noel says "Liam. Scott and I have been through this before. What's happening to you, we can guide you through it."

"Nothing is happening to me," Liam insists, showing them his healed bite, insisting "Nothing."

The boys watch in shock as he walks away, Noel sighing and shaking his head as we cut to commercial.

Upon return, the pack are all standing by the buses, as Malia says she's not sharing her basement. Lydia corrects that it's her basement, and that her mom isn't happy about the damage from last time.

Stiles reminds them that she's still learning, and Noel says "Cool, but it's been a while and she still hasn't learned a thing. How many moons did it take Scott and I again?"

Malia growls at him, Noel growling back mockingly as Stiles moves to stand between them. Scott changes the subject and explains how they're going to use the lakehouse for Liam because they can chain him to the support beams, Kira asking how they'll even get him there if he doesn't trust them.

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake," Stiles suggests, Malia agreeing that she's in. Noel closes his eyes in annoyance, insisting "We're not kidnapping him a second time. We need to be smarter than that."

"Why don't we just tell him there's a party and invite him," Lydia suggests, Stiles asking if she's gonna really ask out a freshman. Lydia denies, telling him she's done with teenage boys, adding that to play a trick they need to use the trickster. Everyone turns to Kira, who insists it can't be her.

Lydia reminds her that a female fox is called a vixen, Kira still looking apprehensive as Noel insists "You can do this. Be the vixen."

After Kira (semi) successfully woos Liam, we go to the loft where Derek tells Peter that the tomahawk was covered in wolfsbane that will have to be burned out. He brandishes a lighter, Peter assuring him he can handle a little fire, and Derek pulls out a blowtorch instead.

When they're finished, Peter collapses, and Derek pulls him up. Peter informs his nephew that the man said he's next, Derek asking "How does a guy with no mouth say anything?"

Peter holds up the glove with the communicator, and we're on the drive to the lakehouse with Kira and Liam.

Scott arrives and tells everyone Kira's on her way with Liam, as Stiles says he has to tell Scott something. He explains how he asked around about Liam and the reason he was expelled from his old school, after he argued with one of his teachers and vaguely reveals that Liam has anger issues.

He shows Scott pictures of the car of the teacher, completely wrecked with 'This is your fault' scratched into the side.

The car continues to approach as Liam breathes heavily and we see the full moon.

When Kira pulls up with Liam, he asks where everybody is. Kira tells him it's a small party, which goes against what she said earlier, but he doesn't seem too bothered by it as he follows her inside.

Once he enters the room, there awaits the rest of the group. Scott, Lydia, and Malia look stoic, while Stiles and Noel both offer waves. Liam turns back to Kira, who apologizes, as Stiles explains to Liam that he should see the situation as an intervention. He tells Liam he has a problem, Noel elbowing him as Scott says "Not so much a problem. It's an issue. One that only we can help."

The sheriff and Derek discuss the mouthless man, during which Parrish reveals that carrying a tomahawk and having a communicator like the one left in the loft is classic military behavior.

"Werewolf?" Liam asks and points at Scott, who nods. He then, in turn, names the rest of the group (in the order "Werecoyote, banshee, fox"). Kira corrects him that she's a kitsune, but assures him that fox works, and Liam turns to Noel.

"Possessed by a ghost, then werewolf, then possessed and a werewolf, now just werewolf?"

"Well technically I hosted a benevolent spirit, but yeah, close enough. Maybe we should have just told him I'm a werewolf," Noel admits, as Scott nods in agreement.

Liam finishes with Stiles, asking "What are you?" Stiles straightens, explaining "Uh, for a little while I was actually textbook possessed. But by an evil spirit instead of a good one. Like Noel's was."

Liam nods, obviously not buying a word of any of it, asking him "What are you now?"

"Better," Stiles says like it's a question after a pause, Noel giving his shoulder a pat of sympathy.

Liam looks down at the table full of chains and cuffs, asking if they're for him, Malia saying casually "No, they're for me." She lets her eyes glow blue, Liam asking nervously how she did that.

"You'll learn. But first you need to get through the full moon," Scott explains, Liam arguing that the moon's already out.

"Yes, it is. That's why you're starting to feel restless, aren't you?" Noel asks, as everyone watches Liam. Liam spits that he only feels like he's surrounded by "psychotic nutjobs," telling them that they're all out of their minds and that he's leaving.

He continues ranting, halfway through a threat as he gets overwhelmed by a sudden sharp noise and covers his ears. Scott asks him what's wrong as Liam breathes heavily, asking Scott whether they can all hear what he hears.

Scott strains his hearing as headlights roll in outside, Lydia asking whether or not Liam told anyone else about the party.

"My friend Mason," he chokes out through gritted teeth, "you said it was a party."

"Who else did Mason invite?" Stiles asks, Noel peeking through the blinds with Kira and saying "Everyone."

Liam starts clawing at the floor, Lydia requesting they get him off of them as Liam roars. She instantly steps back, Scott yelling that they need to get him to the boathouse now. Noel rushes in and helps lift Liam up, assisting Scott in half carrying him out as Malia begins to feel the moon's pull as well.

Noel glances over his shoulder as he and Scott carry Liam, asking "Should I be grateful I found my anchor before my first full moon?"

"As grateful as I was jealous, yeah," Scott says with half a laugh, as Liam growls and Noel says "Geez, okay, okay," and carries him more quickly.

Parrish, Derek, and the sheriff figure out that the mouthless man is an assassin, we cut to commercial, and return at the boathouse to the sound of Liam's roars.

Scott struggles to hold the beta down, Noel right at his side assisting as well, while Kira (who presumably followed after them) watches looking conflicted.

"We've got him, grab his hands!" Scott yells over Liam's roars, as Kira quickly runs back to do as she was asked. Liam breaks free however and pounces at the nearest body, Scott's, gnashing his teeth and starting to choke him.

Noel growls and his eyes glow, ready to jump in, but before he can Kira is already there. She hits Liam in the head with an oar, as the young beta collapses and leaves the two wolves in shock.

Kira asks worriedly if she killed him, Noel assuring her "No, he's just knocked out... Great swing."

"Thanks," Kira breaths out through her pants, optimistically saying "I hope Stiles is having better luck."

"I'll go check," Noel offers, standing up and heading out. "Maybe I'll call Derek too, while I'm at it. You may be a true alpha, Scott, but you're definitely in over your head with this one."

Meanwhile Stiles is, in fact, having better luck at the moment as he ties Malia up and tells her he's staying with her.

A keg gets brought into Lydia's party, as Noel walks up to her just as she says "Look, I didn't order a keg of beer."

"She especially didn't order a keg of domestic beer," he adds, as she gives him a look over her shoulder and he shuts up.

The delivery man argues that someone ordered it, and hands her the bill after she stops Garrett from drinking $400 wine.

She asks the delivery man what the extra $100 is for, and he explains "I call that the 'yes, you do look twenty-one to me' surcharge."

Lydia sighs and goes to get money while Noel rolls his eyes and catches Mason starting to walk upstairs, grabbing Lydia's wrist and telling the man "We're gonna go find some cash for you."

Lydia looks at him strangely as he pulls her to the staircase, and Garrett pays for the keg as repayment for opening the wine.

Scott and Kira share a brief scene, followed by one for Stiles and Malia where she starts to break through her cuffs. The keg deliverer sees outside that his tires are slashed, before he doubles over in pain. Claws extend from his fingers, revealing him to be a werewolf, as he says a mantra. "Three things cannot be long hidden: The sun, the moon, the truth."

After a few repeats of the mantra, he calms himself, dropping to his knees, and suddenly he is attacked from behind. A wire is wrapped around his neck, Mason's girlfriend Violet choking him and cinching the wire with a button. The wire glows with heat as it slices through the man's skin, decapitating him as she snaps a photo and walks away.

She enters the party and secures the wire, which is actually a necklace, onto herself and starts hugging Garrett. He shows her a text on his phone from "The Benefactor," telling them that money has been transferred into their account, just like the message the three men at the sheriff's station found on the mouthless man's communicator.

Mason walks around upstairs looking for Liam, calling out his name and searching each room briefly. Lydia and Noel follow behind, Noel whispering to her "How do we get him back down there? Your mom's gonna kill us if she finds anything out of place again."

"I don't know, but it's your turn to take the blame," Lydia hisses at him, to which he pouts and continues following Mason. They follow him right into an open room, Mason turning and looking at them as his jaw drops.

"What are you doing up here? The party's downstairs," Lydia says immediately, as Mason stares at Noel and says "I-I was looking for Liam."

"Sorry, but missing freshmen are a little low on my priority list," she retaliates and crosses the room, Noel and Mason both watching her walk away as Mason fires back "Not so low that you don't know he's a freshman."

"We have seen him," Noel says to try and rescue the conversation, picking up half full wine glasses and handing them to Lydia. Lydia takes them, and then Mason's wrist, leading him away and correcting hastily "Yeah. Downstairs."

She starts pulling Mason, but drops the wine glasses, spilling onto the pristine white carpet.

"Lydia!" Noel says and tenses his arms in surprise, shaking them out and stage whispering "Oh my God, oh my God, this isn't happening..."

Lydia drops to her knees and starts using her sweater to scrub at the wine on the carpet, Noel joining her, as Mason assures them "Hey, it's alright, it'll come out, okay? I'm sorry."

Lydia is undeterred as she keeps scrubbing, Mason asking Noel "Was it valuable?"

"No, that's the problem," Lydia says before he can answer, and she continues "Nothing in here is valuable."

Noel watches her, saying "Lydia, he doesn't need to know-"

"We just put the house on the market," she says anyway, Noel's head dropping at her words. "It was supposed to be left without a scratch, it has to be in perfect condition, we need every penny we can get out of this place or else Noel has to move out. He can't go to London, we need him here, but if he can't stay with us then we don't have a choice."

Noel puts a hand up over his eyes, fingers curled and scrubbing his eye with the heel of his palm. He looks at Mason, who finally breaks his stare at Lydia, eyes focusing on Noel as he speaks.

"Okay, alright, let me go get some club soda and salt," Mason offers, looking at Noel pleadingly as he promises "It'll come out. It will."

Noel sucks in his lips, closing his eyes and nodding. Lydia does the same with tears in her eyes, sighing as Mason leaves. Noel slowly puts a hand on her back, rubbing her shoulder with his thumb before rising and following Mason out.

Lydia then realizes that the room she's in is soundproof, fiddling with the turntable in the room and seeing faces rippling all over the wall.

Scott and Kira discuss dancing styles and share a dance and kiss by the water, as Liam wakes up and starts to growl and breaks free of his chains and straight through the window.

Malia also breaks free from one of her cuffs, as Derek and the sheriff go to the school in search of the mouthless man. They find a puddle of blood on the floor (Derek confused by the fact that he wasn't able to smell it when they walked in) and an explosive device, narrowly missing a tomahawk thrown their way.

Stiles does his best to keep Malia grounded by relating to her through his experience as the nogitsune, unlocking her chains as she finally gains control.

Liam makes a run for it, and he and Scott tussle in the woods until Scott is saved by none other than Argent.

"How did you know?" he asks as Argent pulls him up, the man responding nonchalantly "I got your text."

After the break, Derek fights the mouthless man at the school, and just as the sheriff is about to arrest him, Peter storms in in a rage and attacks. He kills him ruthlessly, as Derek and the Sheriff watch.

"We've learned a better way," Derek calls out to him as he walks away, Peter casually responding "I'm a creature of habit."

Argent encourages Scott to control his beta, and we return to the party as Kira searches for Noel and Lydia. She doesn't find either of them, heading upstairs and into the room with Lydia. Lydia informs her that she can hear the key to break the code, as Scott successfully calms Liam down and assures him that he's not a monster, he's a werewolf.

Noel walks into the room where Kira and Lydia are with supplies in hand to clean the wine stain, watching them on the laptop and walking over.

"What's up with all the code?" he asks as he sets down all the rags and bottles, Lydia gently shushing him as she waits for the code to finish scrolling. She gets to the keyword section, entering Allison's name, and suddenly names and numbers begin popping onto the screen.

Lydia is 20, Scott is 25, Derek is 15, and Kira is 6. Kira asks what it is, Lydia supplying that it's a list of supernaturals in Beacon Hills.

"Not a list," Noel says definitively, Lydia frowning and agreeing "It's a deadpool. And we're all on it."

The episode ends.
