The episode opens as normal, with Deaton, Scott, and the dog owner at the vet clinic. There are no mentions of Noel.

After the intro, we're at the school with Jennifer. She enters the school and walks down the hall, hearing something around her. Panicking, she ducks into her classroom, where Derek waits for her.

Jennifer picks up a nearby wooden rod for protection, asking Derek what he wants and if he's gonna threaten, scare, or even maybe kill her.

Derek takes a half step forward, assuring her that he just wants to see whether or not she's okay. She asks if he means mentally or physically, and she tells him that if he means mentally, she hasn't been okay in "a long time."

Derek, amused, laughs and takes the rod from her. "I think you're gonna be okay," he tells her, and she smiles shyly.

"Obviously you've never taught high school," she says, then after some brief talk, Jennifer promises not to tell anyone what she saw and the two exchange first names. It's pretty obvious that the two of them are developing crushes on each other.

In the next scene, we're in the locker room, and Scott tells Stiles and Noel that he looked everywhere for the boy that disappeared the night before but didn't find him.

"Okay, was he like, could he have been a virgin maybe? Did he look... Like, a virgin, was he... Virginal?" Stiles asks, Noel asking as he shrugs on his shirt "What the hell are we even talking about right now?"

"No, he wasn't a virgin," Scott says, then continues "Deaton makes me have sex with all his clients. New policy."

Obviously playing along with the joke, Noel asks "Oh, really? You guys got any pets up for adoption? Any pets that desperately need medical attention, specifically?"

The two laugh together and face Stiles, who obviously doesn't find their joke funny. Feeling bad, Scott answers sincerely "I don't know if he was a virgin, and why are you talking like he's already dead? He's just missing."

"Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott, and you know who else is a virgin? Me. I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life, okay? I need to have sex, like, right now, someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to sex me right now."

"Alright I'll do it," Danny says out of nowhere, Stiles yelping as his locker door slams shut. Scott and Noel share a look in the background as Danny tells Stiles to come to his place at nine, to plan to stay the night, and that he likes to cuddle. Stiles asks if he's kidding, and Danny says that yes, of course he is.

"You know, you don't toy with a guy's emotions like that, Danny, it's not attractive," Stiles scolds as Danny walks away and Isaac enters the locker room late.

Coach comes in and reiterates that cross country isn't optional for lacrosse players, and that he doesn't want them to turn into a bunch of
"fatasses" in the off-season.

Outside, the boys get geared up to run, the alpha twins hovering above Isaac before they start running. Isaac gets ready to speed to the front, Scott holding him back a bit.

Isaac tells Scott that the twins are the other werewolves in the school before bolting ahead, Scott and Noel dashing along after him.

The five werewolves of the lacrosse team sprint miles ahead of the rest of them, and eventually Isaac loses the twins. Before he can relocate them, they attack him from behind, and Aiden asks his twin how many bones are in the human body. Ethan suggests that they count, but before they can, Scott rushes in as he clocks Ethan in the face.

"That's one," he says, and immediately after, Aiden also gets punched in the face by Noel. "That's two," he says with a grin as a fight almost breaks out between the five of them.

Before they can attack each other, however, a girl's scream is heard and they all run to investigate. They meet up with the rest of the team and see the boy from the night before, murdered in the same fashion as all the other victims thus far.

"That's him, isn't it," Stiles asks, Scott nodding to confirm.

After the break, the sheriff suddenly comes in, trying to clear the area. Stiles points out to him that the injuries on the boy are the same as the ones on Heather, Emily, and the boy from the pool, and the sheriff tells him and the others to get back to school.

"Did you see the way the twins looked at him?" Isaac asks as the four boys head back to the school, Noel asking "You mean the way they have even less of a clue what's going on than we do?"

"No, no, they knew," Isaac insists, Stiles countering and pointing out how "distinctly unwerewolf-y" these murders are.

"What, you think it's a coincidence that people start dying as soon as they show up?" Isaac asks, Noel saying "It's probably not a coincidence, but I don't think they have anything to do with it specifically."

Isaac asks Scott what he thinks, but he says he doesn't know yet. He points out that Isaac has a point because of the human sacrifices, but Stiles says "Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now it would just magically heal, but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?"

"That's a good point too," Scott says with a small sigh, Noel looking relieved that he's listening to Stiles.

"I don't care, alright? They killed that kid, and they killed the girl that saved me," Isaac says coldly. "And I'm gonna kill them too."

The three boys watch Isaac walk off, none of them seemingly happy about his new bloodthirsty attitude.

The next time we see Noel is in French class, reciting after Morrell as she speaks to the class. Allison sits asleep behind him, and when Morrell tells Allison to wake up, she briefly sees her mother.

"Are you tired?" she asks Allison in French, Noel glaring at the class as they laugh. Allison apologizes and the bell rings, Noel turning to say something to Allison.

Before he can, Morrell says "Monsieur Whittemore, I'd like a moment to speak with Allison alone please."

Noel looks up at her, smiles at Allison and squeezes her hand, before leaving them alone to have their discussion.

In the next scene in science class, Noel is back, sitting to Scott's left.

Scott asks Isaac to let him find out why the twins are here before attacking them, but Isaac doesn't appear to want to wait. As Danny answers a question, Isaac asks to be excused to go to the restroom. Scott and Noel ask to go as well, but Harris tells them only one at a time is allowed.

"But Mr. Harris, I feel sick. Medical emergency, Scott's my designated aide," Noel says, thinking on his feet. However, Harris doesn't buy it and tells them both to sit down.

Outside in the hall, the twins meet Isaac, and it looks like a fight is going to break out between the three of them. But before that can happen, Aiden starts to hit his brother, much to Isaac's confusion. After Ethan has been sufficiently bloodied, Aiden slams him into a locker and throws him down to lay beside Isaac.

This draws the attention of Harris, who comes out to see what's going on. Ethan frames Isaac for the attack, Scott and Noel looking on almost furiously.

After the commercial and the scene at Derek's loft, Noel walks down the hall with Isaac and Scott.

Scott tells Isaac that it's just lunchtime detention that he has to deal with, and not to make a big deal of it because that's what the twins want.

Isaac notes that he's not the only one the twins are trying to get to, and sure enough across the hall, Aiden is talking to Lydia by her locker.

"He hasn't been around your house, has he?" Scott asks Noel, who shakes his head and says "I'd have told you if he had been."

As the three boys listen in on their conversation, Aiden asks Lydia what she's doing tonight. She says she's studying, and Aiden offers to help her.

"I actually live with one of the smartest boys in my class, and I'm the smartest girl in my class, so... Don't think I'll be needing any extra testosterone at my place tonight," Lydia denies, looking and seeing Noel across the hall.

"Speak of the devil," she says, Noel trying to look like he wasn't just eavesdropping. Aiden looks briefly confused, asking "Wait, is he your brother?"

"Is a girl not allowed to live under the same roof as her best male friend who also just so happens to be her ex-boyfriend's cousin?" Lydia asks, Aiden saying "Not typically, no."

Lydia gives him a 'that's cute' smile and asks what Aiden's IQ is, and why he would be able to help her study anyway.

Aiden says she could always help him, to which she pats his chest with a smile and walks over to Noel. She pats the top of his head before walking off, and he smiles as she goes before looking back at Aiden.

Aiden smirks and walks off, Noel glaring daggers. Scott asks him what's wrong, and Isaac answers for Noel "Now they're getting to him."

When Stiles sees Boyd in the hallway, he asks if Boyd was friends with Kyle. Boyd says coldly "I've only ever had two friends. One's dead, and you stole the other." He is referring to Noel.

When Isaac and Allison find themselves locked in the supply closet, Scott breaks them out as Isaac attacks Allison in his blind fear. Scott pins him down and yells out his name, Isaac calming down immediately.

He backs up against a wall, Noel crouching down beside him and hovering a bit not knowing what to do. Isaac takes hold of his wrist (reminiscent of how he held his wrist while in the tub in 3x02) and apologizes to Allison for attacking her.

"They don't want to get to us, they want someone to get hurt," Scott says, Noel asking what he plans to do about that.

"I'm gonna get them angry. Really angry," Scott says.

After Stiles and Lydia's scene, Allison and Isaac are seen hotwiring one of the twins' bikes. Allison and Isaac share a moment after she teaches him how to ride it, and Noel claps his hands to break their doe eyed staring and says "Lovebirds. On task."

Allison sends a picture to Scott to show him that they're ready to go. He goes into Miss Blake's class and shows that they've messed with the bike, and in a rage, Aiden runs out to find Isaac riding his bike down the hallways.

He yells at him to get off, and Isaac does so as crowds start to gather to see what the noise was. They all find Aiden with his bike in the hall, and Blake says he'll be getting a suspension. Isaac, Allison, Scott, and Noel all grin and look innocent yet cocky as Ethan stares at them.

Later when Scott and Isaac confront the twins in the hall, Noel isn't with them. It's assumed that he's with Allison.

Deucalion comes walking down the hall as the twins unfuse, and he asks "Just the two of you? Shame, I was hoping for the unwilling medium. That's the rumor, isn't it? A werewolf that spoke to and hosted a ghost?"

Scott and Isaac don't say anything. When they don't, Deucalion uncaps the blade at the end of his support cane and slashes it across the twins' faces. With that he leaves, the twins following after him.

Noel isn't seen or mentioned again in the episode.
