The episode starts with Kira and Scott racing to the loft. Inside, the sheriff pulls out a pair of handcuffs, as Void asks almost amused "You wanna handcuff me?"

The sheriff begins to approach, reasoning "If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me. Because he knows I'm here to protect him, from himself and from others."

He opens the cuffs and extends them, Void raising his wrists without a word. He looks up at the sheriff once the cuffs are on, and the sheriff says with a shake of his head "You're not my son."

Void gives a single shake of his own, breaking the cuffs effortlessly as the Argents, Derek, and Noel enter the loft. Void chuckles, as Allison pulls out a taser and shoots him. Void effortlessly catches the line, tossing it aside as Derek roars. He rushes in to attack, but Void isn't fazed, grabbing him and slamming him down onto a table before throwing him into one of the loft's pillars. To Void's left, Argent cocks his pistol, Noel looking on from where he stands with Allison.

"Argent, listen to me, don't do this," the sheriff begs, as Argent asks why not, he's done it before.

"Werewolves, berserkers, I can easily add a nogitsune to the list," he threatens, as the sheriff pulls his own gun on Argent.

"You're not gonna shoot my son," he warns, but Chris retaliates "You said it yourself, sheriff. That's not your son."

"Put it down," the sheriff commands, as Void says in a perfect Stiles tone "Dad, he's gonna shoot me. He's gonna kill me, Dad."

The sheriff starts yelling for Argent to put the gun down, a commotion starting. Argent is telling the sheriff not to listen, the sheriff is telling him to put the gun down, and Void is telling Argent to pull the trigger.

Noel calls out from underneath it all "Chris, stop!" but Derek, now recovered and at Noel's side, instantly grabs him and covers his mouth. As the yelling continues we see Derek lean into Noel's ear, saying something to him that we can't hear, as the men and Void continue to yell.

Those with a keen eye and the ability to read lips can see that Derek is whispering in Noel's ear "Stop, don't become a target, it's okay" as he keeps his eyes on the men and Void.

The sun goes down, and we see Scott and Kira getting closer and closer as Allison realizes this is exactly what Void wants.

Void looks at her, correcting "Not exactly. I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out, cause you're not here to kill me. You're here to protect me."

The oni arrive and Void backs up behind Argent and the sheriff, as Derek finally takes his hand off Noel's mouth but keeps his arms around him. The sheriff and Argent open fire on the oni, and when they materialize behind them as well, Derek, Noel, and Allison turn around to handle them.

The credits roll.

Scott and Kira arrive and hear gunfire from the loft, running in to see the fight already over and Derek with a bleeding scratch on his shoulder that Noel is inspecting. Scott asks what happened, Allison explaining that the Oni disappeared along with Stiles.

Noshiko goes to Eichen House where she meets Void, and he takes her last tail, gutting himself with it as flies escape from his body and bombard Noshiko.

A fly crawls into Isaac's IV port at the hospital, and we go to Scott's house where Kira is spending the night. They share a kiss, and a fly attempts to get in through his window before we go to the Argents' house.

Allison asks if he was really going to pull the trigger on Stiles, and he says he isn't sure. She tells him he wouldn't have been able to thanks to her, she had tampered with his gun, and Allison enters her room where Isaac is waiting for her. They kiss as well, and we go back to the loft.

Derek dumps a set of chess pieces onto a board, as Noel watches from his seat in a chair across the table looking tired. Peter comes over, looking at the two and asking Noel as he walks "Isn't it past your curfew? Lydia must be worried."

"She knows where I am, and she told her parents I'm at Scott's," he explains, watching Derek set up the pieces. He then looks at Peter, who says with a slight roll of his eyes "Of course she did." He looks at his nephew, asking "And what are you doing?"

He walks over to them fully, seeing the deep slash wound on Derek's shoulder, asking "More importantly, why aren't you healing?"

"It's from one of their swords. It'll heal," Derek assures him, Peter asking "By playing chess?"

"Back in his room, Stiles had a board with our names on some of the pieces. If this is a game to him, then I need to figure out the plays," he explains, setting the pieces down as Noel helps put them in the right spots.

"It's not so easy to do when it's a game without rules," Peter says, Noel looking up and asking "What do you mean by that?"

"You're dealing with a kind of spirit that's lived too long to play by human rules. It's a fox spirit, it chose to become human, and supposedly that's something they can do only after about a hundred years. If a kitsune is an annoying pain in the ass, then a nogitsune, which is a dark kitsune, is a freaking disaster."

Peter puts on his jacket, adding "Besides, chess is Stiles's game. It's not the game of a Japanese fox."

Peter starts walking away, finishing "Noel, be a good partner and do my nephew a favor; Put something on that wound before it gets infected."

Noel watches Derek's expression and smiles sadly, as a fly crawls into Derek's wound and we cut to Ethan and Danny where Ethan rinses his face with a handful of water holding one of Void's flies.

Lydia and Aiden are driving around and Lydia makes four right turns thinking she's listening to the GPS, but Aiden says it isn't on as she pulls over into an empty parking lot and finds Void. A fly then crawls into Aiden's ear.

Isaac goes through Allison's things and expresses a cryptic disdain for the twins, and Allison sees that she's been cuffed to her bed by the leg.

Aiden and Lydia bring Void to Scott's, and Deaton sees that the wound on Void's stomach appears to be healing. After a brief scene with McCall and the sheriff, Deaton gives Void a dropper full of kanima venom, and Void chokes Aiden as he awakens.

When the venom takes effect, Aiden roars in retaliation, as Void asks him if he and Ethan have lost the ability to feel each other's pain. He warns them that they'll need it, offering the hint that Ethan's at the school. Aiden takes off as Void laughs, saying that he likes the twins, so he hopes Aiden gets there in time.

Melissa asks if Deaton brought anything to shut Void's mouth when he insults them, Deaton breaking out some duct tape and slapping it over Void's mouth as he screams before laughing.

After Deaton tells Scott and Lydia that it feels like Void has them in the palm of his hands even when he's paralyzed, we go to Argent's where he's on the phone with Allison. She managed to escape, telling her dad she's on the way to the school to catch Isaac. He tells her he's on his way, but when he opens the door, Derek is standing there with Noel.

Noel looks terrified, staring at Argent with his hand locked tightly in Derek's grip. Derek looks wrecked, his eyes sunken with dark circles and his skin pale.

"Derek, Noel," Argent greets simply, looking at Noel and asking "You boys alright?"

Noel looks like he wants to say something, but Derek gently pulls him through the front door, saying "We need to show you something."

Noel follows him willingly, like he's afraid of what will happen if he doesn't, giving Argent a look over his shoulder as they pass that says 'I don't know what's happening.'

Derek uses his free hand to lay Talia's claws on the table, asking Argent if he knows who they belong to. Argent doesn't respond, glancing at the way Derek's fingers on his right hand are completely clasped with Noel's, the boy wincing in pain at the strong grip.

"Noel, who do they belong to," Argent asks to test the waters, Noel moving to answer, but instead letting out a cry of pain as a bone somewhere in his hand snaps when Derek's grip tightens further.

"These claws are all that was left of my mother after your psychotic sister burned her and the rest of my family alive," Derek says bitterly. He looks at Argent slowly,  as Noel pleads "Derek, stop, we can talk. Let's talk, please. What's happening to you?"

Argent reaches for his gun just as Derek breaks out his claws, taking a swing as we cut.

A few scenes later, Scott, Lydia, and Deaton are discussing whether or not they should try to turn Stiles. Scott says he'll try calling Derek again, adding "He's not answering his phone and neither is Noel."

"If they aren't answering, maybe we should call someone else," Lydia suggests, and Peter shows up as we cut to commercial.

Peter takes a look at Void, saying how he looks like he wouldn't survive a werewolf bite. He suggests there are better methods to win their battle, brandishing his claws and saying they'll get into his head instead.

The twins have a brief argument at the school before Isaac comes in, paralyzing them both and hitting them in their faces. All three of them seem off in the same way Derek is off.

Peter unveils the plan to get Scott into Stiles' subconscious, saying Lydia will be going in with him.

Isaac narrates his plan to burn the twins to avenge Erica and Boyd, but Kira and Allison intercept, as the twins awaken and start trying to kill Isaac (and vice versa).

Peter presses Scott's claws to Stiles' neck, and Peter instructs them that they'll have to guide him out of his subconscious one way or another. Scott asks if it could be another trick, and Peter asks "When are you people gonna start trusting me?"

Deaton reminds Scott that they're running out of time, as Scott gets into Lydia and Stiles' minds, transporting Lydia and himself to the Eichen House in Stiles' subconscious.

Back at Argent's, Derek opens a duffel bag, pulling out a bottle of lighter fluid. Argent and Noel both say his name, as Derek starts to douse Argent in the fluid.

"Derek, listen, listen to me," Chris says, staying as calm as he possibly can. "Whatever's gotten into your head, this isn't the way to deal with it. Noel, stay where you are!"

"You burn my family, I burn yours," Derek says, watching Argent and covering him like it's nothing. Noel stands by the door, hands tied together with a nearly dramatic amount of rope, but he's not connected to anything. Derek doesn't want him hurt, but he wants him to watch without fighting, as Noel stays put.

"Derek, please, you've said it yourself. The Argent code killed Allison's mom, not you, remember that? The Argents didn't kill your family, Kate did, it had nothing to do with Chris," Noel tries to reason, watching as Derek pours more of the fluid onto Argent.

Derek pauses his dowsing and looks at Noel, looking completely destroyed as he says "They would have been yours! My family, my pack, they would have been our family, and our pack. We would have fallen in love the way we were supposed to, the way we were meant to, the way my mother wanted for me."

Noel is confused, as Derek shakes his head and keeps talking. "Laura loved you. She protected you, she saved you, she brought us together. Even Cora loved you. You have our tattoo, you were always meant to be part of us. You were supposed to meet my mother and my father, my brothers, cousins, grandparents, but they took all of that away from you. You should be furious, we would have had everything."

"Kate did all that, not Chris, and you can't know all of this, you're speculating. Derek, please just let us talk about it," Noel pleads, as Derek turns his attention away from Noel and repeats to Chris "You burn my family, I burn yours."

"Derek, hey, look at me," Noel tries to distract him, but it's no use, as Derek crouches in front of Argent and says "In fact, I'll burn the whole building down around you."

He flicks on his lighter, Argent blowing it out easily as Derek launches up and covers Argent's mouth. Noel calls out his name again to try and stop him, repeating "Derek, it was Kate! It was all Kate, she burned down your house and she drew a spiral on your shirt in my blood. It had nothing to do with him, but she's dead, there's nothing left to be done!"

"I'm not your enemy, Derek, not anymore," Argent agrees, as Derek toys with the lighter. He looks at Argent, saying with narrowed eyes "Yeah. You are. You and Allison. Which is why I'm not gonna light this yet." He lets out a small laugh, repeating "I'm not. We're gonna wait until she gets home, and we're gonna let her watch."

Chris yells in rage as he tries to escape, Noel looking on and trying to come up with some kind of plan.

After the scene in Stiles' head where Lydia is whisked back to season one's prom and Scott is making out with Allison, both break free and enter the white room of Stiles' subconscious. They fight to get his attention while Allison and Kira fight Isaac and the twins.

"Why shouldn't we kill him? How many of us has he murdered," Derek asks Noel, pointing at Chris where he sits. Noel shakes his head, saying "People change, Derek, he's changing and growing, give him the chance!"

"He's not our ally, he doesn't care about us, he's
a hunter," Derek says coldly, but he sounds disoriented, starting to pace.

Noel puts on a sweet and gentle tone, saying "Baby, just take the rope off of me, it's hurting me. Please?"

Derek looks concerned, instantly approaching Noel and closing his eyes as he presses his cheek to Noel's to comfort him. Noel closes his eyes as well and leans the side of his head against Derek's, continuing to sweet talk him as he says "Please, Derek... Help me... Break it off."

His eyes flash open as he says this, yellow as he looks directly at Argent, who gets the message. Simultaneously, Argent launches himself back in his chair, falling to the ground as the chair breaks into pieces. As he does, Noel lets out a roar and pulls with all his strength, breaking free of the ropes and wrapping his arms around Derek's just as the alpha turns to roar at Argent.

Argent grabs a gun from under his desk, and thanks to Noel pinning his arms from behind, is able to cock the gun and point it at the underside of Derek's jaw. Derek roars in his face, as Argent says "I don't want to kill you, Derek. Don't make me kill you, please, not in front of him."

Derek struggles in their shared hold, but he seems placated at the threat of being killed in front of Noel, as Noel touches his nose to the back of Derek's neck in an attempt to calm him and keep him contained.

As Scott howls to signal his location to Stiles, Stiles hears him, and swipes all the Go tiles off of the board. Ethan, Aiden, and Isaac collapse first, Void's hold on them broken. Derek begins to bleed black blood from his nose, collapsing back into Noel, who lets go of his arms and guides him to the floor calling his name.

Stiles manages to expel the nogitsune from inside of himself, as it rises from its bandages and moves toward everybody. Peter and Scott push Lydia, Deaton, and Melissa back, grabbing the nogitsune and pinning it to a chair.

Scott unwraps the bandages, finding Stiles underneath, and who they thought was the real Stiles has disappeared along with Lydia.

The episode ends.
