so, you wanna read my rewrites of teen wolf that now include my dumb oc noel. i'm super glad you do. here are some tips for reading these episodes!

first off, i highly recommend that if you're going to read these, you read them while you rewatch the show. i know, i know, that's kinda tedious. but i'm not always 100% specific about when certain lines happen in these rewrites, which can make things confusing at times if i say something like "when scott says his line about the new wolves, noel says 'yeah, i totally agree.'"

i'm also often very specific about the content of some lines that go before or after my additions. for example, if scott has a line that relates to what noel is about to say, i will type out scott's entire line to help clue my reader into the context of noel's line.

sometimes, however, this practice only serves to make my rewrites more confusing and easily taken out of context if you aren't watching the show as you read. i apologize for that, but there's not much i can do to change it after writing so many episodes and falling into that routine.

my next piece of advice is to only read/watch one episode at a time. i know this will be a little hard for anyone that may be binge reading this work in the future, but it really does help the story flow more smoothly when you treat it like a tv show - not every episode is shown at once. you have to wait a week in between.

i'm definitely NOT saying to take week long breaks between chapters unless my updating schedule sucks, i'm just saying that pacing yourself may help a bit.

and now for everyone's favorite - a disclaimer! i do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story, except for noel himself. he is my own original character, property of me, noah. steal him from me and i hurt you.

also, i'm sorry if you don't agree with my characterization. i'm sorry if you view anything i have these characters do as being "ooc". i love this show and all of it's characters (most of it's characters) and i've done my best to make their added lines/actions believable. please don't yell at me in the comments if i have someone say something that you don't think they would say. just leave a calm comment on it and we can probably have a nice discussion about the character in question and what YOU think they would do.

with all of that being said, next time i update will be season one episode one.
