Noel is first featured in the scene where Scott and Stiles are in Derek's car, trying to save him while he escapes from police. Instead of Scott as it is in canon, it's Noel driving with Stiles in the backseat and Scott in the passenger's. The first thing that happens is Noel swerving a bit, and Scott says "Do you even have your license?!"

Noel says with a joyful grin on his face "Nope! Not even my permit!"

Scott and Stiles look at him like he's crazy, and Noel says "Oh, don't freaking look at me like helping Derek run away from the cops was illegal enough!"

Stiles looks out the back windshield and says "Noel, if you're gonna recklessly drive this stolen vehicle totally illegally, the least you can do is do it a little bit faster!"

With that, Noel slams on the gas and the car speeds away.

Cue the intro.

The conversation between Scott and Stiles in the next car chase scene transfers over to Noel and Stiles. At one point Noel looks out the rear view mirror and sees Kate driving the car behind them. He cusses ("Dammit!") and takes a sharp turn that makes Stiles fall over in the backseat. When Scott notices they're not being followed anymore, Noel slows down a bit and Stiles' hand pops up from the backseat with the walkie talkie in it. He's still laying down on the floor where he toppled over. He presses the button on the walkie talkie and gets Derek's location from his dad, and as soon as Noel hears the werewolf's whereabouts, he slams on the gas once again and takes off toward their destination.

As soon as they pull up to Derek's location and Scott yells for Derek to get in, Derek does and Noel drives away while flipping Chris off even as he shoots at their car.

Scott yells at Derek about laying low like he does in the show, and Derek says "DAMMIT! I had him! He was right in front of me and the freakin' police showed up!"

"Whoa, hey, they're just doing their jobs," Stiles says, and Noel reaches a hand up, smacking Stiles in the face as the boy shrinks back into the backseat with an "Ow, okay!"

The following conversation goes as per canon, and Scott says "Can you just try to trust us for at least half a second?" "Yeah, all of us," Stiles says, to which Derek replies in a biting, accusatory tone "I already trust him. Just maybe not with my freaking car!" As he says this line, he points at Noel.

"Chill, I've got this," Noel says, but the comment from Derek about having his trust distracts him and he swerves a bit. Derek reaches across the car and grabs the wheel from Noel as he continues his canon line.

Noel doesn't add much after that, but when Scott reveals that the symbol on the paper is also on Allison's necklace, Noel takes the wheel back from Derek and lets out a cheering "Whoo-hoo!" sound before slamming on the gas once again before the screen cuts to black.

Later at the school (not the first scene between Scott and Stiles, but the second one between Scott and Jackson) Noel is standing with Scott and talking with him while he rummages through his locker. Jackson slams the locker closed and, while keeping eye contact with Scott, says to Noel "Leave, dweeb."

Noel looks at his cousin with an expression of fear, but looks like he wants to stand his ground. Jackson then shoots him a look, making him jump, and Scott says "Go, Noel. I'm okay." Noel nods and turns, walking away and sending Scott a look over his shoulder. The scene continues.

Noel comes out in the next scene with Scott and Stiles, completely enamored with his phone. They have almost their whole conversation before Noel laughs suddenly, and Scott says "Noel, it's really not funny!" Noel looks up at Scott and says "Oh, sorry, I was texting." Stiles snatches his phone away from him, looks down at the screen, and then at Noel in disbelief. "Derek? Really? Derek's the one making you laugh at his texts?"

Noel shrugs and snatches his phone back, and Stiles says "Where is Derek? I figure you of all people would know." Noel shrugs and says "I don't know, he's hiding. Like we told him to. He won't even tell me where he is"

"Why do you wanna know where Derek is?" Scott asks, and Stiles says "I have another idea. It's gonna take a little time and finesse though."

"What about the game tonight, though? We're playing first string!" Noel says, and Stiles says "I know, I know. Scott, do you have a plan for Allison yet?" Scott says "She's in my next class." Stiles nods and says "Get the necklace." He grabs Noel's sleeve and drags him off down the hall, Scott watching after them as they go.

At lunch, Noel sits across from Scott and Stiles, and flails like Stiles when Scott asks for them to say something.

Noel watches as Scott starts losing it, and he says "Scott, just get through this and I'll teach you everything I know about tuning Jackson out. Just get through this, Scott."

Scott ends up breaking his lunch tray, and Noel glares at Jackson as he bites into his apple.

Despite how much the Sterek shippers will hate me after I write this sentence, the scene at Stiles' house with him finding Derek in his bedroom is replaced by almost the exact same scene, but at the Whittemore's between Derek and Noel instead.

Noel goes into his bedroom after school and puts his backpack down, not seeing Derek standing in the corner. His uncle yells "Noel, is that you?"

"Yeah uncle Da-Derek?!" he cuts himself off, and Derek shushes him and shoves him out the door to talk to his uncle. "Uncle David! What can I do for you?" he asks, leaning against his doorframe in an attempt at looking nonchalant. His uncle raises an eyebrow and says "Uh, Jackson says you officially get to play in the lacrosse game tonight. He didn't sound too thrilled about it, I assume he's concerned for your safety."

Noel knits his eyebrows together and says "Oh, really? Did he? Yeah, that's totally it. Concern for my safety. What a good guy your son is, huh, uncle D?"

David look skeptical, saying "Yeah... Well, I just wanted to let you know that your aunt Amy and I are gonna be there tonight to cheer you on."

"You go to all the games anyway to watch Jackson, don't you?" Noel asks, and David looks away from his nephew. He says "Well, just know that we'll be there tonight, cheering you on. Okay?"

Noel nods and says "Yeah, yeah, of course, uncle David. That means a lot to me." David smiles and pats his nephew's shoulder, saying "Glad we could have this talk, Noel. Go ahead and do your homework, alright?"

Noel nods and ducks back into his room quickly, closing and locking the door. Derek grabs him by the collar of his shirt and pins him against the wall, saying "If you tell anyone that I'm here..."

"Who would I tell other than Scott and Stiles? The freaking sheriff? Fat chance. I want you alive and out of prison just as much as you do."

Derek looks him up and down a few times, asking "Why are you so worried about me? And so obsessed with keeping me out of trouble?"

"Am I not allowed to want to keep you safe?" Noel asks, licking his lips and looking down at the hand still gripping his shirt collar. Before either of them can say anything else, they kiss.

After a brief kiss, Derek's phone rings and he hesitantly pulls away from Noel with a soft look in his eyes. Noel tries to hide the fact that he wants to smile, licking his lips and saying "You should answer that." Derek slowly wipes Noel's bottom lip with his thumb before answering his phone, putting it on speaker.

The conversation that happens next is the same one that happens between Stiles and Derek in canon, but it's over the phone instead now with a few minor changes, like the conversation starting with Stiles saying "Hey, Scott couldn't get the necklace, he's still working on it. But I think there's something else we can try."

The conversation remains the same from there on.

The scene with Danny now takes place in Noel's bedroom, but Stiles is there in person. Derek sits in the corner of Noel's bed reading, while Stiles and Noel are with Danny at the desk.

"What do you want me to do? And why are we at Jackson's house?" Danny asks Stiles. Stiles says "Whoa man, it's Noel's house too." Danny makes a sarcastic confused expression and says "Okay, my mistake- What do you want me to do, and why are we at NOEL'S house?"

Stiles says he wants Danny to trace a text, and Danny says "I came to do lab work. That's what lab partners do."

"You guys can do your lab work after you trace the text, Danny," Noel says, and Danny looks at him now in confusion. He has his talk like in canon with Stiles after that. When Stiles resigns to doing lab work, Noel groans and flops down heavily on his bed. Danny watches Noel as he does this, which puts him in line to see Derek sitting on Noel's bed also staring at the boy.

"Who's he again?" Danny asks, pointing at Derek. Stiles looks at Derek and says quickly "My cousin... Miguel..."

Both Derek and Noel shoot Stiles a "what the hell are you talking about" look, and Danny seems to buy it before he asks "Well why is he at Noel's house?"

Stiles stutters before saying "Stop asking questions, I thought you wanted to do lab work."

Danny shuts his mouth and a bit later says "Is that... Blood on his shirt?" Noel sits up and looks at Derek's shirt, confirming that there's blood there and, giving him an "are you freaking serious?" look. Derek holds his hands up innocently and Noel pipes up with "Miguel, I told you, you can take one of my shirts if you need it. I know how you get, with your... Nosebleeds."

Stiles catches on quickly, saying "Yeah, bad nosebleeds run in the family. A true tragedy. Miguel, go ahead and take one of Noel's shirts, alright?"

Derek glares at both Noel and Stiles before going to Noel's dresser, taking off his dirtied shirt, and pulling out a few clean t-shirts. Noel watches with his mouth practically watering as Derek tries on a couple, not even noticing Stiles and Danny's little bit in the foreground of the shot. When Derek tells Stiles "This... No fit.", Noel says "Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find something in there eventually."

Derek keeps trying on shirts while Stiles once again tries to bribe Danny into tracing the text. With the canon banter going on between Danny and Stiles, the boy successfully gets Danny to trace the text. Noel seems just as thrilled as Danny that Derek will have to remain topless, biting his lip and watching with amusement as Derek keeps searching for a shirt that will fit him.

Noel is standing next to Derek when it's revealed that the mystery text was sent from Melissa McCall.

Later, with Chris and Scott when Chris is confronting him about Derek, Scott tries to come up with an alibi by saying "It's not like I'm the only one that knows him."

"But you're the only one that's talking to him besides that little friend of yours, and I know from an inside source that that relationship ended a long time ago." This statement confuses Scott, but the conversation continues in alignment with canon.

Instead of Scott calling Stiles in the next scene, Scott and Stiles call Noel together. Noel sits in the passenger's seat of Derek's car, Derek looking over at him. Scott asks Noel where he is and tells him that he should be there, since he's first line. Coach comes over and says "McCall, Bilinski, where the hell is Joel?"

"It's Noel, sir," Scott says as Noel sighs and puts a hand on his forehead, listening to the conversation over the phone. "Joel, Noel, Bowl, Dinner Roll, whatever, I don't care! Just get him down here now!"

Noel sucks in his lips and bites down on them as Scott says he has to be there to start if he wants to keep his first line spot. "I know, I know," Noel says and sighs. "If you guys see my aunt or my uncle around... Tell them I'll be there. Tell them I'm just gonna be a little late, or have Lydia tell them since she knows them."

Scott nods and says "I will. Just get your ass down here ASAP." Scott hangs up and Noel looks down at his phone.

Derek looks at him a bit sympathetically and says "You're not gonna make it."

"I know," Noel says and puts his phone down next to him, leaning his head back against his headrest and closing his eyes.

Derek looks at him for a second before leaning over, putting a hand on the back of Noel's head/neck. Noel looks over at him, his eyes full of tears that are threatening to fall. Derek pulls Noel in a bit closer, saying "Go in there and do what you have to do. I'm gonna be waiting right here."

Noel blinks at Derek and nods, fixing the leather jacket on his shoulders and getting out of the car to enter the hospital.

When Noel is in the hospital, he calls Derek and takes over all of Stiles' lines. Everything is the same except Stiles is replaced with Noel, and Peter's first line is changed to "You must be Noel."

When Noel finds himself stuck between Peter and his nurse, he says "You.. You both.. And he's.. A-And she.." he pauses to think before saying to Peter hopefully "You missed your opportunity to kill me once, why not spare me again? For old times' sake?"

"I'm sorry, but unfortunately, that was a one time deal," Peter says before roaring and looking ready to lunge and attack Noel. That's when Derek pops in and saves the bae- I mean, the day.

Noel gets out to safety just in time and looks around for a way to help Derek.

Instead of the sheriff showing up and looking for Stiles, David and Amy Whittemore look around for Noel. They ask the people around them if they've seen number 55, but no one has.

Noel is not mentioned any more after that in the episode.
