S4E02 "117"

We open to a flashback at the school after a basketball game, teenage Derek alone in the shower struggling to control his shift with his blue eyes shining. Teenage Peter enters and turns the water off in the shower, picking his nephew up by the shirt as Derek insists that he thought he could control it.

"All this risk just for a basketball game," Peter says in disbelief, as Derek insists that his team needs him because it's the finals. He pushes past Peter, who asks "They need you to do what? Rip someone's throat out on the court?"

Derek kicks the lockers and breathes heavily as Peter reminds him that even born wolves need to learn how to control themselves during a full moon.

"Yeah, but it's supposed to be easier for us, why does it hurt like this?!" Derek hisses out, Peter reapproaching and asking his nephew if he brought 'it.'

"It's not working," Derek complains, but Peter asks again if he brought it. Derek reaches into his pocket, pulling out a palm-sized medallion emblazoned with a triskele.

"Go ahead," Peter says, as Derek argues "I told you, it's not working."

"Do it!" Peter pushes anyway, as Derek recites "alpha, beta, omega" over and over again until he loses himself and roars.

Back in the presumed present or the nearby past, at a gas station, a worker knocks on the door of his restroom as Kate struggles inside to hold her shift. She subsequently kills him when he lets himself in the bathroom, and the credits play.

At the clinic in the confirmed present, without hesitation, Noel carries a sleeping Derek inside by himself and lays him gently on Deaton's operating table.

Deaton takes a look at Derek as he sleeps, unable to say anything but 'wow.' Stiles asks what kind of wow it is, Deaton telling them he doesn't immediately know what's happened to Derek.

Noel lets his eyes gaze over Derek's body, taking hold of his hand and wincing. "Deaton, do you have another blanket he can use? He feels really cold. Like, alarmingly cold."

Deaton doesn't answer, Noel keeping hold of Derek's hand as he presses his lips to it and Deaton begins his examination. Scott asks if he thinks it's permanent, Deaton admitting he doesn't know if he can even give a diagnosis to form a prognosis.

"This is well beyond my experience," Deaton tells them, as Stiles asks what they should do with him.

"Until he wakes up? Probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me, he'll be safe here."

"Safe from Kate?" Noel asks as he tries to breathe some warmth into Derek's fingers, Deaton saying "If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate."

"Why would she want to do this to him?" Lydia asks as she looks at Derek's face, his eyebrows laced with concern even in his sleep. Deaton shrugs, offering "Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her."

"And really bad for everyone else," Stiles says with finality, as Deaton suggests that the four of them should go home. Instantly, Noel shakes his head and lays a hand softly on Derek's cheek, saying as his thumb traces over his forehead "I'm staying with him. If anything happens, I need to be the first to know."

Scott moves to protest, but Deaton beats him to the punch, soothing "He doesn't look to be in any danger, so maybe you can do him a better favor by getting some sleep. It's a school night, and you all need to start taking care of your own lives again."

"But someone should stay with you. I'm dating him, I'm his last beta in town, it should be me," Noel says, still holding Derek's hand even as his hand leaves his face. Lydia's the one to protest this time, saying "No, not you. You haven't attended a single calculus class since the start of the semester, I'm not gonna accept anyone else but you beside me as valedictorian. Go home, get some sleep, when he wakes up I'm sure you'll be the first person he asks to call."

Noel wants to fight, but he knows she has a point, so he gives one final squeeze to Derek's hand as well as a kiss before laying it down gently on the table. He moves up to Derek's face, pressing a kiss to his forehead, giving Lydia one as well as the boys head off (Stiles having to be dragged out).

The next morning, Lydia is asleep in a chair at the clinic while Deaton checks Derek's vitals. She asks how he's doing, Deaton informing her that his heart rate is alarmingly high. She comes and joins him at the table, touching Derek's forehead with the back of her palm and saying with relief that he's warmed up.

Deaton tells her he's going to try something, asking her to keep an eye on his reaction. She agrees without fuss, and Deaton takes a scalpel, running it along Derek's arm. It heals instantly as it passes over his skin, not a drop of blood spilling out.

"That looked like it healed really fast," Lydia comments, Deaton agreeing "Unusually fast." He suggests they try another experiment, telling her to grab a 5mm syringe as he goes to get a vial.

Behind them, Derek (now awake) brandishes a clawed hand, sitting up as Deaton and Lydia look at each other nervously. Derek pulls the hand Noel had held the previous night up to his nose, inhaling and growling softly as he uses the same hand to touch his cheek once.

He then turns to Lydia and Deaton and stands, the man putting an arm in front of Lydia to protect her as they call Derek's name and try to reassure him that he's safe. Derek only sees red, literally, overstimulated and disoriented as he takes a swing at Deaton and runs out of the clinic.

Walking into school that same morning, Stiles tells Scott and Noel about what it's like living with Malia, showing them his back as Noel whistles appraisingly.

"What happens then, casanova?" Noel asks, as Stiles says they end up spooning, but he's always the little spoon. Scott says that doesn't sound too bad, and asks if they're an official item, but Stiles says that he thinks Malia knows they're hiding something from her. Scott shrugs, Noel insisting "Scott, you have to tell her about Peter. It's only right."

"I know, I just... Don't know how," Scott admits as we enter history class.

Yukimura asks a question, calling on Malia, as she struggles to find the answer. Noel's phone rings, Yukimura warning lightly "Mr. Whittemore, cellphones off."

Noel looks at the Caller ID and says "Sir, can I please just really quick-"

"I'm sure it can wait another few seconds until Malia finds her answer," he says less lightly, Noel chewing his lip but obliging. While Malia continues to struggle and Noel gets more and more anxious, Stiles' phone goes off, and Yukimura asks for another volunteer. Everyone raises their hands, Noel the most enthusiastically, as Yukimura's own phone goes off and he reads aloud "Noel, call Lydia."

Stiles looks concerned at Scott and Noel, as we shift scenes to the clinic.

"I don't think he's just younger in body," Deaton says as Lydia bandages his arm, "I think he's younger in his mind too."

"He didn't recognize either of us, and he looked like he was scared out of his mind," Lydia agrees, Stiles wondering aloud "So if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?"

Noel thinks, saying "A wolf would return to its den, but if Derek is only as old as his body, he wouldn't think of the loft or the train station."

"The Hale house," Lydia suggests, as the boys all nod and Deaton agrees "He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet."

As they all ponder the implications of that, Noel asks nervously "Wait... If his memories are only as old as his body... What's gonna happen when he sees me? The last person that he turned?"

The other four look at him, pondering the question with varying degrees of concern on their faces, as we cut to Derek.

Derek rips down the caution fencing around the Hale property, seeing the rubble of his home and picking up some pieces as his left hand covers his mouth and nose.

"Hold on," Lydia says, the three boys turning back around to face her from where they were starting to walk out of the clinic. "So you do manage to catch up to him, what are you gonna say to him? That his whole family is dead?"

"I guess I'm gonna have to," Scott says, Lydia sarcastically saying "Oh, yeah, good luck with that."

"She's right, we probably shouldn't, at least not until we know for sure how to turn him back," Noel agrees with Lydia, as Scott argues "I can't lie to him."

"Fine. Then I'll do it," Stiles offers, as Scott clarifies "No, I don't think any of us can. Remember, he can hear a heartbeat rising. When we find him, we tell him the truth."

"If he gets there before we do, we won't have to tell him," Noel says, adjusting Derek's jacket on his shoulders as he walks out ahead of the boys.

Parrish pulls up to the Hale property with another deputy, telling Derek that he's not allowed to be there. The other deputy calls him a dumbass, Derek ignoring his comment and saying "This is my house."

"Nobody's been here for years, kid, now get the hell out of here," the deputy warns, Parrish telling him to try being slightly more gentle as he asks Derek if he's alright. He offers help, but Derek doesn't seem interested.

"What happened to my house," he asks and looks around the wreckage, putting his left hand over his mouth for a second before continuing "Where's my family, where's my mother?"

The deputy has had enough, reaching to grab Derek who jerks free and grabs hold of the deputy's arm. Parrish tells him to take it easy, but as Derek starts to settle down, the deputy tases him despite Parrish's protests.

At the sheriff's station, Parrish stoops down to talk to Derek in a non-condescending way, asking him if he'd be a little more calm if the cuffs came off so they could get him out of there and back to his family.

Derek nods, and Parrish removes the cuffs, Derek immediately rubbing his left hand on his face. He tells Parrish that the other deputy's an idiot, still rubbing his hand over his cheeks.

"Can't argue with that," Parrish agrees, as he sees that the prints only pull up Derek's adult profile. He reads his name aloud, the sheriff walking in and doing a series of double takes trying to figure out what the hell he's seeing.

Suddenly the boys run in, Noel leading the charge, as Derek looks down at his left hand on his cheek and then up at Noel. "You," he says, like it's a full sentence, Noel's eyebrows lowering as he asks "Me?"

The sheriff looks between the boys and Derek, who's still staring at Noel, and tells his deputies that he'll handle it.

The sheriff, after getting the boys into his office, asks them to be totally honest with him. They nod, and he asks "Have you been time traveling? Because if time traveling is real, you know what, I'm done. I'm out. You're gonna be driving me to Eichen House."

"We found him like that," Scott insists, the sheriff bursting out "Where, swimming in the fountain of youth?!"

"No, we found him buried in the walls of an Aztec temple behind an ancient stone carving that was buried under a church in a town that was leveled by an earthquake in Mexico," Noel spews, realizing that the more he says, the less he says. Stiles has his face covered in disbelief, as the sheriff stage whispers at him "You told me you were camping!"

"Yeah, we were. It was in Mexico," Stiles says smoothly, knowing that not a word any of them have said is doing his dad any good.

"Derek's been aged backwards," Scott tries to reconcile, "he can't remember anything."

"We just need to talk to him," Noel says, glancing over his shoulder at Derek through the window. He still has his hand over his mouth, his fingers tucked up under his nose. Noel chews his lip, saying hopefully "He might talk to us."

"Why would I go anywhere with you," Derek asks instantly as Scott talks to him, Scott elaborating "There was an accident, okay, you lost some memory but we can help you get it back."

"How much memory?" Derek asks, Scott telling him truthfully that it was a lot, but he can trust them. Derek seems skeptical, even when Scott shows him his eyes, as the alpha looks to Noel for help.

Noel has been threading his eyebrows together as he watches Derek consistently bringing his left hand up to his face, and sensing why, he moves closer to him. He presses his own hand gently underneath Derek's nose, watching to gauge his reaction.

Derek is about to pull away from him when he takes in a breath, his posture instantly relaxing as he reaches up and takes gentle hold of Noel's wrist. He twists it just slightly and raises it, and Noel's heart stops as Derek places them in a perfect mirror of the night he bit Noel at the ice rink.

Noel pulls out his phone, scrolling carefully just out of Derek's view and finding a picture of himself wearing Talia's apron that Derek had gifted him their first Valentine's Day together.

"You can trust us because we're your friends," Noel assures him and turns the phone so he can see, as Derek glances at the picture before returning his focus to Noel's wrist.

"No... You, you're more than just a friend," Derek breathes out against Noel's wrist, Noel flinching and wondering what to make of that statement. But Derek doesn't elaborate further and Noel doesn't get the chance to ask, as Derek finally drops Noel's wrist after a last deep breath and concedes "Okay. I trust you."

"What the hell happened back there?" Stiles asks Noel as Derek signs some papers with Parrish, Noel keeping his eyes on Derek as he says "I don't know, I just- He kept putting the hand that I held last night within scenting distance, so... Derek told me scent is more important to born werewolves than bitten ones, so my guess is that he has some kind of scent related memory of me or response to me that managed to carry over. So I followed my gut."

"Well we owe your gut big time," Stiles says and pats his shoulder in gratitude, as he continues "We figure this out in a day or two, he goes back to being old Derek, then everyone's happy."

"This makes another person we're lying to," Scott says with a frown, Noel reasoning "It's barely a lie, it's an omission, they're different. If things go too wrong too fast, I'll just shove my arm in his face, that seems to calm him down."

Scott sighs, lamenting that things always seem to go better when they tell the truth, but eventually he settles with "Noel, take him to my house and don't let him out of your sight."

"Shouldn't be too hard, I'm practically already on it," Noel agrees as he meets eyes with Derek, who smiles gently before signing another sheet of paper.

Stiles flails, asking "Did you just elicit a smile? Out of Derek Hale? Without even trying?"

"What, like it's hard?" Noel quotes and winks at Stiles, as we cut to the girls stopping to get gas at the same place Kate had killed the man. They find his body in the bathroom, and we cut to black.

Scott rolls up to the loft, meeting Malia to go talk to Peter with him as Derek, Noel, and Stiles enter Scott's house.

Derek is walking close to Noel, who seems content with the proximity, as Stiles tells them that they're just gonna sit and quietly wait for Scott without calling or talking to anyone.

"Can I talk to you?" Derek asks Noel, who considers it, Stiles answering for him "As long as he's not me or anyone else, yeah, talk to him."

"What about him?" Derek asks and points at McCall, who walks in with a big bag of takeout. Stiles jumps and asks McCall pointedly if he's getting taller while Noel waves, McCall asking what they're doing there.

Derek answers that they're waiting for Scott, McCall saying the same as he says he bought plenty of extra food and asks if they're hungry. Derek says yes, Noel shrugs, and Stiles says no, Derek correcting "No, I'm starving. Noel, you're hungry, right?"

Noel looks at him in shock just as his stomach growls, Derek patting it with a playful grin as McCall says that Noel and '[their] friend' can eat with him even if Stiles isn't hungry. He asks for Derek's name, Noel going dead silent as Derek says his real name and Stiles says "Miguel. He's my cousin Miguel. From México."

McCall asks Derek a question in Spanish (whether he was born in Mexico or not), and Derek answers back in Spanish that he wasn't born there, but he's lived there for a long time.

Noel watches, impressed, biting his finger as Derek casually takes hold of the hand in his mouth and uses it to pull Noel into the dining room behind him.

In the loft, Scott and Malia talk to Peter, where Peter reveals that the chance must be one in a million to turn someone with a scratch.

Back at Scott's, Stiles and McCall sit at the heads of the table, Derek sitting next to Noel on the side.

McCall asks 'Miguel' what his last name was again, Stiles supplying "Juarez... Cinqua... Tiago," as he eats a bite of food. McCall looks at him, saying "That's uh... That's a mouthful. How do you spell that?"

Stiles flounders, Noel spelling it without missing a beat. When he's done, he adds "Juarez is his mother's name, Cinquatiago is his father's. Or do I have that switched, Miguel?"

"No, no, perfect," Derek says, setting a hand on Noel's thigh as the boy stiffens and shovels a bite of rice into his mouth. Derek laughs to himself, looking at McCall and asking softly "Would you excuse Noel and I for just a minute, Mr. McCall?"

McCall makes a 'go ahead' gesture as Derek stands up, extending a hand to Noel that the boy hesitantly takes and follows Derek up the stairs.

Another scene happens between Peter, Malia, and Scott, where Peter finally reveals to Scott that Derek and Kate used to be an item.

In Scott's room, Derek pushes Noel gently against the wall, another mirror moment of their first kiss in Noel's bedroom. He looks Noel up and down as the boy stares at him, and before Noel can ask what's going on, Derek's lips are on his. The kiss is gentle and sweet, as Derek traces his thumbs over Noel's cheeks, smiling into it as Noel stares at him with wide eyes.

Eventually Derek pulls back, laughing, hiding his face in Noel's neck and pressing kisses there.

"Whoa, whoa, hi, hey," Noel says and gently pushes him back at the shoulders. Derek looks confused, asking "What, what's wrong?"

Noel searches his face, trying to find a good reason for stopping, licking his lips as Derek dips in for another kiss. Noel pulls away again, asking him "Why'd you pull me up here like this?"

"Am I not allowed to want to kiss my boyfriend?" Derek asks, kissing him again. Noel fights against his instinct to melt into it, ducking all the way out of Derek's kissing range and putting his hands on Derek's chest.

"You remember that I'm your boyfriend?" Noel asks, both a sincere question and one that keeps up their lie.

Derek is confused, clearly, saying "Of course I do. You saved me in Mexico, you held me in your lap the whole way here. I woke up in that clinic smelling like you, then you walked into the station smelling like me. I feel this pull in my stomach to you, it's relentless. It's like I want to always be with you, next to you, holding your hand and kissing you and hearing you laugh. That's what my mom always tells me it'll be like when I find the one, it's not rocket science."

Noel is touched, thoroughly and completely, as Derek adds, "Plus, come on, that picture of you in my mom's apron? She wouldn't let just anybody wear that. It would have to be somebody really special to me and my family, someone she and I both trust."

Derek's hand moves up and he gently lifts Noel's chin with a finger, looking into his eyes with a smile but admitting "I just don't remember coming out to my family... What did they say?"

Noel licks his lips and freezes, his heart pounding as Derek asks softly "Baby, hey, why are you nervous? I can feel that you're worried, are you okay? Do you need to sit down?"

Derek doesn't wait for an answer, tilting his head forward and touching foreheads with Noel. He shushes him tenderly and rests both hands on his face, Noel's eyes closing as he melts into the embrace and raises his hands to rest over Derek's.

"We... We need to talk," Noel says softly, Derek opening his eyes and giving a slow nod and smile. He kisses Noel's forehead and pulls away, taking Noel's hand and leading him to sit on the bed. Noel follows, taking a deep breath and pulling his phone back out.

"What, are you gonna show me more pictures?" Derek asks and looks down at Noel's phone with a smile. The smile quickly fades, however, as we see that Noel has his phone open to a photo of himself and Derek at his true age.

Derek stares hard at the photo, at his own matured features and dark beard as he kisses Noel's smiling cheek, both their eyes closed to avoid the flash effect. Derek gives a nervous and stunned laugh, asking "Who... Who is that?" as we cut to the loft.

Peter determines that Derek must be deaged to the point that he still trusted and knew Kate.

"Why would you lie to me, I thought I could trust you!" Derek says outraged, as Noel insists "No, Derek, you can! I promise, I will tell you everything you want to know, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you right away, we didn't know how you would handle it!"

"Obviously not well!" Derek shouts and starts to growl, eyes flashing blue as his fangs grow and he shakes his hands out. Claws quickly form on the end of them, and Noel fearlessly steps in and takes hold of his wrist. Derek tries to jerk away, but Noel holds on, urging "Derek. Please. Stop. Look at me."

Derek tries to steady his breathing and turns his still blue eyes to Noel, who lets his own turn yellow. He raises Derek's hand up to his cheek, and successfully calms him down with a touch of their foreheads. He shushes Derek tenderly just as Derek had shushed him, letting the tips of their noses brush as he pulls him back to sit on the bed.

"You weren't wrong, Derek, I am your boyfriend. I care about you, I want to keep you safe, that's why I'm the one here with you. Look."

He pulls up his shirt in the back, triskele tattoo on display, as Derek traces over it in awe with his fingers as his eyes fade back to green and his claws recede. Noel drops his shirt back down, putting a hand on Derek's cheek and saying "Whether you're this young or your true age, I'm yours, and I'll be here to take care of you. Alright?"

Derek stares at him and kisses him softly, Noel kissing back as Derek takes hold of the hand on his face. They kiss for a few moments as the music swells, and Derek finally pulls away with a sigh.

"I... I need a few minutes by myself," he confesses, Noel about to protest when Derek insists "Just a few minutes, please, I'll take a walk around the block and come right back."

Noel moves to protest again, but Derek opens the window and starts to crawl out. He looks back at Noel, saying "Hey. It's okay, I promise, I'll be fine. I love you, that much I can feel for sure."

Noel's eyes go wide and he stares at Derek as he crawls out the window, and when he finally processes enough to move, he yells "Stiles? Stiles, we gotta go!"

Out on the street, Derek jogs and stares at the ground, occasionally smiling as he goes. He eventually looks up and comes to a stop, narrowing his eyes to help his focus as a woman walks toward him. He seems surprised when he finally recognizes who it is, asking "Kate...?"

"Hey, handsome, been a long time. Longer than you think," she says smoothly, staring at him and smiling before we go back to Noel and Stiles rushing around Scott's house.

"You just let him go? What happened, I left you two alone for two freaking minutes..." Stiles trails off, Noel shaking as he sends a text to Scott.

"I don't know! We were kissing, and I told him everything, I didn't know what else to say. Then he just said he needed to go for a walk and he told me he loves me, and-" Noel tries to explain, but Stiles cuts him off, asking "Wait, he said that he loves you? Dude, congratulations."

"Stiles, this is not the time," he says as he sends his text to Scott and puts on his shoes, rushing out the front door calling Derek's name. Stiles follows, and they just barely see as Kate rounds a corner and smirks at them before we go to the loft.

Scott stops Malia and Peter from running off in search of Derek, suggesting they ask a professional instead to cut down the time it would take to find them. Lydia sends pictures of the body she and Kira found to Scott, which leads Peter to realize that Kate is trying to learn how to control her shift and wants Derek's triskelion to do it.

Derek and Kate walk under the bridge by the lacrosse field, and Derek tells her that he doesn't know about this. Kate asks what he means, Derek clarifying "I'm not supposed to show the vault to anyone outside my family. I wouldn't even show it to Noel."

"Noel... Oh my God, that's who I'm sensing all over you," she says as she plays dumb and leans in, tracing a finger over his lips as she asks "You thought you could hide it from me Derek? I know how your lips get swollen whenever you kiss someone..."

Derek steps back slightly from her touch, saying "I don't... Know him, but I know him, it's weird."

"It's not weird, I think it's beautiful," Kate says slowly, stepping back in closer to him. He doesn't back away this time, watching her as she leans into his ear and says "It's beautiful, but... Is it who you want to be with? Someone who lies to you?"

"I love him," Derek defends, Kate saying instantly "You think you do. But I'm the one that knows you, and there's a reason why you still know me and not him. When we get the triskelion, we get you answers, and we get things back to normal."

"Really?" Derek asks, Kate nodding and pulling him along. "I promise," she assures him, and the two walk toward the vault hidden under the high school's sign together. Derek unlocks the vault using his claws, as Kate smirks and enters.

Inside, there's a second vault, but before it can be opened, Scott and Peter arrive at the school with Malia. She stops and catches the scent of the creatures who stalked them in Mexico.

"Maybe Kate brought them," Scott suggests, Peter tilting his head at the sound of a growl.

"Oh, I've heard that sound before," he says, looking around, asking if it was a human wearing an animal skull over its face. Malia says she thinks so, and Peter relays that the creatures are berserkers.

One comes up behind them, Peter urging the two of them to run, saying that since it's just one they have a chance of surviving.

Derek looks around the vault for the triskelion, finding it and bringing it over to Kate to keep her from opening the second vault. Malia and Scott run into a second berserker, backing away into the first one. They take off, finding a third berserker, as Kate comes back in and asks if what Derek presented her is the triskelion they're looking for.

Peter suddenly enters the vault, confirming that that's it, complimenting Kate on her elaborate scheme. He tells her that the triskelion is just a piece of junk, asking her to turn it over and see the scratch on the back over the spot that used to say 'Made In China.'

Kate accuses him of lying, Peter admitting that even though he's a known liar, the truth is much more fun in this case. The triskelion is just a trinket to take up all of a person's focus, acting as training wheels while they learn control.

Back up topside, Scott and Malia fight the berserkers as well as they can, both losing hard.

Kate asks Derek if the triskelion is real, and when Derek insists that he has to go help Scott, she screams at him to tell her. He runs out as Stiles and Lydia arrive at the school, and Kira and Noel join the berserker fight. Kira swings her sword and does some good damage, before being knocked down.

Noel gets the same treatment after fighting his hardest, but when he gets tossed aside, a thundering roar is heard.

Everyone looks toward the sound, and we see Derek, eyes blazing blue as he rushes in and impressively takes both berserkers on.

Peter tells Kate that he's the one that taught Derek to use anger as an anchor when he was young, and Kate says with a simple laugh "But that's not his anchor anymore, is it?"

"Who cares about what his anchor is now. You've never had one in the first place, you have to learn the basics before you can start to make up your own rules," Peter says, egging Kate on to get angry as he moves to attack her. Some smoke bombs go off in the vault, and Derek keeps fighting the berserkers.

We can see his face morphing back to his adult self every so often as he fights, and when Noel yells his name, he doubles his efforts and starts making a dent. The berserkers retreat at the sound of a shrill roar, no doubt belonging to Kate, and Noel struggles to stand up as he says Derek's name again.

Someone steals a briefcase from the Hale vault, Peter reaching out in vain for it and telling the person to wait.

Derek stands in the hall and watches after the berserkers as they retreat, Noel approaching him slowly and cautiously.

"Derek," he calls out gently, cradling an injured arm. Derek turns around, back to his adult self as he stares at Noel, his eyes glowing brilliantly gold.

Stiles and Lydia ask Peter down in the vault what was stolen, and he tells them the thief took 117 million dollars.

The episode ends there.
