We open to a shot of a car being doused in gasoline with Parrish's hands zip tied to the wheel as a fellow deputy (Haigh) sets the car ablaze. We hear Parrish's screams as we go to the station, where Lydia and Stiles are talking to the sheriff about Lydia's grandma faking her death.

They theorize that she's working with the benefactor, or is them, as Haigh inquires about payment on his laptop.

As he types, Parrish walks into the department, naked and covered in ash. He scuffles with Haigh, beating him mercilessly as the laptop displays "KILL NOT CONFIRMED" and the intro rolls.

After the intro, some of the pack is at the loft, where Derek stands inspecting Parrish's hands. Parrish's eyes dart to Lydia, Noel, and Scott, who all give him reassuring looks, and Derek finally asks "He covered you in gasoline?"

Parrish nods as Derek lets his hands go, and Lydia asks "It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead?"

"Well, they should be gone," Derek argues, as Parrish says "I was set on fire, all of me should be gone."

"Not if you're like us," Scott says, and when Parrish questions the statement, Noel says "Probably not totally like us. We couldn't survive that."

"Then what is he?" Lydia asks, and Derek apologizes as he admits he has no idea.

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira," Scott points out, as Derek concedes "This is a little out of my experience. There may be something in the bestiary, did you try Argent?"

"I don't know where he is," Scott admits, and Parrish asks what the bestiary is. He then amends that that isn't even his first question, adding "Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?"

Scott casts a glance at Derek, who repeats "Psychic?" Parrish confirms, as Scott tells him that that's not exactly it. Noel chimes in, offering "I could have been considered one, at one point. I think. But now, yeah, not exactly."

"What exactly are you then?" Parrish asks, as Scott looks to Derek. Derek gives him a permissive nod, as Scott allows his eyes to glow.

The sheriff and Stiles share a scene at the hospital as the sheriff preps for surgery before we return to the loft.

"What's a kanima?" Parrish asks immediately, and Noel puts a hand over his eyes and says "Never... Nevermind. We'll get back to that. What's important is that everyone with a supernatural ability like us is essentially being hunted for sport and is on that deadpool."

"But I don't even know what I am," Parrish says, Derek piping in that he's pretty sure they don't care. Parrish asks how many professional assassins they're talking about, Lydia supposing that they're starting to lose count.

"But is it still just professionals?" Scott asks, Parrish agreeing that Haigh has never tried anything like this before.

"That means anyone with the deadpool can take a chance," Derek realizes, leading Parrish to wonder aloud who else has access to the deadpool and how easy it is to get now.

Liam has trouble sleeping when his printer randomly starts up, and when he goes to inspect, the deadpool is printing on repeat with the dead victims' names crossed off. The first pool is missing Derek's name however, a blank space in the place where it once was.

Liam tries to turn the printer off to no avail, and eventually settles for pulling the plug as we cut to break.

When we return, we see a flashback to the time Meredith was at the Martin lake house, Lydia narrating that she had only ever gone there once.

"How'd your grandmother know her," Derek asks from where he stands next to Noel, Lydia explaining that she didn't, she found her through the woman she loved (Maddy).

Lydia launches into a story about her grandmother Lorraine working at IBM and hearing things in typical banshee fashion, which prophesied Maddy's death in a boating accident. For decades after, she searched for the reason she knew it would happen, from science to the occult to eventually, Meredith. Meredith had offered to help her figure things out, resulting in her near death and year-long hospitalization.

Lydia pulls out the code her mother gave her, telling the group that it's written in the same code as the deadpool and that her grandmother may be the banshee who put the list together. Scott asks whether Lorraine left a cipher key or not, Lydia shaking her head.

After the scene, Parrish returns to his car, Lydia goes to Stiles' house, and Scott stays in the loft. He sees a gun on Derek and Noel's bed, picking it up and inspecting it as Derek warns "Careful with that."

"Thought you didn't like guns," Scott half jokes, Derek reaching out for the weapon which Scott hands over with no fuss. Derek says nothing, and Scott finally says "Well I know for a fact it's not Noel's. Does it have something to do with your eyes?"

"My eyes, my strength, the healing, all of it," Derek confirms, adding "Whatever Kate did to me, it's still happening."

"If the deadpool really was made by a banshee, then there's something else that you should know about," Scott says almost regretfully, Derek closing his eyes and nodding. "I know. I was the third cipher key."

Scott looks surprised, asking "Who told you?"
Derek gives him a doubtful look, just as we hear a commotion of plastic bottles crashing down from the next room and Noel yelping. After the commotion settles, there's a brief silence, as Noel calls out "I'm okay! I'm good! Nothing's broken so don't come in and check!"

Scott fights a smile at the comedic break in tension, letting out a sigh as he says "I hope that doesn't, like, make you nervous. I mean, there's obviously a pattern there, but... We've broken patterns before."

"Banshees don't predict patterns," Derek says with finality, looking toward the room where the commotion was before looking back at Scott and finishing "They predict death."

The following morning before school, Scott worriedly counts the money in his duffel bag before putting it all back under his bed. We see Liam coming to school looking worried and nervous, glancing left and right as if looking for somebody. Mason greets him and asks if he'll be at the bonfire tonight, as Liam says "Nah, I think I'm gonna skip it. Uh, have you seen Scott or Noel?"

"You're not skipping," Mason says, ignoring the question. Liam asks why not, as Mason says "Because you're on the lacrosse team! Don't you have to go?"

"I don't know, I don't think I can make it. Have you seen Scott or Noel?" he asks again, as Mason again ignores the question and insists that Liam is going to go to the bonfire and find a girl to embarrass himself in front of. He adds "You're gonna find a girl, and I'm gonna find a lacrosse player. Noel Whittemore may be taken, but statistically speaking, there has to be someone else on your team that's also on my team. If I can't have Noel, I'll take the next best thing available."

Liam hallucinates a berserker coming after him throughout the conversation, ending with him conceding that he'll come to the bonfire as he takes off away from Mason.

Lydia and Stiles attempt to break the cipher on her grandmother's code, trying "Maddy," "Lydia," and "Natalie" to no avail.

In the locker room, Scott and Noel listen to Coach's speech about the bonfire that night, casting glances at Liam throughout. Liam looks absolutely on edge, leaving as soon as Coach's speech is over.

Stiles and Lydia finally crack the code, "Ariel," Lydia's childhood obsession sparked by bedtime stories with her grandma. The code cracks and names start to appear, as Stiles celebrates quietly.

Noel and Scott walk up to Liam as he sits on the stairs fiddling with his lacrosse stick, Scott patting his shoulder and asking if he's okay. Liam explains what happened vaguely, until Noel says "Buddy, can you be more specific? What was printing?"

Liam can't bring himself to look at Noel, reaching in his pocket and handing Scott a paper. Scott unfolds it and takes a look, eyes going wide as Noel leans over to see as well. Before he can get a good look, Coach yells down the hall "What the hell is this?!"

The three boys go to investigate, finding the coach's office floor full of copies of the deadpool.
Lydia and Stiles look at the list of names, the only one they recognize being Lorraine's, as Stiles goes and checks his printer. He picks up the paper, looking at Lydia and saying "We need to call Scott."

Scott, Noel, and Liam step away from the doorway, and Noel finally gets his hands on one of the lists. He holds it up, saying "Wh- Derek isn't on the list anymore."

"And you're not worth six million," Liam says nervously, pointing at the third list in Scott's hand. Noel looks over at the list, and we see his reaction before we see the list itself.

Usually in these tight situations, since his turning and gaining of confidence, Noel handles fear and anxiety with sarcasm and jokes. But looking at the deadpool now, he crumbles instantly, losing balance and falling back into the wall behind him. He starts breathing hard, staring up in disbelief at Scott, whose eyes are glued to the deadpool in his hands.

We finally see the list, and both Liam and Noel's bounties have been raised. Previously, Liam was worth three million, and is now worth four.

Noel's worth, however, has gone from six million up to an even twenty million. He stares straight ahead, finding trouble getting in a good deep breath, whispering "I... No, they... We..."

We see Scott's face, all stone and strength as we cut to a blackout.

Upon return, Lydia and Stiles confer with Parrish, learning that all the names on Lorraine's list are people who committed suicide at Eichen House within the last ten years.

The bonfire starts, Scott walking in and looking around. He finds Malia, who is drinking from a flask, and Scott breaks the news to her that they can't get drunk. She gestures behind her at Liam, prompting "tell him that" as we see that he is drinking as well with Mason.

Mason and Liam have a short talk, followed by Stiles and Lydia bribing Brunski at Eichen House to access their files. Scott and Malia talk about Peter and Malia gets drunk, as we see Liam starting to get drunk as well. Brunski tases Stiles and Lydia, knocking them out after Stiles finds that Lydia has written his name on her list.

Blackout, followed by a trip to the loft. Noel sits in bed in his lacrosse jersey, hugging his knees as he stares at the front door. He says nothing and tense music plays, until Derek comes in and sits beside him.

Noel instantly relaxes a bit and leans over, head settling on Derek's shoulder as his eyes close. Derek reaches over an arm and pats Noel's leg, and Noel smiles before saying fondly "I hear that heartbeat racing, Hale."

"Oh can you?" Derek asks with a small laugh, rubbing his leg before taking his hand back and sighing. Noel's smile fades and he closes his eyes tighter, as Derek asks "You're sure you don't wanna go to the bonfire?"

"Not if the first person to smash a bottle full of wolfsbane over my head will instantly win twenty million dollars," he denies, as Derek compliments "That's a creative one."

"Yeah, thanks, it's easy to come up with scenarios when you're suddenly worth triple what you were before," Noel says, adding "And to think that when my list first came out, I complained about being undervalued."

"Well, possession is pretty rare, I'm also surprised that you haven't racked up a higher net worth over the last couple years," Derek says and looks down at Noel, who has taken to staring at the door to the loft again. He frowns and looks toward the door as well, saying gently "You know that I would never let anything happen to you."

"Scott would never let anything happen to Allison. The sheriff would never let anything happen to Stiles. I think it's about time we accept that things are officially now and forever out of our hands," Noel says with half a laugh, sitting up so he can look at Derek. Derek watches him, offering a sad smile as he leans in to kiss Noel's forehead.

"I don't care what it takes. I don't care how far away you are, or how much it hurts me, I'm not letting anything happen to you," Derek promises, kissing his forehead again and closing his eyes as he rests his lips against Noel's forehead. Noel smiles, moving to look at Derek face to face.

"Goes both ways," he says casually, taking hold of Derek's hand. Derek moves to argue, but Noel immediately cuts him off. "I don't care about a stupid deadpool. I don't care if I'm worth a billion dollars and you're worth a dime. If it's ever down to me or you, I'm saving you."

"Have fun trying," Derek says, adding "I'll have already assured your future by the time you even realize it was down to me or you."

Noel shakes his head with a smile and kisses Derek, bumping their noses together as he pulls away and goes back to watching the door. Derek keeps his eyes on Noel for a few beats longer, until eventually, he turns to look at the door as well. We then cut to where Haigh is being held.

Incoming summary of non-Noel related events. Braeden enters the room in her US Marshall getup, telling Haigh she has questions before breaking his nose as we return to the bonfire. Malia gets woozy and Scott starts to assist her in standing, and we see Brunski with Lydia and Stiles tied up in the records room with plans to kill them. Scott realizes that the music is to blame for his, Malia's, and Liam's dizziness. Brunski plays a cassette tape for Lydia to decode, in which she hears her grandmother's last breath and her begging him not to hurt her granddaughter. Scott fights to turn off the music despite the pain it puts him through, as he and the other two are escorted into the school by security who then douses them in gasoline.

After a break, Brunski holds up a syringe that he plans to use on Lydia and Stiles, and Mason unplugs the power source to the DJ booth, freeing the pack from their confusion.

Once the music is stopped, Scott is able to break the wrist of the security guard with the lighter, as a roar sounds and Noel runs out of a hallway. He easily mows down the security guard and throws him away from his friends, Braeden and Derek right behind him. The two take on the rest of the security guards with nothing but pure fighting skill, Noel and the others watching impressed as Noel smiles and says through a stuttering laugh "Oh... That was hot."

Scott asks Derek what happened to the gun, Derek answering like it's a dumb question "It's covered in gasoline."

"Oh yeah," Scott says with a laugh as Derek extends a hand to help him stand, patting his shoulder as Noel helps Malia and Liam stand.

Brunski almost injects Lydia with a mystery liquid, Parrish shooting him before he can as Lydia and Stiles connect out loud that Brunski was the benefactor all along and that he coerced Meredith into helping him.

Brunski, with his dying breath, reveals that this isn't the case, and that Meredith was the one who controlled him. Lydia realizes what he means, as Meredith emerges from the shadows and says "He wasn't on my list, but he was a bad person."

The episode then ends.
