t w e n t y - s i x

'Your good intentions are sweet and pure, But they can never tame a fire like yours'

3rd person

The guys couldn't really figure out what was wrong, Aurora was not as worried as her friends. She thought that it's some kind of fever, or because she was eating way less the past few days, and she wasn't sleeping very good either.

"how can you be so calm?!" Stiles exclaimed "well- the passing out is getting a little boring, but I just don't think it's anything serious" The girl spoke "You should keep calm a little" she added "listen to music or something"

"oh yeah- I'm sorry that I care for you" Stiles snapped and Aurora rolled her eyes. He wasn't annoying to her or anything, but he was acting weirder- like he's mad or angry or just upset with her, but she didn't knew why and she didn't really wanted to ask.

"Maybe we should just wait and see" Isaac said and Stiles glared at him along with Scott. "I-I mean she might get better and stuff- so we just won't be jumping to conclusions" He added "I agree" Aurora said.

"Of course you do" Stiles scoffed "okay what is the matter with you!" The girl exclaimed "nothing!" Stiles stated "oh yeah? then why everything I say or do is wrong?!" She yelled.

"It's not- look I'm just protecting you-" She cut him off "But I don't need to be protected or saved! and that goes for all of you!" Aurora looked at the three boys.

"I don't need all of you always by my side- and- and I don't need you always looking out for me, always saving me and trying to protect me- you know I can do it myself, right?"

"I know" Stiles mumbled "I just want to make sure that you're safe and stuff- not because I don't think that you can lookout for yourself" He explained.

"I know" she paused "well okay guys I need to do my homework and stuff" She says "okay- we'll go, but if you need anything I'll be at Stiles and Isaac will be at Derek's so" Scott informed and Aurora nodded.



Me, Scott, Isaac and Allison came back to Scott's and Aurora's house. "Oh my god she passed away again-" Scott exclaimed "geez, she's just sleeping. Let the girl rest" Allison spoke.

"If she's sleeping- then why in the hell it looks like she's not breathing!" I yelled as I ran up to her"oh god- I dont know- do you know how to do CPR!" Allison freaked out. "I-I think so"

I started to do the CPR, but nothing so I started mouth-to-mouth respiration. "Come on, Ar" I whisper then do it again.

"Please- Ar- come on-" I whisper. I did it over again- CPR- mouth-to-mouth, but nothing. I can tell you that I have never been this scared in my life. All I could think about wasn't that she could wake up any minute, I couldn't stop thinking about what am I supposed to do without her.

"Ar-please- please-"

She started coughing and I help her sit up a little as relief washed over my body. "Next time I put my lips onto yours I want you to be awake" I say.

"Oh god- I thought you- I don't even want to say it" Scott said as he hugged her. "Don't ever! ever do that again." I hugged her gently.

"You scared the living hell out of me" Isaac said "Thank god you're okay" Allison said.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. She looked up to me, her skin was way more pale than usual. "Not very good" She said.

"You don't look very good- I mean you always look good, but now you look sick- well you know- I mean- you-" Isaac stuttered as we all glared at him "you know what I meant" He stated.

"God you're shaking" I said wrapping my arms around her "I think she has temperture" I add.

"I'm going to Derek! I have no idea what's going on" Scott snapped "I'll go with you" Isaac said "You two stay here and Stiles- don't do anything stupid" Scott said as I rolled my eyes.
