t h i r t y - e i g h t

'It's closer than your shadow'


"Get it out of me! I'm gonna die!" Coach yelled "Coach, you're not gonna die" Stiles said "I'm gonna die!" He exclaimed again "It will hurt less if you stop moving" I said demandingly

"Get that thing out of me!" He yelled "Stay still!" I exclaimed "An ambulance is coming" Scott said.

"Get it out! I'm gonna die!" Coach whined "Just shut up!" I said sternly "Get back! Get back! Give him some room! Get back!" Aiden demanded to the other people.

I heard Scott gasping and I knew he was taking away the pain. "I think he just passed out" "I could have killed him. I could have killed him, right? What if it was his head or his throat?" Stiles shook his head.

"But it wasn't" Scott said "And he's going to be all right" he added "I think I just heard an ambulance coming" I say. We all heard siren wailing. "And my dad" Stiles added.


We were at Animal clinic, but we heard snarling. We had to hid 'Stiles' "Stiles, get inside" Scott demanded he started growling. I took out the keys to unlock the door. My hands were shaking, but I unlocked it.

"Hey, Kira, get inside! Kira!" I yelled, but she fought with the onis like Scott. Then one of them stabbed Scott. My heart dropped. We ran up to them.

"All right, come on. Get him inside! Get him inside!" Stiles said and Kira helped him inside. Scott gasped and grunted from all the pain. "You okay?" Kira asked "Please don't. Stop. It's okay" Scott grunted in pain "Does it hurt? Hey, look at me"

Stiles hit Kira's head to the table. Scott's eyes widened. I was a little behind Stiles, so I'm assuming he forgot about me, but I had something else to do and was trying to do it as quiet as possible so he wouldn't smash my head into a wall.

"You should have done your reading, Scott" Stiles spoke up "See, a nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife and pain" he paused "This morning, you took it from Isaac, then you took it from Coach. And then from a dying deputy. All that pain. You took it all" he continued.

"Now, give it to me" He added. They both started kind of choking and Scott panted. "You really have to learn, Scott" Stiles spoke up.

"You really have to learn not to trust a fox" Stiles smirked "Mmm-mmm. Know why?" He paused "Cause they're tricksters. They'll fool you...they'll fool everyone" he said.

"Not everyone" I said and stabbed the needle into his neck.

He grunted and fell to the ground. "H-how did you know?" Scott asked "Stiles never calls me Rori" I say. "I was sure the whole day" I added "he's a good actor I might say, plus I wasn't sure what to do so I didn't say anything"

"What was that? Was that a cure? Is he okay?" Scott questioned "The fox is poisoned. But it's not dead. Not yet." I say "Deaton gave it to me" I stated.

"Why you?" He asked and I shrugged "I don't know-, but it worked didn't it?" I said.

