t w e n t y - f i v e

'As long as I'm here
No one can hurt you'


"She didn't turn what does that mean?!" Scott exclaimed at Derek as Me, Stiles and Allison were sitting in my living room on the couch.

"I-I don't know" Derek says "You said that it's rare, but that some people don't turn and they uh-" "They what?" I interrupt "They die" Scott mumbles.

"She's not gonna die" Derek said "How do you know?" Stiles asked "Because the bite healed and she's not feeling bad or anything, are you?" Derek explained then looked at me "No, I feel fine" I say.

"So she's not a werewolf?" Scott exclaimed "no" "She's still a human then?" Stiles questioned "Yes"

"Hey! Why aren't you all at school!" My mom came into the living room "and why is there so much of you?" She added. We all stayed silent thinking of an excuse.

"Uh- why-why aren't you um at work?" I asked "I'm going and I don't see all of you going to school" She raised her eybrows.

"OK, we're going" I smile as we all stood up grabbing our stuff and heading out.


I was having a headache since the morning. After couple of periods I went to my locker to grab notebooks for my next to classes. Chemistry and biology. I put math and english books into my locker and put chemistry and bio books into my bag, then closed the locker.

"AH!" I exclaimed "Is that your thing now?" I say "sorry" Isaac smiled "How are you feeling? I heard you're still you." He said "I'm good" I replied "So if I was a werewolf I would not be me?" I say.

"No-no I didn't meant that" He chuckled nervously as we started heading to our class. "I know- I know what you meant" I chuckled of how nervous he was to talk to me.

"Is it okay if I sit with you in chemistry" Isaac questioned "Is it true that Scott told you to look out for me and make sure I'm safe and okay?" I smirked "Well- it might be truth" Isaac mumbled.

We walked down to the chemistry class. We went to sit at our table.

"Today we'll do experiments and you'll do it with someone you're sitting with. Okay now shall we begin..."


3rd person

Aurora's head was aching from all the chemical smells and stuff. "you alright?" Isaac asked "mhm" she mumbled, although she felt dizzy. Her vision started to go blur, she put whatever she had in her hand on the desk, then putting her head in her hands.

"you sure you okay, cause you don't seem fine" Isaac spoke worriedly "It's okay- just a little bit of headache, that's it" She explained "do you want a go to a nurse? or home?" The boy asked "no- no it's fine, don't worry" the girl lied.

"okay, but if anything- you know- tell me" He says and she nodded then they both got back to work. Aurora tried to make herself believe that this was just a headache or that it was from chemical stuff and that it was nothing serious.

"okay now I just need-" Isaac started as the next second he caught Aurora from falling.

"Aurora- oh crap- you did not just pass out did you-" Isaac mumbled.

"psst Scott" Isaac whispers, Scott and Stiles turned to him.

"I think we have a little problem"
