e i g h t

'And I get the feeling that you'll never need me again'


It was about 9pm. We spent all day in Scott's and Aurora's house. Scott is driving Allison home right now. Me and Aurora are in her living room watching kissing booth, cause she made me watch it.

"You know what's weird?" I spoke up "what is?" Aurora looked up at me, as she was laying on my chest.

"You know when girls fall in love with their brother's best friend? And you never liked me? I mean come on, you know I'm handsome" I smirked

"Oh I used to have a crush on you! for about two years, but you were too busy with Lydia to even notice me and that I liked you" Aurora said.


"Then I gave up, and got over that crush on you" she added

"W-wait really?" I stuttered and she nodded putting her head back on my chest and looking back to the tv.

"I just never thought someone like you could be interested in someone like me" I said "what do you mean?" She questioned without her eyes leaving the tv screen.

"Well...I mean you're really beautiful-" She interrupted "you think I'm beautiful?" She looked at me again.

"Isn't that obvious. I mean look at you" I smiled and she turned back to tv with a wide smile.

God that smile.

"I don't know why would you think that. That I wouldn't want to be with you...I mean I always thought you're handsome...I still think you're cute" She chuckled.

"I-I don't know...I thought I wouldn't be good enough for you" I explained "you're stupid." She laughed "You're more than enough" She said.

"So" I cleared my throat "If I asked you on a date...you would say yes?" I said as I made it seem like I was joking.

"I think yeah" She replied.

Then my air caught up in my throat and I couldn't talk anymore so I didn't. She didn't too.

I can't believe she liked me. For 2 YEARS!
And I was chasing a girl that was never interested me. And now Aurora doesn't like me anymore. Ugh god if I have known that she likes me when she did.

"Have you ever been in love?" She asked randomly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I-" I cleared my throat "I don't think so" I replied.

"why?" I asked after a pause. She shrugged.
