f i f t h t e e n

'Devilish, fucking with my guys, yuh
I make sacrifices, you make lies up'


I wake up with my head pounding. Oh god. Why did I drank so much. I realised I wasn't in my house. It was Lydia's room. I was in the same clothes.

I got up and went down the stairs where I found her, Jackson, Danny and Allison.

"Well good morning" Lydia smiled "shh- my heads pounding and my ears are ringing" I whine as I plopped on the couch next were Allison was sitting.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Jackson asked "yes. There was a lot of people, there was a lot of drinks, definitely remember the drinks." I chuckle a little "I was with Isaac- and then I went into the bathroom and that's it" I say before gasping.

I jumped up from the couch putting my hand over mouth then grabbing my head as it literally was spinning form the sudden jump.

"What? What happened?" Danny asked "oh god- oh god- oh god-" I freak out "what?" Lydia said.

"I- I kissed Stiles" I say "oh my god really?" Allison exclaimed pretty much happily which was weird "mhm" I mumbled.

"Oh dear god I'm a horrible person- I'm horrible person" I say "no you're not" Lydia said "you were drunk" Jackson adds "so what? I have a boyfriend! And i kissed- Stiles" I paused.

"And he's the one I told Isaac not to worry about" I mumbled plopping back on the couch burying my face into the pillow.

"do you have feelings for Stiles?" Danny asked "I- I don't know" I stutter "you do then" Allison says "oh Shut up!" I say and she laughs.

"I mean maybe- I don't- I don't know" I say "You know you can't date both of them" Jackson laughed and Lydia punched him in the arm.

"I know- the point is I can't choose which one!" I exclaimed "okay- I gotta go home. I'll see you tomorrow at school, bye!" I say before getting out of Lydia's house.


"Oh your home- good! Cause I was literally so scared that you didn't came home last night!" Scott exclaimed as he hugged me "I am so sorry I didn't call you, but I was so drunk that I passed out" I explained.

"I gotta call mom, she was worried too" He goes into the kitchen.


hey, can we meet up?
we need to talk

I run upstairs and into my room. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth, got blue mom jeans, a dark green nike sweater as I put the clothes on I got a notification.


ok sure. where?
and when

at the park in 15

I hit the send and walked downstairs. "Scott, I'll talk you later, but now I gotta head out" I say "oh ok" He mumbled before I walked out.
