s e v e n

'And all those nights I walked you home
From crowded bars when you were drunk'


"Stiles, Stiles, Stiles" I called "whatdoyouwant" he blurted out "Stiles, you're drunk as hell- SCOTT WHY DIDN'T YOU LOOK AFTER HIM!- I'm not letting you drive home" I said.

"Idon'tcare" He mumbled "Look, I'll drive and if you could drive to my house, walk to my living room and lay on my couch without passing out...that would be wonderful" I said.

"No i-" He just stopped talking. "Get in" I pushed him in passengers seat and went to drivers seat.

"so there is this girl-" he started and I chuckled. He's so drunk.

"She's very pretty and funny and amazing in general" he blurted out. I just stayed silent. I smiled to myself, he was so cute.

"I just like her so much- she's lovely" He started smiling "Oh, and who is she?" I asked, actually curious, there was a long pause, until I turned to him and realised that he had fallen asleep. I smiled and looked back on the road.


"ugh" I groaned as Stiles was laying on the couch, because I pushed him. He seemed to pass out right when his head hit the pillow on the couch.

"okay, I'll go change to something more comfortable" I mumbled to myself.

After I changed into a hoodie and nikey shorts, I went back downstairs and there he was going out the door.

"Oh no no no no" I grabbed his hand and closed the door. I dragged him to living room, I was walking backwards, I tripped over the sofa and fell on it with Stiles on top of me.

"hey, sweetie, could you move a lit-" I looked down and he was just laying comfortably on me with his head on my stomach. He was already half asleep. I wasn't uncomfortable so I didn't say anything anymore. I just stroked his hair with my hand.

After some time I was falling asleep as I felt Stiles arms wrap around my waist while he was still asleep.

I brushed my hand through his hair before I fell asleep myself.



"Morning love birds" I heard someone speak as I opened my eyes I saw Allison smiling down at 'us?'. I looked up and realised that I was cuddling with Aurora.

My head was on her stomach and her hand near my neck. She started to slowly wake up.

"Oh my god I'm la- oh wait it's fall break" Aurora sighed happily. "Aw you guys were cuddling" Allison smiled.

"It's not like that- well- Stiles was drunk and he just passed out on me so I didn't want to wake him up and I wasn't uncomfortable or anything so" She chuckled nervously.

"Still very cute" Allison said as she went into the kitchen "Ar, want coffee?" She asked "yes, please" Aurora smiled "pls shh, my head is hurting so badly" I whined and put my hand back on Aurora's stomach.

"Well you drank the hell out of the party" Aurora chuckled and started to stroke my hear...oh god..help.

"Where's Scott?" I mumbled "in the shower" Allison responded "and you're here because?" I asked, before Allison spoke, Aurora said "Because they were having seggs" We laughed as allison threw and orange at us.

"What am I lying?" Aurora chuckled "shut up" Allison said and we laughed again.

"I hate you guys! I'm going to Scott" She said and went upstairs as we laughed.
