n i n e

'And I don't understand
How you slipped through my hands?'


"ok everyone! Grab the room keys! One room for two people! Pair up!'" The coach said. It's December 18th and we're on the Christmas class trip.

"And please keep your hands off of each other" The coach added.

I grabbed a key "Lydia!?" I called "Yup" She smiled already knowing what I'm gonna ask her.

"Wanna meet us at the lake?" Stiles asked "sure, yeah" I replied as we made our way to our room.

"I feel gross after the trip, I'll take a quick shower" I said "okey, sure" Lydia responded as I went into the bathroom.

After I took a shower and dressed up I walked out of the bathroom back to the room. "Lydia?"I call as I look around the room. She wasn't here. Maybe she's already at the lake.

I heard a loud bang and someone screaming. I ran out of the room and ran up to the room where the sound was from.

I ran in and I saw Isaac. He had his knees pressed against his chest and his head in his hands.

"Hey are you okay?!" Kneeled beside him "no- go away-" he says "no- what- I'm not gonna-"

"GO AWAY" he growled as he looked up with his claws and yellow eyes showing.

I backed away on the ground a little. Then I felt someone grab me from the back. I turned to see that it was Stiles. Scott with Lydia behind him.

"hey be careful- why are you even here-?" Stiles exclaimed "I heard screams so I ran in" I replied "you heard scream- YOU DON'T GO ALONE!" He started quietly mumbling, but raised his voice.

"N-no need to yell at me" I mumbled "ok I'm sorry" Stiles said "Hey Isaac! Snap out of it!" Scott shook him a little.

He growled louder. "W-what's happening?" I say to Stiles "I have no Idea" Stiles says as his grip tightens around me.

"Now Stiles, Aurora, Lydia-" Scott started "listen carefully to what I'm saying" he continued and we nodded.

"RUN!" He yelled making us jump and I didn't even started processing stuff when Stiles yanked me out of the room.

"Didn't you hear what he said!" Stiles exclaimed as we ran down the stairs "I did! i'm just a little shocke- Ah!" I yelled as somebody jumped onto Stiles and our hands separated.

"Stiles-" Scott appeared "Isaac- wait- stop-" I say "wait- what am I supposed to say-" I freak out.

Isaac raises his hand so it's the matter of seconds before Stiles could be dead.

My mind is racing so the only thing I could have done was this. I pushed Isaac off of Stiles and it was pretty easy as he didn't except that from me.

He growled as me and Stiles were still on the ground.

"Just be calm ok-" I whispered to Stiles.

"Isaac, snap out of it" I say calmly. He growls and I was sure I'll be dead in the matter of seconds.

"stiles- please- slowly back away-" I whisper to him. I heard him shuffling back.

Everything was going so fast as I didn't got time to notice how Isaac got on top of me and his sharp nails went right to the wound that was in healing process.

I'm pretty sure I screamed from the top of my lungs.

That's when everything started to go to slow motion. My vision started to get blur. I saw someone yell then ran up to me and that was the last thing I remember before everything went black.
