t w e l v e


'Cause baby, you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new
But if he breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waitin' here for you'


I walked home from school as I walked up the door and looked for the keys in my bag. Fuck. I probably left them inside. Scott please be home.

I knocked on the door a few times before they opened for me to see...not Scott...at all.

"hi" Stiles said "hey" I say as he backed away a little for me to come in. "Where's Scott?" I ask "In the shower" He replies and I nod slowly before starting to go upstairs.

"Seriously?" I hear Stiles say as I stop at the middle of the stairs. I turned around.

"What?" I ask "You're just gonna keep avoiding me, aren't you?" He said "I'm not avoiding you" I replied "Oh come on! We kissed and you haven't even looked at me since!" He exclaimed.

I walked back down from the middle of the stairs putting my bag aside.

"look I-" My phone chimed interrupting me. I looked to see Isaac texted me.


can you meet me at our spot?

"I kind of got to go" I say "yeah of course" Stiles rolls his eyes.

I walked past him and out of the door. I feel bad for avoiding him, but I'm not doing it on purpose it just kind of happens.

Well yes I don't want to talk to him about what happened, because it'll be awkward, but I hope this whole think will just go away and we'll act normal around each other again and we won't need to talk...cause I'm terrified of that.

I literally have no damn idea what am I supposed to say to him, I mean if he likes me...I'll just break his heart and if we'll be apart he might just stop liking me...ok that probably sounds very stupid.

So many thoughts raced through my mind as I didn't realised that I was at our place

Well it's this place at the park we're there's a bench in front of playground and a flower garden. It's really pretty actually- although it reminds me of someother place.

"hey you" I say as I walk up to Isaac. "Hey" He smiled.

"What's up?" I asked "well I wanted to talk to you a little" He said "ok, go on" I smiled "well um I just wanted to say that I really really like you- I just feel like we're bonding perfectly and that we're always having so much fun you know-" he says and I smile.

"so- I-" he paused "ok so I don't want to take it to quickly or put lables on it, but i'd like us to be more than- you know friends?" He said.

"yeah, i'd like that too" I smiled and a wide smile creeped on his face as well. He kissed me then and I kissed him back. I was really happy about this.

It'll also help forget Stiles- hold on- why are you thinking about Stiles when you're with Isaac- no no no- when you're kissing Isaac- why the hell is Stiles on your damn mind- stop that.
