t h i r t e e n

'It's always you
Met a lot of people
But nobody feels like you'


"just seeing them holding their stupid hands makes me vomit" I fake gag "I think you're jealous, because you still have feelings for her, but you just won't admit it" Scott says.

"Pff- no- it's been what- like- like two weeks I'm so over that, you know" I defend myself "I wish I could believe you, but you're obviously lying" Scott chuckled.

"I-I'm not- fine I'm lying" I say "It's sucks I-" I was immediately cut off by Allison.

"ok go talk to her please!" She says "what?" I ask "look, Lydia is all 'oh look how cute-' fine even ifΒ  they're cute I'm sure she likes you- of course she won't admit it, but something tells me Isaac is just a rebound-" she explained.

"Wha-what? Did she tell you that?" I ask "no- but it's clear as day- well for me" she says "I literally do not know what to say to her!" I exclaim "look- do you actually want this? I mean are you gonna try to forget her and let Isaac have her?!" She paused and I opened my mouth, but she started talking again.

"No! You won't! Fight for her! You love her-" I interrupted her "Like her" I say "Oh dude- LOVE- YOU LOVE HER! Admit for god sakes! You have to fight for her- and let's just say I'm 99% sure she wants you- to be with you" She exclaimed.

"What about that 1%" I say "It's 1% that she wants Isaac- it's so little" Allison spoke "and what if it's important?" I say "what do you mean?" She asks "she's happy. And if she's happy I'm happy-" Allison cuts me off again.

"Oh no no- don't give me that 'she's happy I'm happy crap'" she says as I raise my eyebrows.

"Of course you want her to be happy, but you want her to be happy with you. I'm I right?" She questioned. I paused for a second.

"Yes" I mumbled.

"Well there you go! So kick yourself in the ass and go talk to her! You don't want to stay silent like you did before and lose her again when you have a chance right?" Allison spoke

"Okay! I'll talk to her!" I say.

"That's my girlfriend" Scott goes to Allison and kisses her. I forgot that he was standing here the whole time.

"You guys making me throw up too" I say as I walk away.
