s e v e n t e e n

'Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer'


"oh my god, Stiles" I ran up to him as he stood up from the chair and I hugged him tightly while he was still crying.

"hey come on sit down" I said as we sat down "I can't lose him- I lost my mom- I-I can't lose him too" He cried as I hugged him while his face was buried into the crock of my neck.

"Stiles, Stiles you won't. Everything will be alright" I say trying to calm him down "he's having a surgery right now, but there is 50/50 he'll make it" Stiles mumbled.

I cupped his face as I made him look at me.

"everything will be alright okay? Just hope for the best" I say "or be ready for worst" He mumbles "no don't say that" I say as He lays his head on my chest and I stroke his hair to calm him down.

I have never seen him this sad, upset, worried and terrified. I just wish I could've help somehow, but there was nothing I could do expect be there for my best friend.

"did you call Scott?" I questioned "I- no- when everything happened- You were the first person I called- at that moment I just wanted you to be here" He mumbled into my sweater.

"Stiles" I heard a familiar voice. We looked up to see my mom.

"How- how did it went?" He jumped up from the seat. "The surgery went okay, he's in a coma, and I don't want to upset you, but we are not sure when he's gonna wake up, or if he'll ever wake up, or if he wakes up that everything will be alright" My mom explained.

"I can't promise you anything" She added "I'm sorry"

Stiles ran his hands through his hair "thank you" He mumbled "you can see him if you want" She says "room 317"

"okay, thank you" Stiles said walking away, my mom turned to me.

"Mom, Sorry I didn't call- I knew you were worried and stuff- I-" She cut me off "honey, it's okay. Go after him. He needs you right now. I'll go call Scott" She smiled at me as she rubbed my arm.

I smiled back before following where Stiles went.

about 1 week later

"Stiles, you have to go home, eat and rest" I say "no, no I'm good" He says "no you're not, you haven't slept or ate for like five days" I say "please Stiles" I add.

"no, I can't leave-" I cut him off "look, if anything happens I'll call you right away!" I spoke. He looked at me hesitantly "I- ok fine" He says.

"Scott's talking to mom right now, but he can go with you" I say "yeah ok" He mumbled and left, but still with a lot of hesitation.
