t h i r t y - f o u r

'But then my bed grows colder like my empty shoulder, What can I do?'


"So then she starts talking about phosphors and the key having chemicals on it, right? And so that made me think of the chemistry closet and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in.." Stiles started looking for the key.

"It's gone. Okay, it doesn't matter though. It doesn't matter. I've still got the key. What the hell? I had it I had it here. I had it here this morning, I swear to God, I had it this morning." He said.

"The key you were talking about last night" I asked "Yeah, I showed it to you, right? Didn't I show it to you?" Stiles questioned "No, you just told me about it. I never actually saw it" I say.

"I was here a couple of hours ago. And the message left to Barrow spelling Kira's name was right there on the board in my handwriting and I had the key to the chemistry closet" Stiles explained.

"So you unlocked the chemistry closet so Barrow could hide in it from the cops and then you wrote him a message to kill Kira?" I asked crossing my arms on my chest.

"I know how it sounds But look at this. This is the news report that came out about Barrow when they caught him, okay? About the shrapnel bomb that he used. See this? See what he did?" Stiles said.

"He put nuts, bolts and screws. And then he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped as a birthday present. What does that sound like to you?"

"Coach" I mumbled "The joke we played on Coach. That was my idea. You remember? That was my idea. That's no coincidence. It can't be" Stiles stated.

"I don't want to sound like I'm trying to tell you that you're wrong. But I don't think you're trying to kill people either" I say "It was here. It was all here" He said nervously.

"are you feeling okay? You're looking really tired" I spoke "Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping really" Stiles looked down.


"Are you alright?" My mom asked "I don't know. I guess I guess not really" Stiles panicked "All right, kiddo. All right. Come with me. It's okay" My mom said as she took Stiles with her and motioned me to come with them.

I dragged Stiles to the hospital so my mom could maybe help, cause I was really fucking worried about him.

"Blackouts. But not for that long. And sleepwalking, which I used to do a lot as a kid. Um Also having some really bad anxiety" Stiles stated "Panic attacks?" my mom questioned "Yeah, a couple" he said.

"Oh, and I temporarily lost the ability to read. But that might have had more to do with this giant magic tree and a whole human sacrifice thing" He added "I recall something vaguely about that, yes" my mom chuckled softly.

"How many hours of sleep are you getting?"She asked "Eight" "A night?" "In the last three days" He looked up and I stared at him worriedly. "Yeah, definitely eight" Stiles added.

"Been feeling irritable?" My mom asked "Yeah. Possibly to the point of homicide" he replied "Inability to focus?" "No, the Adderall's not working"

"Impulsive behaviour?"

"More than my usual? Hard to tell" Stiles responded "Vivid dreams during the day?" "Okay, basically all of the above- Do you know what this is?" He asked.

"I think so" she responded "Uh, what's that?" He pointed to the needle. "Do you trust me?" My mom asked "When you're not holding a needle" Stiles replied.

"It's Midazolam. A sedative" she explained stabbing the needle into his arm "Why'd you give me a sedative?" He spoke nervously "Because you, Stiles, are one profoundly sleep-deprived young man. You need rest and you need it now. Lie down." She demanded.

"okay, how long's it take to Oh. Not long at all" Stiles said as he put his head on the pillow. I pulled the covers "Get some rest" my mom said "Thanks, Mom" he whispered.

I looked at my mom and she looked at me. "I'll stay with him if that's okay" I spoke "of course, honey" She kissed my forehead and left.

I sat the rest of the day with Stiles, mostly on my phone, I didn't even realise how I was falling asleep myself. Until I heard the door close. I opened my eyes to see Stiles gone.

"oh wow, I was sitting here all day and he couldn't wait until I wake up- or at least wake me up" I whispered to myself. I left the hospital room.

"I'll find Stiles" I heard Scott say as he turned to the hallway I was in "oh hi, do you know where Stiles is?" "hey, I think he just left the room- I was with him" I say "oh okay, let's go find him" Scott said.

We went through some rooms and floors then we found him in an empty one. "Stiles? You okay?" Scott asked. Stiles turned around "Yeah, fine. What's been going on?" He said as we walked out.
