f o u r t e e n

'If I tell you all my feelings
Would you believe me, yeah?'


"You just sit here and I'll go change- I'll be quick" I say as I go to dress up for the party.

I look through my closet and decided to wear just a green pretty top and light denim shorts.
I put on some white converse shoes and walked back downstairs.

"oh hi. Are you guys gonna go to Lydia's party?" I asked as I saw Scott and Stiles walked in. "Yeah yeah, we're going" Scott said and Stiles looked at me. I smiled so it wouldn't be awkward and he slightly smiled as well.

It looked like he wanted to say something, but that's when Isaac came out of the living room.

"Hey guys" he said and I saw Stiles roll his eyes "hey" Scott said "you ready?" He looked at me "yeah, we can go" I say and walk few stairs down that were left for me to go.

"okay, i'll see you guys later" I say "yeah, bye" Scott says and then before the door closes I hear "You'll get the chance don't worry-" Scott says and the door is closed.

Wait- chance for what?


"hey baby" I say as I sit on Isaac's lap "hey love" he said as he wrapped his hands around me "are you drunk?" He asks "a little-" I giggled.

"I'm going into the bathroom" I say and he nods smiling.

I walk into the bathroom. I washed my face a little. I barely could stand still with being drunk. I was feeling like a mess and drank way too much.

"Oh sorry- oh aurora" Stiles said as he opened the door that I forgot to lock.
He closed the door as he walked in and locked it.

"you okay?" He says "I'm great" I say dragging the 'e'. "You're so drunk" he says and I just smile then look at him.

"what why- why are you looking at me like that?" He says. I didn't answer I just stayed silent. Then I pushed him a little and his back gently hit the wall he just looked at me with wide eyes.

Without thinking I just kissed him. He didn't hesitate and kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

That is the last thing I remember from the party.
