t h i r t y

'Wide awake through the daylight
Will you hold me like we're running a yellow light? Reach for you with my hands tied. Are we dancing like we're burning in paradise?'


"Why you?" I questioned looking at my brother "Because it's better me than you, I don't know what can happen, all I know is that I'm not letting you do anything stupid enough to get you hurt or dead" He said and I sighed rolling my eyes.

"you know I'm right" Scott said "you know every brother would do that" Scott smiled softly.

"All right. What did you bring?" Deaton asked Stiles "Um, I got my dad's badge. Jennifer kind of crushed it in her hand, so I tried hammering it out a bit. Still doesn't look great." Stiles said as he rubbed the badge between his fingers.

"Well, it doesn't need to look good if it has meaning." Deaton stated "Is that an actual silver bullet?" Isaac raised his eyebrows.

"My dad made it" Allison paused "It's kind of a ceremonial thing. When one of us finishes learning all the skills to be a hunter, we forge a silver bullet as a testament to the code." She told us.

"Scott?" "My dad got my mom this watch when she first got hired at the hospital. She used to say it was the only thing in their marriage that ever worked." He said

"Okay, the three of you will get in. Each of us will hold you down until you're essentially... Well, dead. But it's not just someone to hold you under. It needs to be someone who can pull you back, someone that has a strong connection to you, a kind of emotional tether."

"Aurora...You go with Stiles." Deaton stated.

Allison and Scott looked at each other nervously. "Are you sure? I mean, Scott and I both have to go under" she said.

Then Scott glanced at Isaac and so did Allison "It's okay" Scott spoke. The three of them started to get into the tubs, they were all shivering. I had goosebumps even watching them.

"By the way, if I don't make it back and you do, you should probably know something. Your dad's in town" Stiles said to Scott. Scott looked surprised. He made eye contact with me. I nodded slowly, agreeing with Stiles.


"how long has it been?" I whine "almost 16 hours" Deaton said "oh god" I sighed. Isaac looked at me. "just try to calm down okay? I'm sure everything will be fine" he said.

"How can you be sure?" I say.

Gasps filled the room. "I saw it. I know where it is." Scott breathed out "We passed it. There's-- There's a stump, this huge tree. Well, it's not huge anymore. It was cut down. But it's still big, though, very big." Stiles explained "It was the night we were looking for the body." Scott added.

"Yeah, the same night you were bit by peter" Stiles said to Scott.

"I was there too, in the car with my mother. We almost hit someone" Allison spoke up "It was me. You almost hit me" Scott said "We can find it" Scott said.

"What?" Allison muttered as me, Isaac and Deaton were all staring at them.

"You guys were out a long time" I said "How long is a long time?" Scott questioned "16 hours" Deaton stated "We've been in the water for 16 hours?" Stiles exclaimed "And the full moon rises in less than four" Isaac spoke.


"I have to go back to meet Deucalion" Scott stated as we all turned our heads towards him.

"No, dude, you are not going back with them" Stiles said "I made a deal with Deucalion." Scott stated "Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?" I say and Stiles nods "Why does it matter, anyway?" Isaac questioned.

"Because I still don't think that we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott said "He trusts you more than anyone. Tell him he's wrong." Allison spoke "I'm not so sure he is." Deaton started as we all gave him confused looks.

"Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies." Deaton explained "So we're gonna trust him, the guy that calls himself death, destroyer of worlds? We're gonna trust that guy?" Isaac raised his eyebrows.
