e i g h t e e n

'Fall for me, I wanna know you feel how I feel for you, love'


Another week and a half past by. Stiles dad woke up and he feels pretty okay, which is wonderful.

Stiles and I didn't went to school for a while and we did it at hospital, well my mom let me didn't go to school, plus my grades are good so.

I still haven't talked to Stiles, but he's been acting like nothing happened at the party.

We're gonna go to school tomorrow and now we're in my house.

"hey, ready for the movie?" Allison asked walking into the living room with popcorn.

"yeah, what are we watching?" Stiles asked as Scott and Allison sat down on the couch.

"we can watch-" Allison started "oh no no no, no girly shit" Stiles stated.

"How about horror?" Scott suggested "Yes!" Stiles agreed "ugh I hate you both- it's like our lives aren't a nightmare already" I whine and Allison chuckles.

"Oh come on" Stiles pulled me close to him "I'll protect you in case a scary thing climbs out of the tv" He and Scott start laughing.

"I hate you" I slapped his hand playfully and getting away from him, but he pulled me to him again.

"you know you love me" he whispered into my ear as I smiled.


"w-what are you doing?" I mumbled as I slowly opened my eyes. "Carrying you to your bed" Stiles smiled down at me.

Then he entered my room as He put me in the bed and pulled the sheets over me. He kissed my forehead and was about to leave my room.

"Stiles, wait" I say as he turns to me "is everything alright?" He questioned. I sat up as he came and sat on the edge of my bed beside me.

"okay, um about what happened at Lydia's party" I start, he narrowed his eyebrows in confusion "what happened at the party?" He said.

"Oh come on Stiles" I say "no what really?! What happened?" He says "you don't remember anything?" I asked.

"well I drank a lot AND I got high" He said "oh well you don't remember then" I say.

"What, did something happened?"

I sighed then smiled at him.

"no, nothing happened" I said softly.

He nodded slowly "well I'll go okay?" He said "yeah sure, good night" I said and he left.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
