t w e n t y - o n e

'Cause if I lost you, I'd lose myself too'


"Detention for the three of you!" Mr Harris said as me, Lydia and Allison entered the class. "IT'S BEEN LIKE 5 SECONDS SINCE THE BELL, DUDE!" I yelled "I don't care" he said.

"oh how lovely for you three to show up" Mr Harris said. Wait what. "Also detention" He said as I turned around praying it wasn't who I thought it was. Of course it's them. Cause bad things just seem to happen in my life.

"Bullshit" Stiles snapped "what was that, Stilinski?" The teacher said "n-nothing" He mumbled. "okay, go! go! go! sit down" Mr Harris demanded as we walked to sit down.

I use to sit with Isaac in chemistry, but Allison sat with me and Isaac sat with Scott understanding himself that it might be awkward between us.


"It's gonna be so awkward, even to think about it gives me chills" I say "Why- why would it be awkawrd?" Lydia asked "Because-" Allison started, but Lydia cut her off "wasn't talking to you" She scoffed.

I rolled my eyes "Well Isaac, me and Stiles in one room" I say "oh" she nods slowly as we enter Mr Harri's class and see that the boys were already there.

"oh hey" Scott said" hi" Allison mumbled.

I sat at the back as I put my bag on the chair next to me. Lydia sat in front of me and Allison sat in the middle row and turned to be facing me and Lydia.

"Okay, I'm leaving for two hours-" Mr Harris said "TWO HOURS?" Stiles exclaimed "yes, but if you manage to stay quiet I'll let you go home after one hour" He said and left the classroom.

As soon as he did that I put my legs on the table crossing them.

Silence filled the room for a minute before Lydia decided to speak up.

"Geez you can cut the tension with a knife" She said and we all glared at her "Thanks, Lydia, you're just making things better" I say sarcastically.

"Ok, Sorry. It's enough I'm stuck here with her" Lydia frowned towards Allison.

"Wha- what is your problem! Does your dad not give you enough money for your stupid princess shit!" Allison exclaimed at Lydia.

"You're trash talk is embarrassing" I mumbled.

"Are you tryingΒ  to make me look weird and stupid because you have mommy and daddy issues?" Lydia spat "God Lydia all you truly care is yourself I-" Allison was cut of by Lydia.

"Oh my god Allison! You come out of nowhere and you're trying to steal my best friend- that I have by the way wasn't in contact for two damn years-"
