f o r t y - f o u r

'All that I know is, Mirrors inside me'


We walked into our house with the girl Meredith "What are you doing here?" Scott asked as my dad was standing there.

"I could ask you the same thing" Our dad said "Free period. We're doing group study" I say "Who's she?" My dad asked. I gave Stiles a look saying 'do, say something'

"She's my girlfriend" Stiles stated nervously and my dad looked at me (knowing something was between me and Stiles so this couldn't be true) then back at Stiles with a look 'yeah, right'.

"You're not my type" Meredith said "Well, obviously we have a lot to talk about" Stiles spoke "We should maybe take this upstairs" I say "He's my type" Meredith pointed to Isaac and I bit my lip not to laugh when she said it and Stiles looked annoyed as hell.

"Okay. Isaac, you can come too" I say giving Isaac a look then taking his hand as the four of us walked up upstairs. Dad stopped Scott although I wasn't sure why, I just went upstairs.

"So basically we need to find our friend, Lydia and we have no idea where she is and why nogistune would take her so we need your help finding her" Stiles started.

"Lydia? You mean the red-haired girl" Meredith asked "Yes! Yes! Good. Progress" I exclaimed "Now, all you got to do is tell us where she is" I say.

"Okay. Okay. If she tells me" Meredith mumbled "If she tells you? Can you ask her?" I questioned "I already did" she replied "Perfect. Perfect" I say.

"What did she say?" I asked "She said she doesn't want to be found" Meredith responded "That's good too. Okay." Stiles mumbled.


"I'm just saying" Isaac whispered "Isaac, we're not going to torture her" I whisper yelled "I meant scare her" he whispered "We're not going to psychologically torture her either" I whispered.

"Fine. How about this? You said she hears things, right?" Isaac started "Yeah" Me and Stiles whispered in unison. "Doesn't that mean she's like Lydia? A Banshee?" Isaac whispered.

We walked from the bathroom to the bed where Meredith was sitting.

"Okay, just try to focus on the sounds around you" I say "On what you're hearing" Isaac added "Just focus on the silence" I say "Listen to the silence" Isaac said.

"Focusing on the silence" I spoke "Listening to the-" I cut Isaac off "Okay, will you just let me handle this, Isaac. Please? I just- I have more experience with Banshees" I spoke.

"Yeah. And mental patients" He mumbled and I rolled my eyes. "Isn't anyone going to get that?" Meredith asked "Get what?" Stiles said confused "The phone" Meredith stated "What phone?" Stiles said.

"The phone" me and Isaac said in unison as I gave Stiles a look. "Oh, the phone. My phone?" Stiles questioned and pulled it out of his pocket "Yes. Hello. Yes, she's actually sitting right here. It's for you" Stiles pretended to answer it.

Stiles handed the girl his phone. "They say Coup de foudre" Meredith mumbled. "Coup de what?" Stiles asked "What is that Spanish?" Isaac questioned.

"French. It's French" Scott appeared in a doorway.


We were driving in Stiles's jeep, Scott was sitting in a passengers seat, me and Isaac in the back.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked Stiles "Yeah. Yeah. You don't have to worry about me" Stiles said "All right, I'll say it" Isaac started "You look like you're dying. You're pale, thin and you look like you're getting worse. And we're all sitting here thinking it" He said.

"When we find the other you, is he gonna look like he's getting better?" I asked "What happens if he gets hurt?"

"You mean if he dies, do I die? I don't care. Just so long as no one else dies because of me" Stiles states "I remember everything I did, Scott. I remember pushing that sword into you. I remember twisting it" Stiles spoke.

"It wasn't you" Scott said "Yeah, but I remember it. You guys gotta promise me" Stiles paused "You can't let anyone else get hurt because of me"

"promise" I say.
