9. Truth Or Dare

Ally's POV

We all gathered in the living room.

Jungkook, RM and V sat on the floor.

Jimin, Jin and Suga sat on different couches.

Me and Andy cuddled on a red worn out sofa.

We hear a voice coming from the kitchen, it was hobi bringing drinks and snacks.

'J-hope, sprite?' suga asked him.

It occurred to me that they were trying to keep their sentences short and in English for me and Andy.


Apparently only RM and V knew conversational English.

'Wait I have a question. Do you guys have more than one name because I swear he's been called something else everytime someone calls him?' Andy asks pointing to hobi.

'Yeah sorry about that, um we change between stage names and our real names.'

RM turns to the guys and tells them to say both their names.

'RM, Kim Namjoon.'
'J-Hope, Jung Hoseok.'
'Suga, Min Yoongi.'
' jin.'
'V, taehyung.'

Me and Andy share a look. We both know we're gonna forget the names in the next fifteen minutes.

'Let's start.' RM says and spins a bottle on the floor.

It lands on suga.

They all burst out in sniggering.

I look at jimin, curious as to why they're laughing.

'He doesn't like to get up.' he answered.

'Truth or Dare?'


Idiot. They're gonna make him climb a mountain or something.

Jungkook whispers something in Tae's ear and they both start giggling like little girls.

Suga raises an eyebrow at them.

Tae says something out loud that I obviously don't understand but as soon as he speaks suga face palms.

The rest nod at Jungkook appreciatively.

Andy and I have no idea what's going on.

Suga walks towards J-hope and grabs his sprite.

Then leans back as far as he can and puts the soda can on his forehead.

At this point everyone is laughing.

And starts doing the macarena.

After about 5 seconds, there are tears of laughter coming out of my eyes and Jungkook and Jimin are holding their stomachs.

Andy has a hand on her mouth while her body shakes with laughter.

RM is making a video and J-hope and Jin are taking pictures.

What idiots.

Then it all fell apart as suga sneezed.

The can flew off him and fell on the person closest to him, which was jimin.

His entire head was doused in the sickly sweet drink, strands of black hair sticking to his face.

I absolutely lose it.
I slide off of the sofa while laughing.

The laughter doesn't stop.
Till Jimin picks up my coke and spills it on me.

He just stands there with a grin.


Pin drop silence.

Then cackling. Who else would it be other than my devious best friend.

Now everyone is on the floor laughing their way into lunacy because of me and Jimin.
We soon join in.

I realized that the coke seeping into my clothes would soon make everything stick to me, I should go change.

I see Jimin getting up to do the same.

He gives me his hand, to pull me up.

I get up and say, 'I'm gonna go change because I don't want ants crawling all over me. Be right back.'

Before leaving, I look at Andy to see if she's going to be okay and see her immersed in a conversation with Tae.

Hm. Figures.

Jimin and I walk side by side to our rooms with are opposite to each other.

Coincidence? I think not.

'Hey um can I borrow a towel?'

'Yeah sure, hold up.'
He runs to a cupboard in his room and comes back holding the fluffiest towel I've ever seen.

It's also light blue.

It makes my heart flutter. Oh God I sound like such a lovesick puppy.

He hands it to me.


'No worries.'

I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower.

10 minutes pass and I'm dressed in a yellow tank top and camo pajamas, smelling like apples and jasmine.

I walk out of the room and shiver.

Even though the weather outside was hot, the flat was still cold due to the air conditioning.

'crap.' I mutter when I realize that I didn't pack a single hoodie or jacket.

I mean who would? It's sweltering hot outside.

Just as I'm closing my bedroom door, I hear Jimin step out of his.

I turn around and my voice dies in my throat.

He's dressed in simple black sweatpants and a white t-shirt that's sticking to his wet body in all the right places.

His wet hair slicked back by fingers and a delicate silver chain around his neck.

His stare on me was captivating, giving me a once over.

It was as if I started heating up from his stare. My heart felt like it was about to bust out of my ribcage.

He visably swallowed, his chest heaved with a deep breath as if controlling himself.

Took a few seconds more to stare at me and grinned. No wait, smirked.

'Yellow looks good on you.'

Okay that raspy voice has to be illegal.

I blush and look down.

A shiver goes through my body again and he notices it.

'Wait a minute.' he goes into his room and comes back with an oversized white sweater.

'Put this on. It's cold.' he says, voice soft.

How did he just change from sexy and smooth to soft and caring?

I take it from him and put it on, drowning in it.

It. Smells. So. Good.
Mint and coffee. An odd combination but it worked so well.

It takes all of my self control to not sniff the sweater like a drug addict.

He grabs my hand, well my sweater paw to be exact and takes me back to the living room.

The game had progressed to such an extent that RM had neon pink lipstick on and Jungkook was currently getting waxed by duct tape, courtesy of V.

'OW!' he screeches as we hear his hear ripping out.

'Jimin. You live with psychos.' I say to him.

'Scared?' he asks with a grin.


'Don't worry, I'll protect you.'

I feel my heart tighten at these words. Does he say stuff like this unintentionally or does he know what he's doing?

I raise an eyebrow and look at him to say, 'Oh yeah? And who's gonna protect me from you?'

I see him smile at the floor and bite his lip before looking at me and replying, 'I don't intend on letting anyone come between me and you.'

My heart goes into cardiac arrest again.

He goes to an empty couch that has extended leg space, dragging me with him.

'Hyung throw me that blanket' he says pointing to some blankets in suga's feet.

After catching it. He looks at me and says, 'Come here.'

How can two words affect me so much?

I walk over to him.

We sit down, our backs against the arms of the couch so that we're facing each other.

He spreads the blankets on our legs that are side by side.

Now I'm so cozy that I never want to get up again.

'Your turn Ally.' I hear RM say.

Apparently they had spun the bottle while we were getting comfy.

'Truth or dare?' Andy asks with a smile, already knowing what I'm going to pick.


'Booooo.' They all whine like little kids while I laugh.

Hey. I don't want to leave this sofa. Ever.

'I'll ask.' jimin says.

Oh fuck.

'Do you regret it? Coming to Korea?'
He asks.

But I know what he really means.

Do I regret meeting him? Do I regret becoming his soulmate? Do I regret the decision of moving in with him?

The room is silent, looking at me.

I slowly shake my head no.

'Come on love, use your words.'

'Ooooh Jagi.' I hear Tae teasing Jimin.

What's jagi?

'No I don't regret it. Happy?' I say while trying to look anywhere other than the guy in front of me.

'Very.' I hear him mutter.

'Can I spin?' Andy asks RM.

Oh no.
You see this woman has some incredibly stupid talents, but they're hella useful in the right situations.

Like right now.

When we were in school, no one ever let her spin the bottle because she always landed on the person she wanted.

I have an inkling it's going to be Tae this time.

She spins.

And I was right.

Poor Tae.

'Dare.' he says.

Wrong answer bro.

She leans into RMs ear and Whispers something that makes him laugh.

'Good one.'

He tells them in Korean and they all burst out laughing except Tae who buries his face in a pillow with a groan.

I look at andy and ask, 'What was it?'

'I told him to go get the Pizza that we ordered for dinner, from the reception, in his boxers. Only.'

OHMYGOD. That's so bad. I love it.

'Cmon Tae. Do as the lady says, take it off.' Jimin says while wiping his tears.


He stands up and starts unbuttoning his shirt.

But before he can take it off, jimin covers my eyes with his hands.

I laugh. 'Are you serious right now?'


'Jealous much?' I tease.

'I just don't want you to look at anyone else naked.' he says.

Well that shut me up quickly.

I hear Andy squeak, and realize that he has reached his jeans.

Suddenly everyone starts hooting.

'what? What is it?' I ask trying to pry jimin's fingers off of my eyes.

When I succeed, I'm met with a tan Taehyung, hints of a six pack and boxers with the batman symbol on it. Andy can be seen blushing in the corner while the rest are taking pictures.

Jimin doesn't give up easily. He literally picks me up and places me between his legs, so that my back is against his chest and covers my eyes again.

Now I'm the one blushing.

I hear walking and the main door closing meaning Tae just left for his dare. And jimin's hands slide off of me.

Jin sees our positions and takes a picture.

I hid my face behind my hands and Jimin poses with peace signs.

'What's that on your arm?' Andy asks trying to take the attention away from my seating arrangement.

I look down to see that she's pointing at my mark, as the sweater had rolled up.

I hold it up to show her.

'That's so pretty.'

Jimin brings his arm under mine to join them and they all go, 'Oooooh.'

Bang! The main door opens to reveal Tae, holding up a mountain of pizza boxes.

That was quick. He mustn't have wanted to stay out in his underwear for long.

'Do you guys plan on feeding an entire village?' I say my eyes widening at the amount of food.

'This is nothing. We eat alot. You'll see.'
He says.

Tae comes over holding paper plates and the boxes, now dressed in a white fluffy bathrobe.

He starts handing everyone food.

He gives one plate to Andy and their hands touch.


Tae fell face first on the floor and Andy dropped sideways onto the couch she was sitting on.

The rest gather around them, scared of what the hell just happened.

While me and Jimin stare at our best friends without moving from our spot on the sofa.

'Oh.' I start.
'Fuck.' he finishes.
