61. Club Ready

Ally's POV

'So. What are you planning on wearing tonight?', Andy asked as she turned on the flat iron and turned towards her suitcase looking for God knows what.

I mulled over it for a second. What did I actually want to wear? Like something hot? Pretty? Easy to take off?

'I don't know Beanie. Something simple I guess.'

I turned towards the mirror and took off my shirt, standing there in a simple bra. There were black lines, thick and thin, curling into themselves visible.

Hearing my response made her look up at me incredulously. 'Are you kidding? Simple? That man has never wanted you more than today and you want to wear something simple?'

Her words made me turn red and fling a pen from my side table at her.

'You know I'm right.' she muttered and dove back into her suitcase. Wait.

'Why are going through your suit- oh holy hell.'

My sentence cut off at the stupidly beautiful dress she held up with a smug look on her face.

It was a full sleeved dress with a deep V-neck. It ended just above the knees.

On a normal day I may have denied that particular piece of sin but today was different. I wanted to feel confident as I walked up to him, I wanted to not be 'cute and small'.

I wanted to turn him on. Sue me.

'Alright, you know what, I'm just not gonna overthink it today.' I say with an exhale to ground myself and my 70 million nerves.

Andy punches the air, 'Slutty purple it is.'

It took some time for the both of us to doll up but may I just say. The end result was pretty neat.

Andy opted for a silky emerald green crop top that was long sleeved but had a lot of cleavage (that was one department she was plenty confident in) with a black faux crocodile leather skirt along with a Gucci belt. The hair styled in her preferred way of waves. Her hands were shining with every bit of silver she could put on them. Oval silver hoops in her hair and black lipstick because she wanted to 'leave marks behind'.

It took me a long time and deep breaths to fit myself into the delicate mauve dress she had handed me. It had a zip on the back which once she zipped up, I knew I wouldn't be the one opening it back up. Accessorizing with every bit of black jewelry and some of Jimin's stolen rings (sue me I love them) I was done.

The guys had sent a car for us, which honked outside the gate just in time as Andy was done spritzing herself with perfume.

'You takin' a clutch with you or no?'

I just shook my head and we both were seated in the back of the weirdly pretty SUV after locking up the house behind us.

My mind was racing, no more excruciating pain, no more watching him crumble under his emotions.

The club was fairly close so we arrived within 10 minutes.

Goddamn was the club famous. Obsidian black walls with the word 'Jaguar' written in sparkly silver letters on top.

It seemed like a fairly luxurious and expensive club to get in. But as usual, our names were already given to the bouncer and he let us in without bothering to even look at our IDs. Though I did see his eyes scan Andy. Smothering a giggle, I grabbed her wrist and dragged her inside.

Something told me we would find the guys at the bar so we made our way across the dance floor and masses of throbbing bodies.

There they were.

Tae was sitting on a stool, texting someone, probably Andy, boy that kid was obsessed and for good reason.

Jimin on the other hand was leaning against the bar, with a toothpick between his teeth, laughing slightly at whatever the bartender had said.

He was in a grey button up shirt, with the top 3 buttons undone. Cuffs folded up to his forearms. The black slacks made him look tall and very ohmylord sexy along with loafers. His faded pink hair was ruffled in the most familiar way, because he obviously ran his hand through it.

I didn't even notice Andy drift away from me towards Tae, because I myself was making a beeline towards his best friend.

I knew this would be great night. We didn't really go clubbing much back home.

What I didn't know was that nights like these often end in pools of blood and tears.
