28. Rehearsal

Ally's POV

'Ally wake up for the love of God.'

The familiar voice nagging me brings me out of my sleep.

I've never felt this relaxed. I feel like I'm floating on clouds. I'm never getting up.

'If you don't wake up, I'm leaving without you!'

Okay Andy is never this aggressive. What's up?

I open my eyes to see her standing fully dressed, with a hand propped on her hip, an amused expression decorating her face.

'Sup?' I croak, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

'Sup? I'll tell you sup. The car that's going to take us to the stadium arrives in 20 minutes and you're still in bed.'

This snaps me awake.

'Stadium? Wait what time is it?' I look around for my phone or a clock but I'm in jimin's room and he doesn't have either.

Speaking of jimin... Swoon. Last night felt like a dream, as ironic as it sounds. He kept me wrapped in his arms throughout the night,staying true to his promise on being there. That is probably why I felt so relaxed. I had a full night of sleep without waking up in fear. Thanks to him.

'I'll explain everything, just get ready. You have 5 minutes.' she broke my train of thought with her words.

After spending a few years with her I've realized that she will literally leave people behind than be tardy.

I get out of bed and jog to my room, still wobbling a bit because of sleep.

Thank God I showered last night I think and ransack the closet for some clothes.

I end up with a burgundy halter top and ripped blue jeans. I pair those with my boots and a black cardigan.

She was dressed in a fuzzy baby pink shirt, tucked into white shorts. Her hair was in two space buns. She looked cute.

While I apply lip balm and perfume and all that, Andy stands behind me making my hair.
Today I'm rocking a fishtail braid.

'Run run, 5 minutes left.' she yells as we sprint out of the dorms, locking it behind us and slam into each other in the elevator.

We look at each other and burst out laughing.

'Care to explain what the hell is happening? What stadium? Why are we going? Where are the others? And most importantly. Did you grab my phone?'

We made it downstairs just as my tirade of questions ended and there was a car waiting for us at the entrance. It was the same model as the one, jimin and I took from the hospital to the studio when we first met.

We sat in the backseat and she reaches inside her bag, taking out my phone.

Handing it to me she says, 'It's about 2 pm.'

'What?! It's 2? Why didn't you wake me up in the morning?'

I may not be a morning person but that didn't mean that I didn't get up early. It just meant I ended up being extra grumpy when birds started chirping all around me.

'I'm telling you, jeez. Hold your horses.
Well I was going to wake you but Jimin told me to let you sleep.
The guys left around noon and told me that they'd send the car for us at 2. We're going to the stadium to see them practice.
The stage is pretty similar to the ones they'll encounter abroad.
Now my turn to ask, what were you doing in Jimin's bed?'
She ended with an amused expression.

'I had a nightmare. Didn't want to wake you so I went to him. You know how I get.' I shrug my shoulders.

Andy wasn't a stranger to my night scares. In fact she had shaken me awake on multiple occasions after my screams woke her during sleepovers.

Her features flashed with sympathy.

'Peanut. You can always come to me. You're the only one I won't kill for waking me up. I advise you use that to your advantage.'

I laughed. She always found ways to make me cheer up.

The drive was short so by the time she finished telling me about how Tae teased her about liking house of cards, we had reached the stadium.

And whoa it was huge.

We got out, thanking the driver, and made our way to the entrance where we were stopped by a guard.

He looked us up and down and said something that of course neither of us understood.

We shared a look of confusion so he sighed and said, 'What is your business here?

I instantly knew that this wasn't going to end well.

'We're here to see the boys rehearse. Um BTS?' I say.

He looks at us and starts laughing. Not genuine laughter. More of a mockery.

'Yeah I'm supposed to just believe that. How dumb do you think I am?'

Very but that's irrelevant right now.

'I'm not lying. You can ask them of you want.'

'Lady please. The amount of crazy fans I've had to drive away from this place is unlimited. And I'm always right. I'm not about to disturb them just because the two of you claim to know them. Leave if you know what's good for you.'
He said making air quotes around claim.

This guy was getting on my nerves. I turn to Andy, to see her smiling slightly.

'You really don't believe us?' she said.

She's stalling. I can tell. Also she never talks to people what is she trying to accomplish?

The guard sighed, getting angry.

'Do you want me to call security on you?' he gruffed.

'What did you just say to them?'

It's not me, Andy or even the guard who spoke up. It's Tae. He was standing behind the guard.

The burly man turned around and his face drained of all blood.

He said something to Tae, probably apologizing but I couldn't understand.

I turned to Andy who was having a hard time keeping her smile small.

'You called him?'

We high five.

The guards speech is cut off by Tae, 'RM hyung specifically told you that two of our friends would be coming by in two hours. You had no right to stop them. Or talk to them in the way you were. Be grateful it was me that came to get them. If it were Jimin, you would've seriously regretted it. '

He looked at us gesturing for us to get in.

We obey, eager to get out from under the sun.

'Thanks Tae.' Andy and I pipe up at the same time.

'No problem.' he said and kissed Andy on the cheek making her turn firetruck red.

I grinned at her and fist bumped him.

'You know I think this is a new level of red, I've never seen her go this red before.' I say.

'Really?' he plays along.

'I hate both of you.' she grumbles with an unwilling smile stretching on her face.

'No you don't.' we say.

He leads us through dark corridors till we finally reach the main arena. It's gigantic.

'Take any seat you want and enjoy.'

He says and leaves us gaping at the size of the place.

We sit down a few rows from the front so that we can see everything clearly.

The lights start dimming and the speakers blast announcing them.

One by one, in a puff of smoke, they emerged.

Once the smoke cleared, I saw Jimin. He hadn't seen me yet, he was focused on tying his shoelaces.

Dressed in a white t-shirt, black jeans and a denim jacket. He looked good. What made him drop dead hot were were his multiple earrings.

Goddammit. Can he stop for once. Like I almost got respiratory distress when I saw his rings but the earrings were surely going to stop my heart.

He was scanning the hall for someone with furrowed eyebrows.

When his eyes landed on me, his face erupted into a smile. So wide that his eyes basically vanished.

I smiled back.

He was too far away so I couldn't talk so I just pointed to my ears, then pointed at him and made a thumbs up gesture.

He laughed and nodded his thanks.

Then their practice started.
