15. Coffee

Ally's POV

Jimin drove us back to the same Starbucks where we first met. Or well fainted to be fair.

I sat at a two person table at the corner of the shop while he went to go get us something to drink.

I look at him standing in line. His physique was beautiful and confusing. He had a dancer's body. Elegant and graceful but his muscles and, by the traces of his shirt on his abdomen, abs made him look like a boxer. Because they have lean bodies.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as my phone beeps.

I check it and it's him.

Jimin : You better be staring at me.

Hah. He must've felt something.

Me : What if I'm not?

I send the text and look up to see his shoulders stiffen. And a wave of Jealousy crashes in my ribcage.

He's angry and jealous.

I muffle my laughter.

Jimin : The nice barista just offered me her number on a napkin. Should I accept?

My eyes immediately snap up to see a a girl in the Starbucks apron flirting way too obviously with Jimin.

Her top buttons are open and she's leaning too far forward to talk to him, giving everyone in a 50-mile radius, an HD view to her chest.

I'm glaring at her when Jimin turns around holding two iced coffees in his hand and the widest smile on his face.

He walks back to our table and says, 'Damn Al. If that rage was any stronger my heart would've given out.'

I'm not fazed by this one bit.

'At least it wasn't as bad as mine when you thought I was staring at a guy. Jelly much?'

He opens his mouth to retaliate but shuts up.


'So tell me about your band. I want to know more.' I ask.

He brightens up immediately.

'Well we're made up of 4 vocals and 3 rappers. Me, Tae, kook and Jin Hyung are the vocals while RM Hyung, hobi Hyung and suga Hyung are the rappers.' he states.

'Okay, I have a question.'


'What does Hyung mean?' I ask. It had been bothering me alot.

He gets a surprised look on his face and says, 'That doesn't get translated?'

I shake my head.

'Well Hyung is what a guy calls an older brother.'

'Oh. Makes sense.' I say.

We fall into a comfortable silence, drinking the coffee slowly.

I decide to Google bts.

It's like a deep dive into K-pop.

They're famous. Like. Really really famous.

'Do you like horr-' I can't finish my sentence because like a slow storm, we start hearing the sounds of camera shutters. Snapping pictures at the speed of light and then it strikes.

The people. So many. People.

Yelling, all in Korean. Only one phrase was recognized by me. 'Jimin-ah'

'Oh shit.' I hear him curse as he gets up, grabs my hand and starts running.

We're on the street, the noise getting louder behind us.

I'm genuinely scared. I mean who wouldn't be. There were hoards of people running behind us and they were screaming the name of the guy next to me.

His left hand has mine in a death grip while he called security on his phone. Quickly telling them the address, he hangs up and pulles me into an empty alley.

We're both breathing hard from the unwanted exercise.

I bend down to catch my breath.

'Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I had no idea that they would spot us. I'm such an idiot, I should have thought about this before coming out into public without a mask. Oh God are you hurt are -'

I stop his babbling by slapping by hand on his mouth.

'Shut up. They can probably hear you. Also. I'm fine. Just out of breath. And it's not your fault. You didn't know they would find you. Everyone deserves privacy. It's a right not a privilege.' I finish standing back up, getting my breathing under control.

I pull back my hand and look at him.

He's looking at me with shock.

'What? Is there something on my face?' I say becoming self conscious.

'I thought you'd be mad about the mobbing.'

'Pfft. Not your fault. Relax.' I say waving away his reasoning.

He opens his mouth to speak again but I stops as we start hearing footsteps again. Lots and lots of footsteps.

'Get behind me.' he said.

'No wait I have an idea.' I say turning him around to face me instead of the street, that was soon to be flooded by fans.

'Kneel and tie my laces. They won't expect a Rockstar to be tying shoelaces in a side alley next to the dumpsters.'

His nervousness is clear on his face as he kneels down and puts his hand on my shoe pretending to tie them.

It worked. They passed by without giving us a second glance.

I had no faith in myself that it would work but it did, their screams started fainting.

Jimin stood back up, gratitude all over his face.

And then he hugs me.

Let me tell you the about some of the best things in life, a cup of coffee in bed on Saturday mornings, headphones and a good book on a long drive, scent of apples, spearmint gum.
But what topped my list was a hug from Jimin.

He engulfed my tiny frame in his. His arms clasped on my lower back, lifting me off the ground a bit, my arms wrapped behind his shoulders.

'I know it scared you. I'm sorry.' he whispered into my hair as he let go but not completely, his hands still in the same position.

'I-' I can't speak. I'm an idiot. I swear.

He smiles at my speechlessness and then his phone rings.

Remind to break that phone later.

'Hello?' he asks.

After a brief conversation he cuts the call and lets me go.

'Who was it?' I ask.

He has worry hidden in his eyes.

'It was RM hyung, the security team is coming, but we need to walk through the mob to get to the van. The rest of them are in the van too. They were heading off to rehearsals and thought to pick us up, Tae told them where we would be and now they're stuck in fans. We have to go with the guards. They can't come to us.'

Oh crap.

I want to have a freaking panic attack because crowds and me aren't friends. At all. Especially crowds that are so determined. But there is no way out of this and I can already see how sorry Jimin is.

Also. I'm used to taking care of myself and standing up for myself. This will be a slightly more practical experience but whatever.

Deciding not to burden him with my fear I sigh and take out my clip from my hair and make a bun.

I might have to walk through the mob but if anyone touches my hair, I will cut a bitch.

He's confused at what I'm doing so I say,
'Fine, I'll go but you owe me fried chicken for this.'

His worries dissolve and he starts laughing.

'You're so weird.'

'Shut up. I'm amazing.'


I see some men dressed in black from head to toe, walk to us and realize that they're the security detail.

They nod at me and talk to jimin. He nods taking two masks from them and during this conversation I hear, 'Yeah she is.'

What am I? A foreigner? A friend? Scared? What did they ask.

I don't exactly have time to dwell on this as he walks up to me and puts the mask on me himself.

I freeze in my place as he does this. I'm sure about it now. These little things that he does are unintentional, while sending my heart into airplane mode. Turned off and no connections.

After he's done, he holds my hand and we're instantly surrounded by a circle of guards and we start walking out of the alley.

'You know, I'm still not 100% sure that you aren't a criminal. We're walking in a circle of armed men.'

His eyes crinkle and he says, 'You never know.'

I hear the crowd again. What the hell. It's like a static radio or a bee. Buzzing. The annoying kind.

'Wait you know I have a weird question. I haven't asked it yet, what's your full name?'

I could hear fans screaming it when I watched some small video clip from their concert.

I wanted to ask him about it later but I guess it must've slipped my mind.

He smiled and made a shushing gesture and cupped his ear so I could hear the crowd chanting.

'Kim Namjoon
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook

On repeat.

'Park Jimin? Your first name is park?' I say trying to control my giggles.

He's literally called a park. Ohmygod. This is gold.

'My first name is Jimin. Surname is Park. Also I can feel the glee stop trying to hide the laughter.' he says acting fake mad.

I'm about to reply when the relatively open circle of guards surrounding us gets tighter instantly and all I can hear is screams and shouts all around me.

Jimin wraps an arm around my waist, keeping me close to him. This illicits a raise in the noise.

We eventually get into the van at the speed of a snail.

I fall into an empty seat and rip the mask off of my face, taking a large breath.

How do they breathe with these?

My attention falls on the five guys staring, no glaring at a cowering Jimin in the seat in front of me.

They fling rapid fire curses at him, speaking so fast that I don't even catch the words. The only one who isn't is Jin. Who's staring at me.

I ask him what by raising my eyebrows?

He points at my arm that's bleeding from a small cut.

Weird, I didn't even feel the pain until he pointed it out.

Someone must have scratched me outside. I was too busy trying to get to the car alive, to notice the cut.

While the rest are still ripping Jimin a new one for God knows what, Jin makes his way over to me by climbing over the seats, accidentally hitting Jimin in the face.

'Not you too hyung !' he whines, knowing that it wasn't an accident, and turns around to look at me.

His eyes widen when he sees me holding my arm.

'Al you okay? Wait lemme get yo-' Jin says something to him making him shut up instantly and turn back around to the front.

He makes his way to me and says in the little English he knows, 'Arm up?'

I understand and raise my sleeve.

It's not a deep cut.

Jin wets a tissue with some water from a bottle and cleans the wound.

I ask him, 'Why were they yelling at Jimin?'

He smiles and says, 'Public without mask. Could have gotten hurt. He an idiot.'

That's so adorable. They really treat each other like a family. Like brothers.

After cleaning up, he places a band aid on the cut and rolls down my sleeve.

'Thank you.'

He gives me a thumbs up and says, 'No problem.'

'Can I sit next to her now?' I hear Jimin ask from the front.


He jumps from his seat to mine almost bumping his head into the van roof, making me and the rest burst out into laughter.

Suga and I were laughing the hardest.

'You're both horrible, I could've hit my head.' he says acting offended.

Suga and I look at each other, grin and high five.

Jimin face-palms.

We spend about a minute in silence.

'Well coffee was a bad idea.' he says and we all erupt into laughter again.

Bad idea is an understatement.

'RM hyung did Tae tell you everything?'

I knew he was trying not to reveal anything incase Tae wanted to tell them himself.

RM answered him and then turned to me and said, 'He told us Andy was his soulmate. Guess you guys are stuck with us for a long time.'

I chuckle and nod. Seems so.

'Are we going to the hospital to get them now?' I ask.


I hope they're both okay. I wonder who's going through the pain of the mark.
