55. Get Lost

Ally's POV

The rest of the night went by relatively well. Even after Tae and Andy walked out of the closet.

Well Tae walked, Andy stumbled.

They speed walked to opposite rooms. 

The game soon finished because RM had to do some scheduling with their staff. I'm pretty sure he was lying to avoid his turn.

I went to my room, grabbed my phone, changed into a night suit with small alpacas on it, given to me by Jin and trudged over to Jimin's room. 

I knocked softly and heard some blankets move and the door opened up. 

He stood there with ruffled hair and get this. 


My God. Can he get any cuter? 

He folded his arms and rested his shoulder against the side of the door, ‘Need something?’

Every night. Every time I come to his room, he makes me say it. 

‘Can I sleep here?’

And every night. Every time, he says, ‘Sure.’

I jump on the bed and plug my phone in to charge it and grab the book he was reading. 

It was entirely in Korean. I'd probably understand it if he read it out loud. Which is exactly what I was about to make him do. 

Instead of getting back in bed he slipped on his fluffy slippers and muttered a small, ‘I'll be right back.’


I sunk back into the pillows feeling comfy and cozy. But not entirely sleepy. I was missing something. Something to wrap myself around. 

The something then opened the door and he entered holding a cup. I'm assuming it was coffee. 

‘You're not gonna have any?’ I ask as he places it on the side table and gets on bed. 

‘Actually, I am. And you're not.’

‘Hey not fair, what did I ever do to you?’ I whine. 

My taste buds deserve that creamy goodness. 

He just rolled his eyes, ‘You're yawning. If you drink this, you'll turn into a hyperactive squirrel and I'm too tired to deal with that level of excitement.’

‘Don't you plan on sleeping then?’ I completely avoid the implication of becoming a squirrel. 

‘Coffee doesn't really affect me that much.’ he shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip. 

I don't really argue because I'm tired so I just shrug and pull the blanket over me and lay my head on his chest while he reads. 

It's peaceful. Once in a while, he'll pass his hand through my hair. It was a subconscious habit of his that I don't think he was aware of. 

My eyes were heavy with sleep and I had just whispered a small goodnight to him when the bedroom door opened loudly. 

I yelped and Jimin's cup of coffee fell from his hand onto both of us. 

I got up with a scowl on my face because although it wasn't scalding, it was still hot and now my entire arm was drenched in it along with Jimin's torso, making the shirt stick to him. 

I decided to yell at who interrupted us before drooling over the abs. 

See, I'm being responsible. 

But the thing is I didn't have to yell. Because Jimin's glare was enough. And it was directly aimed at Tae's face. 

‘Give me a good reason to not break that nose.’ he mumbled getting off of the bed to see if the bed sheets were stained. 

Thankfully they weren't, we had caught all of the spill. How lucky of us. 


‘We're going to get something to eat, feeling peckish. Wanna come along?’

I gave him a look of disbelief, and pointed to the clock hanging on the wall. 

‘It's 11 at night. And we had dinner like 3 hours ago.’

‘We're not coming. Go by yourselves. Now I have to shower thanks to your ass.’ Jimin said taking off his sticky shirt and walking to the closet. 

‘We were thinking of getting fish.' Andy yelled from outside the room. 

As soon as I heard fish, my posture straightened and Jimin who was ruffling through clothes, stopped and hung his head as if anticipating what I was about to say. 

‘Please no.’ he rubbed a hand on his face. 

I just smiled sweetly at him and turned to Tae who was smiling in victory. 

‘We'll be out in 15.’

Tae's yell of happiness was mixed with Jimin's curse. 

He left and I turned to the still, thankfully, half naked soulmate. 

‘You really expect me to come with you?’ he bluffed. 

I just nodded, ‘You love me too much.’

He opened his mouth to argue but then stopped and threw a hoodie at me. 

‘Just change will you?’

I beamed. 

‘Sure. Turn around’

He made his way to me, ‘Yeah okay, wait let me do this first.’

Now I'd like you to remember that he's still shirtless as his hands make their way to my shirt's buttons, opening them one by one. 

I sputter and slap his hand away after I get over the initial shock. 

‘What do you think you're doing?’

My voice is squeaky. Great. 

He goes back to undoing my buttons but doesn't slide off  the shirt.

I'm so close to slapping him, but somehow my hands are frozen on my sides.

‘You're dragging me for food at 11 pm. I get to do this, plus I'm just being helpful and you're not really complaining.’

By the time he finished talking, my buttons we're open but the shirt was still on me so only a cm or two of skin was visible from the top of my collarbones to my waist.

A small strip of skin. On fire.

He nodded appreciatively and turned to go shower, leaving me to swallow the shock and get moving.

He's getting bolder and I'm worried because I'm loving it.

I stole one of his hoodies, like always, with black sweatpants of my own.

He stepped out, dressed in a red full sleeved shirt and black trousers. He still smelt like coffee but it was the usual kind, from his shampoo.

‘Let's go shall we?’ he intertwined our fingers and led me out of the room.

We were heading to one of the weirdest nights of our lives but weren't aware of it yet.
