39. Groceries

Ally's POV

We were probably the weirdest group of people in that entire shop.

The cashier was actually snoring at the counter when we entered.

We should have been nice and woken him up in a nice way but instead we ignored him and went straight to the carts.

RM dumped Tae in Andy's cart while Jimin set me down in his.

We all separated in groups to go get stuff that we wanted. So basically Jin and RM went to go get the actual groceries.

J-hope, Suga and Jungkook decided to go randomly look at shelves and get whatever they wanted.

Andy and Tae went off to the chips aisle. God knows that woman has an unhealthy obsession with jalapeño flavor popcorn.

Jimin steered me to towards the freezers and drinks.

He kept pointing at random drinks and I, like the obedient minion, kept putting them in the cart.

'Hey, go get stuff for coffee. I'm craving coffee.' I say from my cart.

He smiles and nods turning around and heading for the opposite end of the store.

It took us 2 hours to shop. We racked up a bill of 22,266 yen. Which was alot.
I think the cashier still believed he was dreaming while ringing up the items.

By the time we got home, everyone's stomach was growling.

'I'll cook breakfast at 5. That's the earliest I can go. Till then, eat some snacks.' Jin said, heading straight to the couch so that he could sit and finish his comic in peace.

Relatable honestly.

Tae and I could walk now so I followed Jimin to the kitchen where he was taking the stuff out of the bags and putting it in the fridge.

'Wait, who bought this?' he held up a box of spearmint gum.

I raised my hand, 'Guilty. You mentioned you were out of gum yesterday so I just picked it up.'

He seemed touched at my thought and ruffled my hair. That earnt him a slap on the shoulder.

It's universal law, don't mess with a girl's hair.

'How did you know which flavor I like?' he asked turning around to put the eggs in the cabinet.

'You're not the only one who did practical research.'

His figure froze. Slowly turning around, he placed his hands on either side of me on the counter and looked at me with amusement on his face.

'Everyday Bambi. Everyday you surprise me.'


The next few concerts pass with ease and soon we're in America. Meaning Andy and I are at peace because we can actually understand what's going on.

'So, we're going to the residence in one car because I'm too tired and if my shoulder starts hurting again, I won't make it.' Jimin mumbles getting his luggage off of the carousel.

The 7 guys were a sight right now. Wearing sweatpants and t-shirts but still looking kind of stylish. Faces covered with masks, earphones in and eyes half shut because of exhaustion from the long flight.

Andy and RM went to go get us a car while I made sure none of them fell asleep on the floor.

Suga came close believe me.

Poke poke. I feel a someone's finger on my back. It's Jungkook , rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

'I'm hungry.' he croaked.

He was literally the baby of the group, it didn't matter how tall or muscular he was. Andy and I spoiled the kid. Which is why I just nodded and shook Jimin awake. He was snoozing on my shoulder.

'What is your problem woman? Let me sleep.'

'let's go get something to eat while beanie gets signed for a car. Come on. There's a McDonald's nearby.' I suggest with a hopeful voice.

I love fries.

He just nodded in his sleep and went back to drooling on my shirt.

Tae smiled from the floor and took out his phone to take a picture of us.

'Your best friend sleeps like a freaking rock. It's not funny. Stop taking pictures and wake him up.'

'Ally is that a hickey on your neck?' Tae gasped making Jimin come back to life immediately.

Tae burst out laughing, cackling so loud, it attracted unwanted attention from passing by people.

Jimin glared at him.

'Let's go. Food.' he muttered grabbing my hand and dragging me away from his best friend losing his mind on the floor.

'You're eager to go now?' I teased holding his hand.

'Well you can't blame me can you? I really didn't want to discuss hickies on you in public. Especially when you're standing this close to me.' he said purposefully dragging me closer so that I collided with his side, making him put an arm around my waist.

'Excuse me. I don't have any hickies on me.' I sputtered.


Duly noted.

It took us 20 minutes but we soon returned with bags of fries and burgers and drinks.

Everyone fell on them like vultures.

Andy and RM had come back with keys to a rental suv. That only Jin could drive because he had an international license.

How do you even get an international license?

When I found out he would be driving, we hugged and danced around in excitement while the rest grumbled in regret. They really didn't like our music choice.


We all piled in the car and left.

The only person awake was the one who was driving. Aka Jin.

'Peanut, Wake up. We're here.' Andy shook me awake.

I got out off the car in ruffled clothes and my jaw dropped.

I was told that it was an apartment.

It wasn't. It was a house. Like a cute homely home. Except with fences and security that surrounded the guys 24/7.

'In the last two months, we've lived in dorms, a penthouse and now a house. What's next? A cruise ship?' I ask Jimin as we enter the house holding our bags.

It's so pretty inside. Cream colored walls with wooden floors. There were only 5 rooms.

I instantly knew that I needed popcorn for the upcoming show.

We dumped our luggage in the lounge and dived for the comfiest couches. Andy and I landed on each other on one seater.

We looked at each other, a challenge in our eyes. Who'll win this couch?

But then she grinned and I understood what she meant instantly.

The guys looked at us as if ready for a cat fight.

Well you're going to be severely disappointed.

She got up off me and I settled in the seat, crossing my legs and then she sat in my lap and crossed her legs too.

Perks of being friends. You're used to sitting on top of the other.

J-hope laughed at our creative seating arrangement. This brought the others out of their thoughts and the war for the poofs began again.

Jin and Jimin scored the three seater and sat down, stretching their legs so that no one else could sit.

Only two stools remained.

Tae and RM scored those. But Tae soon gave it up for hobi, him being the elder and all that.

Eventually Suga tickled Jungkook off of the last couch so now all except two were seated.

Tae sat on the floor with Jungkook, leaning against the walls while the others had smug grins on their faces.

'Right. Now for the rooms.' Suga spoke up.

'I have an idea.' I pipe up.

He nodded at me to go ahead.

'Why can't we just take the rooms in the groups that we're sitting in. Me and Andy. Jimin and Jin, J-hope and RM, Tae and Jungkook, and you.'

Everyone seemed delighted at the idea except two. You can probably guess which two.

'That's not fair.' Tae whined.

He wanted to share his room and uhm saliva uhm with Andy.

'Tough luck, she's with me.' I smirk.

'We'll see about that.' Jimin spoke up.

Okay. Now you see. Hot. Okay.

'We're all tired. Let's rest and meet around 7 for dinner ok?' Jin said.

His idea was good because everyone's heads were lolling on the couches. Kookie was already passed out on Tae's shoulder.
Everyone hummed in agreement.

Andy got off me and went to help Tae drag Jungkook to their room. Jin helped RM pick up the bags and throw them in the respective rooms.

Suga was already asleep on the couch so J-hope was trying to wake him up. Unsuccessfully, I might add.

I stood up stretching my legs and turned to head off to my room.

Jimin grabbed my wrist and turned me around making me spin into his chest like some Actress.

Gathering my balance, I placed my hands in his chest.

'What are you doing?'

'How am I supposed to sleep if you're not in the same bed as me?' he whined.

'You'll figure it out. Now. Let me go. I'm so tired.'

'Fine.' he let go of my arms, leaning down and kissing me on the lips.

He straightened with a smug smile, 'Now you can go.'

I roll my eyes at his childish behavior but inside I'm touched at the cute gesture.

'Hmm roll your eyes all you want. I know you liked it.' he said as I walked away making me laugh.

God I loved that idiot.

Oh God. I love him.

I love Jimin.
