43. Hide And Seek

Ally's POV

I make my way back into the lounge, mind buzzing with the horrible promise I made.

‘Al, wanna play hide and seek?’ Tae asked from his place on the couch.

His head was on Andy's lap and they were both scrolling away on their phones. He slightly moved his phone to look at me with a question in his eyes.

‘Hide and seek? Aren't we a little too old for that?’

‘Not if there is a good enough penalty.’ Suga answered as he came into view dusting away the flour on his hands.

Soon enough the remaining two impromptu chefs followed him.

Jimin's face was a mixture of amusement and pissed off. I smiled at him when he entered and he narrowed his eyes at me as if saying ‘betrayer.’

Oh well. Suit yourself.

I made my way to the couch and dropped on it next to RM.

I heard a sigh from behind me, where he was standing.

I turned my head towards Andy, completely determined to not look at him.

I felt something on the couch move and looked to see that he had somehow persuaded RM to give him his seat.

Jimin settled into the couch crease and placed an arm around my shoulders which involuntarily made me curl into his side.

He just smiled without looking down at me.

I had a small battle in my brain. On one hand I wanted to deprive him of this but he felt so good. I didn't want to leave his side.

Finally deciding on the fact that not kissing him for 2 days is enough of a punishment, I relaxed under his arm, melting further into the couch and him.

‘I'm up for hide and seek. We have nothing else to do anyways. The food will take another hour. So might as well kill some time.'

‘Yeah, I'm done with the slides. And so is peanut. Let's play’

We're such kids. But I love us.

I finally nod.

‘What's the penalty? ’ Hobi asked.

‘How about, whoever gets caught first has to clean up after dinner?’ Jin suggested.

This was something really weird about these guys. They really hated cleaning up after food.

Their rooms, outfits, everything was the epitome of cleanliness but this bothered them somehow so it was almost always Andy and me who ended up clearing the table, not that we minded.

‘No way that's not fair, Em and Al do that anyways.’ Tae protested.

‘How about, if you lose, you have to kiss the person who caught you on the cheek.’ J hope suggested.

All the boys reacted violently at this.

That's why we ended up agreeing on this penalty. The more people hated it, the better.

We played 8 rounds of rock, paper, scissors to determine who would wander around catching people.

Tae lost making him curse loudly. That got him hit on the head by Jin and Andy.

Jimin tied a bandana on Tae's eyes and spinned him around ten times and pushed him onto a sofa.

He got up disoriented and held his hands out.

‘Hey behave. Just go hide. You guys have 5 minutes. After that I'm ripping this off and coming.’

No one even bothered to answer him and scrammed to different parts of the house.

Andy hid on top of a cupboard while Jungkook hid inside it.

RM slid under the bed with Jin while Suga stuffed himself inside a large kitchen cabinet. J-hope hid behind some bulky curtains.

Jimin headed for a closet in his room while I hid in the bathtub in my bathroom, with the lights off.

The house was completely silent when we heard Tae yell, 'Ready or not, here I come.'

He tried making the world's lamest jokes loudly, hoping that someone would laugh and give away their hiding place.

I could feel Jimin controlling his laughter.

Tae's footsteps started growing louder as he entered my room and my heartbeat sped up. He's going to find me. Fuck.

From my place in the bathtub, I could see the door knob turning slowly but then a loud crash came from outside, and he instantly ran after it I assumed because no one opened the door and busted me.

I let out a deep breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

Suddenly my door opened making me yelp and slam a hand on my mouth.

It was Jimin.

‘What are you doing here? What if he sees you?’ I whisper yelled at him.

He grinned and closed the door and made his way to the bathtub, gesturing for me to fold my legs so he could join.

The tub wasn't big enough to hold two adults so my legs were basically folded on top of his when he sat down.

He placed his hands on my thighs, just to sit comfortably but my brain went into overdrive.

'I could feel you panic when he was about to catch you so I threw a broom from my room into the lounge. He ran there and I sneaked here. He didn't see me. We're safe.' he said.

I couldn't do anything but nod like a robot.

He had this habit of making small circles on my skin with his thumbs. Usually when he did that, we would be holding hands and his movement on my knuckles would calm me down.

But when his fingers moved on my legs, my nerves set on fire. I was the exact opposite of calm.

His face was turned to the door, checking to see if Tae was coming or not.

The only thing glinting in the incredibly dim light was his earring, resting against his jaw because it was so long.

As if in a trance, I raised a hand to touch it.

He smiled when he felt my fingers on his jaw and leaned into my touch.

We sat there for hours. Or seconds. I don't remember.

By the time we heard Andy curse loudly and Tae yell in victory, my head was leaning on his shoulder, my eyes closed as he played with my hair, silently humming with a small smile on his face because I was using him as a radio.

He seemed to like it. And so did I.

Hearing our friends yell out, I opened my eyes and sighed,
‘Let's go.’

It took me three attempts and multiple laughs from Jimin to finally get up.

I had been sitting in the tub for so long that my joints were completely stiff.

He seemed completely fine. Probably because he was used to being as flexible as a bendy straw in his daily life.

‘Stretch. It'll help.’ he said, holding me by my shoulders when I almost fell over because I was so stiff.

'I would if I knew how.'


He put his feet between mine and separated making my legs open up.

‘Ow!’ I straightened up and smacked him lightly on the chest.

'You'll thank me tomorrow.'

Hmm. I probably will.

I turned around and opened the door to leave and then decided to take revenge for the way he made me feel with the circles on my legs.

‘Well, it was nice to share a bathtub with you. I'd expected less clothes and more water but we can't always get what we want.’

And walked out, trying my level best not to fall over from the deep desire swirling in my ribcage.
