51. Promise

Ally's POV

‘Park Jimin. Let me go.’


I roll my eyes at his cheesy reply.

I was currently being held down on the bed, because “you've gone through alot, you need rest.”

‘You can't just expect me to sit on this freaking bed the entire day. I have to change clothes. Shower. Eat. Fix slides. I have-’ Flump.

My speech is interrupted by him hitting me in the face with a pillow.

His eyes narrow into croissants when he tries to stop himself from laughing at my shocked and annoyed expression.

‘You can always sit on me if you want?’ back to the cheesy flirting.

Great. Just what I need.

‘Andy!’ I yelled hoping she'd come to my rescue.

She may not be up because it was 7 am and I had woken up Jimin by yelping as I almost fell off the bed.
You see I had forgotten how dead I became everytime I was hit by one of these phases.

He made sure to tuck me into the blanket so tightly that I basically resembled the new burrito on the McDonald's menu.

‘No one's gonna come love. She was up all night with Tae. The mark hit him around an hour after you fell asleep.’

Why lord. Why. Wait speaking of the mark.

‘Take off your shirt will you?’ I say to him, still a bit spaced out, thinking about Tae and Andy.

A small electric shock in my chest brought me back to reality as I looked at him. His eyebrow was raised and a small smirk was playing on his lips.

Great. I walked straight into that one.

‘Taking advantage of the fact that everyone's asleep?’

I roll my eyes as I try to avoid the blush creeping up my neck.

‘Oh don't even go there, I just want to see the mark.’

He was smiling as he grabbed the ends of the shirt and said, ‘Hey. You said it. Also we'll go there soon but not here. You know? Surrounded by so many people. What if someone hears your screams and thinks I'm killing you?’


What I want to say is, ‘How soon?’

But because my mother didn't raise me as a prostitute, I just slap his arm because that's all the energy I have.

The rest was spent trying not to die squeaking at his words, because like, let's face it. I want to go there. I want to take a bullet train to get there. Asap.

‘Shut up and take it off.’

Words I never thought I would say to be perfectly honest.

‘ooh so demanding.’ he said teasingly but took off the shirt.

Needless to say, my breath hitched a little like always.

But today I wasn't focused on tracing his body with my fingers. Sadly.

I was more interested in the mark. My mark.

He turned to the side to show it to me completely and I gasped outloud.

‘What? What is It? Here, take a picture.’ he said handing me his phone.

I was his lockscreen.

But what made my heart expand like 700 times was the fact that it wasn't a recent picture.

It was from the first night we'd spent together at the dorms. When Tae had gone down to get the food and Jin was taking photos of us.

In the picture, I was sitting between his legs, drowning in an oversized white sweater which I could still smell, covering my face with both of my hands while two of his fingers were making bunny ears over my head. They were then adorned with the rings that I was currently wearing.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I took a picture of his back and handed him the phone, silently hoping he wouldn't put the shirt back on.

What? He was literally eye candy right now.

His hand reached for the shirt and my lips moved in a silent curse.

He just grinned and looked at me, ‘I knew it.’ and threw the shirt to the foot of the bed.


When he looked at the photo his mouth formed an 'o'.

‘It's a... ’

He bit his lip thinking hard while looking at the photo of his back and turned to me with questioning eyes.

‘Can I?’

I understood what he was asking. And after all it was only fair if he could see it too so I just nodded and steeled myself and raised my shirt from my side.

He just stared for a few seconds as if frozen in the moment. Then came back to life and extended a hand. His fingers were cold.

‘Beautiful... ’ he trailed away as his fingers traced his initials that were curved on my last rib.

It was butterfly wings. Well wing. One on each. I had a feeling that they would join perfectly when we would stand together, side by side.

Our initials were part of it. It was like a contract. A symbol. A signature. A promise.

When his fingers brushed on my spine, my skin erupted in goosebumps making him stop.

Okay a part of me really didn't want him to stop but whatever.

Just in time my stomach grumbled, trying to make me aware that it existed. And was hella hungry.

Which reminds me. I was trying to escape.

‘If you even think about it, I will lock you inside this room.’
He said getting off of the bed to stretch and put on his shirt, much to my dismay.

‘Pinky please. I need to shower. I need clothes. And most importantly I need food.’

Maybe my begging had persuaded him or maybe he knew that I would try to leave the minute he was out of sight and probably break some bone.


15 minutes later.

‘No. Absolutely not. Over my dead body. No wait. Over yours. Get away from me before I hit you.’

He rolled his eyes at me.

‘You're acting like an infant. I'm just gonna put you in the tub. You can't even walk.’

He was right but nope. Even though I would be all folded up in towels from head to toe, the thought of him carrying me while I was covered by... Just a towel.


He face palmed at my determined face and fell forward on the bed in frustration.

‘Fine. How about you wear the freaking bath robe? Better? ’

I wouldn't have even considered yes if I wasn't desperate for a shower. I can't live without them.

He plays with my hair all the time. The thought of him holding a greasy strand of hair made me want to puke.

I needed the shower.


He grinned victoriously and grabbed the robe from the bathroom and threw it at my face and walked out of the room to give me some privacy.

I called him back in when I was done tying it as tight as I could.

He came back muttering under his breath, ‘Shirtless 5 minutes ago.....why.….of me... ’

Gently, he picked me up and took me to my bathroom. The entire house was still asleep. Which was something I was incredibly grateful for.

He opened the bathroom door and carefully put me back on my feet in the tub so that I could shower easily.

‘Great. Thank you. Now shoo.’

He just chuckled and pressed his fingers slightly into my sides, ‘Please be careful. Try your level best not to fall. I know it's a bit hard for you.’


Yeah but a caring one.

Shut up self conscience.

I put my hands on his shoulders and turned him around, giving him a slight push.

‘Wait. Hold up.’

He turned around so quick, it gave me whiplash.

His hands were instantly around my waist as if scared I would fall.

‘What? What's wrong?’

A small bubble of laughter left my lips.

‘Just wanted to ask, apples or coconut?’

He gave me that smile that often drove me to the edge of cardiac arrests and said, ‘Always apples.’

He bent down to place a short but sweet kiss on my forehead and left, closing the door behind him.

Apples it is then.
