18. Practice

Ally's POV

We make our way to the van. I don't know how because all I'm focused on is how I hurt Jimin.

How could I do so much to him and not even realize it? Did it really hurt him that much? Why. Why does this bond hurt everyone. Why isn't it content with one of us.

We're walking to the parking lot. Andy's holding my hand and we're both providing other the support to walk because the day has been so fucked up already that I miss my bed. I just want to go back to sleep and forget all of this. But I know this is a lie. Because even though I've spent only 2 days with these people. I can't fathom leaving them.

Especially Jimin.

He gave me this feeling of safety that I'd never felt before. It made me feel as if it was okay to be just.. me. That he'd accept me for who I am. That he'll take care of me.

I've always been the girl who never let anyone step on her. I always stood up for myself and for others but it felt good to let my guard down with him.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Suga opened the van's door. Andy and I climb inside and sit together while the boys head to the back seats.

I fall asleep on Andy's shoulder on the way to their studio.

What? Can you blame me? I'd been up since 3:30am. I'm hella tired.

After what seemed about a minute but was probably an hour she shook me awake.

We're outside the studio. But there seems to be a teeny tiny problem.

The doors are barricaded.

Why you ask.

Because of the hundreds of fans standing outside it.

They were most probably waiting for us to arrive which is why their low chatter increased to full on yelling once we parked.

'You two stay in the car. We'll send someone to get you after 5 minutes. Let us go in first. That'll distract them.' RM said, sounding like a strategist.

Andy and I look at each other and grin.

'Sure. More sleep for me. Bye.' I say and go back to my position on Andy's shoulder.

'You'll be okay?' Jimin asked me while Tae talked to Andy.

I found that I couldn't look him in the eye. I felt guilt. So much guilt.

'Yeah, you go.'

He sighs at my short answer and turns to leave after the rest but at the last moment I grab his sleeve making him turn around.

'Be careful.'

He smiles and nods, turns back around and lowers his snap back on his face and leaves.

Now the only one's left in the van are me and Andy.

'Wanna talk about it?' she asks.

I shake my head, 'You first.'

She looked like she wanted to object but gave up.

'I don't know what to say peanut. I feel so...happy around him. It's not normal to act like this after just two days. When he fell in pain I could feel my heart stop. It was fear like I'd never felt before. I just..' she couldn't talk anymore.

I just nodded and hugged her from the side.

Suddenly the van door opened making me and Andy yelp.

It was hobi smiling wide.

'Let's go' he handed us two masks and took us to the back of the building where a door was open for our entry.

He took us up to the dance studio, I'm guessing.

All of them had changed into workout clothes.

Jimin was wearing an oversized shirt with sweat pants.

He looked cute.

Tae noticed us and smiled, pointing to a couch, 'Sit and enjoy.'

Andy and I share a look of amusement and make our way to the couch.

Their dance practice starts.

It's mesmerizing.

The way they moved was shocking to say the least.

Like fluid. One unit. Moving in sync. Every step so perfectly taken that the dance seemed less like a dance and more like a story. Conveying a message.

After about 5 songs, the music stopped and they took a break.

All of them dripping in sweat, and breathing heavy.

My eyes were glued to Jimin.

He. Well. How do I say this.

His head was thrown backwards while he drank water with his eyes closed. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed.
Sweat glistened on him, making his shirt stick to him.

He suddenly opened his eyes to look at me.

I couldn't look away.

He made his way over to me, walking slowly.

It was agonizing. Every step was tightening the knot in my stomach.

I was too far gone in his gaze to notice that Andy was no longer sitting next to me, but was instead trying to learn a dance move from hobi and Tae.

Jimin fell down on the couch next me, closer than necessary.

His body was radiating heat.

'See something you like?'

I don't answer yes. But I don't deny it either.

He smirks when I lower my gaze to my lap.

My chest is undergoing construction because it had already collapsed under the amount of emotions rocketing inside it. His and mine combined.

I don't know why he was having such a strong affect on me. It felt like a freaking magnet. I was drawn to him. And he knew it.

He moves closer, taking advantage of the fact that the others are lost in their phones.

Now our knees are touching.

He's bold. There's no denying that.

I'd say I felt sparks but that would be a lie.

It felt like a numbing fire everywhere he touched.

His hands find their way to my hair, that had escaped from the bun.

He slowly tucked it behind my ear and instead of bringing his hand back down, it lingered on my neck.

Till the door opened.

Someone is stepping over my voodoo doll right now.

Disappointment flashes across my features and he notices.

'Don't worry Al. I'll make it up to you.' he's smirking. Jackass, he knows how flustered I am and he's enjoying it.

I narrow my eyes at him and slap his hand away that hadn't left its position.

'Behave.' I say making him chuckle and turn around to see who saved me from losing my first kiss on a practice room couch.

Standing in the doorway is a team of three people.

2 girls and one man.

As soon as Jimin looks at them, I can instantly tell he doesn't like one of them. He rolls his eyes and makes his way to the other end of the room.

Tae looks at the new additions to the room and mutters, 'This ought to be fun.'

'I need to talk to the both of you.' The man says pointing at me and Andy.

What for?

We share an uneasy look.
