13. You Again?

Ally's POV

After getting ready, Andy and I make our way to the living room where Jimin and Tae are already waiting.

Taehyung was wearing a dark green hoodie with black skinny jeans. He's wearing rings on his fingers and I smiled inwardly, knowing that Andy was a sucker for men wearing rings.

Jimin was in black jeans and a blue button up shirt. Damn he looked good.

He looked at me appreciatively. And my heart bloomed in happiness. His happiness.

I could understand what he wanted to say.

'Shall we?' he asked outloud.

Andy and I look at each other and nod, linking our arms we walk out of the dorm, the boys behind us.

We take the lift down and go the parking of the building, when I see Jimin spinning car keys around his fingers while whistling lightly.

I'm aware that I'm drooling but I'm unable to stop it. Andy laughs silently and whispers in my ear, 'Peanut, you couldn't be more obvious that you want to jump his bones.'

I punch her on her arm, blushing furiously, already knowing that he'll feel it and I'm right because when I look up, I see him looking at me with confusion and amusement.

'Don't ask.' I mouth at him.

We get closer to a car. Well a range rover. Black. Hot.

'Wow that car is hot.' Andy says.

'Of course it is, it belongs to me.' Tae says with a smug look on his face.

Jimin throws the keys to him.

Catching them, Tae makes his way to the passenger seat and opens the door for Andy.

'You're nice to her. I approve.' I say to him as I pass by them to go to the back seat as Jimin opens the door for me.

'well the best friend approval is necessary so thanks.' he says with a grin.

I get in and thank Jimin for opening the door. He jogs to the other side and sits beside me.

Tae starts the car and we're on our way.

'I have an idea. Play some song of yours. We haven't heard any.' I say to Jimin.

He smirks at me and says, 'Now that's a lie. Didn't you just use me as a personal jukebox less than an hour ago?'

Tae starts driving while Andy laughs.

I face-palm.

'You know what I mean. Anyways, Andy hasn't heard any yet.'

He pokes his best friend driving the car.

'Which one Tae?'

The said person thinks for a minute and says, 'What do you want to hear? Slow, fast, happy, sad?'

'Sad.' Andy answers.

'Chim, Let me know.'

Jimin complies.

It starts slow and it starts in a deep voice singing in English. That was probably Tae.

On top of this ending tune
I am standing here alone
Now tell me
That it’s over, let me know.

Girl let me know
Girl let me know
Although I already know everything is over
Although you’re over me

Girl let me know
Girl let me know
Girl let me know
Tell me something

      I just wanna know
    I just wanna know
My lingering feelings are trying to withstand the end
So please tell me something, girl let me know

The song was a mixture of English and Korean, probably because we could understand two of the singers only.

It finished and Andy and I just sat in silence.
Not knowing what to say.

What do you say after such a heart wrenching song.

I had seriously underestimated them.

Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other through the rear view mirror and grinned.

'So. Any comments?' Jimin nudged me in the ribs.

'I loved it.' I say.

'Same.' Andy adds.

'You guys ridiculously talented.' She said and I nod in agreement.

Tae smiles at the compliment, while jimin takes a hold of my hand again, lacing our fingers together.

Even though I spent the night in his bed and almost on him. This made me look out of the window, to hide my face that had the biggest smile on it.

He turned his body towards me and got close. Like. Really close.

And moved the hair away from my ear, slowly with his fingers grazing the side of my neck.

I shiver at his touch.

He leans down and whispers, his lips almost touching my ear.

'You can't hide your reactions. I feel it all. And may I say, it's fun making you blush.'

Andy chooses this moment to exclaim loudly, 'Jimin, weren't you telling me just 15 minutes ago, No touching?'

Tae and I burst out laughing as Jimin groans and goes back to his place. His hand still holding mine.

'Tae, your girl is frustrated and she's taking it out on me.'

Andy starts stuttering.

' I - You. What'

Tae grins at her and looks back at us and says to Jimin, 'Do want me to repeat what I said the last time we were at the hospital? I believe Ally can understand what I'm saying now and is slightly curious.'

'Absolutely.' I say with a big smile.

'Not.' Jimin grits out.

'Taehyung, Andy's my best friend, I know everything about her. Ask me anything and I'll tell you. But tell me what you said first.' I try bribing him.

'And Tae, I live with you, I'll tell Andy everything embarrassing you've ever done if you open your mouth.' Jimin says with an evil smile, knowing he's won.

'Why am I the bait here?' Andy says outloud.

Jimin and I shush her at the same time, our eyes trained on Tae for his answer.

He seems to be torn between wanting to embarrass jimin but also keep his dignity in front of Andy.

'Sorry, Al. He's seen me do alot of crap. I can't take that risk.'

Damn it.

Jimin yells in victory.

'Jimin ?' I say


'You suck.'

The car ride is full of banter and by the time we get to the hospital, I find out that Jimin can dance and Tae acts in some drama.
Jimin doesn't eat Mango, and Tae does fantastic pingu expressions. They're weird. Just like us.


By the time we reach the hospital, it's 6 am.

We get out of the car and walk back into the dreaded place.

And literally the first person we see in there, in front of the reception is the Doctor.

'You Again?' he looks surprised to see us.

'Is everything okay, did it get near the bone?'

The what now?

All four of us exchange looks of bafflement.

'Um no? We're here because they're soulmates too and we'd like you to tell us what kind.' I say.

His eyes go wide.

'Follow me, follow me.' he says and scutters off at an unusually high speed, to the VIP patient rooms.

We go after him.

The room is surprisingly big. Jimin and I take a seat on the couch present in it while Tae stands next to the bed.

Andy is weird so she was sitting on the bed with crossed legs.

'Why are we in a private room?' Tae asked the Doc, with his hands in his pockets.

'Take off your shirts.' he said to Andy and Tae.

'Absolutely not.' I say.

'Excuse me?' Andy says.

'The hell?' Jimin says.

'No way.' Tae says.

And it's clear that we're all protesting for Andy's sake.

Everyone knows how shy she is. This would cross the line.

The doctor rolls his eyes.

'I'm a doctor. Trust me. This is necessary. You're the silent whispers. Your mark is on your back. Like those two had to hold hands for it to start, your hand needs to touch the other's shoulder blade. It's where the mark starts where the touch is required.'

We look at each other. Knowing that this can't be avoided. Andy looks at me pleadingly so I do the best I can.

'Alright then we're leaving.' I say pointing to me, Jimin and the doctor.

Jimin nods in agreement.

'I'm the Doctor. I have to stay.' he said with an exasperated expression.

I could see Andy's anxiety as if it were another being in the room. Too obvious.

Apparently Tae could too.

'That's enough. Get out. We know what to do. We just have to touch each other's shoulder blade right. We don't need step by step instructions.' he said.

His voice held authority.

'You kids nowadays make such a big deal out of everything.' he said snarkily.

Okay. I would like to know who the hell gave him a degree in medicine. Isn't bedside manner a big part of being a doctor.

'We're the kids? All I see are three people trying to help their friend do something she's uncomfortable of and a stubborn man, being too thick headed to understand it.' Andy spoke up.

She was now standing next to Tae, and it looked as if he was her strength. Knowing that he was by her side, she could speak up.

'Now. That that's all cleared, is there anything we should be careful of?' Tae said, his voice had a smirk hidden in it.

The doctor grumbled in defeat, knowing that he was being rude.

'Touch at the exact same time. On the opposite blades. Don't freak out if one of you collapses in pain. Just hold the other's hand. It'll go away. Call me when you're done.' He walks out indignantly.

'What an ass.' Jimin says.

'Tell me about it.' Tae says, the muscle in his jaw twitching.

'We're gonna go. You'll be ok?' I ask them but my question is directed more towards Andy. What? I'm biased. Sue me.

'Yeah peanut. I'm fine. Go.' she says with a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.

Tae nods at us and me and Jimin turn around to leave.

'Jimin?' I hear Andy call out.

'Yeah?' he turns around to answer her.

She gestures at Tae for the car keys, who smiles and rolls her eyes at her, takes them out of his back pocket.

She throws them to Jimin who catches them effortlessly and looks at her with confusion on his face. As do I.

'Take Al out for a coffee. After all you owe her one.'

I shake my head and say, 'We'll be fine in the waiting room. I don't want to leave you.'

She grins and says to us, 'One of your best friends is about to start screaming in pain. You don't want to be here when that happens. Believe me. I'm talking from experience.'

'But beanie..' I start.

'Jimin. Just do it will you? I'll show you her pictures from when she had braces if you do.'

That hoe.

Jimin's eyes softened at Andy's explanation of why she didn't want us here.

Trying to lighten up my mood he said, 'Sorry Al. Golden opportunity. Can't let this go.'

He nodded at Tae who had been listening to the conversation quietly with a small smile on his face.

The nod was his way of making sure Tae was okay.

Jimin looped his arm into mine and dragged me out of the room before I could resist.

'Jimin, I should be with her.' I say in desperation.

Just thinking of Andy going through the pain I went through made me Shiver.

'Al. They're going to be stuck in that room for an hour after this with the doctor and they need to be alone to talk. Like we did. Let's just give them an hour and then we'll come back okay? What's Andy's favorite food? We can buy some on the way back.' he says.

I had failed to notice that during this entire speech, he had already dragged me to the parking lot and was now unlocking the car.

But after everything, I agreed with what he said. They need some alone time and God knows they weren't going to get it in the dorms with the other five hyperactive kids.

'She likes pasta. What does Tae like?'

'They're soulmates after all. He goes gaga for ramen.' he said with a small laugh.

'Off to the grocery shop then.' I say as I buckle my seat belt.

He sits in the driver seat and turns on the car.

He turns to the side and looks at me, 'Not yet. Coffee first.'

I look down at my lap wondering if this is my first date? Ohmygod. Is it?

He chuckles as he reverses the car out onto the road.

'Calm down Al. You'll make me crash the car with how hard my heart is beating.'

I blush. Oh God what is it with all the blushing. I am starting to feel like a goddamn chameleon.

'Sorry. Forgot about that.'

He just smiles and grabs my right hand with his left. And rubs small circles on my knuckles.

And just like that, I calm down.

'All better now.' he says.

He's a drug, I tell you. Made to drive me insane.
