30. Almost Date

Ally's POV

The next few days fly by and suddenly it's the day we fly out to Japan. Their first tour location.

J-hope and Suga had been slowly but successfully teaching us Korean while we taught all of them English.

We couldn't hold full conversations yet but got the general gist of it. It made everything alot easier.

It was the day of the flight when everyone was running around in a frenzy except for me, Andy, RM, and Jin.
We had already packed and our bags were by the door. The rest were still working on it.

I was watching some Korean drama with English subtitles, completely Jungkook's fault. He got me hooked on them.

'Al? Come here will you?' I heard Jimin call from his room.

Taking out my headphones, I head to his room to see him holding up dress shirts. One was black, the other white.

'Which one should I keep? I can't decide.'

'Black.' I answered without hesitation.

From research aka stalking him, I had stumbled on some photoshoots that these guys had a few months ago. The outfit was black dress shirts and ripped jeans.
Lord knows how much I drooled that day. I would probably sacrifice some prized possessions to see that look in real life too.

He looked surprised at my instant reply.

'That was quick. Okay. Black it is.' he proceeded to fold it and fit it in his bag.

Zipping it shut he told me to sit on his bed while he went to go drop it off next to the door.

I fell on his bed. I was way too comfortable on it. Considering that I'd been spending all my nights cuddled on it, next to him. He kept the nightmares away. Also, he was incredibly squishy. Bonus factor.

He came back and stood in the doorway looking at me,I was completely unaware and making snow angels on the bed.

He finally chuckled making me sit up at the speed of light.

'Have I ever told you how hot you look on my bed?'

'Have I ever told you to stop flirting?'

He grinned.

'Have you eaten yet?' I asked, knowing full well that the answer would be no.

'Food is a social construct created and perpetuated by large scale agricultural industries.'

'It really isn't.'

'I was gonna eat but there's nothing in the fridge.' he pouted.

I sighed and jumped off of the bed.

I walk outside and on the way grab the laces of his hoodie, dragging him along with me.

'Ooh, kinky. I like.'

I absent-mindedly smack him on the head while grabbing the car keys hanging by the main door.

'We'll be back in an hour. Bye.' I yell at the people littering the living room.

We stand in the elevator when he decides to speak up.

'Wait, I didn't grab my wallet, we gotta go back.'

I roll my eyes at this and point to the purse hanging on my shoulder.

'Ah no, I don't want you to waste your money on me.'

'Okay question. If we go back and get your wallet, will you buy food for me?' I ask.


'Then let me do the same you hypocrite.' I say and walk out of the elevator to the car.

'At least let me drive.' he said finally giving up.

I raise my eyebrows at him but give in due to his puppy dog eyes and throw him the keys and sit in the car.

Anyways. He looked hot while driving.

'Where do you want to go m'lady?'

'I'm in the mood for curly fries. What about you?'

Curly fries are the best. I would marry them if it were legal.

'I'm gonna get a burger. I know just the place.' he said.

It took us only 5 minutes to get to the restaurant. Well it was more of a Cafe than a restaurant.

People were seated outside on wooden tables and stools. It had a rustic theme. Cute.

We ordered. I got the fries and a small pizza while he got the largest effing burger I've ever seen in my life. With peach ice tea. What a combination.

Holding out trays of food we went to sit outside.

'Why didn't you get a burger?' he asked, not pausing to stuff his face.

'I don't eat burgers.' I shrugged.

He froze. Jaw open. Eyes wide.

'How are we soulmates?'

I threw a chip at him in response, which he caught easily with his teeth.

'You're a weird person Bambi.'

He had taken to calling me Bambi since that night. I found it endearing.

'I could say the same for you pinky.' he rolled his eyes at the nickname.

He acted as if he didn't like it but the flash of happiness that passed through me every time I called him that, said otherwise.

And old lady passing by our table paused and turned to us, nudging her husband in the arm making him look at us too.

'Honey look at the cuties. You used to take me out on dates like these once.'

I choked on my drink while Jimin grinned at me.

'Actually, she this date was her idea not mine.' he spoke up in a cherry voice.

Say what now.

The old guy turned to his wife with a smirk on his face. Old people smirk too. Nice to know. Gah.

'Your turn dear.' he said.

They both walked away laughing, leaving me to deal with the hot guy grinning in front of me.

'So. How did I exactly ask you out may I ask?' I ask.

'You were the one who, uhm, dragged me out of the apartment. To eat. Also you paid. So I believe you just took us on our first date.'

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't deny his logic.

He saw the defeat in my eyes and laughed.

'Okay let's make a deal, we can call this a practice date. I'll ask you out the next time. Okay?'


There was a small pause as I processed what he said.

He put a hand on his chest and said, 'Whoa. I'm gonna take that as a yes.'

I didn't know what to say so I quietly nodded and sipped on my drink.

The rest of the lunch went by filled with me throwing chips and him miraculously catching all of them.

After finishing the food we went back to the dorms. Waiting with the others till it was finally time to go to the airport.
