53. Truth Or Dare Pt 2

Ally's POV

‘No way. Come on guys. The last time we played this, I had to go get pizza in my boxers.’ Tae complained as Jimin cleared the table from the remains of our dinner.

Jin had suggested on playing truth and dare again, everyone had agreed except Tae, mainly because he was scared of a repeat of last time.

‘Hey that's your girlfriend's fault not ours. So shut up and sit down.’ RM ordered.

Tae hung his head in defeat while shooting Andy a fake glare.

We all gathered around the table, sitting cross legged on the floor.

Suga had just finished a bottle of coke so we were planning on spinning that.

‘Alright who's going first?’ Andy asked.

The boys looked at each other and said the three words that were literally the epitome of their democracy, ‘Rock paper scissors.’

Andy rolled her eyes.

After God knows how many rounds, it was decided that RM would spin first and it would then move counter clockwise.

He spun the bottle and it landed on Jin who just muttered a small, ‘Oh fuck.’

RM laughed at this and rubbed his hands in an overly exaggerated evil way, ‘Ah Jin hyung, truth or dare?’

Jin didn't even hesitate before saying, ‘Dare.’

Dumbass I tell you. RM was notorious for giving horrible dares.

He looked around the room for inspiration and his eyes stopped moving when he landed on a bottle of Tabasco sauce.

‘Namjoonie don't eve-’ Jin started when RM said, ‘Dare you to eat a tablespoon of Tabasco sauce without water.’

Jin facepalmed while the rest laughed at his horrible fate.

Since Tae was closest to the kitchen, he got up to go get the spoon and the sauce of death for Jin.

He heaped the spoon and shoved it into Jin's mouth. His eyes went comically wide and as if in sync both Jimin and Tae put their hands over mine and Andy's ears as Jin let out a string of curses. Probably all aimed at the leader of BTS who was rolling on the floor in laughter.

Next up was Andy's turn and the bottle landed on me.
‘Ally you better choose a dare, you chose truth last time too.’ Suga said to me and all of the rest chimed in with agreement.

Great, I was being bullied into choosing a dare.

‘Fine, dare.’ I say making them erupt in hoots of yes.

‘You know I really want to keep the trend of food dares so how about eating a lemon. Whole.’

God I hate this woman. I don't know why we ever became friends.

‘That's so easy.’ Jimin said from beside me.

I turn to look at him with an incredulous look on my face. Like buddy? A lemon. Whole. How's that easy?

He just shrugged and replied with, ‘I like lemons.’

J-hope handed me the lemon he brought back from the kitchen.

It took me a few seconds and their chants of my name to put it all in my mouth and chew.

‘Oh my fucking God. ANDY. I am going to kill you after this.’ I cough after I'm done eating the monstrosity.

Jimin hands me a glass of water while laughing.

‘Language, Bambi.’ he whispered.

‘Fuck language right now.’ was my reply which made him laugh more.

Glad my misery could provide him with happiness.

J-hope grabbed the bottle and spun it, making it land on Suga who instantly said truth.

Perhaps he wasn't in the mood for a lemon or a spoonful of Tabasco sauce. Lord knows.

‘Who here would you most like to make out with?’

Laughter. Peals of laughter. Hoots. And suga with a hand over his eyes.

He looked up and scanned the room for potential lip locking candidates.

‘Don't even think about Andy.’ Tae said.
‘Or Ally.’ Jimin added.

He just scoffed and put his head in his hands.

‘Fine. I'd guess out of all of you, probably Jiminie.’

I lost it. Literally fell over laughing along with the rest as the chosen one sat next to me sputtering in shock.

‘What? Why me? ’

Suga shrugged and leaned back on the sofa, ‘You chew that stupid gum all the time. If I'm kissing anyone of you, it's going to be the one with the nice breath.’

By this point only squeaks of laughter can be heard.

‘Alright fine. Who's up next?’ Jin asked.

Suga spun the bottle and it coincidentally landed upon the person who asked him his truth. J-hope.

He chose dare, afraid that Suga would ask the same question and he'd be persuaded to choose another make out partner.

Suga smiled in such an evil way that my heart actually sent out a prayer of thanks that he wasn't giving me a dare.

‘Do the bloody Mary challenge.’

Oh that was perfect for J-hope.

He was the official scaredy cat of the group. Along with Jin. So making him do the bloody Mary challenge was hilarious. It was basically a stupid myth that if you carry a candle into a dark bathroom all alone and say the words, 'bloody mary' three times, then she'll appear behind you.

J-hope went white and before he could even open his mouth to deny the dare everyone got up, except me and Tae to go drag him to the bathroom.

Andy grabbed the candles while RM and Jungkook dragged J-hope to the nearest bathroom.

A few minutes passed and then a loud high pitched scream rang in the house telling us that he tried his absolute best.

The guys came back wiping tears of laughter with a shaking J-hope behind them.

‘That was horrible. I hate you.’ he said to Suga.


Next was Tae's turn to spin the bottle, it landed on Jimin who chose truth. He wasn't really afraid of the questions.
Too bad, I was.

Tae sat there for a minute before he smirked and said, ‘Sorry about this Al.’

Sorry? What is he doing?

‘So chim. What's the Kinkiest thing you've ever done?’

Oh my freaking God.

I pick up every cushion around me and aim them at his smug face, leaving one behind to cover my face, that I'm pretty sure is turning red.

There is this tiny sliver of fear in my heart that he'll talk about some previous relationship. Lord that will break me.

I peek out an eye to see him smirking at me and then he turns to Tae and speaks.

‘Making out with her in the dressing room, after our second concert.’

Yeah bitch you didn't mention how you made me beg for a kiss.

Have you ever heard of a system shutdown? Yup that's what's currently happening to me right now. Even though I want to do the cha cha slide on the table because the moment was with me and not anyone else but still.

I hear Tae still laughing and I lose it. I'm still a bit weak but the grinning soulmate on my left isn't.

I hand him the cushion, ‘Aim for the face.’

He complied.

A muffled sorry came from Tae afterwards.


Jin's turn was next. He spun the bottle and it landed on Jungkook.


Jin smiled but it wasn't innocent, ‘Call the first person on your contact list and say, “Hey Sexy.”’

We all erupted in laughter and clapping for the amazing dare.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and opened his phone, ‘Its probably going to be one of you gu-’

He paused, as pure terror made its way onto his face.

‘Jin Hyung please. Please don't make me do this. I can't do this. This will haunt me for life.’

Who the eff was it that he was so scared to call?

Suga snatched the phone from the maknae's grasp to read.

He paused for a second and then started laughing. From slow to full on cackling to silent wheezing.

‘It's... Jane’ he said in between coughs.

This was going to be amazing. She already flirted with Jungkook so much. This would make her think that he was actually interested in her.

‘Jin Hyung please. She'll make my life a living hell.’

The poor kid was still begging but the eldest wasn't changing his mind.

Reluctantly Jungkook took the phone back and took a deep breath and dialed the number.

Andy snatched the phone, pressed on the speaker button then handed it back.

The rest of us had our hands on our mouth trying not to make a sound.

‘Hello? Kookie? What is it? Why are you calling me so late at night?’

Ohmygod she sounded so flirty as if she was waiting for a hook up call.

RM was making puking gestures as Jungkook clenched his eyes tightly and said, ‘Hey..... Sexy. Ohmygod I'm so sorry Jane. It was a dare I swear I didn't mean it. I promise I don't think of you that way’ and he hung up.

It took a solid 10 minutes for the laughter to die down and for Jungkook to stop imagining ways to kill himself and Jin.

Since it's my turn, I spin the bottle and it lands on Andy.

‘Dare.’ oh yes

I lean to talk to Jimin. After a minute of whispers we're both content with what we're about to do.

‘So okay. Andy touching Tae till tomorrow, no cuddling or that weird hand holding talking thing you guys do.’
She shrugs as if it's not that big of a deal, ‘Sure. Easy’

Tae turns to her with a raised eyebrow and she grins at him.
Jimin carefully spins the bottle and it lands on Tae.

Yes. Part two.
He's still busy staring at Andy so he doesn't pay attention to the person who spun the bottle.

‘Play 7 minutes in heaven.’

‘What?!’ Andy and Tae joint voices answer.

Mission accomplished.
