36. A Radical Decision

Ally's POV

I woke up by wrestling for the blanket with Andy.

Wait a minute.

Andy? Wasn't she sharing with Tae downstairs?

Reluctantly I opened my eyes.

All I could see was Yellow.

Because someone had stuck a sticky note on my forehead that was obscuring my vision.

Jimin. I rolled my eyes.

Peeling it off, I held it up.

With slight cursive writing it said, 'We've gone for rehearsals, your breakfasts are in the kitchen, call this number when you're ready to come to the venue. They'll send a car.'
Below this was a hastily scribbled number.

And last but not least a small winky smiley.

I chuckle and shake Andy to wake her up.

'Mmm Tae. Lemme sleep.'

I stifle a laugh with my hand and shake her a bit harder.

'Wake up sleepy head.'

She shot up.

'Peanut? What are you doing here?'

I roll my eyes and hand her the sticky note and get out of bed to go wash up.

We silently got dressed in jeans and t-shirts, mainly because we were too sleepy to hold a conversation.

Dragging our way to the kitchen we found a little surprise the guys left for us.

A box of blueberry pop tarts, toastable waffles and cookies and cream ice-cream.

They have a calorie heavy definition of breakfast, but I suppose waffles count as breakfast?

'Cookies and cream. Yes. My favorite. Gah I love those guys.' Andy finally spoke up looking around for a spoon.

'You like the guys. You love Tae. There is a difference.' I mumble ripping the paper off of the pop tarts.

'They left blueberry flavored pop tarts. Life is good.'

We sit on the kitchen counter sharing one plate for the waffles and pop tarts and one spoon in the tub of ice cream.

Friendship at its finest.

Our conversation went from food to clothes to a drama we were both watching and finally to the hair colors of Tae and Jimin.

'I wish we could have done that.' Andy sighed while washing the utensils as I put away the food.

'Done what?'

'Colored our hair. You know how much I've always wanted to do that but mom would never let me.'

Okay you know how people say that an idea hit them. Well mine ran over me in a cement truck.

'BEANIE!' I yelled.

She yelped at my sudden rise in volume and turned around with a hand on her hip.

'Why do you plan on rupturing my eardrums before I get old?'

I rolled my eyes at her dramatic response.

'Let's get our hair dyed.'

Silence followed my statement.

'No way are you crazy? How would we do that? There is no hair salon here and we don't have a car and we haven't decided on any style or color or anything -'

She stops talking as I hit her with a dish rag.

'Will you stop over thinking for once in your life? We can decide the color and style on the way, I'll Google for hair places around us, there has to be one in this rich ass neighborhood and I hold up the sticky note that was applied to my face earlier that morning 'we have a free car ride to wherever we want to go.'

I see her contemplating the idea, still on the edge.

'Come on beanie, we have so much money that we saved for Korea that we haven't been able to use because the guys won't let us buy anything.'

'I don't know peanut...'

'Tae will love it.'

She smiles at my pathetic attempts to make her agree then finally nods making me dance in happiness.

That's how I spend the next 10 minutes.

Jumping around like a squirrel on drugs. So attractive right?

While she gathered our bags and looked online for cool hair styles and designs, I called the car company, first making sure that they didn't tell the guys where we were going.

I told them to come down to the reception in 10 minutes then went to go browse with Andy.

It took us five seconds to pick our colors and styles.

I chose an electric blue balayge.

While she chose a lavender ombre.

Grinning at our choices we left the penthouse locking it behind us wondering what the reaction would be when the guys saw us.

They'd no doubt look for us in the crowd like yesterday but this time there'd be a surprise.

Google navigated us to a hair salon 25 minutes away that was luckily not crowded.

Andy and I went our separate ways.

We met again after 2 and a half hours.

'Oh my God. Beanie. You look so hot.' My jaw drops open at how chic and goth she looked.

Her face was a mirror image of mine as she looked at me.

I had opted for curls after the hair dye so now my shoulders were adorned with waves of electric blue.

'Jimin's going to drool. You mark my words.'

We both laughed and payed the hair dressers.

We were so grateful that they accepted all currencies because everything worked out perfectly.

'Let's go back and get ready.' I say sitting in the car.

'Yeah but make sure your outfit goes with the new hair.' she said already lost in thoughts of what she would pair with her new hair.

I ended up wearing a white strapless top, that showed off my mark, with black ripped jeans and heeled boots. I made sure to borrow some rings that jimin left in his side table. And wore the same black studs as yesterday. He seemed quiet fond of them.
Andy tried to put me in a choker but I denied, settling with a long delicate black chain.

Andy wore long sleeved lilac dress with black fishnets and black Converse with Small black hoops as earrings.

We made our way to the venue and because of yesterday, we knew our way around.

Andy came up with the brilliant idea of not meeting them before the concert but surprising them during it.

Jimin soon texted when we didn't show up backstage.

Pinky : where are you guys?

Me : In the seats, eating chocolate. #yolo

Pinky : You're seated already? Why didn't you come backstage?

Me : You'll find out soon enough.

Pinky : That sounds ominous and not at all good.

Me : patience young grasshopper. Also guess what?

Pinky : Hmm?

Me : Blueberry pop tarts are my favorite. Good guess.

Pinky : it wasn't a guess.

Say what now?

Me : Did you ask Andy about it?

Pinky : Nope.

Me : Who did you ask?

Pinky : no one.

Okay this is getting annoying. I need answers.

Me : okay so either you're psychic or just a good guesser.

Pinky : I did research.

Me : On me?!

Pinky : Don't worry, I didn't stalk you or anything. I used practical methods.

Me : pinky. What. Did. You. Do.

Pinky : Simple. I kissed you.



Ohmygod. Did he taste Blueberry when he kissed me? I had eaten a blueberry roll up during their concert. It was my favorite flavor.

Pinky : You dead?

Okay you little hoe. You can't just say that you knew my favorite flavor because I tasted like it. It's against the rules of humane flirting.

Me : I'm gonna go because my brain short circuits when I talk to you for longer than 10 minutes.

I felt a streak of laughter pass through me.
The hoe was laughkng.

Me : Stop laughing.

Pinky : Can't help it. You're adorable.

Me : Just what every girl wants to hear as a compliment.

I knew that was the wrong thing to say because my heart beat sped up instantaneously as he read the message.

His tone changed drastically. It went cute and flirty to tantalizing.

Pinky : Love, there are alot of things that could describe you, but I'd rather say those to you. In person. Alone. Why type them when I could trace them on you?

Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?

Me : oh well people are announcing you. Goodbye.

Pinky : Hmm. I'll make sure to remind you of this conversation tonight.

I didn't like the sound of that.

No wait. I did. I really did.

Me : Look for me in the crowd okay?

Pinky : You don't even have to tell me.

I shut down my phone and put it in my back pocket waiting for them to come on stage.

The finally arrived in a puff of smoke like yesterday.

It took him two songs.

They were performing 'Go Go' when Tae spotted us. Or more specifically Andy.

The reaction was instant and hilarious.

He stopped singing. Luckily it was the chorus so no one else noticed. Jimin kicked him in the shins trying to make him focus but he was stuck staring at now a tomato red Andy.

Jimin followed his line of sight and finally looked at me.

His reaction was almost the same as Tae's but instead of the chorus, it was now his verse.

Having lost the ability to form words he just raised his mic for the crowd as they often did and the fans sang instead of him.

Tae and Jimin stood there till Suga came up behind them dragging them back to the center, mainly away from us, by their ears.

That's basically how the whole concert passed, them staring at us, and someone slapping them back to their senses.

I knew going backstage after the concert was going to be interesting.
