21. The Night Pt. 1

Ally's POV

It was around 11 when it all started.

Most of the guys had gone to sleep.

Tae and Jungkook were playing video games while Jimin was making coffee for all of us.

Andy was talking to her parents in one corner of the room.

The only sounds in the room were of shooting from the game when suddenly Taehyung cried out in pain and fell on his side.

Jungkook stared at him in alarm, not knowing what to do.

I jump off of the comfy couch and kneeled down next to him.

Jungkook was panicking, looking at his brother in pain.

I put a hand on his shoulder, 'Hey, call Jimin for me will you?'

My voice seemed to calm him down. Hearing Jimin's name in my request, he nodded and ran to the kitchen.

'Beanie!' I yell out for Andy.

'Don't... Let her... Touch me.' Tae groaned out.

His back was arched and he was twisted to his side, his hands in fists, resting on the floor. His breaths were coming in slow pants.

Jimin came running and skidded next to Tae. Andy right behind him.

Jungkook and Jimin helped Tae stand up and half dragged him to his room.

While Andy and I ran in front.
I opened the door and turned on the lights and did the one thing I had been regretting till now.

I grabbed Andy from the back as she moved towards Tae.

'Ally what are you doing? Let me go.'

I couldn't reply because just then Tae let out a gutteral scream. It raised goosebumps in me, I could only imagine what it did to her.

Jimin held him down on the bed making sure he didn't roll off in pain.

By now Andy and I were kneeling on the floor, both in tears at the scene.

'Let.. Me.. Go. Please peanut.'

I almost did. But I remembered my promise to Tae. He was in agony and if Andy so much as touched him, she would pass out instantly.

'Kookie, go, I don't want you to see this and I don't think Tae does either.' Jimin said to Jungkook quietly.

The younger had an expression of defiance on his face but it disappeared when he looked at Tae.

He got up from his seat on the floor and left the room but not before whispering to us,' mian haeyo.'

It didn't take a genius to figure out what he meant.

Andy had given up on trying to escape from my grip and now was sitting next to me on the carpet. Now and then she would sob.

Tae seemed a bit more conscious of his surroundings then he was a few minutes ago.

With Jimin's help he sat up against the pillows, sweating from the exertion. He saw my grip on Andy's jacket and nodded, 'Thank you.'

Realization clicked in her eyes and she just shook her head, 'You idiot.'

That's when my turn to scream started.

All through out the night the stretch in my arm had been increasing to the point where it felt like it would snap if I raised it.

As the familiar and unwelcome burn came back, the pull in my arm vanished.

My outburst caused Jimin to abandon Tae's side and run to me.

Andy stood up to let him kneel by me and looked at me with pain in her eyes.

She slowly walked towards Tae's side and stood there, turned around to look at Jimin whose teeth were clenched, staring at my curled up figure.

'Go. I'll stay with him.'

Those four words were all he needed.

He picked me up, causing me sigh in relief and cling to him.

My eyes stayed closed as my head rested on his shoulder, he carried me to his bed.

He put me down carefully, still holding my hand.

'Jimin. Let go. I have to do this.'

'Please... please don't.'

I don't answer back but slowly start to pull my hand back.

His tight grip on it loosens when he reads my pleading expression.

I couldn't do this alone. I needed him.

Swallowing slowly, he nodded and took his hand away.

I couldn't help it. I screamed.

The mark was climbing up my upper arm and onto my shoulder. The pain was exponentially worse. I could vaguely remember the doc's words about it being bad near the bones.

Jimin climbed up on the bed and sat next to me. Close enough that I could feel his body heat but far enough to not touch.

I tried hard to not make any noises because that would just hurt him more. So now I was just breathing really hard.

'Oh shit.' I hear him mumble and he suddenly kneels on the bed in front of me, his hands fumbling with the buttons of my shirt.

I fully planned on kicking him but I was sort of preoccupied with the bonfire under my skin.

Getting frustrated with how many buttons there were, he fisted some fabric and pulled.
Making all the buttons pop off.

Now I was basically sitting in front of him with an open shirt, and a simple white bra.

'What.. Are... You Doing ?' I manage to say. My throat feels like sandpaper after all the yelling.

His face is scrunched up in concentration when he Whispers, 'Don't move.' and proceeds to take the rest of the shirt off.

Just great.

As soon as the cold air of the AC touches my skin, I can feel my sight clearing.

My chest is heaving, not just from the pain but from his intense stare. It felt as if he was holding himself back.

His eyes travel over my skin hungrily.

They express a thirst, a yearning.
One that I can feel mirrored in mine.

No one makes a sound for a minute.

As I'm hit by a new wave of pain, I jab my nails into my arm with a shriek.

This brings him out of his stupor and he unzips his hoodie, takes it off, not stopping there. He takes off his black tank top that he was wearing underneath it as well.

I feel my mouth drying up as his arms flex over his head.

Now it's my turn to stare.

Looking at him made me short of breath.

My eyes are attracted to the black lines twisting and turning on his collarbone.

At that moment, half covered in shadows, he looked dangerous and nothing less than art.

He can sense my stare on him and raises his head to look at me. Strands of his hair falling onto his eyes. His hooded gaze made me struggle to breathe.

He licks his lips before speaking.

Damn it. Don't do this to me. My self control is handing on by a thread.

'Lean forward for me a bit.' his voice was low.
Great. I wanted to jump on him right there and then.

I would if I could. Trust me.

He sees me struggling to sit up and sighs.

'Love, I need to put this on you, try for me okay?' I can tell how much he's controlling himself from helping me.

I lean forward by a few inches but they're enough for him to slide his tank top on me.

His fingers nimble and careful not to touch me, slide the shirt down my back.

Although trying to be cautious, his finger accidentally touch my ribs and I collapse onto his bare chest in relief from the ongoing pain.

His skin was feverish like mine. But soft and a safe haven from the pain.

As soon I fell on him, his arms wrap around my stomach holding me steady.

All I want to do is stay there for the rest of the night. But I can't. My lips lightly brush against his shoulder making him shudder.

I take a deep breath, readying myself for the pain before leaning back.

Letting go off his shoulders brought back the sting.

I fall back onto the pillows with a groan, feeling as if someone was dragging a barbed wire across my collar.

My groans turn into sobs and I scratch at my neck, digging my nails as deep as I could, trying to distract myself from the burn carving itself into my bones.

He curses and gets off the bed running to God knows where.

I'm incapable of opening my eyes so I can only hear some cupboard opening, a door opening and closing, a few seconds of silence and he's back on the bed.

I feel water on my collar bones. He's sliding a wet cloth over my neck, soothing the pain I had caused myself. His hand slows down on my shoulder, almost dragging itself.

I crack open my eyes to see him sitting there in a tank top similar to the one I'm wearing, holding a small, damp hand towel with a worried expression on his face.

His eyes catch mine. His lips part slightly.

'Thanks.' I managed to croak out.

Like Tae, after the first 10 minutes, I had managed to calm down a bit. I wonder if it had anything to do with Jimin being there. And Andy being there for Tae.

Now that I wasn't screaming my head off, I realized he changed me into his tank top because the doctor had told us to keep the mark uncovered.

My heart warmed at the gesture.

I could feel the pain dimming.

I grabbed his arm, making him look up at me in surprise.

Maybe because I had just been sort of half naked in front of him, I had alot more confidence than before so I pulled him to my side.

He complied immediately, his arm curling around my waist and mine wrapping around his. My head rested on his shoulder.

We just lay there in the dark, looking at each other, drinking in the sight.

'How do you feel?'

'Better, now that it's over.' I chuckle.

He doesn't share my humor.
His eyes were focused on my neck.

Raising a hand to touch it, he took a deep breath.

I hissed. It fucking hurt.

Guilt crossed his features.

He got out of bed with the promise of coming back in a minute.

As he left the room, I turned on the lamp on his bed side table and turned on my phone's front facing camera to see what it was.

Looking at my reflection, I gasped.

I had three bright red, almost bleeding scratches going from my jaw to my shoulder.

They were swollen and angry looking.

The door clicked open and Jimin stepped inside with some things in his hand that I couldn't see properly.

He came back to the bed. I found out that he was holding some white liquid and bandages.

He made me turn to face him.

Before cleaning the wound his hand came up to trace the lines with his finger. I didn't flinch away this time.

'You don't deserve this.' he mumbled.

'This is going to sting.' he said after wiping the scratches with a cotton swab.

'Ah! You're supposed to give the warning before cleaning it dumbass.' I punch his arm.

His laugh echoed in the quiet room.

'What fun would that be?'

This jerk. I swear to God.

Carefully he bandaged my neck.

I muffle a yawn behind my hand, and he says, 'Sleepy?'

I shake my head no.

'Yeah right. Liar.'

He reaches over me to turn of the lamp, making me drop onto the bed and grins at my reaction.

'That's better.'

Pulling the blanket over the both of us, he lies down, staring up at the ceiling.

I'm struck with a thought. Although not that big of a deal, it makes me blush.

Come on Ally you can do this, I think.

Slowly, slightly hesitatingly, I stretch my arm over his torso.

He beams and turns to his side, twisting our legs together and brings me closer.

He leans forward, to the point where I literally can't breathe and pauses above my cheek, savoring the affect he has on me.

Placing a light kiss on my cheek, he goes back to his pillow, eyes closed with a small smile on his face.

'Goodnight love.'

'Night, Jimin.'
