33. Pink

Ally's POV

Pink. His hair was pink. I repeat. Pink.

Bubblegum pink. Like his lips.

Nope. Not even gonna go there.

His new and ultra improved hair looked great with his all black ensemble.

He smiled at my dumbfounded expression and moved forward putting a finger under my chin, slowly closing my mouth.

'You look nice.' he said giving me a once over, his eyes pausing twice, on the studs and the choker.

'Me?' I finally sputtered back to life.

'Have you seen yourself? You have pink hair. Jimin. Pink hair.'

'Well I thought I'd live up to the nickname.'


We look at each other and burst out laughing.

'Does it look good?' he asked taking a step forward. I would've moved back but his hands were encircled around my back keeping me close to him.

Good? How do I even explain this. He looked like the guy every girl wanted but no one ever got. My heart was doing jumping jacks to the beat of uptown funk right now just because I could call him mine. He wouldn't even have to feel it in his chest. My heart might just come out and do the macarena for him.

'Why do you ask me when you can feel it?' I ask genuinely curious. He will definitely be able to sense the happiness in me.

'Let me demonstrate.' he cleared his throat 'You don't look nice, you look sexy and it's slightly worrying that you'll be surrounded by guys looking like that.'

It felt like air was sucked out of my lungs.

The protective undertones in his voice showed that he actually cared before being jealous.

Also he called me sexy so can we have a collective hallelujah for that. I broke into a smile and looked down.

'Ah. That's why I make you say it.' he said putting a hand on his chest.

This feeling sharing was going to get me killed one day.

Okay, you can do this.

'You-' I start when I'm interrupted by our best friends.

'Guys let's keep it PG in the hallways.' I hear Andy call out and Jimin's eyes close in annoyance.

'Is this revenge?' he asked, eyes still closed, facing me.

Revenge? What for?


I turn to look at her and Tae.

Oh my freaking God. He dyed his hair too.

It was an ashy grey.

'Tae your hair looks so good.' I say and Jimin opens his eyes with a raised eyebrow which really meant, 'You'll compliment anyone other than me.'

I giggled and mouthed later.

'Thanks Al, Andy liked it alot, didn't you?' he nudged Andy in the ribs.

She hit him lightly on the head, 'I might just change my mind.'

He smiled and turned his attention back to us.

'Are you gonna let go of her anytime soon?' Tae grinned.

Jimin turned to him and said, 'I don't plan to.'

Cue the blushing.

'Come on Casanova. We gotta get to the dressing room for the final touch-ups.'
Tae said marching forward hand in hand with Andy.

Jimin turned his gaze back to mine. Dropping to my lips for a mere second.

'Let's go Bambi.' his arms left my back.

One hand in his pocket and the other curved around my waist, we walked to the dressing room.

The guys sat back down in the chairs for their hair to be blow dried and all that.

Andy grabbed a random straightener and started working on my hair again.

I don't know how much straighter, it can get to be honest.

I suddenly felt nausea but it wasn't mine.

I hurriedly turned to look at Jimin to see if he was okay.

He wasn't.

Some make up artist was applying concealer on his jaw. But that wasn't the problem.

She was too close to his face. Closer than necessary. It was actually making him sick.

I stood up, and went to him.

His eyes were filled with cries of 'save me for the love of God'

I laughed at his expression and sat on the arm of his chair to talk to him when I was interrupted by the girl.

'Um who are you? Could you get off of his lap? Can't you see he's busy?' she says with her eyebrows raised.

I feel rage building in my chest. Mostly mine but a little from jimin too.

I stand up and turn to face her, folding my hands in front of me.

'I'm Ally. Nice to meet you. I just thought to come give him some company because he isn't busy, he's trying his level best not to vomit because of how close your face is to his. I thought I'd help control the urge.' I finish.

She stared at me with her mouth open.

And then turned to Jimin. Lord save this woman from me.

'Jimin-ah! You're just gonna let this..this bitch talk to me like this? Why is she even here?' she said turning around to stare at the members hoping that one of them would get up and throw me outside.

Think again lady.

My hand was itching to break her nose, and I think Jimin could sense it because he gripped my hand instantly.

He smiled at me and turned to look at her, the warmth fading away and a stony expression taking its place.

'Yes I'm going to let her do whatever she wants because frankly, it's quiet entertaining. She's here because she's my soulmate and you'd do well to remember that before you say another disrespectful word about her of you want to keep your job.' He got up out of the chair and stood next to me as if saying, 'Now leave.'

She looked shocked at his words and haughtily gathered her stuff and turned around to leave before I went after her.

'Hey, you asked who I was. I'm his girlfriend.' I say and slam the door behind her.

I turn around and all of them start clapping making me want to drown in embarrassment.

Suga whistled and Jin came up to pat my head.

RM spoke up after the applause finally died down, 'We've been waiting for someone to put her in her place. She flirts with all of us but Jimin, Tae and kook the most.'

J-hope came upto me, 'Your Korean was so good. I'm so proud of you.'

He said all of this in English making me smile.

'yours too.'

As the room went back to normal, Jimin came upto me.

'So you're my girlfriend?'

Uh oh. About that.

'I-' I opened my mouth to defend my moment of over confidence when his put his index finger on my lips, shushing me.

'I'm glad you knew without me telling you. May I add, I'm ecstatic to be your boyfriend.'
He said with a grin.

Just then their manager, a kinder man than the tour manager came into the room to call them for the show.

'I'll see you later then. I'm worried about my solo. Cheer extra hard for me okay?'

'You don't even have to ask.' I say.

He smiles and turns around to leave before I grab his sleeve, we're the only two left in the room.

He looks at me with a question in his eyes.

'You look fucking hot.' I say and walk out of the room leaving him standing there with his mouth open.

The firecrackers in my chest tell me that my words did what I intended.
