Chapter 6 Truth Reveal

After the duel with Sora ends, Yuya, Yuni, Vivian, and Yuzu are having a sleepover in their house, however, when they are talking to each other, they hear a doorknock.

Yuya is confused as he asks, "Who would be coming to our house this late?"

As he opens the door, he is surprised to see Akaba Reisho, behind him is a car. Yuya asks, "Reisho? What are you doing here?"

"Hello, Yuya. I need you and Yuni to come to the office. We have some serious problems that we need your assistance with." Reisho says.

Yuya groans a little and says, "Yuzu is having a sleepover in our house, do you really need us to come right now at night time?"

"Academia will attack anytime, that's why we need to stay alert. The problem that we have right now is related to them." Reisho says. "I also heard that you adopted a new sister into the family, by the way. Congratulations."

"Do you really need to change the topic so fast?" Yuya mutters. "I'll call Yuni right now."

When Yuya is knocking Yuni's door, Yuni is chatting with Yuzu and Vivian about the duel. Yuni asks, "Brother? What's the matter?"

"Akaba Reisho wants us to go to LDS right now." Yuya says, "He even prepares a car for us."

Yuni sighs and Vivian asks, "Who is Reisho?"

Yuzu says, "He is our friend, but I haven't seen him for years..."

By Yuzu's side, Ray is surprised and she asks, "My brother is here?! It has been a lot of years since I met him!"

It is a good thing that they haven't changed their clothes, so they quickly rush towards Reisho and Yuya. Reisho says, "Yuzu, it is nice to see you again."

"Yeah, where have you been? You haven't met us for years." Yuzu asks after slapping him with her fan.

"Sorry." Reisho says while rubbing his head from the attack. "I have some business to do outside of Maiami City, that's why I'm not always here..."

Yuni says, "Reisho, Vivian, and Yuzu already know about the Four Dimensions. There is no point in hiding from them."

Reisho manages to get back up and turns to Vivian. "So you're Yuya and Yuni's new sister, it is nice to meet you."

"Okay." Vivian says while shaking her hands with him.

After getting into the car, Yuzu asks, "So why are we going to LDS? I mean, can we even get inside LDS as visitors?"

"You don't need to worry about this. After all, Leo Corporation is actually a company owned by both of our fathers. Akaba Leo, and Sakaki Yusho." Reisho says. "Ever since they went missing, my brother and I become the presidents of the company."

"Wait, what? You're the president of Leo Corporation?" Yuzu gasps in shock. Yuya says, "That's right."

Just then, Ray appears beside Yuzu and she asks, "Wait a second... since when do I have another brother?"

Reisho notices Ray's spirit and he is happy, and he asks, "Yuzu, can I speak to my sister? It has been years since I have met her."

Yuzu nods as Ray just take over her body, Vivian turns to Yuni and asks, "What is going on? Sis Yuni?"

"Yuzu has the spirit of Akaba Ray inside her, just like how I have Zarine and brother has Zarc inside us." Yuni replies.

Ray says, "Reisho...I thought you were older than me, how come you look like you're 14 years old?"

Reisho says, "Ever since the four dimensions were split, I was changed back into an infant. However, I still had the memories of our past, that's why I remember what happened."

"And what do you mean that we have a new brother?" Ray asks. "Just what happened after I was asleep inside Yuzu?"

"The truth is...we have a new mother, and because of her we have a new brother, his name is Akaba Reiji." Reisho says. "Even though she is not our birth mother, she is also as nice as her...however, when I met Sakaki San and Aunt Yoko, I have a feeling that our birth mother is still alive somewhere...but 14 years have passed, and I still have no idea where she is..."

The others are frowning at what Reisho has said, and Ray sighs, "Don't worry, we will be able to find her."

When they arrive at LDS, they are taken to an office, and much to Yuzu and Vivian's surprise, the two seats have Yuya and Yuni's names, and their titles are Vice Presidents of Leo Corporation.

"Yuya, Yuni...both of you are..." Yuzu widens her eyes in shock.

Yuya says, "Yuzu, sorry to hide this fact from you. The truth is: Both Yuni and I are actually students of two Duel schools. You Show, and LDS."

"And as you can see, both of us are actually the Vice Presidents of LDS. We are also the head of the Card Developing Department, that's why we brought Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz into LDS courses." Yuni says.

"And why do you hide this from us?" Yuzu asks with slight anger.

"Come on, Yuzu. Who would have thought that both of us are the Vice Presidents of LDS? Especially since we are fourteen years old." Yuya sighs. "Even LDS students don't know that we are actually the vice presidents, only a few that are the real elites."

"Did my Dad or your Mom know about this?" Yuzu asks, calming a little.

"They know about it, and they actually don't mind. However, for others' sake, we asked them to keep this a secret as well." Yuni replies. "Since we're making cards, we are also the ones who created your deck, Vivian."

"Wait, what?" Vivian asks in shock. "You created my deck?"

"Do you really think I didn't read any of your father's novels?" Yuni asks. "I usually create Xyz Decks or Ritual Decks, while my brother creates Fusion Decks and Synchro Decks. With Pendulum Summon is now a thing, both of us have to try to create them in the future as well."

Reisho says while standing in front of the door, "While it is nice to have you guys talk about the secrets that are revealed, don't forget the reason why I call you guys here."

When he goes in, Yuya says, "This is the room where Yuni and I would sleep when we have the need to work overnight. It is actually comfortable."

"Really..." Yuzu mutters.

But just as they get inside, Reisho is standing in front of three beds. Yuya and Yuni don't know where the additional bed comes from, but what shocks them the most are the girls that are lying on them.

They see a girl who has pink eyes, long dark purple hair, a cream vest with an underdress that splits into three, worn-out pants, brown boots, two brown belts, and a red sash. Then a girl who has orange eyes, short green hair, a blue and white jacket with pink pads on the shoulders and elbows, pink shorts, and white and pink boots that reach up to her thighs with pink kneepads. The third one is like the first one, who has grey eyes and dark purple hair, with a dark-colored jacket that zips up, worn-out pants, and brown boots, she has a red sash on her neck.

"What the..." Yuzu says as they see that two of them look just like her and one of them looks like Yuni.

"Are my eyes deceiving me? They look just like Sis Yuni and Yuzu..." Vivian says.

"As you see, in front of you are Kurosaki Ruri and Rin, while the one who looks like Yuni is Kurosaki Rumi." Reisho says. "Ruri and Rumi are sisters and they are from Xyz Dimension, while Rin is from Synchro Dimension."

"When the world splits, I know that there are going to be fragments of all three of us in other dimensions." Yuya says. "But what happened to them?"

"My father wants to revive Ray, but he dares to tell a mad scientist to put a parasite in their brains. Rumi duels the two of them and wins, but she and the two fainted bodies are surrounded by Academia and Father. I quickly use Black Feather Dragon to save them and get them here." Reisho says.

"Hold on, those three were in the Fusion Dimension this whole time? And did your father know that it was you who managed to get them out of there?" Yuzu asks.

Reisho says, "He wouldn't bother to know the legends, so he doesn't know it was me. Yuzu, Ray can activate your bracelets to do some miracles. Can you aim your bracelets on Ruri and Rin?"

Yuzu is confused, but she does what Reisho asks. A pink light shines on both of them, and from their ears, two parasites come out and they dissolve.

"Did those parasites come out of their ears? that's disgusting..." Yuya says.

"But now they're gone, Ruri and Rin are now in free control of their bodies again." Reisho says.

All five of them decide to leave the room so that Yuya, Yuni, and Reisho can answer the others' questions. While they are talking, Akaba Reiji walks into the room and says, "I see you bring Hiiragi Yuzu and your adopted sister here."

Yuya says, "Yuzu, Vivian, this is Akaba Reiji, Reisho's brother and also co-president with Reisho of LDS."

Yuzu and Vivian are surprised to see the man, and they greet him. Vivian thinks that Reiji is a little handsome, but she quickly shakes off the thoughts. Yuya says, "By the way, Reiji. I want to ask you about yesterday's duel. Are you sure you're not revenging me for winning against you so that you want Sawatari Shingo to take my cards and brought Yuzu and the other kids in danger?"

Yuzu realizes what Yuya said and she says, "Wait, you mean he is the one that causes the whole thing from yesterday to happen?"

Reiji adjusts his glasses and says, "As I told you yesterday. I didn't know what he was planning, the reason I chose him is that he asked his father to ask me. And since I was asking you for the data of Pendulum Cards, so I just picked him without any thoughts."

"I hope you're right about this. I almost lost two cards because of this whole thing." Yuya sighs.

Reiji says, "Since we have some new people here, I'll just get straight into the business. Do you know why those girls are unconscious inside that room?"

Yuzu and Vivian shake their heads, and Yuya decides to answer, "Let's say that Reiji and Reisho's father, Akaba Leo, is planning to unite four dimensions into one. With this, he has set out to Fusion Dimension and takes over a place known as Academia. He uses that place to train Duel Soldiers and plan an invasion of other dimensions. Right now this world, Standard, and Synchro Dimension have their spies inside, as for Xyz Dimension...let's say that the invasion there has already begun. It was one-sided destruction from what Reisho told us."

Vivian and Yuzu gasp in shock, and Vivian asks, "But why Xyz Dimension?"

Yuya says, "Since the monster effects need Overlay Units, I guess that Professor thinks the Xyz is the easiest to conquer."

Reisho says, "Now for the second matter, Father didn't know that Ray's soul lives inside of Yuzu. And since each dimension has Ray's fragment, like Yuzu, Ruri, and Rin...he decides to kidnap them and held them inside Academia's base. To prevent them from escaping, he has the doctor put Parasites in their brains...just like what happened."

All of them feel sick after hearing what happened, Ray is now crying as she can't believe her father has changed into a cruel man. Zarc and Zarine are also angry as well, but at least those girls are saved.

After a while, all three of the girls wake up from their sleep, and they look around to see that they are in an alone room. Rumi notices Ruri as they share a hug.

"Ruri, Rin, is that really you?" Rumi asks. "Are the parasites still there?"

"Don't worry about the parasites, they are gone." Just then, Yuya, Yuni, Vivian, Yuzu, Reiji, and Reisho walk into the room, and all three of them have their guards up. Rin says, "Who are you and why do you look like us?"

Reiji says, "Don't worry, we are not going to hurt you. You're in the Standard Dimension, and you don't need to be scared of us."

Reisho says, "The Professor of Academia has captured you guys for his own greed, however, we managed to save you and that's why you're here."

"I see. Thank you for saving us..." Ruri says.

"Don't thank us yet, your body is now severely damaged. And besides, there are Academia spies here, too." Yuya says.

"What should we do?" Rin says in a panic. "I don't want to go back to that place!"

Reisho says, "There is a way, but it will be crazy if you think about it. Yuni, Yuzu. Since you have the original Soul of Zarine and Ray inside you, you can absorb both of their bodies until they repair."

"What?" Everyone exclaims in shock after hearing Reisho's plan. Vivian asks, "What do you mean by that?"

Reisho says, "Ruri and Rin will continue to live inside you, Yuzu, and so is Rumi inside Yuni. And you're not dead, you would be just like how Ray and Zarine are right now. Not only that, once their bodies are revived, you can split you guys apart and there won't be any problem." Reisho says.

"I guess it is not a bad idea if you think about it." Yuya says.

"Yuya? What are you talking about?" Yuzu asks.

"You see, the Professor won't find you two if you fuse with Yuzu. And you will be safe." Yuya says.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I think we should give it a chance." Rumi says.

"Sister?" Ruri asks.

"We can still be together even though we were in another's body." Rumi says. "And I guess this is the safer method compared to others, and besides, I almost can't feel my body right now..."

"Same here...I guess it is fine." Rin says.

Ray uses Yuzu's bracelet to activate a pink glow, then the other two did a yellow and green glow as they disappear. Zarine takes out Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and it calls to Rumi's dragon, Light Patience Xyz Dragon as she is also absorbed.

After that, Rumi, Ruri, and Rin appear in their soul forms. Rumi says, "Ruri, I guess I can still see you, that is good."

Ruri says, "Yeah, thank you for helping us."

Yuni says, "No problem, however, there is something that we need to tell you guys. It is very important as it is what we know about Academia right now."

The other three spirits nod as Yuni starts to explain everything to them. "You all may be wondering why Academia tries to take over 4 dimensions and starts an invasion. As you know, the world is originally one. Where everyone can use all the summoning methods freely, Professor Akaba Leo is one of the scientists that gives body to monsters so they can have interesting duels."

Reisho says, "Among the duelists, there is a person named Zarc. He can hear the voices of monsters and they work together to give the audience smiles. One day, he accidentally destroyed his opponent. Causing him to be in pain. He didn't mean to hurt him, but the crowd cheers for that... so he begins to duel violently."

Rumi says, "Is that real?"

"Yes. And Ray, Zarine, and even Reisho all leave him, causing him to have a breakdown. Thus Zarc vows one thing after he gets the Champion, he'll punish those who force him to duel violently, he has to destroy the world and create a new one." Yuni says.

"No way..." Ruri says in shock.

"It is true." Yuzu says. "He uses his duel monsters to attack the towns and cities, causing destruction. To make matters worse, he also fuses with 4 Dragons to become the Supreme King Dragon Zarc: A monster by banishing Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, and Starve Venom Fusion Dragon."

Ruri says, "Dark Rebellion?"

Rin says, "Clear Wing? You're not joking, right?"

Yuya comes back after calling his mother that they'll be staying at LDS, and he says, "No. As the rampage keeps going on, Professor Leo, Zarine, and Reisho create 4 cards and try to stop him. But the four cards are taken away by Ray. She and Zarine become one with their monsters and work together to defeat Zarc, purifying his darkness. But it comes with a price."

Yuni says, "Zarc, Zarine, and Ray are split into four, and all of us are parts of them."

"What?" Rumi, Ruri, and Rin say in shock.

"As for Professor Leo, when the world splits into four dimensions, he woke up in Standard Dimension without memories. During this time, he works with our father: Sakaki Yusho, to create this Leo Corporation." Yuya adds.

Ruri and Rumi widen their eyes at the revelation. "Yusho Sensei is your father?" Ruri asks in shock.

"Wait, you know him? Does that mean he had been to Xyz?" Yuya asks.

"What?" Yuni and Yuzu exclaim in shock as well.

"Yeah, he teaches us the true meaning of dueling. Also to bring smiles. If he is your father, then does that mean Katrina is..." Ruri says.

"Katrina? She is in Heartland all along?" Yuya shakes Yuzu's body.

"Yuya, you are shaking my body!" Yuzu says.

"Ah, sorry, Yuzu." Yuya says with tears forming in his eyes, and so is Yuni. "Seven years ago...she has gone missing from our family...half of her deck are also missing as the only cards left are Fusion, Synchro, and Pendulum Cards..."

"So your sister also has Pendulum cards?" Reiji says with a curious tone.

"Yeah, since she has gone missing, I am the one who is using them." Yuni says as she takes them out. Rumi looks at the deck and she says, "Blood Sucker! That really is Katrina's deck! But there are Fusion and Synchro Monsters in the deck as well?"

"Blood Sucker Deck is a deck that our Dad made for Katrina, it is capable of every summon." Yuni says. "Katrina is fine...I'm glad."

After Reiji and Reisho leave for business, Yuni turns to Yuzu and says, "Yuzu. Since you know about our true identities as the Vice Presidents of LDS, that means we will be hanging out here for a while as well. We also got both of your student IDs for LDS."

Vivian doesn't mind that, but Yuzu asks, "Do I really have to take it? I am You Show Duel School Student and I'm loyal to it."

"Of course, having the badge from another school doesn't mean you're not loyal." Yuya says. "Both of you are special cases. In this way, we can continue to teach you about the other summons and provide you with lessons related to them."

"The truth is, both of us have more than one decks." Yuni says as she puts 8 decks on the table. "Besides our original deck, the other three decks are actually from the past duel kings and their rivals."

"Seriously?" Vivian asks.

"For example, I used these three decks, this one is Elemental HERO, used by a boy named Yuki Judai. The second one is Stardust and Warrior deck, used by a man named Fudo Yusei. And the final one is the Galaxy-Eyes Photon deck, used by a boy named Kaito Tenjo." Yuya says.

"Wait, wait, wait...You guys know our friend Kaito Tenjo?" Rumi asks with a small blush.

"Kaito is your friend?" Yuni asks in shock. "We only know that he is a duel legend in the Original Dimension's Xyz era..."

"Don't tell me that when the world splits, it also revives past duelists from their respective eras into each of the dimensions as well?" Yuya says as the others are gasping in shock.

"Then Rin, do you know a man named Fudo Yusei? Since he is from the Synchro era." Yuya asks with hope, but she shakes her head, "Never heard of him."

"Then maybe you have heard of the ones with my Decks?" Yuni asks. "The first deck is D-Hero, owned by a man named Edo Phoenix. The second one is the Demons Deck, owned by a man named Jack Atlas, and the final one is my Numbers Deck, owned by Tsukumo Yuma."

"I have heard of Jack! We were from the same orphanage, and he is currently the duel king in Synchro Dimension." Rin says.

"Seriously?" Yuni gasps, "So that means the past duel kings aren't revived, but their friends are?"

"I have heard the Numbers deck, but I haven't heard of this Tsukumo Yuma person." Rumi sighs.

"No way..." Yuni says. "By the way, Yuzu. We're going to give you some Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monsters, that way you'll be able to be on par with us."

"Do I have to use them? I mean, I like my deck as it is right now..." Yuzu says.

"Just try it out and I'm sure you'll be fine." Yuya says. "What about you, Vivian?"

"I'm just fine staying with Xyz." Vivian says, "But I won't mind if you make me some Fusion or Synchro monsters."

"Your deck is good for Xyz Summon, to be honest, but I'll try working on those monsters for you." Yuni says as they start to work and have a sleepover in LDS instead.

Meanwhile, there are 4 people inside a warehouse. One of them has purple hair and a mask, the second one is a pink-haired girl also with a mask. Then the other two are brown hair and they look like they are brother and sister. They both have hazel eyes. The boy's outfit consists of a training outfit while the other one is like a lab suit with tattered jeans.

"He runs off alone, again?" The pink-haired girl asks.

"We'll worry about him later. What are you planning to do?" The purple-haired boy asks.

"We will blend in like normal people here to see here." The brown-haired girl says.

"Don't worry. We know what we are doing." The brown-haired boy says.

"Okay, how about you?" The purple-haired boy asks.

"I will like to see if my siblings are still there..." She then jumps off.

"She still can't forget her siblings even though she comes from here for seven years..." The purple-haired boy thinks as they leave the warehouse.

I let Yuzu absorbs Ruri and Rin for now since I didn't see any Fanfics do the same so far. (Or I had but I can't remember or I didn't see it.) While Rumi is Yuni's Xyz counterpart and also Ruri's sister. Her deck will be revealed later. Also, since Zarc isn't evil, he, Zarine, and Ray can also defuse the counterparts themselves, they won't be permanently in Yuzu and Yuni's body.

In the last scene, you probably know one of the 4 strangers. Don't worry, their names will be revealed in the next chapter.

Please write some reviews to give me some ideas if possible.
