Chapter 5 Toying Around

"Woah!" Yuya wakes up in the morning and falls off the bed, he lands on the ground in pain. Just then, he hears a voice, "Falling out of your bed again, Yuya?"

Yuya looks up to see the purple-human-like figure, this is Yubel, a Duel Monster who has been living inside of Yuya. Ever since the world splits, he has been with Yuya all the time, and sometimes he likes to mock him.

"Excuse me, Yubel, it is not my fault that I fall off." Yuya says.

"Yeah, keep saying that..." Yubel says sarcastically.

Yuya sighs, then he gets up and takes his pendant. He says, "Being a Champion is a dream, but Pendulum Summon isn't a dream. I really did it...As long as I have Pendulum Summon...I can duel to make even more people happy. Just like my Dad!"

He decides to leave the bedroom, with Yubel following him behind. Yuya's mind traces back to the blue-haired boy yesterday, Shuinin Sora.

"What was up with that guy? After he suddenly showed up and defeated Sawatari's goons, he wanted to become my apprentice." Yuya mutters.

"I have no idea, but his uniform looks familiar." Yubel says. "It looks like Obelisk Blue uniform."

"Oh yeah, you were with Yuki Judai in the past." Yuya says with a chuckle. Because of Yubel, he learns about the time era of a duelist named Yuki Judai, and that's why Yuya and the others from Standard Dimension start to use Fusion Summon a lot.

Barking is heard and Yuya turns to find En and Core, his pet dog and cat, respectively.

"Hey, En." Yuya greets and picks up En. "Wow, you have grown so much. Back when Yuni got you, you were so small that you fit in the palm of my hand."

En barks happily. Then Yuya switches to Core. "You too, Core, good morning."

"I knew you were hungry. Eat as much as you like." Yuya hears his mother's voice as he slides down the pole to the dining room. "Hey, Mom. Did you pick another—"

"Ah! Teacher!" Yuya falls flat on his face as he sees that Sora is sitting at the dining table.

"Why are you here?" Yuya says angrily.

"He was wandering in front of our house. Whenever I see someone who's hungry, I have to pick him up." Yoko says as she gives a plate of pancakes to Yuya.

"You're not allowed to pick up humans!" Yuya tells her.

"But isn't he your apprentice?" Yoko asks.

Yuya slams his fist on the table and yells, "He's not!"

"What?" Sora says.

"Don't 'What?' me. Geez... Not only did you get into my house, but you also got breakfast."

Sora says, "C'mon, it's fine. Your sister's pancakes are delicious."

"Sister?" Yoko is surprised.

"Wait, you're not his sister? I'm sorry. Since you're so young and beautiful, I thought you were his sister."

As the word "sister" echoes in Yoko's mind, Yoko gladly forgives Sora and says, "Oh my! Young and beautiful? How honest of you! Since you like them, you can have more pancakes."

She takes Yuya's plate of pancakes and gives it to Sora. "Mom, those are mine!"

"Thank you, Sister!" Sora says.

Yubel looks at the scene and teases Yuya, "No breakfast for you, huh? Seems like you're having an empty stomach for school."

"Shut up! Yubel. I have one problem already and I don't want to have two." Yuya groans.

"Good Morning Mom, Good Morning Brother." Yuni and Vivian also come down the stairs.

Yoko says, "Ah, Yuni, Vivian, Glad to see you two awake." She then places 2 plates of Pancakes on the table.

Sora, on the other hand, is shocked at the sight of Yuni, he suddenly drops the fork on the table. It is at the same time that Vivian and Yuni notice Sora, and Yuni also gets suspicious of the uniform that he's wearing.

"Hey, Brother, who is he?" Vivian asks.

Yuya sighs, "He is Shuinin Sora, my Mom found him and gave my breakfast to him. He also claimed to be my student when we met in LDS yesterday."

He turns and looks at him, as his mouth is opening wide. When Sora notices that Yuya is staring at him, he quickly says, "Oops, Teacher, do you say something?"

"See, just like that." Yuya says referring to him calling him teacher.

"You have to admit, I don't see any harm in this. My name is Vivian, and this is my sister, Yuni. It's nice to meet you, Sora." Vivian says as she shakes hands with him.

"N-nice to meet you..." Sora says, still looking at Yuni's face with shock.

Just then, besides Yuni, a white figure appears and he says, "So you're here as well, Yubel."

"Astral." Both figures stare at each other before turning to Yuya and the others. "Being in his mind is a little bored, so I decide to come out."

Like Yubel, Yuni found a Keystone and that's when she woke up Astral. Because of him, they also learned about the past of Tsukumo Yuma, and Yuni also gains the use of all 108 Number Cards and Xyz Summon for the Standard Dimension.

Yubel says, "But I still think that uniform looks like the Obelisk Blue Uniform in Academia."

"You think so?" Astral says to him. "Come to think of it, the reason why their father went missing was related to Academia, right? You don't think he might be our enemy?"

Yubel shrugs as they watch Yuni shaking her hands with Sora.

Sora thinks, "Strange, she looks just like Sona... And come to think of it, Teacher also looks like Yuri, too..."

As the two girls eat the pancakes, Yuya sighs as his plate is eaten by Sora. Yuni says, "Brother, I am full, so you eat these." Yuni says as she gives half of the plate to him.

"Thanks, Yuni. You are a lifesaver." Yuya says.

While walking to school with Yuzu, the four of them are talking about Sora. "That boy...Sora, was it?" Yuzu asks. "So he's at your house?"

"Yeah. I don't know how he found my house, but he barged right in. He is also calling me teacher as well." Yuya says.

"Teacher!" A voice is heard from behind the four of them.

Vivian asks, "Like that?"

"Yeah, like that—huh?" Yuya says, and they realize that Sora is right behind them. Irritated, Yuya asks, "Since when were you here? Why are you following me?"

"Because I am your apprentice, Teacher. I go wherever my teacher goes." Sora smiles.

"I told you many times that you're not my apprentice-" Yuya yells.

"C'mon! Let me be your apprentice! Your duel electrified me! Pendulum Summon is incredible! I've never seen it before! I want to try that too." Sora says.

"Well, you can't Pendulum Summon without Pendulum Cards." Yuni says.

"Then show me again." Sora begs Yuya. "Please, please, please!"

"No, no, no." Yuya sighs, he got his cards stolen from Sawatari and he didn't want the same thing to happen again.

"Can you two ask your brother to show me?" Sora turns to Vivian and Yuni.

"You know, it is kinda getting annoying. So sorry." Yuni says as Vivian nods.

"Then will you ask him to show me?" Sora this time turns to Yuzu.

"Why me?" Yuzu asks.

Sora replies, "Because he has to listen to his girlfriend."

Yuzu blushes and repeats, "Girlfriend?"

"Do I get that wrong?" Sora asks.

"Yes!" Yuya and Yuzu reply simultaneously.

"Why would I date the female version of Strong Ishijima?" Yuya points at a still-blushing Yuzu.

"Uh oh..." Yuni says.

Upon hearing this, Yuzu whacks Yuya with her paper fan.

"How dare he say that! Who does he think I am?" Yuzu angrily storms off.

Vivian says, "Good job, Yuya, you made her mad."

In school, Yuya is still thinking about his father and Katrina. From outside the classroom, Sora spies on Yuya with a pair of binoculars.

"I wonder why my master looks so serious." Sora says.

Throughout the rest of the day, Sora appears to Yuya cheering him on during a soccer game, from behind a bush during lunchtime, underneath his desk during another class, and even in an adjacent stall in the boy's bathroom. This causes Yuya to scream in frustration.

After school, Yuzu asks, "Yuya, you're still down in the dumps?"

Before Yuya can answer, Yuni says, "Brother, don't look depressed when we get to school because our school is naturally depressing. Bright and fun entertainment dueling is our motto!"

Yuya then returns to his cheerful attitude and says, "Oh yeah. You're right. All right! I'll flip the switch and change my attitude!"

"That's the spirit!" Vivian says. And the other 2 girls are pleased as they head to the You Show.

At You Show, the four of them get in and Yuya yells, "Ladies and Gentlemen! The envoy of entertainment Sakaki Yuya has arrived-"

"Ah, Teacher!" Yuya stops short as he sees Sora sitting beside Futoshi.

Yuya is shocked that Sora is here as well. Futoshi says, "Big Brother Yuya, you are late."

"Yeah. Your apprentice was waiting for you." Ayu says.

"But he's not..." Yuya frowns.

Shuzo asks, "Yuya, since he's your apprentice, that means he's enrolling in You Show Duel School, right?"

Ryu pulls his ear and says, "Can't you think of anything else besides You Show?"

"And like I said, he's not my apprentice!" Yuya yells.

"Teacher, let's duel and show me Pendulum Summon! It's so awesome!" Sora says. "You bring out monsters with a bang! I'm looking forward to dueling you, Teacher!"

"Why do I have to duel you?" Yuya asks.

"What? I can't?" Sora asks with a frown. "Teacher, you're not going to duel me?"

"I feel bad for him, big brother Yuya." Ayu says.

"Yuya! I don't recall teaching you to run away when you're challenged to a duel!" Shuzo says.

Yuni is the only one besides Yuya to not get attracted by Sora's cuteness, and she says, "If my brother doesn't want to duel, then you shouldn't persist him! How about you duel me instead?"

Sora frowns, "Eh? Why should I duel you? I want to duel Yuya instead."

Yuni says, "If all you want is to see Pendulum summon, then I'll do it for you as well. Besides, my brother is not the only one who can use Pendulum Summon."

"Wait, you can do it, too?" Vivian asks in shock.

"What?" The whole school besides Yuya and Yuzu exclaims.

"Now what do you want to choose? Duel my brother, who already shows his Pendulum Summon a lot, or duel with me, who hasn't shown my Pendulum Summon?" Yuni asks.

The children are now wanting to see Yuni's Pendulum Summon, and Sora can only agree to battle Yuni instead.

"If I win, you can't hang around my brother anymore. You'll stop calling my brother Teacher and won't be his apprentice." Yuni says as she thinks, "Besides, I can see if he is truly from Fusion."

"But if I win, I'll become your brother's apprentice, calling him Teacher, and get to hang out with him." Sora says.

"What?" Yuya says in bewilderment.

"You got yourself a deal." Yuni says as the two go to the duel arena.

In You Show's Dueling arena, Sora jumps up and down and says, "Who will be the last one standing? I'm really looking forward to this!"

"I guess you are doing the Action Duels the first time?" Yuni asks.

"Of course." Sora says.

"But before we start, I want to ask a question. Where do you get that outfit?" Yuni asks, much to others' confusion and Sora's flinching.

"Uh...don't worry about the details, I just brought it in the store, that's all." Sora says.

"Damn...I almost get exposed... she sure is clever..." Sora thoughts.

Yuni just rolls her eyes, as she thinks he isn't replying honestly.

"Now let's get the duel started! Action Field On, Field Magic, 'Wild West Duel Town' activate!" Shuzo says.

The Solid Vision machine transforms the arena into a Wild West setting, Yuni smirks as she knows all kinds of Action Fields, and this one is exciting.

Sora looks around the activated Field Magic and says, "It's kind of lame. I don't like it."

"You don't like this field?" Yuni is surprised.

"Isn't there a place that's more fun?" Sora asks.

Shuzo then says, "Umm... How about this? Action Field! 'Sweets Land!'"

The Wild West disappears and is replaced by an island with structures made out of candy and desserts.

"It's a land of snacks! Looks delicious! I love this! Thank you!" Sora says happily, while the others are attracted to his cuteness.

Yubel comes to Yuya and says, "Can't they see through his act? No doubt he is from the enemy."

"At least I still have Yuni." Yuya sighs.

"Now let's get started, shall we?" Yuni says as both players activate their Duel Disks.

(I am skipping the chant from now on.)

"Action..." After Yuzu and the others say the chant, Yuni and Sora yell, "Duel!" (Yuni:4000)(Sora:4000)

As Action Cards are scattering across the field, Yuni says, "Ladies first. I summon Smile Fairy: Dream Horse from my hand! (ATK:800/DEF:800, LV:3)"

As a white horse with a flower pattern appears on the field, Yuni jumps on her and then rides off. "Since I went first, I can't attack in my first turn. I end my turn! Now giddy up and let's go!"

Yubel says, "She sure is having fun, right?"

"Yeah, Yubel." Yuya says.

"My turn." Sora says as he draws a card. "I activate the Continuous Magic Toy Pot from my hand. Once per turn, Toy Vendor lets me send a card in my hand to the graveyard to draw a card from my deck. I don't need this."

A giant Toy Pot appears on the field as Sora sends a card to the graveyard. A gold coin appears and it inserts itself into the Toy Pot.

"If I draw a Level 4 or lower monster, I can Special Summon it. Otherwise, I send the card into the graveyard." Sora draws the card and says, "I draw Furnimal Bear!"

Toy Pot raises its arm and a prize rolls down from it. The prize pops open, as Sora Special Summons the monster on the field. (ATK:1200/DEF:800, LV:3)

"Next, I summon Furnimal Leo from my hand!" (ATK:1600/DEF:1200, LV:4)

Ryu comments, "By using his Continuous Magic's effect, he already brought out two monsters." Ryu says.

"He's better than I expected." Yuzu says.

"And both his monsters are so..." Ayu says.

"CUTE!" Yuzu and Ayu says in union.

"Geez, what has gone to them?" Yuni sighs while running on her Dream Horse.

Astral appears and says, "Yuni, watch out!"

Yuni sees a lake of juice in front of her, she quickly pulls the reins of the horse.

"Woah!" Yuni says as the horse stops and drinks the juice. Everyone sighs in relief.

"Let's battle! I attack Dream Horse with Furnimal Leo!" The Leo leaps into the air and charges toward Yuni. At the same time, Dream Horse gives Yuni an Action Card from the lake. "Thanks, pal. I activate the Action Magic Evasion from my hand! This card negates one of your monster's attacks!"

Dream Horse then jumps higher than Leo and then runs away. Sora complains, "Hey! Dodging is cheating!"

"It's not cheating in an Action Duel!" Yuni smiles while continues to run.

"Wow, Dream Horse and Yuni are cooperating so well." Vivian says.

"To think her monster finds the Action Card and gives it to Yuni..." Yuzu says.

Astral says, "Yuni! Again."

"What?" Yuni says as she crashes into the chocolate house.

"Are you okay?" Astral asks.

"Yeah, I am fine. But Dream Horse, I know you are hungry. But we are dueling now." Yuni says as she scolds the horse who is eating the chocolate.

"Next, I attack Dream Horse with Furnimal Bear!" Sora says as the Bear jumps up and leaps toward the Horse.

The horse gives her another Action Card, and she says, "I activate the Action Magic: Candy Shower!"

Shuzo says, "Wow, she finds another card already?"

An orange orb shoots up to the sky and explodes, causing the candy to rain down.

"Wow! It is raining candy!" Sora says excitedly. But then he turns to find his Bear eating a pile of candy.

"Hey! You are supposed to be attacking, not eating!" Sora scolds. (ATK:1200 - DEF:800)

"Candy Shower switches your monster to DEF." Yuni says. "Sorry, Sora."

"Damn it... then I end my turn. I'll also get an Action Card!" Sora says as he runs off.

Yuni and her horse jump down from the Chocolate house, and Yuni yells, "My turn!"

She draws a card and sees what Sora is doing.

"Come on! Lift me higher!" Sora is trying to climb a house made out of waffle cones with the help of Leo and Bear. When he finally gets on the roof, he reaches his hand and says, "I'll not get an Action Card."

Much to his surprise, the card flies away, and Yuni has her horse jump into the air as she grabs the card. "Lucky!"

She stops in front of Sora and says, "Since I acquired a good card, it's time I do what you've all been waiting for."

"What? Can it be?" Sora says excitedly.

"I use Scale 2 Smile Fairy: Soccer Player and Scale 8 Smile Fairy: Baseball Batter to set the Pendulum Scale!" Yuni says as she places two monsters on the scales.

Two females with sportswear appear on the field. One is green and has soccer in her hand while the other one is red with a red helmet and a baseball bat. Tatsuya says, "Big sister Yuni can Pendulum Summon, too!"

"With this, I can Summon monsters from Level 3 to 7! Swing! Pendulum of my heart! Listen to my call and show us the way! Pendulum Summon! First is Smile Fairy Shooting Swimmer!" (ATK:500/DEF:1500, LV:4) A Female swimmer with a pink bikini and a green water gunner appears.

"Next is Smile Fairy Wave Surfer!" (ATK:600/DEF:1400, LV:3) Appear besides the swimmer is a green bikini swimmer with a surfboard.

"And finally, the Dragon with Hope in the eyes! Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (ATK:2500/DEF:2000, LV7 PS:4)." A dragon that looks like Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon appears on the field, the color is blue instead of red.

"This is incredible!" Sora says.

"She really Pendulum Summoned!" Yuzu says in shock.

"Of course, she is my sister after all." Yuya says proudly.

"The incredible is only getting started! I use my Wave Surfer's effect. I can make a great wave and switch your Leo's ATK and DEF."

The Wave Surfer than uses the waves in the juice pond to splash the Leo. (ATK:1600-1200)

"I'll use the Action Card that I just got! Nanana raises my monster's ATK by 700 until the end phase. Nanana supports entertainment, so lend me your power!" Yuni says as she places the card in her Duel Disk.

The Nanana mascot appears and increases the ATK of "Hope-Eyes" (ATK:2500-3200)

"3200 ATK! That's awesome!" Tatsuya exclaims.

"Let's battle! I attack Furnimal Leo with Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Go! Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Burn everything you see with your hope-filled eyes! Hope-Eyes Burst!" Hope-Eyes then rushes and then destroys Leo with a Blue light beam.

Sora manages to hold the ground, but he loses the LP. (Sora:4000-2000)

"And now I use Hope-Eyes' ability. Your destroyed Leo is Level 4, so I can give you additional 1200 damage! Level strike!" Yuni smirks.

Hope-Eyes then shoots a big 4 and hits Sora, knocking him off the roof, but a pillow of marshmallows cushions his fall. (Sora:2000-800)

"Dealing 3200 damage on one turn is a lot." Ryu comments.

"Yeah, she is so strong." Vivian says.

Yuni notices that Sora is still lying on the marshmallow bed, and he seems to be unconscious. Yuni says, "I end my turn, Nanana's effect raises Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's ATK, but they now return to normal. (ATK:3200-2500)

"Is he alright?" Ayu asks.

"Hey, Yuni, are you getting a little too hot blooded?" Shuzo asks.

"Yeah, now I feel bad for him!" Yuzu yells.

"But this is a duel." Yuni says.

Astral says, "And he is maybe our enemy, too." Although Astral can't be seen by others except Yuya and the spirits.

Suddenly, they hear laughter from Sora. He wakes up and gets back on his feet.

"This is what I've wanted! The monsters came out and did their thing! Pendulum Monsters are the best! My turn!" Sora says as he draws a card.

"Drawing this card means my deck wants to get serious." Sora says.

"What? You haven't been taking this duel seriously so far?" Yuni cries in shock.

"You'll find out soon enough. I send one card in my hand to the graveyard to activate Toy Pot's effect." Sora says as he sends another card to the graveyard.

Sora chants, "I wonder what I'll get?" before he draws.

"I draw Level 3 Edge Imp Scissors! I can summon it on the field!" (ATK:1200/DEF:800, LV:3)

As the scissor-like monster appears on the field, Sora says, "I activate the Magic Card: Fusion, from my hand!"

"What? Fusion?" Yuni gasps in shock.

Ryu says, "He is a Fusion User?"

Yubel says to Yuya, "Here it comes..."

"Yeah..." Yuya says while sweating.

Sora says, "I fuse Edge Imp Scissors with Furnimal Bear! Claws of the demon and fangs of the beast, become one and reveal to us your new form! Fusion Summon!" Sora chants.

Sora's Duel Disk crackles with yellow energy and opens to reveal the Extra Deck compartment. A card slips out and Sora takes it.

"Come forth, horrifying beast that shreds all! Death-Toy Scissors Bear." (ATK:2200/DEF:1800, LV:6)

As the bear appears, there are scissor blades ripping out of it and the new monster appears.

"So that is his Fusion Monster..." Yuzu says.

"It is scary..." Ayu says as she clings to Yuzu.

Vivian says, "Wow... this is probably one of the coolest monsters I have ever seen."

Ryu says, "You like it? I guess you really are brave."

Yuni says to Astral, "There is no record of him in LDS, and that Fusion Summon also has a high energy."

"So he must be from the Fusion Dimension. That can only explain this." Astral concludes.

"Yuni, I'll show you what I'm like when I'm serious!" Sora says.

Shuzo asks, "Is he an LDS student?"

"He was going to enroll at LDS, but he decided not to." Yuzu replies.

"Let's battle. First, I'll make you get off your beautiful horse. I attack your Dream Horse with Scissors Bear!"

As the bear punches the horse, Yuni falls off and lands inside the pond.

"Yuni!" Yuya yells in worry. As Yuni catches her breath, much to everyone's relief, Scissors Bear then looms over her. (Yuni:4000-2600)

"Death-Toy Scissors Bear's effect activates. Scissors Bear can equip the monster it destroys." Sora says.

"What?" Yuni exclaims. The arm of Scissors Bear extends and it fishes Dream Horse out of the lake. Scissors Bear devours Yuni's monster as Yuni and her friends look on in horror.

"Wow, talk about bad manners." Vivian says.

"I equip the destroyed Dream Horse on Scissors Bear! It gains ATK equal to the monster it equips." Sora adds.

Scissors Bear then grows larger, as it is bigger than Hope-Eyes. (ATK:2200-3000)

"Now it has 3000 ATK..." Ryu says.

"Death-Toy Scissors bear now has more ATK than Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Tatsuya says.

"So if he takes an attack, Hope-Eyes will be destroyed?" Futoshi asks.

"The more monsters it destroys, the stronger it gets. This should be a good ghost story." Vivian says.

As a frustrated Yuni gets up, Sora says, "Oh my! Yuni! What happened to your confidence? I set two cards and end my turn."

Yuni thinks, "Death-Toy Scissors Bear is a powerful enemy, but Hope-Eyes and I have friends that will fight alongside us."

"My turn!" Yuni draws a card and says, "I activate Wave Surfer's effect! Once per turn, this card switches ATK and DEF from a monster that my opponent controls, I target Death-Toy Scissors Bear!" (ATK:3000-1800)

"Now Hope-Eyes is stronger than Scissors Bear, so she can destroy it in battle!" Yuya says.

"Battle! I attack Death Toy Scissors Bear with Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Yuni yells while jumping on top of the monster.

"No, you won't! I activate a trap card, Jack in the Box! When I'm attacked, this card sends one of your non-attacking monsters to the graveyard. Your attacking monster loses ATK equal to that monster's ATK or DEF. And your attack is negated!" Sora says.

"I won't let you do that! Baseball Batter's Pendulum effect activates! Once per turn, when you use an effect, I can negate the activation throws the card back to the deck!"

As the trap card flies to Batter, it sways its bat and throws the box back to the deck.

"Wow, she used Baseball Batter's Pendulum Effect! Incredible! But what will you do about the second card?" Sora says as another copy of Jack in the box appears.

"What? You set two same cards at a time?" Yuni exclaims.

"He expected the first card to be negated, so he already set another one in advance..." Tatsuya says.

"Baseball Batter's effect is once per turn, she can't stop his trap..." Vivian adds.

"I send Shooting Swimmer to the graveyard!" Sora declares.

Hope-Eyes attack is negated, and Shooting Swimmer is destroyed. Hope-Eyes' falls to the ground with Yuni also lands on the ground with pain. (ATK:2500-1000)

"I am sorry, Yuni." Hope-Eyes says.

"It's okay, Smile." Yuni says while glaring at Sora.

"Come on, Yuni. Don't look so mean." Sora says.

"I switch Wave Surfer into DEF mode."Yuni says as she switches her monster's position. (ATK:600 - DEF:1400)

"Oh my. You're playing passively. Can it be that you're out of options? If that's true, I'm disappointed. I thought our duel would be more fun. How boring." Sora says.

"I set one card and end my turn." Yuni says. "Wave's Surfer's effect lowered Scissors Bear's ATK, but they now return to normal." (ATK:1800-3000)

"This is bad, Hope-Eyes is going to be destroyed for sure..." Tatsuya says.

"Yuni... "Yuzu mutters.

"My turn!" Sora says as he draws the card. "This might end the duel. I activate the Magic Card Toy Parade from my hand! In this turn, my Toy Monster can attack every monster it has equipped."

Shuzo says, "This is bad! Very bad!"

"Yeah, right now it has Dream Horse equipped, if it destroyed Hope-Eyes, it will get another equipped card, and then it can attack one more, and then Yuni will lose." Ryu says.

"That is if he can do it..." Yuya says with a neutral face.

"What do you mean?" Yuzu asks.

Sora says, "I'll start off by crushing your ace monster: Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Yuni thinks, "Due to Toy Parade's effect, Death-Toy Scissors Bear gains ATK every time it destroys a monster, and it also can keep attacking. If this combo comes to fruition, I'll definitely lose. I can only stop it by preventing Hope-Eyes' destruction. In order to do that..."

Yuni looks around and sees an Action Card on a candy cane. "Smile, that way!" She yells.

"I don't think so!" Sora says and he jumps on Scissors Bear, Scissors Bear then throws Sora to where the Action Card is, to the surprise of everyone watching the Duel. He manages to grab the card before Yuni can get there. Sora leaps through several candy structures before landing on the hand of his bear.

"What skill..." Yuzu says.

"In order to get Action Cards, you need to use your monsters skillfully. I made the right decision to destroy your Horse first so that you couldn't ride it." Sora says.

"You even planned for that?" Yuni asks in surprise.

"I am sorry, Yuni." Hope-Eyes says.

"Don't worry, Smile. Not I am going to act for a while." Yuni says.

"What are you planning, Yuni?" Astral asks.

"You'll see." Yuni says.

"It's time for the battle we've waiting for! Death-Toy Scissors Bear attacks Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Sora says.

"I won't let you! I use my trap card! Fairy Switch! I can switch one of my opponent's monsters to DEF position!"

"I should play an Action Magic! Candy Coat!" Sora says.

A piece of candy floats down, unwraps, and transforms into a pair of sunglasses that allow Scissors Bear to get through to the blinding light.

"What?!" Yuni exclaims.

"Due to this card's effect, your Magic and Trap Cards can't affect my monster this turn, and it can't be destroyed in battle! Too bad, if you were able to grab this card, you could've prevented Hope-Eyes' destruction. Scissors Bear, resume your attack!"

Yuni grits her teeth and Sora continues to attack. Scissors Bear punches Hope-Eyes, knocking Yuni off and sending it crashing down into the lake behind them. Yuni is devastated by his ace monster's destruction. (Yuni:2600-600)

"Hope-Eyes..." Yuni cries as her tears fall off her cheeks. "My Hope-Eyes was..."

"Are you okay? Yuni? It looks like you took heavy damage." Sora asks.

Shuzo says, "Yuni's defeat is guaranteed; I can understand the frustration of defeat."

Yuzu says, "That is not all, Hope-Eyes is Yuni's hope. Its destruction means that Yuni's hope is crushed."

Yuya says, "I'm not worried about it, she is in her acting mode. She always did that when we battle."

"Huh?" Everyone turns to him.

"I guess I'll leave a depressed Yuni alone and takes her Hope-Eyes. Scissors Bear, equip the destroyed Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon." Sora says as the bear nods.

Yuni holds her pendant and says, "Dad... what will you do..."


In a playground, a young Yuni is looking around for his lost pendant. She is on the verge of tears until her father, Yusho, comes.

"What's wrong, Yuni?" He asks.

"Dad! I lost my pendant..." She cries to him.

"I see, it has your friends in it, right? That is a problem. But that's no reason to hang your head in shame." Yusho says as he bends down to her and pats her head. "Lift your head up. When you want to cry during tough times, lift your head and laugh. If you do, you can move forward."

"But..." Yuni continues to cry.

"Just do it." Yusho says with a smile.

Yuni then stops crying, she then sees the pendant. "I found it!"

Yusho helps her get it, he says, "See, that is what happens when you did it."

Yuni nods in agreement.


Yuni then stands up and laughs, "You are right Dad. If I keep my heart in Defense Position, there is no way I can enjoy Dueling. I can't entertain people if I don't enjoy my duel!"

Everyone sighs at Yuni, who is looking at her Pendulums. Yuya says, "See. She is acting of course."

Sora says, "Huh, why can't I find Hope-Eyes?"

Yuni says, "Ever since Pendulum Summon was discovered, my brother and I have been investigating this. We have three conclusions after the research. First, you can special summon monsters whose levels are between the scales. Second, they can be treated as Magic Cards."

Tatsuya says, "We know all of it, what is she going to tell us?"

Yuya just grins and does not reply.

"And third, when using Pendulum Monsters as Ritual, Fusion, and Synchro materials, or being destroyed from the field, it won't go to the graveyard, instead, it will go to the Extra Deck. The destroyed Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon is not in the graveyard, it is in the Extra Deck!" Yuni says.

"Ehh?!" Everyone exclaims.

"This is why I say that Sora's spell won't work." Yuya says.

"You know it all along?" Vivian asks.

"Of course, that's why Yuni won't lose." Yuya says.

Sora laughs and says, "Inside the Extra Deck? That is awesome! I've never experienced this before! Pendulum Monsters are the best! If it's not in the graveyard, Scissors Bear can't equip it. My attack is over. I end my turn! Yuni, entertain me next turn!"

Yuni says, "Yeah. I'll show you my turn! The fun is only getting started!"

Yuni draws a card and smiles "Good. I've gathered all the actors. Watch, everyone! Scale 2 Soccer Player and Scale 8 Baseball Batter are set on the stage! That means I can summon monsters from levels 3 to 7! Swing! The pendulum of my heart! Listen to my call and show us the way! Pendulum Summon! Resurrect with radiance, Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

As the dragon appears, Shuzo says, "So this is the power of Pendulum... when they are destroyed, they are sent to the Extra Deck, allowing players to bring them back via Pendulum Summon over and over again. This is hod blooded!"

Yuni says, "Watch what the supporting roles do to support the leading actor!"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Sora asks.

"I use Ritual Magic from my hand! Hope-Eyes Spotlight!" Yuni says as she activates the card.

"Ritual?" Everyone is surprised to see the card.

"I release Level 7 Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Level 3 Smile Fairy Wave Surfer! Dragon with Hope-filled the eyes, cover the whole field with your sand, and make everyone happy! Ritual Summon! Come forth! Level 8! Hope-Eyes Beachside Dragon!" (ATK:3000/DEF:2500 LV:8)

As the dragon made with brown sad and palm trees on its back appears, Yuzu says, "So that's a Ritual Summon..."

"What is a Ritual Summon?" Futoshi asks.

"Ritual Summon requires a Ritual Magic and monsters to summon. If you have the monster's monster whose total levels are the same or exceed the Ritual Monster that you wanted to summon then you can summon it." Yuya says. "However, it is harder than the others because you need to have both the monster and the magic in your hand to summon, unless the Ritual Card has some exceptions."

Sora says, "That's amazing, you can do a Ritual Summon from Pendulum!"

Yuni says, "Yeah, by the way, since I use two Monsters to summon Hope-Eyes Beachside Dragon, I can add 500 ATK for each one. That means my monster gains 1000ATK! (ATK:3000-4000)

"4000ATK?" Sora gasps as the monster has a higher ATK than Scissors Bear.

"Also, when Hope-Eyes Beachside Dragon battles a monster, it won't be affected by any effects until the end of the damage step! Everyone, please focus on the Beachside Dragon's attack! Everyone, all together now!"

"Battle!" Everyone exclaims in unison.

"Hope-Eyes Beachside Dragon attacks Scissors Bear! Go, Hope-Eyes Beachside Dragon! Strike your opponent with the power of the beach! Beachside Slam!"

Sand and water cover the dragon as it charges at Scissors Bear, the impact knocks Sora into a dollop of whipped cream. (Sora:800-0)

"She won!" Tatsuya and Futoshi exclaim.

"Way to go, Sister!" Vivian says as Yuzu sighs in relief.

As the field disappears, Yuni walks towards Sora, who is leaning on the wall.

"Do you remember your promise? Since I won, you're not my brother's apprentice." Yuni asks.

Sora then laughs, "That was fun! Dueling with you was really fun, Yuni! Your duel reminds me a lot of my sister."

"Really?" Yuni asks with surprise.

Everyone then walks into the field, Yuya says, "Nice duel, you two."

"Thanks, Yuya." Sora says.

"Why are you calling me Yuya instead of Teacher?" Yuya asks.

"If you won't let me be your apprentice, then I'm going to be your friend, Yuya! If we're friends, I can call you Yuya." Sora says.

"That's not your choice-" Yuya wants to say something but is cut off by Shuzo. "I see. You two have become friends. A student's friend is also a student. So why don't you enroll in my You Show Duel School?"

"Sure! This place seems much more fun than LDS!" Sora says.

As Shuzo goes to get paperwork, Yuni asks, "But if you're not an LDS student, where did you learn to Fusion Summon?"

"Where I used to live, it was normal for everyone to do Fusion Summoning." Sora says.

Yuni and Yuya flinch at the words, and Yuya asks, "Normal? Where? In another country?"

"Don't sweat the details because we're friends now." Sora says.

"What's up with that?" Yuya asks, "Besides, I didn't accept you as a friend yet."

"We're buddies, Yuya." Sora says, and Yuya is irritated and yells, "Stop deciding things on your own! I've never agreed on it!"

"Since I'm joining this school, we can play even more!" Sora chuckles as Yuni decides to comfort her brother.

"Brother, I know what you think, but I think it is an opportunity." Yuni says. "It is nice to meet you again, Sora."

Yuya sighs as he shakes hands with Sora, finally agreeing to be his friend.

Here is a new chapter, and I decide to let Yuni duel Sora in this episode so that she can show her deck. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be something serious going on.

New OC Cards:

Smile Fairy Dream Horse

Light Attribute, LV:3, Beast/Effect, ATK:800/DEF:800

Effect: If you Release this card for an Advance Summon, this card can be treated as 2 releases.

Smile Fairy Soccer Player

Light Attribute, LV:3, PS:2, Fairy/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:1200/DEF:800

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, it can give the opponent damage equal to half of the ATK of the monster at the other Pendulum Zone.

Monster Effect: When having another Smile Fairy Monster on the field, you can have all the monsters the opponent controls lose half of the ATK of the other monster you control.

Smile Fairy Baseball Batter

Light Attribute, LV:5, PS:8, Fairy/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:2400/DEF:1200

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, it can negate a card effect and return the card back to the deck.

Monster Effect: Once per turn, when the opponent activate a Magic or Trap Card, negate the card effect and then send that card back into the opponent's deck.

Smile Fairy Shooting Swimmer

Water Attribute, LV:4, Fairy/Effect, ATK:500/DEF:1500

Effect: By paying 200 LP, you can draw a card.

Smile Fairy Wave Surfer

Water Attribute, LV:3, Fairy/Effect, ATK:600/DEF:1400

Effect: Once per turn it can switch one monster's ATK and DEF points until the end of the turn.

Hope Eyes Pendulum Dragon:

Light Attribute, LV:7, PS:4, Dragon/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:2500/DEF:2000

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, you can reduce the battle damage you take from an attack involving a Pendulum Monster you control to 0.

Monster Effect: Once per turn, when this monster defeats a monster, it can inflict 300 damage times the number of Levels or Ranks.

Fairy Switch:

Normal Trap

Effect: Change all face-up Attack Position monsters your opponent controls to Defense Position. Monsters changed to Defense Position by this effect cannot change their battle positions until the end of your opponent's next turn.

Hope-Eyes Spotlight:

Ritual Magic

Effect: This card can be used to Ritual Summon any Dragon Ritual Monster from your hand or GY. You must also Tribute Hope-Eyes or Smile Fairy Monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. You can only activate 1 "Hope-Eyes Spotlight" per turn.

Hope-Eyes Beachside Dragon:

Earth Attribute, LV:8, Dragon/Ritual/Effect, ATK:3000/DEF:2500

Monster Effect: You can Ritual Summon this card with "Hope-Eyes Spotlight". When this card attacks a monster, your opponent can't activate any effect that targets this monster, and for each material that summons the monster, it gains 500 ATK.
