Chapter 4 Ghost Force

While Yuya and the others are dealing with Sawatari, Yuni rushes towards the courtyard and finds Vivian sitting at the nearby tree. Yuni smiles and says, "There you are."

Vivian is surprised to see Yuni and she says, "Yuni? How do you know I am here?"

"I know you like to find quiet places so you can read your father's ghost stories." Yuni says with a smile. "About the offer?"

"I'm still thinking about it." Vivian sighs, she wants to get out of the orphanage as soon as possible, but she feels like she can't just bother Yuni and her family like this all the time.

"Well then, how about going to my house? Maybe you'll like it." Yuni grabs her hand and drags her on the road.

"Hey, wait!" Vivian yells, but Yuni doesn't listen.

As they arrive at the Sakaki residence, Vivian says, "Geez, you could just let me walk by myself, I hate being dragged by others."

Yuni rubs her head and says, "Sorry. I'm a little excited."

As they head inside the house, they are greeted by Sakaki Yoko, who was feeding the pets. Yuni greets her mother and introduces her to the girl in front of her.

"So she is the girl you are talking about. The one who likes to read Ghost stories, right?" Yoko says.

"Yes, Mom." Yuni says as she turns to Vivian. "Vivian, this is my mother."

Vivian is shocked and asks, "That is your mom? She looks so young, I thought she is your sister."

Yoko is happy to hear this, she says, "Oh my, what a nice child."

Yuni says, "Mom, Vivian is an orphan, and she often gets bullied in the orphanage just because she is not afraid of ghosts. Her father is also Dad's best friend, and Dad promised her father that our family will adopt her when she gets older."

Yoko says, "I see, that is considerate of you. However, we can't force her to let her become a member of our family, she has to decide this on her own."

Vivian then says, "Well, since you and Yuya are my first friends... And you help me with my first deck..."

Vivian looks down for a second, and then she raises her head and says, "I can tell that both of you really treat me like a family member should do, so I guess I have no objections to your kindness."

"That is great!" Yuni and Yoko say in union.

As they spend the whole afternoon applying for adoption papers and then moving her stuff to the house. It didn't take too long, so they decide to go to You Show Duel School to find Yuya instead of waiting for him to come back home.

Yuni asks, "So Vivian, have you dueled before?"

Vivian says, "Except for the times I dueled with you, no. I was thinking about joining a Duel School, but I don't have the money since I was an orphan."

"Then you don't need to worry about it." Yuni says as they arrive at You Show Duel School. "This is the Duel School that Dad created, since you're a member of the family, I'll enroll you in here so that you can get a lot of advantages as a Duelist."

"That's awesome. I always want to try out the Action Duels, you know, I could only watch them on television." Vivian smiles.

As they head inside, they see Shuzo at the desk. "Hey, Yuni." When he sees Vivian, he quickly rushes to her. "Do you want to join our school?"

Vivian feels a little uncomfortable until Ryu comes and pulls his ear.

"Stop being so rude to others, Dad!" Ryu yells at him.

As Shuzo goes to check his ear, Ryu turns to Vivian and says, "I am sorry for my dad, he sometimes can be overpassionate with others."

Vivian says, "It is fine. My name is Vivian Kobayashi, but I am just being adopted by Yuni and her mother a few hours ago."

Ryu says, "That is great to know, Ms. Sakaki is really nice, ever since our Mom disappeared, she also treated us like her children as well. My name is Hiragi Ryu, judging by the uniform, you must be in the same school as my sister, Yuzu."

Vivian is surprised as she turns to Yuni, "He is Yuzu's brother? How come she never told me about this?"

Yuni says, "I don't think it matters a lot. But where are Brother and the others? Are they having duels right now?" Yuni asks.

"I'm sorry to say that they haven't come to the Duel School since classes are over." Ryu sighs.

"Does that mean they are still in LDS? I mean, the kids were excited to see what LDS offers..." Yuni sighs as she decides to do a quick message to Yuya.

"Just great, it seems like the spoiled brat Sawatari Shingo has stolen my brother's Pendulum Cards...and he has to duel him to get his cards back..." Yuni says with a disgusted tone.

"You mean that guy with the blond hair, I have never liked him since he is always bragging about his father being the next mayor." Vivian says with the same expression.

"Anyway, Brother has defeated him and right now he is heading back, so I guess it is fine." Yuni says. "You see, Ryu. Vivian has never done an Action Duel before, so I was thinking if you can help her out? By having a duel with her?"

"Wait, you want me to duel with Yuzu's brother?" Vivian asks.

"Why not? I am curious about your deck, after all, it often shows a person's personality." Ryu says, "Let's go to the field."

As they get to the duel field, Shuzo also learns what's going on and he decides to activate the Action Field for them. "Now let's start this hot-blooded duel! Action Field On! Field Magic: Light Castle Activate!"

As the Solid Vision activates, Vivian and Ryu are inside a giant castle with lights coming from the window. Vivian looks around and she says, "A real castle...I mean, this is my first time doing Action Duels, but it feels different...seeing the Real Solid Vision like this..."

Ryu says, "Thanks to Yuya, we managed to get the newest technology for our Action Duels. By the way, you know the chant, right?"

"Just because I didn't do it myself doesn't mean I didn't watch on television." Vivian smiles.

"Then let me start this one. Duelists locked in battle!" Ryu says.

"Kicking the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!" Vivian says.

"They storm through this field! Behold! This is the newest and greatest evolution of Dueling! ACTION DUEL!" (Ryu:4000)(Vivian:4000)

As the Action Cards scatter across the field, the duel starts. Ryu says, "I'll go first. I summon Elemental Soldier!" (ATK:100/DEF:1000, LV:4)

A toy soldier-like monster with a rainbow shield appears on the field, Ryu says, "I set three cards and end my turn."

Yuni is a little disappointed with Ryu's first turn, Yuya has been spending with Ryu when they are alone, and she thought her brother has given him a lot of knowledge with his deck.

Vivian says, "Well, I guess it is my turn." Vivian draws a card and says, "I summon Ghost Force: Gas Spirit!" (ATK:1600/DEF:1600, LV:4)

A purple gas-like figure appears on the field, Vivian continues, "And then I use Continuous Magic, Ghost Zone!"

The castle suddenly turns dark and gloomy at Vivian's side, she says, "Battle! I attack your Soldier with Gas Spirit!"

Gas Spirit starts to spit out some gases toward Ryu, who starts to climb the stairs and looks around.

"I use Trap Card! Elemental Counter!" Ryu says. He jumps into the air and then picks an Action Card at the pillar. "I send one Magic Card into the Graveyard and destroy your monster!"

A shield forms on Elemental Soldier's hand, and the gas that is sent towards the monster changes into a purple light as it shoots towards Gas Spirit.

"With my Ghost Zone's effect, I can negate any destruction for monsters that has Ghost Force in the name. So my battle continues!"

As the gas covers the soldier, causing it to disappear, Ryu also gets covered by the gas and feels damage from it. (Ryu:4000-2500)

"I use my Elemental Soldier's effect. When this card is destroyed, I can summon another Elemental Soldier from my deck to my field. Come!" Ryu says as the second soldier appears on the field and gives a salute to Ryu.

"So this card has a lot of copies...that sure sounds interesting. I set one card and end my turn." Vivian says.

While the duel is going, Yuya and the others also walk into the Duel School. Yuni knows that they are back as she goes to greet them. "You're back, Brother, everyone."

Yuya notices the duel and he asks, "Wait, is that Vivian and Ryu? Are they having an Action Duel?"

"What is she doing here? And why is she battling Brother?" Yuzu asks in confusion.

"I brought her here so she can try out her first Action Duel in her life. And guess what, brother? Vivian finally agrees to be a part of our family, that means we will have another sister in our family!" Yuni says.

"I know she will agree, all we need is a push after all." Yuya cheers with Yuni while high five each other.

Ayu asks, "Does that mean she is going to be Big Brother Yuya and Big Sister Yuni's sister?"

"Of course. By the way, I heard what happened to you guys, I can't believe that guy would disrespect you guys and his cards like that." Yuni sighs.

"Don't worry, I already showed him the errors for disrespecting cards." Yuya says.

Back in the duel, Ryu says, "Now it is my turn." As he draws the card, he smiles as he reaches the balcony. He says, "Since our audience is back, how about I show you the hidden power I acquired with Yuya's help?"

"What do you mean by that?" Vivian looks confused.

Ryu says, "Like this! I use one of my Face Down Magic Card: Type Fusioner!"

A camera with rainbow legs appears on the field. "With this card, I can copy your monster and uses it as a material for Fusion Summon!"

"What did you say? A Fusion Summon?" Vivian asks in shock.

"I fuse Type Fusioner and Elemental Soldier! The knight that lurks in the dark! Save the Kingdom with your fearsome power! Fusion Summon! Come! LV:6! Elemental Dark Knight!" (ATK:2400/DEF:1800, LV:6)

A knight with purple armor appears on the field, on his hand is a spear and a shield that has the Dark Attribute on it.

"Hold on, Ryu is using Fusion Summon? How come I didn't know about this?" Yuzu asks in shock.

"I taught him." Yuya says. "Zarc has some knowledge of the other summonings, so I also know how to use them and teach him how to use Fusion."

Shuzo says, "That is great Ryu! I am getting Hot-blooded!"

Ryu says, "Now battle! I attack Gas Spirit with Dark Knight! Dark Slash!"

The Dark Knight charges with its spear glowing, and the spear cuts through the soul, Vivian says, "My Ghost Zone prevents the destruction."

"But you have to take damage." Ryu says.

Vivian feels the spear shoots her, she slightly gets back into the stone wall. (Vivian:4000-3200)

"Even the damage feels so real in here..." Vivian says while getting back up. "I use my trap card, Ghost Calling. When I take damage from battle, I can summon a Ghost Force Monster from my deck. I summon Ghost Force: Dream Attacker!" (ATK:1200/DEF:1500, LV:4)

A human-like monster with burned skin appeared on the field with some claw-like hands, Ryu stares at the monster and says, "So you take advantage of the damage I caused, you're not bad as a beginner. I end my turn."

When Yuya and Yuni are watching the duel, they can feel Zarc and Zarine coming out. Zarc says, "So she is going to be our new sister, right?"

"By the looks of it, she is really good at dueling." Zarine says.

"However, Vivian's true power comes in this turn." Yuni says with a smile. "Watch and you'll see."

Vivian says, "My turn!" She draws a card and looks at it, she smiles and says, "It's here. I release my Level 4 Dream Attacker and Level 4 Gas Spirit to Advance Summon! Come! Level 8! Ghost Force: Cursed Tree!" (ATK:3000/DEF:2000 LV:8)

Ayu is terrified at the sight of a tree that has claw-like branches and it is moving, she hugs Yuzu tightly. "Big Sister Yuzu, that is so scary!"

Futoshi says, "It really is scary, but for some reason, it also gives me shivers!"

Ryu says, "So you have a Level 8 Monster in your deck...but it is still Dark Attribute, due to my Dark Knight's effect, you can't attack my monster."

Vivian gives a smirk, "Is that so? Then how about this? I use its effect! Once per turn, I can equip a monster my opponent controls on it."

The Tree shoots some vines and captures the Dark Knight, as it is getting attached to the tree.

"What?" Ryu is shocked at the horrific sight, it is just like the Dark Knight is about to become the tree itself.

"And it gains 500 ATK for each monster it gets!" Vivian says while standing in front of the tree. (ATK:3000-3500) "Battle! I attack you directly!"

The branches on the tree go around Vivian as it is getting closer to Ryu, Yuzu is worried for her brother and she says, "Oh no! Brother is going to lose!"

Ryu looks calm and says, "The great duel won't be ended like this! I activate my final face down! Help Warning! When I am about to take a direct attack, I can negate the battle and summon two Soldier tokens on the field!"

Two small soldier-like monsters appear on the field, and the tree stops approaching. Vivian sighs, "Nice counter. I'll end my turn."

Yuzu is relieved as she says, "Phew... nice save."

Yuya says, "As expected from Ryu, maybe he will be winning against Vivian."

Yuni smiles, "Maybe I beg to differ. Vivian will win the duel."

Ryu says, "My turn!" After drawing the card, he also smiles as it is what he wants. "If you have a Level 8 monster on my field, then how about I do the same? I release my two Elemental Soldier Tokens and Advance Summon! Come forth! Level 8! The lord of the Elements! Elemental King! (ATK:3000/DEF:2000, LV:8)"

A king with some rainbow clothes and jewelry appears on the field, Ryu smiles, "I use its effect! For every Elemental Monster except itself on the field, it gains 1000ATK. I have Dark Knight on the field, so it gains 2000 ATK!"

The king raises his staff and a golden light shines on him. (ATK:3000-4000)

"Battle! I attack your tree with my king! Elemental Stab!" Ryu says.

The staff opens its lid to reveal a sharp blade, and the king uses the blade to slash at the tree. Vivian says, "Due to my Ghost Zone, I negate the destruction!"

"But you still get the damage." Ryu says.

Because of the cut, some of the branches fall onto Vivian as she takes damage. (Vivian:3200-2700)

Ryu says, "I am not done yet. I activate Elemental King's second effect! I can release an Elemental monster on the field and give you damage equal to its ATK! That means, I release Dark Knight to give you 2400 damage!"

"What?" Vivian says as the Dark Knight on the tree becomes light and rushes towards Vivian. Vivian sees a card in the window and grabs it, but she is hit by the damage. (Vivian:2700-300)

"Big sister Vivian has only 300 LP left." Tatsuya says.

"Vivian..." Yuya says in a worried tone.

Vivian looks at the card and puts it on the Duel Disk. "I use Action Magic! Double Damage Draw! I can draw 2 cards when I get damage."

Vivian closes her eyes and draws two cards, after looking at the cards she drew, she smiles.

"I end my turn, and my King's attack return to normal." (ATK:4000-3000)

Vivian is breathing heavily and she says, "You sure are amazing. Action Duels like this sure is fun."

"Thanks, I am glad that you like it." Ryu says.

"However, the victor of the match is still me, I'm going to end this duel in this turn with my favorite monster. My turn!" Vivian says as she draws a card.

"I use the magic card, Ghost Split! I can treat this card as the second Cursed Tree." Vivian says, the Magic Card that appears on the field becomes another copy of Cursed Tree.

"Why does she do that?" Futoshi asks with confusion.

"I don't know." Ayu says.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Yuzu says with a small shiver.

"Here we go! I overlay my two Level 8 Cursed Tree! Spirit from the underworld, do your duty, and pull spirits to join you!"

Just then, two Cursed trees become two energy balls and suck into a yellow whirlpool, and from it, a grim like monster starts to form until it is fully in front of them with a giant sickle and two yellow orbs circling it.

"Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 8! Ghost Force: Spirit Taker!"(ATK:3000/DEF:2000, RNK:8 OVU:2)

"So this is Xyz Summon..." Yuzu gasps in shock.

"Why is it a rank instead of a Level?" Tatsuya asks.

"Multiple monsters of the same level can be used to Special Summon an Xyz Monster of an equivalent Rank from the Extra Deck." Yuni says. "So it doesn't have levels."

"But what are those that surround it?" Futoshi asks.

"These are Overlay Units, which can be used to activate that Xyz Monster's effects." Yuya says.

"But that monster still looks so scary like the others!" Ayu says as she hugs Yuzu tightly.

Vivian says, "I use Spirit Taker's effect! By detaching one Overlay Unit, I can destroy one monster on the field. I choose your Elemental King!"

"What?" Ryu says in horror. The Spirit Taker absorbs the Overlay Unit and then waves its sickle, causing the King to slice it in half and destroyed it.

"Now without your monsters to protect you, I can attack you directly! Death Approach!" Vivian says.

Ryu tries to find an Action Card, but the monster blocks him and uses the sickle to crash to the ground, causing him to get blasted by the wave. (Ryu:2500-0)

As the field disappears, Yuzu rushes to her brother. "Brother, are you okay?"

Ryu quickly jumps up and says, "I am fine. It has been some time to duel an Xyz user."

Shuzo comes and says, "It is really Hot-blooded! Both of you did well in this duel!"

Yuya smiles and says, "Indeed, nice duel, Vivian."

"Thanks, brother." Vivian says, which causes him to shock. Yuya asks, "Brother? Do you mean me? Why do you-"

"I am now a part of the Sakaki, so it is normal for me to call you my brother and Yuni my sister." Vivian says.

"But we are classmates, don't you think others will be weird to hear that?" Yuni asks.

"Why should we care for what they think? What matters is that we all like it." Vivian says which causes them to laugh.

As Yuya, Yuni, and Vivian get back to their house, they help Vivian unpack her stuff into her room. As Vivian goes outside to get other stuff, she notices another room besides her.

"Um...Sister Yuni, Brother Yuya?" Vivian calls out to them. The two siblings come to her and Yuya asks, "What is it, Vivian?"

As they see the room, Yuni and Yuya both have their heart sunk. Yuni asks, "You are wondering what that room is for, right?"

Vivian says, "Yeah..."

Yuya opens it and takes them inside, they see a lot of spooky stuff that looks like the Halloween decoration they can see in the shops.

"What, you design the room to be creepy?" Vivian asks.

Yuni says, "This room hasn't been used for 7 years. It belonged to our other sister, Katrina."

Vivian is confused. "Sister? You have another sister?"

Yuya says, "Yes. But she isn't a normal sister to us." He opens the cabinet, then Vivian sees a lot of blood bags.

"What the... Blood Bags?" Vivian looks a little confused.

"At the age of four, our family goes to the fair, and it was then that the Pendant and her deck changes her. She becomes a half-vampire." Yuni says.

"Vampire? I read a lot of stories about them, but I didn't know they exists..." Vivian gasps.

"She is different, she doesn't get burned by the sunlight, nor has the ability to turn others into Vampires. She just likes to suck blood and she has super strength." Yuni says.

"She was terrified at what she had become, thanks to our Dad that she eventually accept herself." Yuya says.

"But where is she? How come we never see her?" Vivian asks.

"At the age of 7, we are having a picnic. She excuses herself as she leaves, but she never returns. We decided to look for her, and then..." Yuni starts to cry as Yuya hugs her.

Yuya says, "She is gone, we found her cape and half of the main deck, Fusion, Synchro monsters on the floor."

Vivian asks, "No way... so she been missing since?"

Yuni stops crying and then says, "Yeah... I have kept the cards and the pendant. And they, along with some of the cards, become Pendulum Cards."

"Seriously? How did your cards suddenly change appearance?" Vivian asks.

"We are the ones that believe that duel monsters are real, they have the power to destroy the world." Yuya says.

"Oh, I think my father had written a book about it. It is a cool story." Vivian says.

Yuni asks, "I have read the same story as well, however, do you believe the world is split into 4 dimensions? Just like what happened in the story?"

"Huh? You mean like the Fusion Dimension, Synchro Dimension, Xyz Dimension, and Standard Dimension? I guess it will be cool if it is real." Vivian says.

Yuni says, "It IS real, Vivian. Four Dimensions do exist."

Vivian sees the seriousness on their face, she says, "Wait, are you serious?"

Yuya says, "Yes. LDS is secretly investigating it. The reason why Dad went missing, was because he goes to the Fusion Dimension trying to stop his friend from doing a mistake."

"What? So you know where your father is?" Vivian asks in shock.

"Yes. But we haven't gotten any news from him. We are afraid that he got into trouble." Yuni says.

"But regardless of that. We believe he will be back, and eventually find Katrina in the end." Yuya says.

"Wow... You guys sure are strong-minded. But since it is real... I would like to see what Xyz Dimension looks like." Vivian says.

"Me too." Yuni says. "Hey, Vivian. I got a card from LDS, and I think it suits your deck well."

She takes out a card to her, looks at it, and says, "What is this? I don't think I have seen this kind of card before."

Yuya says, "It is a technique that you can't learn in LDS. Maybe we can teach you about it."

Vivian says, "But how do you get it? Since you say that can't learn from LDS."

Yuya and Yuni look at each other, then Yuya says, "I'll tell you tomorrow. I think we aren't ready to tell you."

"It is fine. I'll be waiting for that time." Vivian says as the three head outside Katrina's room.

Here is the new chapter, Ryu is a Fusion user and probably uses Pendulum in the future while Vivian is an Xyz user. Ryu's deck is determined by the attribute of monsters to have different Fusion monsters, while Vivian's deck has a similarity to Yuto's but with a slight difference.

Sakaki Katrina is blood-related to Yusho and Yoko, and she will be appearing in the future chapters. She is a half Vampire, so her deck is also that theme but with all 4 summonings. Since she is one of the Pendant Holders.

Now the next chapter will be the duel between Sora and Yuni. And there will be a surprise at the end of the next chapter.

New OC cards:

Elemental Soldier:

Light Attribute, LV:4

Warrior/Effect, ATK:100/DEF:1000

Effect: When this card is destroyed, you can summon another 'Elemental Soldier' from the deck.

Ghost Force: Gas Spirit:

Dark Attribute, LV:4

Fiend/Effect, ATK:1600/DEF:1600

Effect: It can prevent destruction once per turn.

Ghost Zone:

Continuous Magic

Effect: It prevents Ghost Force Monsters from destruction.

Elemental Counter:

Normal Trap

Effect: When my opponent declares attack to an Elemental Monster, send a Magic Card to the graveyard to destroy that monster.

Type Fusioner:

Normal Magic

Effect: It can copy a monster my opponent controls and uses it as a material to Fusion Summon.

Elemental Dark Knight:

Dark Attribute, LV:6

Warrior/Fusion/Effect, ATK:2400/DEF:1800

Effect: Elemental Soldier +Dark Attribute monster. All Dark Attrubute monsters except this monster cannot attack.

Ghost calling:

Normal Trap

Effect: When the user gets damage, the user can send a Ghost Force Monster from the deck.

Ghost Force: Dream Attacker:

Dark Attribute, LV:4

Fiend/Effect, ATK:1200/DEF:1500

Effect: When this card battles, the opponent can't use effects on the monster.

Ghost Force: Cursed Tree:

Dark Attribute, LV:8

Plant/Effect, ATK:3000/DEF:2000

Effect: Once per turn, it can equip all monsters on the field to itself, with one monster it gets 500 ATK.

Help Warning:

Normal Trap

When my opponent declares an attack, negate it and summon two soldier tokens (ATK:500/DEF:500)

Elemental King:

Light Attribute, LV:8

Warrior/Effect, ATK:3000/DEF:2000

Effect: It gains 500 ATK for each Elemental monsters on the field. It can release an Elemental monster to give the opponent damage equal to the monster's ATK.

Ghost Split:

Normal Magic

Effect: You can treat this card as the same monster on the field.

Ghost Force: Spirit Taker:

Dark Attribute, RNK:8

Zombie/XYZ/Effect, ATK:3000/DEF:2000

Effect: Two Dark Attribute LV8 monsters. By detaching one Overlay Unit, it can send a monster my opponent controls to the graveyard. When this card is on the field, the opponent can't revive a monster from the graveyard.
