Chapter 47 Parental Guidance

As they arrive in an abandoned arcade, Ron asks, "What does your mother plan to do with you guys in a place like this?"

"No idea." Vivian says, but then, they hear a motorcycle revving in an empty room as Yoko appears, speeds out on her D-Wheel, and jumps over debris.

Shuzo and the You Show students take cover while Yuya and Yuni remain where they are. Yoko stops her D-Wheel, opens her helmet, and reveals her face.

"M-Mom? What's with that get-up?!" Vivian asks.

"I'm not your mom! I'm the Boss of Ladies!" Yoko says.

The You Show students repeat, "Boss?!"

"What does she mean?" Katrina asks.

"Before we were born, Mom led a group whose name echoed throughout Miami City, a ladies-only D-Wheel gang called the Miami Queens." Yuya says.

"That's right! The name that made crying kids shut up, the Miami Queens!" Yoko yells. "I'm their boss, Shooting Star Yoko!"

"Shooting Star? What are you talking about?" Vivian asks.

Zarine sighs, "Mom is being her former self again, huh?"

Zarc says, "Maybe it is interesting after all."

"So Mom, I guess you want to have a riding duel, right? Then let me do it." Yuni calls Orbital, who then comes with Yuni's D-Wheel.

After they are all set, then Yuni says, "I am ready, Mom."

"Good. Action Field on! Field Magic: Pier of Peril activate!" Yoko says.

The arcade is replaced by a pier surrounded by statues of mythological creatures, then Yuni also gets on the D-Wheel as the two rides off. (Yuni:4000)(Yoko:4000)

Meanwhile, Ayu asks, "Are they riding Motorcycles while dueling?"

Katrina says, "They are called D-Wheels, it is a kind of duel that requires Riding and Dueling at the same time."

"What? Isn't that dangerous?" Jean asks.

"It is. But in the Synchro Dimension, this is common." Yuya says.

"You get the first move." Yoko says. "I love trashing my opponents in duels. Opposing teams, men making advances, I'll duel them all into the ground."

"But that doesn't mean you should beat me up since I'm your daughter." Yuni says.

"Maybe she's probably angry over Sora." Ayu says.

"She did ask if defeating the enemy included Sora." Tatsuya says.

"Of course, Sora is the one who took Big Sister Yuzu away...he's one of them!" Futoshi says with anger.

"Yuni...Shooting Star Yoko." Shuzo mutters.

"Back then, Dueling was power to me! Dueling was a means to display my strength. Of course, I had confidence in my skills. The confidence to go all out against a Pro Duelist and win! Now come at me!" Yoko says.

"Let's go! With Scale 2 Smile Fairy Soccer Player and Scale 8 Baseball Batter, I set the Pendulum Scale!"

Two females with sportswear appear on the field. One is green and has soccer in her hand while the other one is red with a red helmet and a baseball bat.

"With this, I can summon monsters from Level 3 to Level 7! Swing! Pendulum of my heart! Listen to my call and show us the way! Pendulum Summon! Come! Dragon with Hope in the eyes! Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (ATK:2500/DEF:2000, LV7 PS:4), and Hope-Eyes Smiling Dragon!" (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 LV:7 PS:4)

As two dragons appear on the field, Yoko says, "Using two dragons on the first turn, I see you are using your full strength."

"Of course." Yuni says. "I end my turn."

"A match is still a match, bring it on!" Yoko says. "As a boss, I did nothing but fight all night. Morning to night, all I did was dueling. Countless teams fell at my hands, of course, I made my fair share of enemies, but I didn't care about that. If they held a grudge and came looking for a fight, all I had to do was thrash them again." Yoko says.

"Mom had enough confidence to defeat pro Duelists; street thugs weren't even worth her time. But instead of challenging Mom face-to-face, they got back at her by kidnapping her crew from the Miami Queens." Yuya also tells the story to others to listen, as they also listen carefully.

"Mom calls the gang low for kidnapping. But one of the opposing gang members replies that this does not matter, as long as they had their revenge. To save her teammate, she duels the gang members." Yuya says.

"My turn!" Yoko says. "When there are no monsters on my field while my opponent has monsters on their field, I can summon Celestial Biker Maiden Tokkou Ladies from my hand." (ATK:1400/DEF:1000 LV:4)

"And when Mom is about to duel, they hear a man trying to stop this pointless behavior." Yuya says. "That man is my father, Sakaki Yusho."

"Dad?" Katrina asks.

"Yes. He told them that if they want to duel, they should duel for fun." Yuya says.

"I release Celestial Biker Maiden Tokkou Ladies to Advance Summon Biker Goddess Legendary Boss Red Queen!" (ATK:2000/DEF:2000 LV:6)

As the Red Queen appears in a spiral of flames. She says, "I activate Red Queen's monster effect! Once per turn, I gain control of all monsters on my opponent's field!"

Red Queen makes an intimidating face, which scares the two dragons into joining Yoko's side of the field.

"Damn it! She took my monsters!" Yuni mutters.

"Your mother is really strong." Sona says.

"The ATK of all monsters I gained control of becomes 100 until the end of this turn." The two dragons express guilt towards Yuni. (ATK:2500-100)(ATK:2500-100)

"From my hand, I use Magic Card, Smile World!" Yoko says as she activates the card.

Smiling faces radiate from the card as others are amazed. "The ATK of all monsters on the field increases by 100 for each one, until the end of this turn. There are 3 monsters, so that's plus 300!" (ATK:100-400)(ATK:100-400)(ATK:2000-2300)

All of Yoko's monsters gain a happy expression. Yuya, Yuni, and the spectators of the Duel marvel at the card's activation.

"Battle! I attack you directly with all 3 monsters!" Yoko says.

Yuni was hit by the blast of all three monsters, as she tries to stay still on her D-Wheel. (Yuni:4000–900)

"The way he could stop a conflict without anyone getting hurt took me aback." Yoko says. "He stole my heart."

"So it was just a walk on memory lane?" Ryu asks.

"I thought, "man, quite the character showed up." Even when we used duels as a tool to fight, he kept talking about how duels are meant to bring enjoyment to people." Yoko says. "I took our meeting as a chance to graduate from the Miami Queens, and decided to live together with Sakaki Yusho."

"Wow...I never knew there is a great history between Yusho sensei and Ms. Sakaki." Ron says.

"Indeed." Katrina says.

"Around that time, the Real Solid Vision system developed by Leo Corporation also started to spread through the world of Pro Dueling. The dawn of the era of Action Fuels, so to speak. The Action of that time was a means to show off your strength in clashes against monsters." Yoko says, "A combat sport that emphasized power. Though I think Shuzo has already told you about that."

"I know. Dad brought excitement and speed to Action Dueling. The door to a new world can't be opened by someone who doesn't have the courage to push himself forward. We've also opened a new door - the door to Pendulum! We can become an example to others, too." Yuni says.

"So have you realized that properly?" Yoko asks. "I'm asking if you're going to become an example!"

"I don't know if I can be an example to others, but I've also done my best in my own way! Watching Yuzu work hard to get stronger made us want to look for what's beyond the Pendulum!" Yuni says.

"And we found it!" Yuya says.

"What do you want to do after you've found what's beyond the Pendulum and become stronger?" Yoko continues to ask.

"It's simple, we're saving Yuzu!" Yuya says. "We have to become stronger, even stronger than we are now! And we'll definitely save Yuzu!"

"I see. All of you are a lot like me. Once you've set your mind on something, you ignore everything else and charge in without hesitation. If it means you can save your captured comrades, you don't care if you have to completely wipe out your enemies. Much like the boss of Miami Queens, Shooting Star Yoko! But you're also Sakaki Yusho's children. Your desire to save Yuzu is priceless. Something you have to accomplish no matter what. But to Shuzo and Ryu, Yuzu is an irreplaceable treasure."

This causes Shuzo to start crying again, and so do the kids, and eventually everyone else. Yoko says, "We're all praying for Yuzu's safety, too. Saving Yuzu is not your desire alone - it's everyone's."

"Just like Dad, both enemies and allies..." Katrina says.

"That's right, make Sora smile too." Yoko says.

"Brother..." Sona mutters.

"It'll be fine. If you still think of Sora as a friend, you can do it." Yoko says. "And not just Sora - make everyone smile. You're Sakaki Yusho's children after all."

Everyone listens to that and starts nodding, then Yoko says, "The talk is getting long. My bad. I end my turn, at this point, Smile World's effect ends and the ATK of the monsters returns to normal. At the same time, the effect of Red Queen also ends."

After Yuni gets the two dragons back, Yoko asks, "Now then, let's hear it again, shall we? What do you want to do after you've found what's beyond the Pendulum and become stronger?"

Yuni nods, "I will answer that, but right now, my turn!"

As she looks at the card, she says, "Yuzu...don't worry, we will come to you. Ladies and Gentlemen!"

"Now it's Big sister Yuni's Entertainment Duel!" The kids are excited.

"It's too early for you to be thrilled!" Yuni says. "The real fun is just getting started! Everyone, thank you all for your patience! Now, feast your eyes upon our You Show DSuel School's Pride, the entertainment duel handed down from Sakaki Yusho!"

As everyone is cheering, Yuni says, "I use Magic Card: Copy Monster! With this card, I can copy a monster on the field! I copy this card as Hope-Eyes Smile Dragon!"

After the third Smile Dragon appears, Yuni says, "Hope-Eyes Smile Dragon can be treated as a Blooming Melody or an Odd-Eyes Monster, I am going to treat them as Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Blooming Melody Pendulum Dragon!"

With two monsters change forms, Ayu says, "It's Big Brother Yuya and Big Sister Yuzu's dragons!"

"Even if she isn't here, she still lends her power..." Ryu says.

"Now I am going to combine the power of my brother, Yuzu, and Mine!" Yuni says. "This card can't be normal summoned, by releasing three Pendulum Dragons, I can summon this card! Dual-colored eyes with hope, along with the melody blooms around! Combine and form a great bond that exceeds everything! Advance Summon! Come forth! Level 10! Supreme Pendulum Dragon: Truthful Eyes Tune Dragon!" (ATK:4000/DEF:4000 LV:10 PS:13)

A dragon with a rainbow color body appears on the field as it roars. Katrina says, "She combined the power of three dragons..."

"Amazing." Vivian says.

Meanwhile, Zarc appears beside Yuya and says, "It seems like our power is connected..."

"Yeah. It feels warm, too." Yuya says.

"I use its effect! I can use a Magic Card from my opponent's graveyard! I choose Smile World!" Yuni smiles as Truthful Eyes roars then the smiles appear and both monsters have smiled as they gain 200 ATK.

"Wow, that is amazing." Vivian says.

"Yeah." Katrina says.

"Battle! I attack your Red Queen! Radiance of the Pendulum Dragons!" Yuni yells as Truthful Eyes flies into the air, forming a rainbow, and then shines on the Red Queen. (Yoko:4000–2000)

"Mom, are you okay?" Yuni asks.

"I'm not your Mom! Right now, I'm Shooting Star Yoko! As the legendary boss of the Miami Queens, I'll take your final attack!" Yoko says.

"Alright! Time for the final touch! I use its effect, when this card destroys a monster, I can give damage equal to the destroyed monster's ATK! Since with the Smile World, it has 2200 ATK!" Yuni yells. "Super Reaction Force!"

Yoko is then hit by the Rainbow-colored beam as her D-Wheel blasts out some air. (Yoko:2000–0)

After they both stop in front of the others. Yoko says, "It's been such a long time, but dueling and riding at the same time is the best!"

"Mom..." Yuni says as well as others. Yoko then gives out 4 Smile World. "Here. Take these as your farewell gifts."

Yuya says, "This is a symbol of you and Dad's memories..."

"He said to pass it on to you someday. When you have a need for this card, this must be the time." Yoko smiles. "Listen well. No matter where you go, never forget your smile. If you find yourself forgetting, look at this card. Remember today and remember your father. Believe that you'll definitely make it. You can save Yuzu and stop the fight. That's what I believe."

Yuya, Yuni, Katrina, and Vivian all get the card and then nod. "We promise."

Then the kids and Shuzo also give them their blessings as well as the cheering. They are touched, as they are more eager to stop the war and bring back Yuzu.

That night, Yuya and Yuni asked Serena and Satoshi for a stay at their house, then they have a meeting together in Yuni's room.

Serena says to Ron and Jean. "Still, I am sorry that I doubted you guys at first..."

"It is fine." Ron says. "We know that you are guilty about it, but don't worry, we heard from Yuni that you didn't know anything."

Yuya says, "But it is good to know that you are on our side."

Serena nods, then she asks, "Can I talk to Sona?"

"Sure," Yuni says as she changes, then Sona asks, "Serena, what's the matter?"

"I want to it true that the Professor erased some of my memories?" Sona asks, "About back then when we have fun and dueled together with our friends in school?"

This causes shock to others as Sona sighs, "Yes. Your loss of memories has a great impact on us. Especially Yuri and me. We were friends together and we often compete with each other."

Satoshi says, "I remember, too. You often challenges Yuri and Sona for the duels but always lost badly, then you always demanded a rematch."

Serena says, "I think that I am starting to is still vague..."

Yuri then says, "Yuya? How about you let me in control?"

Yuya nods as he also changes, but instead of Yuto, Yuri is the one in front of them.

"Wait, what?" Vivian says in shock. "This isn't Yuto..."

"Yuri? Why come our this sudden?" Sona asks.

"Come on, do you really think I will sit around and do nothing?" Yuri asks.

"So he is Zarc's Fusion Fragment?" Jean asks Katrina.

"Yes. He is Yuri. Also the owner of Starve Venom." Katrina says.

As Yuri starts to talk to Serena about the times back then, Sona says to others, "At first, Yuri gives in to the darkness since Serena's loss of memory and the friends being evil or controlled, he tried to inflict pain on others, but now with Zarc's help, he is the Yuri we knew, the Yuri we looked up to."

Ron says, "But you know...when they are talking like that, it really reminds me of Yuto and Ruri."

"Yuya and Yuzu as well..." Vivian sighs. "We really need to do our best to get them back."

"I agree." Katrina says.

After Yuri and Serena end the conversation, Sona says, "Now that is done, we have another thing to worry about."

"What is it?" Satoshi asks as everyone shares the same thoughts.

"Dennis." Sona says, causing the Heartland members confused.

"What about him?" Ron asks, "And how do you know him?"

"Dennis is also one of the friends we had made in Academia." Yuri says.

"What? You mean he isn't from Heartland?" Jean says in shock. "But why did he..."

"The reason he comes to Heartland is that he can search for Ruri and green-light the invasion." Sona says. "He is also the one who tells me where Ruri is so that I could capture her with Professor's orders."

"What? How dare he..." Katrina says. "So it was partly his fault that Heartland is destroyed..."

"What should we do now?" Jean asks, still disappointed at the fact that Dennis is a spy.

"We will watch him, making sure that he won't go to Academia to find Yuzu." Yuri says.

"Also, from watching when he duels Yuya, I can tell he is also influenced by Yusho Sakaki. I hope he can also know his errors." Sona says.

"If that's the case, we will help you." Vivian says.

"Of course. Since he was also our classmate and our friend, too." Ron says as Jean nods.

"Thank you guys." Sona says as she and Yuri regain control, then they all go to sleep so they can store energy for tomorrow's departure.

The next day, everyone has arrived at the LDS headquarters as Nakajima is leading the way to a meeting room. Yuni notices Gongenzaka's bruised face covered with plasters. She asks, "Gongenzaka, what happened to your face?"

"I had a serious duel with my Father to prove my resolve." Gongenzaka says.

"That's a serious beat-up if you ask me." Ron says.

I agree." Jean adds.

As they opened the door, they see Dennis, Sawatari, Tsukikage, and Shun there. Sawatari says, "You're late! It's 100000 years too early for you to make me wait!"

Yuya rolls his eyes and says, "Excuse me, we are just in time."

Dennis says, "I don't really know whether you're getting at early or late with that analogy."

"Shut up! No one asked you!" Sawatari retorts.

Ron, Jean, and Katrina are staring at Dennis, they still can't believe that the person in front of them is actually a spy from Academia. But their thoughts are interrupted by Reiji's voice.

"You're all gathered?" Everyone looks and sees Reiji and Reisho coming downstairs.

"So the Presidents show up last." Sawatari says.

Dennis steps forward and says, "All 14 members of the Lancers have been gathered, Captain!"

"It's not 14." Reiji says, Dennis realizes his mistake and says, "Oh, please forgive me, with our captains, there are 16 of us."

Yuni says, "In fact, it is 17." She looks up and says, "Reira will come along, too."

Everyone looks upstairs and sees her standing there. Shun says, "We're not going to play games. A kid like that, fighting Academia with us? He'll just get in the way!"

Yuya says, "Reira's ability is on par with any of us. She will absolutely not be a hindrance."

"On par with us?" Katrina asks.

"To be held in such high regard is amazing." Vivian says.

"There's no way you're older than an elementary schooler. A Junior Class kid with strength that matches that of Sawatari's era - the masters of Pendulum? I won't believe it!" Sawatari says.

"What is the Sawatari era? The first person to use Pendulum was Yuya, don't act as if you're the one who came up with it." Ryu says.

"Actually, Pendulum summons is made by Yuni." Reisho says, making everyone look at her. She quickly turns around in embarrassment.

"In any case, I won't accept this. A kid like that marching into Academia with us?" Shun says.

"We're not going to Academia." Reiji says.

"What did you say?!" Shun says in shock. Yuni says, "Our destination is the Synchro Dimension."

Katrina asks, "Why are we going there? Aren't we going to Fusion to save Yuzu?"

Yuni says, "The Synchro Dimension hasn't been dragged into this interdimensional war, so we need to recruit comrades as well as allies there. Our foremost motive is to have them bond with Standard and form an alliance to take on the Fusion Dimension together."

"This is no place to talk about such causal matters! We shouldn't waste time before entering the Fusion Dimension to crush Academia!" Shun says.

"I only play games I can win." Reiji replies. "Expansive preparations are necessary to aim for victory. At this stage, we have no chance of defeating Academia if we challenge them in battle."

"Joining forces with you was a mistake. I'll march into Academia myself and save Ruri." Shun grunts.

As Shun was about to leave, Reisho says, "There's no way you can do it alone."

He says, "Academia assembles duelists from all over the Fusion Dimension and provides them with a top-tier education. Every day, it produces tough duelist soldiers trained in endurance. What can you accomplish by marching in there alone?"

Yuya says, "We approve of Reiji's plans. For now, we have to be ready for the threat of war and make preparations for the sake of victory. Besides, Ruri is inside Yuzu, and none of them are in Academia right now."

"What? So does that mean Academia didn't capture her, then where is she?" Ryu asks.

Yuni says, "We have seen through the footage that a person from the Synchro Dimension who looked like my brother, Yugo, took her, and then they were teleported by Yuzu's bracelet."

"What?" Dennis says as he thinks, "So she isn't taken away to Academia?"

"I start to wonder what's with the bracelet and teleport..." Ryu sighs.

"Yeah, but if Yuzu is there, then she is safe, right? Then Ruri will also be fine as well."

Yuya says, "Indeed. And with Rin also inside Yuzu, she should be fine since Rin is also from Synchro Dimension."

Reiji says, "Now the talk is over, Yuni, can you tell us about the Synchro Dimension?"

Yuni says, "Of course. In Synchro Dimension, there is a social class system. The two groups are Tops and Commons. The rich known as Tops control most of the wealth while the poor known as Commons has barely anything, not only that, the police there are called Security, they capture bad people and also send them to facilities. But that can be worried later, And last, we need to ride D Wheels to duel."

Jean asks, "D Wheels are like the ones you ride when you duel Ms. Sakaki?"

Sawatari asks, "Are you telling me that we are going to ride the motorcycle and duel at the same time? That is ridiculous."

Reiji says, "It is the truth." He turns to the others and says, 'Now we have the information, we have installed the uncarding system inside your Duel disks, so you can save our comrades. And then thanks to Yuni, we have installed the dimension transport device inside your duel disks. Now it is time to go."

The 17 of them nod and then they teleport away.

And this is the end of the first arc, as you can see, the Standard Arc is finished and we're going to the Synchro Arc. All the Arcs will be separated into different stories, so this one is finished. I hope you like this chapter and make sure to read my next story: Yugioh Arc-V A New Story of Pendulum Synchro Arc.

New OC Cards:

Hope Eyes Smiling Dragon:

Light Attribute, LV:7, PS:4, Dragon/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:2500/DEF:2000

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, you can reduce the battle damage you take from an attack involving a Pendulum Monster you control to 0.

Monster Effect: This card can also be treated as an Odd-Eyes Monster or Blooming Melody Monster. If you control a Hope-Eyes monster on the field, this monster won't be destroyed by battle or effects.

Supreme Pendulum Dragon: Truthful Eyes Tune Dragon:

Light Attribute, LV:10, PS:13, Dragon/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:4000/DEF:4000

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, you can summon a Pendulum Dragon monster back from the graveyard or Extra Deck to the field.

Monster Effect: You can only summon this monster by releasing three Pendulum Dragons. Once per turn, you can take a Magic Card or Trap Card from the opponent's graveyard and use it. When this card battles, you can give the opponent damage equal to the ATK of the monster that it destroyed. If this card is being attacked, you can switch the ATK of the two monsters.
