Chapter 28 Sakaki Shine

It is time for Vivian's Duel in the Junior Youth Championship, Nico Smiley announces, "Now folks, it is time for the next duel, with Taen Yamazaki from LDS against Vivian Sakaki from You Show Duel School!"

As Vivian arrives at the duel field, she sees Taen standing in front of her.

"So you have come, Cursed Child. What a surprise." Taen says.

"Although I am surprised to face you..." Vivian says while she is a little shaken.

"Hmph, I will beat you again, as we did before. You don't stand a chance." Taen smirks at her.

Tatsuya asks, "Geez, what is that guy's problem?"

Yuni says, "Although I am the one that makes her duel him, I guess she hasn't conquered her fear yet..."

Ryu asks, "What happened?"

Yuya says, "Back at the orphanage, Vivian was often picked due to his father, a ghost story writer. They called her the cursed child. She was often being hit and scraped, but she didn't tell the owners. They did the unthinkable, which was destroying the duel disk her father left."

The You Show member gasps. As Vivian places her duel disk in her hand.

"It seems like you got yourself a new duel disk, huh?" Taen taunts.

"Thanks to my new sister, she fixed the duel disk for me. And I'll show you I am not the weakling you once know." Vivian says.

"Now let's get the duel started! Field Magic, Forbidden Forest activate!" Nico Smiley says as the field appears as well as the cards scatter across the field. After saying the chant, the duel starts.


"Since you are going to get beaten, why don't I let you go first?" Taen says.

"I'll do it. I activate Continuous Magic Card Ghost Zone from my hand!" Vivian says as the field turns dark and spooky.

"So it seems you get new cards, huh?" Taen says as he looks around.

"You bet. I set 3 cards and end my turn." Vivian says.

"What is this? Vivian has only set cards in this turn!" Nico Smiley says as the crowd whispers to themselves.

"Are you looking down on me?" Taen asks, feeling a little irritated.

"This is my style, if you don't like it, then fight back." Vivian says.

"Then you're going down." Taen says. "I summon Unicorn's Familiar from my hand!"(ATK:0/DEF:1000 LV:2)

A blue demon-like monster with a giant horn appears as Taen says, "Then by banishing a card in my hand, I Special Summon Monoceros from my hand!" (ATK:1000/DEF:1000 LV:3)

As the horse-like monster with the horn appears, Taen says, "Let me show you the new trick I have been learning from LDS. I tune the Level 3 Monoceros with Level 2 Unicorn's Familiar!"

As the Familiar becomes two stars, Taen chants, "Thunder galloping through the heavens, cross with the fierce gale, and appear forth from the world of illusions! Synchro Summon! Neigh, Level 5! Thunder Unicorn!" (ATK:2200/DEF:1800 LV:5)

A blue unicorn appears on the field as the crowd cheers. "It seems that Duelist Taen has performed a Synchro Summon! Everyone gives him some cheers!"

Taen says, "How was it? By using Monoceros's effect in my graveyard, I can revive a monster back to the field from my graveyard. I choose Unicorn Familiar, so I can perform another Synchro Summon! I tune my Level 5 Thunder Unicorn with Level 2 Unicorn Familiar!"

As the summoning appears again, he says, "Thunder galloping through the heavens, tearing apart the sea of clouds! These hooves will rip across the surface of the Earth! Synchro Summon! Resonate, Level 7! Voltic Bicorn!" (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 LV:7)

Another Unicorn appears, as the crowd cheers again. Rin says, "Even though he is a person from the Standard Dimension, not many people can weird the Unicorn deck like him."

Yuzu says, "Vivian might be in trouble because of it..."

Vivian asks, "So another Unicorn, is it supposed to scare me?"

Taen says, "I use Magic Card from my hand, Bicorn's rampage. When Voltic Biocorn is summoned to the field, my opponent has to send 7 cards from their deck to their graveyard! Now send your top 7 cards to the graveyard!"

"What?" Vivian exclaims, She did what he asked, but she is inwardly smirking.

"Now Battle! I attack you directly! Double Horn Thunder!" Taen says as Voltic Bicorn charges forward.

"Not so fast! I use my effects of the Shadow Masks in my Graveyard!" Vivian says as Taen is shocked. Then two Shadow Masks appear on the field (ATK:1000/DEF:1000 LV:4)

"What's this! Vivian used the advantage of the card loss to summon two monsters!" Nico says.

Meanwhile, Hokuto sees this and says, "She uses it again."

"You mean just like the time she defeats you?" Yaiba says as the two are going to have a fight, but they are stopped by Masumi.

"Then I'll destroy those masks! I attack one of the masks with Voltic Biocorn!" Taen says.

"As if I'll let you! With the effect of my Continuous Magic: Ghost Zone, all Ghost Force Monsters won't be destroyed!" Vivian says.

As Bicorn goes back, Taen grits his teeth. "Damn it...I set 2 cards and end my turn."

Vivian says, "Now it is my turn." As she draws the card, she says, "Now I use one of my face-down cards. Ghost Force: Time for Summon! I can special summon two monsters when doing an Advance Summon by releasing two same monsters. I release two Shadow Masks to summon two LV:8 monsters!"

"What?" Taen and the others are shocked.

"The first one is Ghost Force Cursed Tree! (ATK:3000/DEF:2000 LV:8) Then the second one is Ghost Force Pumpkin Knight! (ATK:3000/DEF:2000 LV:8)"

As the spooky tree and a knight with a Pumpkin head appears, the adults are cheering while the kids are a little terrified.

Taen says, "As expected from the Cursed Child who uses Ghost-themed deck. That is not going to scare me!"

Vivian says, "I use my Cursed Tree's effect. This card can target all monsters on the field and equip them to this monster!"

Taen says, "What?" He looks in horror as Biocorn is grabbed by the tree.

"But due to my Pumpkin Knight's effect, I can negate the card's effect and send one monster to the graveyard. I send your Bicorn to the graveyard!"

The Pumpkin Knight slashes the ground and then vines appear and send Bicorn into the graveyard. "I see. Your Bicorn's effect is to send 7 cards to the graveyard when it is destroyed, huh? Good thing that most of my deck works while my cards are in the graveyard." Vivian says as she sends 7 cards to the graveyard as well as Taen.

"Damn is being played..." Taen cursed.

Ayu asks, "Why does Vivian sending her cards to the graveyard?"

Katrina says, "Most of her Magic and Trap Cards work in the graveyard rather than on the field."

Meanwhile, Shun is watching this, he says, "She isn't bad for Katrina's sister..."

"Now battle! I attack you directly with Pumpkin Knight! Pumpkin Snack!" Vivian says as the Pumpkin throws the head at him.

"I use my trap card, Emergency Horn! I can summon a monster from my graveyard! I summon Deltafly!"(ATK:900/DEF:1500 LV3)

A darker green colored dragon appears on the field, as Vivian says, "That won't stop me since I still have my Cursed Tree! I attack Deltafly with Cursed Tree!"

As the monster stretches his arms, Taen finds an Action Card at the root and says, "Action Magic, Evasion. I negate the attack."

Nico says, "It seems that Taen has managed to reduce 6000 damage to zero! Please cheer for him!"

As the crowd cheers, Yuni says, "Taen has been doing a good job in using that stragtegy."

Yuya nods and says, "I wonder what will Vivian do to win the match..."

Vivian says, "I end my turn."

Taen says, "I guess I am wrong. You sure have become stronger, Vivian." Then he says with determination. "But I am not going to lose. I use Call of the Haunted! I revive Trident Warrior! The card that was sent to graveyard due to my monster's effect." (ATK:1800/DEF:1200 LV:4)

As a warrior-like figure holding a staff appears, he says, "I use Deltafly's effect! I can give one level to Trident Warrior!"(LV:4–5) "Now I tune the Level 5 Trident Warrior with Level 3 Deltafly!"

As the Synchro summon appears again, he chants, "Thunder galloping through the heavens, pierce through the pitch-black sky and burn the earth with a strike of lightning! Synchro Summon! Shine, Lightning Tricorn!" (ATK:2800/DEF:2000 LV:8)

This time a golden horse-like monster with red horns appears, Nico says, "Here it is, the third member of the horn horse family!"

Taen grabs an Action card by riding Tricorn, then he says, "Action Magic, Bi Attack! I double its ATK!" (ATK:2800–5600)

"5600 ATK?" Jean says in shock.

"Vivian is going to get a lot of damage." Katrina says.

"Now battle! I attack the Cursed tree! Giga Volt Charge!" Taen jumps off the horse like monster as it charges forward.

"Due to my Ghost Zone's Effect! I can negate the destruction of my Ghost Force Monster!" Vivian says, but she is hit by the thunder as her LP is reduced. (Vivian:4000–1400)

"It seems like Vivian has saved her monster!" Nico says.

Taen says, "I guess I'll let you survive for now. I end my turn."

Vivian says, "Now it is time for the fun to get started!"

As the spotlight glows on her, she says, "Ladies and Gentlemen!"

Nico says, "Oh! This is the motto of our beloved Vice President Sakaki Yuya!"

Vivian says, "Since my monsters are still here on the field. It is time for me to finish the duel!"

Taen asks, "What do you mean?"

Vivian says, "Now take a guess, what do my two monsters have in common?"

Taen is confused, he says, "They are Plant types, Dark Attribute, Effect Monsters, Level 8... wait, both of them are Level 8! Could it be..."

Vivian says, "I think you guess it! I now overlay my Level 8 Cursed Tree and Level 8 Pumpkin Warrior!"

As the two monsters becomes orbs and sucks into the portal, she says, "Spirit from the underworld, do your duty and pull spirits to join you! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 8! Ghost Force: Spirit Taker!"(ATK:3000/DEF:2000, RNK:8 OVU:2)

A Grim like monster appears on the field with a giant sickle, it also has two yellow orbs circling it.

"You are an Xyz User?" Taen says in shock.

Meanwhile, Nico says, "It is a surprise! Vivian has shown her Xyz Summon! And a Rank 8 monster nonetheless!"

Everyone starts to cheer for her, Hokuto says, "She has a stronger monster?"

Yaiba says, "I wonder how it'll work."

Vivian says, "Now I detach one overlay unit! I can destroy your monster and you can't negate it.

"What?" Taen says in horror. The Spirit Taker absorbs the Overlay Unit and then waves its sickle, causing the Tricorn to slice in half and destroyed.

"By using the Trap card from the graveyard, Ghost Force Forever Night, I can banish this card and give 1000 ATK!"

As the sickle gets bigger, Taen starts to run away. (ATK:3000–4000)

"Battle! I attack you directly! Death Approach!" Vivian says.

As Taen gets the Action Card, he says, "I use Evasion! I negate the attack!"

Vivian says, "By banishing Ghost Force: Soul Haunt in my graveyard, I can negate an effect from a magic card!"

As the card is destroyed, the Spirit Taker hits the sickle on the ground and Taen is blasted away by the effect. (Taen:4000–0)

"It is settled! The one who is going to the next round is Sakaki Vivian from You Show School!"

As the crowd cheers, Katrina hugs Yuni and says, "Sister, she did it!"

Yuni says, "I know. She really did it."

Shuzo says, "This is amazing! I am getting hot-blooded!"

Sora, who is at the other side of the field, says, "She is quite good, but it is a shame that she isn't an Xyz ramant."

Vivian walks over to Taen, who looks at her and says, "I am sorry about before..."

Vivian says, "It is in the past. Taen I have a family now and I am happy with it."

Taen looks at her and smiles, he takes out the card and says, "I believe this was yours, I am sorry for taking it away,"

Vivian takes the card and says, "Apology accepted."

Then the two walks away from different exits, then Vivian is tackled by the kids.

"Big sister Vivian, you are so strong." Ayu says.

"I am getting shivers." Futoshi says.

"Everyone..." Vivian says.

Yuni says, "Congratulations, Vivian. Now you are another step closer to becoming stronger."

"Thanks, sister." Vivian says.

Katrina says, "Now it is my turn. Cheer for me, will you?"

"Of course." Yuya says as she leaves the group to duel.

"Now for the next match, we will have Ai from LDS versus Sakaki Katrina from You Show Duel School!" As Nico Smiley announces the duelists, the crowds are whispering as they start to recognize Katrina.

"There is a fourth member of Sakaki?" One person asks.

"I heard that 10 years ago she turned into a vampire and 7 years ago she got missing..." The other one says.

"No way..." The third one says. "You mean that Vampire that appeared in the fair?"

As the two duelists walk into the field, Yuzu says, "I guess a lot of people start to recognize her as the vampire..."

Yuni says, "I know, since that incident in the park..."

Ai is wearing a jacket that matches a butterfly's wings, a blue and yellow colored skirt, and pink socks that goes to her ankles, she notices Katrina in front of her and asks, "So you are Katrina, right? Are you the one who was said to be a vampire?"

Katrina says, "Not fully right. Vampires hate suns, but I am still here."

Ai says, "I see. I will advance to the next round, so I hope you can give me a challenge."

Katrina says, "The feeling is mutual."

Nico says, "Now let's start the match! Field Magic, Lush Jungle activate!"

As the card activates, the field turns into a jungle-themed field with trees and vines everywhere.

After the two do the chant, the duel starts, and the action cards scatter across the field.


"I'll get the first turn. I use Phantasmal Dance of the Rebellious Butterfly!" Ai says as a Magic card with two butterflies appears on the field.

"If there is a face-up Field Magic Card on the field, I can Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Phantom Butterfly Assassin monsters from my hand." Ai says.

"Duelist Ai has used the now current Action Field as a way to summon her monsters!" Nico says as the LDS members cheer for her.

"I summon Phantom Butterfly Assassin Swallowtail and Phantom Butterfly Assassin Morpho."(ATK:1800/DEF:1200 LV:4)(ATK:1200/DEF:1600 LV:4)

An orange-colored butterfly with two needles on its arms and another one with blue-colored wings appears on the field.

"And when a monster is in ATK position, I can special summon Phantom Butterfly Assassin Ulysses!"(ATK:0/DEF:1700 LV:4)

This time an emerald-colored butterfly appears on the field. Katrina says, "Three Level 4 Butterflies..."

"I now overlay my three monsters! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 4! Night Butterfly Assassin!" (ATK:2600/DEF:2000 Rank:4 OVU:3)

As the indigo-colored Butterfly appears on the field, the crowd is going wild as Ryu asks, "Ai is an Xyz User?"

Yuya says, "Yes. And this is her deck, Butterfly Assassin Deck."

Ron says, "That deck is quite popular back in our hometown."

Vivian asks, "Really?"

At the same time, Yaiba says, "So she summons that monster huh?"

Hokuto says, "But still, she wasn't my opponent even though she used that against me."

Masumi says, "But the truth will Katrina do since she got a draw while dueling Reiji."

Katrina says, "So you are an Xyz user. This makes the duel more interesting."

Ai says, "I am glad to hear that, I set two cards and end my turn."

Nico says, "Now with the higher ATK Xyz monster, what will Katrina do?"

Katrina says, "My turn!" As she draws the card, she smiles, "I summon Blood Sucker Blood Sucker Dark Bat!" (ATK:1400/DEF:1300 LV:4)

As a brown bat with little fangs and wings appear, she says, "I use its effect. Once per turn, I can special summon a monster from my deck. I summon Blood Sucker Healing Bandage!"(ATK:1700/DEF:2000 LV:4 PS:5)

As the bandage with a red cross appears on the field, she says, "I have five cards on my hand, so I can draw the same amount of cards from my deck due to Healing Bandage's effect, which means I draw five cards."

Nico says, "It seems like Katrina not only gains a lot of cards, she has also gathered two Level 4 monsters! What does this mean?"

Katrina says, "I overlay my two monsters! Arise from the dead, oh mighty dragon, now show up in the world with darkness and hate! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 4! Dark Blood Dragon!" (ATK:2300/DEF:1800 RNK:4 PS:9)

A black dragon with lines full of blood red appears on the field and the crowd cheers at the sight of the dragon.

Niceo says, "Will you look at that? Katrina has summoned an Xyz Dragon!"

"No way!" "She is also an Xyz User?" "Are the Sakakis like to use Xyz?" The crowd is murmuring to themselves, and Yuni is a little sweat drops at the fact that the others think they are Xyz Users.

Ai says, "That is quite an Xyz summon, but its ATK isn't higher than mine."

Katrina says, "We will see. I use my Dragon's effect! I detach one overlay unit, then I can send a card to my graveyard to reduce 500 ATK for your monster. I send 5 cards to the graveyard!"

Ai gasps, "That is why you draw that many cards..." The Butterfly is sprayed with blood and the ATK goes down. (ATK:2600–100)

"Since the tides have changed, I now attack your monster with my dragon! Go! Blood of Darkness!" Katrina yells as the dragon starts to spray some blood.

Ai nods at Night Butterfly Assassin and then it takes her to an Action Card on the branch. "I use Action Magic, Choice of Miracle! I choose to negate the destruction of my Monster!"

As the attack hits, Ai jumps down and says, "I use Trap card, Phantom Butterfly Protection! Any battle damage I take for the rest of the turn is halved."

As the blood stains Ai, she loses some LP. (Ai:4000–2900)

"Ai has defended her monster and also halves her damage! That is amazing!" Nico says.

Tatsuya says, "Aw...she is unlucky."

Ayu says, "Yeah. I thought she can give her much damage."

Ai says, "After the battle phase is over, your monster will be switching to DEF mode."

Katrina says, "What?"

Her dragon roars and then forces her to be in DEF mode. Katrina says, "I guess I set one card and end my turn."

Ai says, "Now my turn." As she draws the card, she says, "Now I use Magic Card, Butterfly Assassin's Attack! I can make your monster's DEF 0 and then give my monster the ability to give Piercing Damage."

Katrina is shocked. "What?" Then she sees that her monster's DEF has become 0. As she turns back, she sees Ai using Butterfly's wings to get another Action Card.

"I use Action Magic, High Dive! I can give my monster 800 ATK!" (ATK:2600–3400) "Then I use Berserk Scales!" Another Magic card has appeared on the field, but Katrina has been running to find some Action Cards.

"I can let my monster gain 1000 ATK!" Ai says as the butterfly is getting stronger. (ATK:3400–4400)

"Oh no!" Vivian says.

"With the Attack works, Katrina's LP is going to be 0." Ryu says.

"Katrina! Don't give up!" Jean yells.

Katrina grabs an Action card and then Ai yells, "This is the end! I attack your Dragon! Blue Scale Stream!"

As Katrina sees the Attack coming, she says, "I also got the choice of Miracle! I halve my battle damage!"

Ai says, "Then by detaching one overlay unit, it gains 400 damage times the number of overlay units on the field!" (ATK:4400–5600)

Katrina is hit by the attack, she is blasted into a tree and falls down. (Katrina:4000–1200)

"Duelist Katrina has managed to change 5600 Damage into 2800! She saved her own life!" Nico says as the crowd cheers for her.

Ai says, "So you have survived. How do you think of my attack?"

Katrina slowly stands up and says, "I guess I am shocked, but I will like you to know something. Whether I am an Entertainment duelist or a Vampire duelist, I also have my own surprise on my sleeves."

Ai is confused at her words, and Katrina jumps onto the tree and says, "Dark Blood Dragon has another effect, when this card is destroyed, I can place this Xyz and Pendulum Hybrid card into the Pendulum Zone, which means I set the Scale 9 Dark Blood Dragon in my Pendulum Zone!"

As the dragon floats in the air and the 9 appears below it, Ai is shocked, "That monster is a Pendulum Monster?"

The crowd is also shocked to see it, as they are now murmuring at each other. "No way!" "That monster is a Pendulum Monster, too?" "I thought only Sakaki Yuya can perform that!"

Sawatari is also in the crowd as he is yelling, "Hey! I am supposed to be the one who does the Pendulum Summon First!" His goons are now trying to calm him down because he is making a scene.

Ai says, "Well, I end my turn. Now show us the surprises you have got."

Katrina smiles, "You bet! The fun has just begun!" As she snaps her fingers, the spotlights are shining toward her.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Katrina says as Nico says, "Since the last duel with Vivian, Katrina also starts to perform the trick like their father!"

Katrina says, "It is time for the greatest act to begin!"

As she finishes, the crowd is starting to chant the words 'Pendulum' over and over. Including Yuzu and the others.

"Now let's do it! I set Scale 2 Blood Sucker Crazy Clown in my other Pendulum Zone!"

As the clown appears with a 2 below it, she says, "With this, I can summon monsters from 3 to 8! Now born from the darkness, come with the swing of nighttime and appear for a hunt! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! First is Blood Sucker Eyeing Cobra! (ATK:1500/DEF:2000 LV:5 PS:6) And then Blood Sucker Puppy Doll!" (ATK:500/DEF:100 LV:3)

As a cobra and a doll that looks like a puppy appear, the crowd has been cheering for her Pendulum Summon.

Ai says, "Even though you are Vice President's sibling, your Pendulum is also as perfect as him."

"Thanks." Katrina says. "I use Puppy Doll's effect. I can release this monster to make Healing Bandage's Level in half!" As the Puppy jumps to the bandage, it disappears and the level becomes 2.

"Why did you do that?" Ai asks in confusion.

"You'll see. I now tune Healing Bandage with Eyeing Cobra!" Katrina yells as the cobra becomes 5 rings and then goes past the Bandage.

"Chilling flames engulf the entire world. Pitch-dark flower, set into bloom! Synchro Summon! Appear now, Dark Red Rose Dragon!" (ATK:2400/DEF:1800 LV:7 PS:2)

A darker red colored Black Rose Dragon appears on the field and roars, It causes strong winds everywhere as Ai is hard to stand still.

"What is this? It seems like Katrina has Synchro Summoned another dragon! But it is causing winds everywhere!" Nico says as he tries to hold on to the stage.

Just then, Yuya, Yuni, Katrina, and Reisho's Dragon Marks glow again. In the LDS control room, Himeka turns to Reisho and asks, "Reisho, your arm?"

"Oh, it is nothing, Mom." Reisho says.

Gongenzaka says, "Your arms are glowing again, Yuya, Yuni."

Yuya says, "I know. I guess it would happen every time we summon a Signer Dragon..."

Yuni says, "Yeah..."

Katrina says, "When this card appears, I can destroy all the cards on the field! Dark Rose Gale!"

As the winds keep blowing, the monsters, trap cards, and the field are going empty. As the winds die down, the only card on the field is the Action Field Card.

"My cards..." Ai says in horror.

"It seems like Katrina has sacrificed her dragon to destroy every card on the field, but what is she going to do?" Nico asks.

Katrina says, "With this card of course. I activate Zombie Fusion!"

As the card appears, she says, "I can perform a Fusion summon using the monsters on the graveyard as materials."

"Even Fusion?" Ai says in shock.

"I fuse Dark Bat and Eyeing Cobra in the Graveyard! Vampire killed by the sun, revive as the form of a Dragon! Fusion Summon! Come forth! LV6! Blood Sucking Dragon!"(ATK:2200/DEF:1800 LV:6 PS:1)

This time a red dragon with a black cape appears in front of the crowd. "Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and even Pendulum, how did this girl achieve every method?" "She is so strong!"

Ai says, "A Fusion monster, too? How do you learn those methods?"

Katrina says, "Don't forget who my siblings are. I use this dragon's effect! I can absorb your Night Butterfly Assassin's ATK to this monster! Gravedigger feast!"

As the dragon digs a hole, it takes the Butterfly and eats it. (ATK:2200–4800)

"4800 ATK?" Ai says as she tries to find Action Cards.

"Battle! I attack you directly! Dragon's meal!" Katrina yells as the Dragon charges forward.

As Ai finds an Action Card on the branch, it was quickly taken by Katrina. As Ai is stunned to see the speed, she is then hit by the dragon's fangs as her LP drops to 0. (Ai:2900–0)

"It is decided! The winner of the match is Sakaki Katrina from You Show Duel School!" Nico says as everyone cheers for Katrina,

"Alright! She also advances!" Yuya says.

"This duel is getting really hot-blooded!" Shuzo says.

"I am getting shivers!" Futoshi says.

Yoko smiles and says, "It seems like my girl has also grown up..."

Katrina walks towards Ai and helps her get up, she says, "Thank you for a nice duel."

Ai smiles at her, but then she asks, "How do you snatch that Action Card fast?"

Katrina says, "Even though I am not a full vampire, I still have some powers. But don't worry. I don't want to hurt everyone just for food."

Ai smiles and says, "I see."

Then the two leave the field. Yuzu says, "Now it is my turn to duel."

Yuni says, "Go on, Yuzu, even though Masumi is trained by Brother, you still have a chance to defeat her."

Yuzu nods, but then she asks, "Hey, where's Sora?"

Vivian says, "Come to think of it, I didn't see him since Ayu's Duel. I guess he went off to go watch some other Duels earlier."

At the same time, Sora is watching another duel from a different arena, he yawns, "Hm...there really aren't any interesting duels like Yuya and Yuni around..."

As his duel disk rings, he answers it. "Hello, hello?"

"Sora! Get over here, my Duel's about to start!" Yuzu yells at him, causing him to sigh as he hangs up the call.

"Well, if my disciple Yuzu is going to Duel, I'm going to have to watch her as her master." Sora says. "But I'm still curious that who teaches her Synchro and Xyz if Yuya and Yuni aren't the ones."

As he was walking, he also walked past Shun, who is walking towards another duel field.

Here are the two original Duels in this chapter, as you can see, Vivian and Katrina manage to get through the first round, the next chapter will be Yuzu's turn. I hope you like this chapter.

New OC Cards:

Bicorn's Rampage:

Normal Magic

Effect: When Voltic Bicorn is summoned this turn, the opponent has to send seven cards from the deck to the graveyard.

Ghost Force: Time for Summon.

Normal Magic

Effect: When you have two more materials on the field, you can advance summon the second monster using the same monsters on the field.

Ghost Force Pumpkin Knight:

Dark Attribute, LV:8

Plant/Effect, ATK:3000/DEF:2000

Effect: Once per turn, it can negate an effect and then send one monster to the graveyard.

Emergency Horn:

Normal Trap

Effect: When the opponent declares a direct attack, negate it and summon a monster from the graveyard.

Ghost Force Forever Night:

Normal Trap

Effect: When this card is activated, all monsters on the field gains 1000 ATK until the end phase. When this card is in the graveyard, banish it and use the same effect.

Ghost Force: Soul Haunt

Normal Trap

Effect: When this card is activated, negate all magic cards until the end of the turn. When this card is in the graveyard, banish it and use the same effect.

Dark Blood Dragon:

Dark Attribute, Rank4, Scale:9 Dragon/Xyz/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:2300/ DEF:1800

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, by sending 1 card into the graveyard, give 500 damage to the opponent.

Monster Effect:

Two Level 4 Dark Attribute monsters

Detaching one overlay unit, by sending a card on the field to the graveyard, you can make one monster my opponent controls lose 500 ATK. If this card is destroyed: destroy one Pendulum monster in the zone and place this card instead.

Butterfly Assassin's Attack:

Quick Play Magic

Effect: When a Butterfly Assassin Attacks, Make the opponent's monster's DEF 0 and give piercing damage.

Blood Sucker Puppy Doll:

Dark Attribute, Level 3 ATK:500/DEF:100

Effect: By releasing it, one monster on your field will halve the level.

Zombie Fusion:

Normal Magic

Effect: Fusion Summon a monster using monsters in the graveyard as materials.
