Chapter 46 Calm before the Storm

"What do you mean the Battle Royale was a selection exam for deciding Duelist Warriors?" Ryu demands.

"As I mentioned before, we knew that those guys from the Fusion Dimension were going to show up from the start." Reisho says. "That's why we changed the finals of the Junior Youth Championship from a Tournament to a Battle Royale within the city."

Yuni says, "We intended to have you face and fend off the enemy invasion."

"Us? Why not the Pro or Youth Classes? Why us, the Junior Youth?" Ryu asks.

Sawatari says, "The Youth Class was fighting too. They were all wiped out except for one guy."

"Wiped out?" Gongenzaka asks.

"That's why you truly were assigned to come out here!"Sawatari says.

"And just as I had expected, you succeeded in fending off Academia. You are truly our anti-Academia Duel Warriors! You have shown the power worthy of the title Lancers!" Reiji says.

"Screw that!" Yuya suddenly outbursts, much to everyone's shock. "What about Yuzu? All we did is to protect her from being captured by Academia. How could you still let her be taken?"

"It's not Reiji or Reisho's fault." Serena says. "If Yuzu was defeated by Academia, then the fault is mine."

"What do you mean it was your fault?" Ryu asks.

"And by the way, you're Serena, right? A Duelist from Academia who looked just like Ruri and Yuzu..." Jean says.

"Academia? Doesn't that mean you're the enemy?" Sawtari demands.

"Ah, jeez, you went and said it yourself." Dennis thinks. "I was thinking of bringing you back to Academia myself, but now that doesn't look like it'll be possible."

"Why is the enemy here? And in Hiragi Yuzu's outfit as well!" Sawatari demands, "Are you a spy? Are you gathering information while pretending to be Yuzu?"

Tsukikage steps in front of Sawatari, stopping him from getting close to Serena. "Hey! Why are you getting in my way?! Are you going to protect the enemy!"

"This is by orders of my clients." Tsukikage says.

"Huh? Who are the clients you're talking about?" Sawatari asks.

"It means us. Serena is not a spy." Yuni says. "She's being chased by Academia."

Serena says, "That's right. The Obelisk Force came here chasing after me. I'm sure that Yuzu was mistaken for me and was..."

"Mistaken for you? Why did you even change clothes?!" Gongenzaka asks.

"That was..." Serena frowns, "She wants to be bait to help me order to draw the Obelisk Force away from me!"

"I see, so that's what it was." Reiji says.

At the same time, Yuya and Yuni turn to Reisho. "So is Yuzu brought to Academia? Did you see that when we are fighting against Yuri?" Yuya asks.

Reisho says, "No. We saw that Yugo found her and then the bracelet did its work, which means that it may be possible that she got sent to the Synchro Dimension."

"Yugo? You mean my Synchro Counterpart?" Yuya asks.

"Who will name a person Fusion?" Yuri asks.

"His name is Yugo. But yeah, I also got confused at first as well..." Yuto says.

"Then with Rin inside Yuzu, I can guess she is safe for now. But we need to get to Synchro, too," Yuni says as they go back to listen to Reiji's words.

"You all won and survived. What we need right now is that strength!" Reiji says. "Instead of mourning those who were defeated, you should take pride that you have overcome such strong Duelists!"

"Shut up!" Ryu is now angry since he has lost his sister. "Screw your pride! If you hadn't had us fight... Yuzu, my sister..."

Yuni knows that Ryu might be out of control as she quickly steps in and takes the fist. Yuni says, "Ryu, if anything, the ones who planned this tournament and everything is Brother and I, if anything, Brother and I should take the blame, not Reiji!"

"Yuni..." Yuya mutters.

"Let me go, Yuni. This guy needs to be taken a lesson!" Ryu yells.

"If you call yourself a Duelist, express your anger not through your fists, but through your Duels!" Yuni says.

Ryu knows that if he won't be able to win against any one of them, so he can only glare at Yuni, who is still in a cool tone, and says, "You are all not aware of your true mission yet, or why I decided to create the Lancers. And that is to save our home world from the tragedy that befell the Xyz Dimension."

Yuni turns to Yuya, who nods and says, "Action Field on! Future City Heartland activate!"

Much to their surprise, Miami City turns into Heartland, Serena says, "So this is Heartland from the Xyz Dimension..."

"That's right...our hometown..." Ron mutters, and Jean also grits her teeth.

"Kurosaki, Ron, and Jean. Accept Hiiragi Yuzu's wish and tell us just what happened in Heartland." Reiji says.

All three of them are staying silent, and Reisho says, "It seems that my brother has stirred up some indescribable disgrace. Then I'll say it, in the midst of the Battle Royale, the Academia attacked you, and they did the same to Heartland-"

"Just stop it!" Katrina says, and the others are surprised at her outburst. "Was it necessary to put some salt into wounds?"

Reiji says, "It is necessary if there are some people who are unaware of the situation."

"You..." Katrina tries to punch, him, but Vivian holds her back and says, "Calm down, sister Katrina. It won't be necessary to start a fight right now."

"The thing is, Katrina has managed to duel Akaba Reiji back in You Show Duel School." Yuya says to others.

"Then who won at that time?" Dennis asks.

"It was a draw." Yuni says, "Both Katrina and Reiji are capable of using Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum."

"Seriously?" Dennis asks.

"Wait, you're from LDS and you didn't know that much? Akaba Reiji is famous for mastering four different summoning methods!" Sawatari says.

"That's because Dennis is also from Heartland like us." Ron says, but Yuya, Yuni, Serena, Satoshi, and Reisho frown as they know that it is not true, Dennis is actually a spy from the Fusion Dimension.

"And what did you hear about from Heartland?" Shun turns to Serena, "What would a person of Academia want to know?"

"The thing is, I came to this Dimension because I wanted to fight you. If I could defeat the Xyz remnants in Standard, I thought I would be able to prove my abilities to the Professor, Akaba Leo, who hadn't sent me to the front lines! That was what drove me to come to this dimension. At first, I believe that Academia's fight to unite the dimensions is justice, and I was proud to be able to fight for that cause. But Yuya, Yuni, and Yuzu told me my comrades who went to Xyz Dimension did not act as if they were preserving justice. Instead, they acted as if it was a hunting game, smiling and laughing as they attacked people!" Serena says.

Ron says, "What they said was true. They continued to hunt defenseless people as if it were a game!"

Jean says, "Even now, their faces and laughter are carved into my eyes and ears..."

Shun says, "I will never be able to forget it. But to think there is another one who looked so much like Ruri..."

"But still, everyone is human and they have dare that Professor treated everyone as puppets!" Ryu says.

"I know your pain. Yuzu was always by our side and encouraging me. When I would be mocked for my father and bullied, she was always there for me. The reason I found what was beyond Pendulum was that I saw Yuzu trying her hardest to become stronger." Yuya says.

"Indeed. Yuzu wants to become stronger, that's why she learned Fusion from Shiunin Sora." Yuni says.

"Oh? From Shiunin Sora? While I didn't know that specifically, to think she'd learn from a Duelist from Academia." Reiji says.

"So you knew all this time, that Sora was from Academia?" Ryu asks Yuya and the others. Yuya says, "The thing is, when I saw him staying at our house, I already noticed that he's wearing Obelisk Blue Uniform, and that is proof that he's from Academia."

"When we teach LDS and make cards for them, we make sure that the cards we made have weaker summoning energy. But his Fusion Summoning energy was on a different level from those of LDS." Yuni says. "Only those that we trust will be able to use the Real Fusion. Like you, Ryu. Your Fusion Summon is the real deal."

"My Fusion?" Ryu asks in surprise.

"Just like how I also gave Gongenzaka the real Synchro Summon as well." Yuya says.

"But why us?" Gongenzaka asks.

"If we evolve only through strong emotions, we can't win at Dueling. The Lancers are a squad made to light Academia in real combat. Remember that such unstable emotions can be fatal in a real battle. But the two of you prove to overcome that, and we'll be using this to save Hiiragi Yuzu!" Yuya says.

"Yuzu? Do you mean she was just captured by the Obelisk Force? Are you saying that you saw that?" Serena asks.

Yuya and Yuni look at each other, and he says, "The Professor has sent 2 people to capture Yuzu. One of them has the same face as me, Yuri, and the other one has the same face as Yuni, named Sona Shiunin."

"If you're worried about those two trying to capture Yuzu, then you don't need to worry." Yuni says. "After a lot of persuading and winning the duel against them, they decided to join our side and help us stop the Professor."

"Wait, are you telling me that you manage to bring two of the strongest members of Academia to this side?" Satoshi gasps. "I know Sona hates the Professor and has been trying anything to escape. But I never thought Yuri was the same..."

And Dennis is inwardly shocked, he can't believe Yuri and Sona just betrayed the Professor like that. Then what happened to Yuzu? Where was she?

"Wait for a said that Sona and Yuri look like the two of you...does that mean not only Sona, but Yuri is..." Katrina asks.

Yuya nods as he takes out Starve Venom Fusion Dragon. "You're right. Yuri is inside me, just like how Sona was inside Yuni."

"But still, even you told us the reason, it is still unbelivable." Jean says.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sawatari asks. "I don't understand what you mean."

Reisho says, "Some of you might not know it, but Yuya, Yuni, and Yuzu each have a spirit inside them, and these spirits can let them absorb those who look just like them."

"How is that possible?" Dennis asks.

"Well. It is complicated, but if I guess it right, all three of you have four souls inside you, right?" Reiji asks.

"Yes, I have Yuto and Yuri inside me, Yuni has Rumi and Sona inside her, and Yuzu has Ruri and Rin inside her." Yuya says. "Ruri and Rin have been teaching Yuzu Xyz and Synchro, that's why she is this strong."

Reiji nods as he asks Yuya to deactivate the Field Magic: Future City Heartland, and once they're done, they decide to head back to the stadium.

"Now the victors of the Battle Royale are coming back! Please cheer for them!" Nico yells as the crowd gives them a round of applause. Katrina, Ron, Jean, Gongenzaka, Ryu, Vivian, Sawatari, Serena, Dennis, Tsukikage, and Shun enter the stadium.

"They made it!" Tatsuya says.

"Big sister Yuzu, Big Brother Ryu, and everyone..." Ayu says.

"But where is Big Brother Yuya?" Futoshi asks. "Did he lose?"

"No way..." Tatsuya says.

Yoko sighs, "It seems like Michie lost..."

Shuzo says, "Yuya must have been helping LDS, so it is good that all the You Show Duel School's representatives won the tournament."

Everyone maintains a stoic expression, while Sawatari waves at the crowd, and Dennis simply smiles.

"Looks like they are tired." Shuzo says.

"But Gongenzaka is still the same as always." Ayu says.

"But why is Sawatari doing there?" Tatsuya says. "Didn't he lose to Big Brother Yuya back then in one of the previous rounds?"

"That girl named Mieru is there too, she should have been defeated by Tsukikage, too." Yoko says.

Then everyone starts to boo Sawatari, causing him to get annoyed as he grabs Nico's microphone.

"All of you shut up! I didn't cheat my way here! I got a pass to participate in a revival round by going straight to Akaba Reiji! I'm standing here right now as a Lancer because I won and advanced!"

"What does he mean?" The audience is confused, then the video footage appears, and then Yuya and Yuni are on the screen.

"This may be sudden, but as a representative of the organizer of this tournament, I have an important announcement for everyone." Yuya says.

"Big Brother Yuya and Big sister Yuni?" Tatsuya asks.

"As of noon today, the Miami Championship will be discontinued." Yuni says, causing the audience to be shocked.

"The reason for discontinuing the Championship: In the midst of the Battle Royale, an opposing force invaded our world." Yuya says.

"These invaders come from a dimension beyond our imagination, and intend to wage war against our home." Yuni says. "Their vanguard has advanced upon us. They use Duel Monsters cards as weapons and attacked us with monsters summoned through Real Solid Vision."

"We did not broadcast the battle royale in real-time so that the people of Miami City. No, so that the people of the world would not panic unnecessarily. Please understand." Yuya says.

The audience goes into turmoil, confused about their words. "What's this about another dimension?" "Invaders?" "Using Duel Monsters as a weapon?" "There's no way that's possible..."

"In that case, please watch the following segment of the live footage." Yuni says.

The audience witnesses an Obelisk Force soldier sealing Carl, one of the Duel Knights, into a card before the Knights of Duel. The sight scares a woman, while a man wonders, "What...what was that?"

"He is inside a card?" Another man says.

"I told you this is real." Hokuto says to Masumi and Yaiba. "That is why I couldn't have a rematch with Sakaki Vivian!"

Masumi says, "Turned into a card, just like that?"

"That is correct. This is Academia's modus operandi. They defeat their opponents in a duel, and then turn them into cards without mercy." Yuya says.

"Turned into a card when you lose a duel?" Shuzo gasps. "Something as ridiculous as that-"

"Can something like that really happen?" Tatsuya asks.

Ayu says. "It's a joke, right?"

"I can't get shivers from that." Futoshi says.

"However, please put your worries to rest. Those cruel invaders have been repelled by the brave duelists who participated in the Battle Royale, no stone left unturned!" Yuni says as she shows the video clips of how each person defeated Academia. This gives the audience new hope. But Yuni accidentally shows a part where Yuya is dueling Sora.

"Wait, that's-" Shuzo says.

"Sora?!" The kids are shocked.

"Hey, Yuni, did you show that on purpose?" Yuya whispers to Yuni after seeing the footage.

"They should know the truth, and I didn't want to do that as well." Yuni whispers back. "They are the heroes who protected Miami City! The Chairwoman wishes to extol upon them the honorary title of Lance Defense Soldiers - the Lancers!"

Then everyone starts to cheer for them as they chant Lancers repeatedly, and Sawatari is waving to the crowd again.

"Repel the enemy...does that mean Sora's an enemy, too?" Shuzo asks in confusion.

"It has to be a joke! Something like that can't be true." Ayu says.

"That's right! Sora's one of us!" Tatsuya says.

"But Sora wasn't in the battle royale..." Futoshi says.

"Maybe he was part of the revival round like Sawatari." Ayu says.

"But then why did he duel Big brother Yuya? The others were fighting the enemy...Does that mean they were just dueling like normal?" Futoshi cries out.

"Thanks to the efforts of our esteemed Lancers, we have averted a crisis for now. However, we don't know when the enemy will attack again. In preparation for that, from now on, I encourage all of you to hone your dueling skills even further in order to protect yourselves. We at LDS will provide the premises as well as the curriculum for you to do so. The next Lancer may be one of you." Yuya says.

"The next Lancers may be us..." "Become a Lancer..." The audience cheers.

Masumi repeats, "Become Lancers..."

Yaiba simply mutters, "Us..."

Just then, Reiji and Reisho take their place as Reiji says, "The world has gone through a complete change. The peace we knew yesterday is now a thing of the past."

Reisho says, "Be aware that we are now entering an era of battle. The Leo Duel School of the world, LDS. From this day onwards, they will be the Lance Defense Soldiers, the front lines of our defense."

Reiji continues, "And we, Akaba Reiji and Akaba Reisho, will be fighting alongside the Lancers you see before you.

"A Lancer wields their lance on horseback to break through enemy lines. We will eliminate the enemy by all means." Reisho says, "This is a promise to the entire world."

Then the audience cheers Lancers once more, but Yoko can see through the video of Yuya and Yuni's faces, as well as Katrina and Vivian's faces in the stands, she is showing concern.

While Yuya and Reisho are telling about the plans to the other recruits, Yuni is afraid that the kids might be worried about Sora, so she decides to go find the others first.

"Yuni, is what you said real?" Shuzo asks after Yuni arrives. "And is Sora really our enemy, he is with the group who tried to turn everyone into cards?"

Yuni frowns and says, "I hate to admit it, but it's true. Did you remember that after his duel against Kurosaki Shun, he went missing? The truth is, he was back to his dimension and he brought the attackers to Miami City. We didn't let you guys out of the stadium because we were afraid that they would attack you guys as well."

"But why? How could he do that?" Ayu asks.

"Being our friend is just a way to gain our trust." Yuni frowns. "That's their way to attack us easier. And about the dimension thing, it is also one of the reasons why Dad isn't here with us, he was in another dimension."

"You mean Yusho is...what do you mean by that?" Yoko asks.

"When Reiji went to the Fusion Dimension alone, he was sent back after knowing about the plans of Academia. He then told us everything, and he wanted Dad to lead the Lancers instead. But you know Dad, who always thinks of others before himself, thinks that he can persuade Academia to stop the invasion. That's why he misses the match against Strong Ishijima because he was in another Dimension already."

"So does that mean...Katrina's disappearance..." Yoko asks, "Is it related to the Dimension stuff as well?"

"She was transported into Xyz Dimension, I think it is obvious since when she disappeared back then, the cards that came with her are also Xyz Monsters. She has been staying at Heartland for a long time." Yuni says.

"Heartland...Isn't that the field where that LDS Kurosaki Shun dueled Sora?" Tatsuya asks.

"The thing is, Kurosaki Shun, as well as Ron and Jean, are actually residents of that place. Heartland was just like what you've seen in the duel, until Academia ruthlessly destroyed the city and turned it into a battlefield. The residents there are turned into cards, the invaders laugh and hunt all of them, including non-duelists, they treat it as a hunting game."

"No way..." Ayu says. "That is horrible..."

"I couldn't imagine that happening when we were having the Miami this why he has been attacking ruthlessly against Sora in that match?" Shuzo asks.

"Kurosaki Shun sees his parents being carded in front of him, and both of his sisters being taken to Academia. Pain and sorrow causes him to be unable to forgive Academia for what they've done." Yuni says as she recalls the memories from Rumi.

"So that is why..." Tatsuya says.

Not long after, everyone arrives, the kids are happy to see them, but they didn't see Yuzu anywhere with them.

"Where's Big Sister Yuzu? You were together earlier..." Ayu asks.

Ryu says, "Dad..." He hands him Yuzu's uniform, much to his surprise.

"That's Yuzu's... Ryu? Why do you have Yuzu's clothes?"

Everyone is on the verge of crying as Yuya says, "I'm sorry, We... couldn't protect Yuzu..."

"Couldn't protect her?" Tatsuya asks.

"But wasn't she there before?" Ayu asks.

"Yeah! She came back to the Center Court, didn't she?" Futoshi asks.

"N-no. That wasn't Yuzu." Vivian says.

"Not Yuzu?" Shuzo asks. "What do you mean?"

"The girl was someone called Serena, she looks like Yuzu." Ron says."

"But she isn't Yuzu. During the Battle Royale, they switched clothes and swapped places." Gongenzaka says, causing them to gasp.

"The true reason Academia comes here to invade this world is to capture Yuzu and those who look just like her, bringing them to Academia." Jean says.

"They swap clothes because they want to distract them..." Katrina says.

"I'll go too! Where is it? This Academia! Tell me! Tell me now!" Shuzo yells as he holds his daughter's clothes tightly.

"Th-that's impossible..." Yuya says.

"What's impossible about that?! I used to be a Pro Duelist! I'll grab the culprit, beat them to a pulp, and save Yuzu- And save Yuzu..." He clutches Yuzu's clothes and begins to sob.

Yuni says, "Yuzu is in another dimension."

"Another dimension?" Shuzo repeats.

"That's why, we...the Lancers are going." Yuni says.

"Who cares about Lancers when you couldn't even protect one of your own?" Futoshi cries.

"What kind of hero are you?" Ayu cries.

"If Big Brother Yuya was with her, then why?" Tatsuya also adds. "Why did this happen?"

"But Brother and others didn't know Yuzu was taken..." Katrina says.

"Stop, Katrina." Gongenzaka says. "Understand how they must feel." Katrina can only grit her teeth, then Gongenzaka sees his father, and then he goes to him.

Yuya says, "We'll save Yuzu. No matter the cost! We'll cross dimensions to do it! With Akaba Reiji and Reisho, We'll fight as a Lancer. I'll get stronger and defeat the enemy! We'll definitely save Yuzu!"

"Does defeating the enemy include Sora?" Yoko asks.

Vivian says, "I am afraid so, but we have promised his sister that we will bring the real him back."

"Sora has a sister?" Tatsuya says as he stops crying.

"Yes. She told me that her brother isn't like what he used to be." Yuni says. "He, in fact, was acting his true self when we were together back then. And we will bring that back."

As Yoko nods, she grabs Yuya's arm and leaves, "Hey, what are you doing, Mom?"

"Just come with me, that means you three as well, Katrina, Yuni, Vivian."

As they follow Yoko, Ayu asks, "Big Sister Jean. Is it true that your hometown was destroyed by Sora's group?"

Jean winces and she frowns, "It is true. I couldn't forget their evil laughs when they destroyed our home when they take away our parents, our friends..." Then she couldn't say more.

"I am sorry to hear that...I thought Kurosaki Shun is hurting Sora on purpose back then...We didn't think much back then." Tatsuya says.

"It is fine." Ron says. "In fact, asking Yuya and the others for help may be a way to change the tides. In fact, they know how to save them and bring them back, so joining Lancers may be the best idea for us."

I'll end the chapter right here, as you can see, I decide to cut off the duel of Yuya vs. Reiji because Yuya is smart in this fic. And they also know now Yuzu is at Synchro, which means she will be fine since Rin is in Yuzu's body. The next chapter will be the final chapter of this Standard Arc.
